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Bauer F.L. — Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology |
Предметный указатель |
Senseless 134 143 161—162
Sequential analysis 416
Sequential Bayes rule 416
Serm.ee de Renseignements (S.R. ) 32
Sermzio Infonnazione Militare (S.I.M.) 32
Service ENIGMA 118
Session key 188 see
Sestri, Giovanni 129
SG41 147
Shakespeare, William 30
Shamir, Adi 189 203 204
Shanks, Daniel 200
Shannon cryptosystem 43 159 212 268 278 280 289 378 379 489—490
Shannon entropy 329 416 494
Shannon's Information Theory 104 225 247 485 487—495
Shannon's Main Theorem 492
Shannon's maxim 29 30 150 158 210 211 222 237 244 358 481
Shannon's Mixing 174 178
Shannon's Yardsticks 225
Shannon, Claude Elwood VI 3 25 26 27 104 139 160 170 173 184 215 225 247 252 267 291 329 371 416 456 495
Shark see ' Triton' (key net)
Shaw, Harold R. 12
Shift number 128
Shift register 156—157 215 461 463—463
Shift register, linear 156 461—463
Shifted alphabets 52 107—109 137
shredding 162 218
Shulman, David 500
Sicherheitsdienst (SD) 32 66 118 438 439
Siemens Geheimschreiber T52 29 55 161 170—171 387—389 393 395—396 398 483
Siemens SFM T43 see T43
SIGABA M-134-C 123 150 151 220 481
SIGCUM M-228 163 483
SIGFOY M-325 151
SIGINT, VIISIGMYC = M-134-A 123 163
Signal Corps US Army 31 79 135 151 152 342
Signal Intelligence Service see SIS
Signal Security Agency US Army 220 286
Signature 195 196 203 209
SIGTOT 135 143 163 280
Silverman, R.D. 198
Silvestri disk 52 127
Silvestri, Jacobus 52 127
Simeone de Crema 45 55
Similarity transformation 100 107 110
Simple linear substitution 87
Simple substitution 44—57
Sinclair, Sir HughP.F. 3
Sinkov, Abraham 3 150 238 307 348 349 358 361 362 424 471 497
SIS (US Army Signal Intelligence Service) 333 454 457 459 464
Sittler (code) 75
Sittler,F.J. 75 172
SKIPJACK 191 229
Skytale 104
Slater (code) 75
Slide 41 51—52 109 129
Slide method 356—358
Slip-ring 111 150
Small capitals (crypto characters) 41
Small, Albert 155
Smart card 208
Smid,M.E. 184
Smith, Francis O.J. 73
Smith, Laurence Dwight 95 211 295 296 300 497
Smith, Michael 485 498
Smith, W.W. 316
Smith-Corona Co. 146
SNEGOPAD ('snowfall') 57
Snyder, Samuel S. 155 457
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 53
Sonderdienst Dahlem 278 280 372 470
Sonderschlussel 420
Sophie Germain prime 183
Sora, Iacomo Boncampagni Duke of 339
Sorge, Richard 57
Soudart,E.-A. 41 296 300 500
Spanish Civil War 149
Spanish-American War 281
Sperr-Ring 121
Spets otdel 32
Spezialvergleicher 464
Spnchkopf 102
Spoonerism 66 94
Spreading of encryption errors 160 226
Spruchschluessel see message setting
Spruchschluessel, chiffrierter 432
Spruchtarngerat STG-61 79
Spurt 10
Spy cipher 56
Squadrv. penetmzione 214 475
Squaring modulo q 183 200 202
Squid (link) 406 411 412
Standard alphabet 46 49 80 107 127
Stanmore outstation 447 454
Statistical Almanac 42
Stator 115 118 124—125
Steckerbrett 48 118
Steganography, linguistic 9 12 24 25
Steganography, technical 9 24
Stein, Karl VI VIII 451
Steinbrueggen, Ralf 37
Steiner & Stern (code) 75
Steiner's Theorem 324
Stencil encryption 101 102 473
STG-61 79
Stickleback (link) 411
Stimson, Henry L. 152 227
Stirling's formula 237
Stochastic source 163 292 322 325
Strachey, Christopher 443
Strachey, Lytton 443
Strachey, Oliver 153 443
Straddling 34 35 36 55—57
Strategy of alignment 361—362 371—372
Stream encryption, stream cipher 35 161
Stretch 458
Strip devices 51 52 145 134—136 145 224 269 272—274 277 278—281 289 474—475
Strip method 250 251 282—284 355—358
Stripp, Alan 472 498
Stripping off superencryption 63 334 338 350 370—373 415 446 467 469 473 479
Stuart, Mary 70
Stummel, Ludwig 219 221 420
Subexponential complexity 198 201
Substitution 18 24 37 42 44—57 58—79
Substitution a dauble clef 141
Substitution a triple clef 142 468
Substitution linear polygraphic 174—178 459—460
Substitution notation 46
Substitution polygraphic 58—68 93 171—172 239—240 252
Substitution properly self-reciprocal 47 115 238 268 433 434 437 451
Substitution, binary linear 86
Substitution, bipartite digraphic 59—61 67
Substitution, bipartite simple 53—55
Substitution, decomposed linear 87—90
Substitution, digraphic 58 248
Substitution, linear 80—92 240 248 459—460
Substitution, monocyclic simple 48—49 238
Substitution, multipartite simple 53—55 174
Substitution, self-reciprocal 47
Substitution, self-reciprocal linear 82
Substitution, simple 44—45 87
Substitution, tripartite digraphic 63
Substitution, tripartite simple 54
Substitution, unipartite simple 35 44—45 238
Subtracter 128 389 473
Suetonius 49
Suffixing, parasitic 20
Sullivan, Geoff 124 125
Superencryption, superenciphering 171—173 223 370—373 413 415 421 431 438 446 473—474 476 480
Superimposition 375—401 412 419 425 431 442 447 467 478
Superimposition, in-phase 412
Surjective 33 42
Swap 48 383 396
Swapping of roles 380 421 460
Swift, Jonathan 22 104 466
Swiss ENIGMA (ENIGMA K) 117 125
switchboard 110
SYKO 132
Symbolic addition 171 180
Symetrie de position (symmetry of position) 365—370 371 377 379 413 421
Symmetric encryption methods 194—196
Symmetric functions 328
Synthetic language 215
SZ3-92 299 302 305 319 322
SZ40, SZ42, SZ42a (Lorenz) 29 161 162 171 338 372 387—389 394 397—398 401 408 411 412 483 Plate
Szekeres,G. 496
Szemeredi, E. 196
T 43 (Siemens SFM T 43) 143 162 171
T-52,T-55 (Hagelin) 163
T52a,T52b,T52c,T52d,T52e (Siemens) 29 161 170—171 395—399 408 410 483
Tabula recta 108 127 137 140 141 145 364 367 368 428 429
Tabula recta with permuted headline 430
Tagesschluessel 168 431 432 433 437 441
Takagi, Shiro 3
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de 71
Tallmadge, Benjamin 71
Tamper-proof key carriers 168 192 480
Tannenberg, battle of 217 484
Tarpon (link) 411
Tartaglia, Niccolo 486
Taunt, Derek VIII 286 457
Technical Operations Division 17
Telegraphic English 301
Telescand (code) 75
Teletype code CCITT 2 ( , ) 382
Ten-letter code 40
Ternary substitution 54
Test register 446 449 451 453 454
Test texts for teletype lines 267
Tester, Ralph 395 401 406 409 410
Testery 401 406 409 410
Tetragram 35
Tetragraphic substitution 68 248
Text setting see message setting
Theta series 84
Thieves' Latin 15
Thomas, E.E. 221
Thompson, Eric 236
THRASHER 143 162
Three-digit code 78
Three-letter code 75 78
Thue,Axel 158
Tibbals, Cyrus (code) 76
Tiirbot (link) 411
Tiirkel, Siegfried 5
Tiltman, John H. 63 66 375 387 389 389
Tinuns, Geoffrey A. 499
Tokuuiu Han 32 475
Tolstoy, Sergei 472 476
Tomash, Erwin 457
Tomographic methods 64—67 179—180
Tompkins, Charles B. 4587
Tordella, Louis 476
Totient function 90 203 238
Townsend, Robert 71 256
traffic analysis VII
Traffic padding 212 215
Tranow, Wilhelm 472 474
Transitive cryptosystem 277 378
Translation 81 240
Transposition 24 93—105 169—174 178—179 184 216 240—241 244—249 251 290—291 293 322 324 328 395 464
Transposition double 99 100
Transposition, block 98 169 464
Transposition, double columnar 27 100 244 467
Transposition, feigning a 59
Transposition, mixed-rows block 99 100 467
Transposition, mixed-rows columnar 99 100 178 467
Transposition, Nihilist 99
Transposition, simple columnar 98 140 153
Trapdoor 189 197—202 203
Trapdoor one-way functions 197
Trellis cipher 95
Trench codes 78 464
Trevanion, Sir John 9
Trifide 35
Trigram 35
Trigram coincidences (repetitions) 335 416
Trigram frequencies 305 308 340
Trigram repetitions 341 344 359 365
Trigraphic substitution 68 239 248
Tripartite 35
Triple clef 142 430
Triple-DES 190
Trithemius 9 16 17 39 40 54 127 140 142 145 159
Trotzki, Lev Davidovich 32
Turing BOMBE 173 447 448—451 454
Turing — Welchman BOMBE 451—456
Turing, Alan Mathison VII 2 91—92 173 199 237 281 284 288 395 401 410 415—418 436 438 443—457 478 486 498
Turingery 395 410
Turning grille 78 95—96
Turnover 148 149 418
TURTLE (key net) 481
Tut Latin 21
Tutte, William Thomas 338 393—395 401—406 410
Twinn, Peter 92 149 433 439 444 478
Two-character differential 76
Two-part code, two-part nomenclator 72
TYPEX 123 149—151—482 Plate
U-boat U-110 61 218
U-boat U-13, U-33 218
U-boat U-505 61
U-boat U-559 219 421
U-boat U-570 219
ubchi 100 469
Uhr box 120 482 Plate
Ulbricht, Heinz 124
Ultra 4 226
Umkehrujalze, Umkerwaltz 114 120
Unambiguous 26 33
Unauthorized decryption 2 26 32 97 101 106 134 159 169 180 189 194 211 215 217 220 224 230 232 235 237 244 251 272 273 278 291 292 311 316 317 341 344 355 356 358 373 375 388 389 397 399 467 470 472 476 478 481
Uncertainty 487
Unicity distance 104 139 246—248 257 266 318—319 493—494
Unipartite 35 44—46 87
Universal Trade Code (Yardley) 152
UNIX 197
Urfe, Madame d' 28
US Intelligence Board (US1B) 30
Uzes 147
Vacuum tube noise 164
Valerio, P. 295 307 373 500
van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 496
Van Wijngaarden, Adrian 11
Variant Beaufort 6
Variant Vigenere 6
Variante a l'allemande 130
Variante de Richelieu 98
variants 22 33 34 37 128 244—251 272
Vatsayana 47
Vaz Subtil (code) 75
Venona breaks 164
Verfahrenkenngruppe 417 444
Verlaine, Paul 17
Verlan 22
VERNAM encryption step 142 143 157 158 161—164 170—171 382 384 395 463 387 490 492
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