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Copi I.M., Cohen C. — Introduction to logic |
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"Dilemma of Determinism, The" (James) 88
"Dover Beach" (Arnold) 73
"Eve of St. Agnes, The" (Keats) 80—81
"Genetic Fallacy," abusive ad hominem argument as 98
"Poisoning the well," ad hominem argument as 100
A priori theory of probability 461—462
Aaron, Hank 139
Abed, Bassam K. 372
Absorption 297
Abusive ad hominem argument 97—98
Accent, fallacy of 100—101 115—117 120
Ad baculum argument 105
Ad hoc hypotheses, crucial experiments 443—448
Ad hominem argument 97—100 484 486
Ad hominem argument, abusive 97—98
Ad hominem argument, circumstantial 98—100
Ad ignorantiam argument 93—95 483—484
Ad misericordiam argument 104—105 486
Ad populum argument 103—104
Ad verecundiam argument 95—96 484
Adams, David W. 228
Addition 298
Addition theorem, alternative events 467—468
Administrative law 482
Affirmative mood 240—241
Affirming the consequent, fallacy of 241 282
Affluent Society, The (Galbraith) 70 78
Agreement and difference, joint method of 390—391 397 409
Agreement, kinds of 81—85
Agreement, method of 383—385 397 405 407
Alexander the Great 161
Alexander, Peter 37
Allison, Dennis L. viii
Alpert, Geraldine 111
Alternative occurrences, in probability calculus 466—470
Alternative propositions 26 27 239
Alternatives 258
Ambiguity, definition resolving 128—131 132—135
Ambiguity, fallacies of (see Fallacies)
Ambiguity, vagueness distinct from 135
Ambiguous middle, fallacy of the 207
Amiel, Henri — Frederic 75
Amphiboly, fallacy of 114—115
Analogy in law 493—495
Analogy, appraising 363—366
Analogy, argument by 357—376 (see also Refutation by logical analogy)
Analogy, induction by simple enumeration and 381—382
Analytical definition (see Definition by genus and difference)
Anaximenes 443
Anderson v. Minneapolis St. P. and S. S. M. Railroad 493
Andrade, E. N. Da. C. 442
Andrews, Justice 491
Annas, George J. 23
Anselm, St. 108 143
Antecedent 240 266
Antecedent circumstances 393
Apodosis 266
Appeal to authority 484
Appeal to emotion 103—104
Appeal to force 105 486
Appeal to ignorance 483—484
Appeal to pity 104—105 486
Appeal, inappropriate 95—96
Appl, Frederic C. 456 457
Application, in scientific method 438—439
Aquinas, Thomas 8 38 228 243
Arago, M. 417
Argument(s) 4 6—7 argument
Argument(s) ad baculum 105 486
Argument(s) ad hominem 97—100 484—486
Argument(s) ad ignorantiam 93—95 483—484
Argument(s) ad misericordiam 104—105
Argument(s) ad populum 103—104
Argument(s) ad verecundiam 95—96 484
Argument(s) asyllogistic 222—223
Argument(s) chain 36—37
Argument(s) circular 102
Argument(s) definition 6
Argument(s) diagramming (see also Venn Diagrams)
Argument(s) elementary valid 297
Argument(s) explanation different from 73—74
Argument(s) forms 275—283
Argument(s) in legal processes 481 482
Argument(s) in ordinary language 214—252
Argument(s) one-sentence 7
Argument(s) ontological 143
Argument(s) premisses and conclusions of 6—14
Argument(s) recognizing 25—30 73—74
Argument(s) several 33—40
Argument(s) single 18—22
Argument(s) sound 52—53
Argument-indicators 28—29 (see also Conclusion-indicators Premiss-indicators)
Aristedes 272
Aristotelian logic 183 325
Aristotle 78 86 121 124 157 158 161 182 229 231 235 243 253 480
Arnold, Matthew 73 156
Artificial symbolic language 253 (see also Symbolic logic)
Asimov, Isaac 41
Association 304
Astell, Mary 360
Asyllogistic arguments 222—223
Asyllogistic inference 347—350
Atheist's Values, An (Robinson) 114
Attitude, disagreement and agreement in 82 83—84
Austen, Jane 76
Austin, John 70
Authority, appeal to 484
Authority, inappropriate 95—96
Autobiography (Steffens) 83—84
Ayer, Alfred J. 108 231 361 6
Babington, Thomas 78
Babson, Rodger 108
Bacon, Francis 75 76 207 377 383 401—402 407
Bacon, Roger 243
Baker, Howard 105
Baldner, Kent viii
Ball, George W. 44
Banting 400
Baranovsky 126
Barcroft, Joseph 396
Baron, A. L. 385
Barrett, Denny viii
Basler, Roy R. 50 123 375
Bayne — Jones, Stanhope 458
Beadle, George 368
Beard, Robert W. viii
Beardsley, Monroe C. 18
Beckerman, Wilfred 374
Begging the question 102—103
Begin, Menachem 121
Belief, disagreement and agreement in 82 84
Bellow, Saul 96
Bennet — Clark, H. C. 414
Bennett, Georgette 22
Bennett, Neil G. 15
Bergson, Henri 124
Berkeley, George 65—66 228
Bernstein, Jeremy 44
Bethell, Tom 375
Bettelheim, Bruno 373
Beveridge, William Ian Beardmore 65 361 390
Biconditional statement 288
Bierce, Ambrose 155
Bischoff, Amelia viii
Bishop, Joseph W., Jr. 375
Black, Max 372
Blaine, James G. 108
Blair, J. Anthony 92
Blanshard, Brand 75
Bloom, Allan 89 251
| Bloom, David E. 15
Bloomfield, Leonard 72
Blum, Alex 255
Blumentah, Sidney 116
Bogert, Frans van der viii
Bok, Sissela 376
Bonheur, Rosa 188
Bonner, John Tyler 362
Boole, George 183
Boolean interpretation of categorical propositions 183 184
Boolean interpretation, syllogistic rule for 210—211
Boswell, James 17
Botta v. Brunner 497
Bouvard of Paris 393 394
Brack, David 24
Bradford, John 124
Bradley, F. H. 122 250
Brady, Frank 17
Brady, Joseph V. 416
Brahe, Tycho 420
Brain teaser, problem-solving abilities strengthened with 55—59
Brennan, Justice 95
Brewster, David, Sir 454
Bridgeman, P. W. 148
Bright, John 77
Brill, A. A. 455
Broad, C. D. 126 243
Broder, David 24
Bromell, Henry 241
Brooks, John 228
Brown, Charles D. viii
Brown, Ludlow viii
Buchner 458
Buchsbaum, Ralph 369 389 412
Buckley, William F., Jr. 244
Bums, Bobbie 66
Bundy, McGeorge 43
Burgess, Ernest W. 412
Burke, Edmund 74 250
Burstyn v. Wilson 373
Bush, George 22
Bushnell, D. E. viii
Butler, George 76
Butler, Joseph 126 357
Butler, Samuel 155
Butler, William 124—125
Butts, Wally 500
Calculus, probability (see Probability)
Callahan, Daniel 112
Callahan, J. J. 244
Calmette 458
Caloric theory of heat 439—443
Cammer, Moses 14
Campbell, C. Arthur 244
Candlish, Stewart 241
Carpuccio Gonzalez, Eugenio xi
Carres, Alexis 417
Carrington, Frank G. 37 111
Carroll, Lewis 113—114 235—236 372
Case law 481
Categorical propositions 161—190
Categorical propositions as exclusive propositions 221—222
Categorical propositions, classes and 161—164
Categorical propositions, diagrams for 186—190
Categorical propositions, existential import 181—184
Categorical propositions, existential import contraposition 176—177
Categorical propositions, existential import conversion 172—174
Categorical propositions, existential import conversion by limitation 173 177
Categorical propositions, existential import immediate inferences 171 172—178
Categorical propositions, obversion 174—175
Categorical propositions, particular affirmative 163 165
Categorical propositions, particular negative 164 165
Categorical propositions, quality, quantity and distribution 165—167
Categorical propositions, Square of opposition 168—172
Categorical propositions, standard-form 162—164
Categorical propositions, standard-form, contradictories 168—169
Categorical propositions, standard-form, contraries 169
Categorical propositions, standard-form, diagram for 187
Categorical propositions, subcontraries 169—170
Categorical propositions, symbolism for 184—186
Categorical propositions, translating into standard form 218—224
Categorical propositions, universal affirmative 162 165
Categorical propositions, universal negative 163 165
Categorical syllogisms 191—213
Categorical syllogisms form and validity of 194—196
Categorical syllogisms, rules and fallacies for 206—211 (see also Fallacies Venn Diagrams)
Categorical syllogisms, sorites 235—237
Categorical syllogisms, standard-form 191—193 214
Categorical syllogisms, testing 197—205
Causal connections 377—417
Causal connections of agreement 383—385 397 405 407
Causal connections of concomitant variation 397—399 406
Causal connections of difference 386—388 397 404 405 407 408
Causal connections of residues 393—395 397
Causal connections, criticisms of 401—407
Causal connections, joint method of agreement and disagreement 390—391 397 409
Causal connections, meaning of cause 377—383
Causal connections, Mill's methods 383—417
Causal connections, vindication of 407—411
Cause (see also Causal connections)
Cause in legal reasoning 490—493
Cause, meaning of 377—383
Cedi, Robert, Lord 77
Ceniza, Claro R. viii
Ceremonial language 69—70
Cervantes 188
Ch'eng Hao 107
Ch'eng Wei — Shih Lun 155
Chain argument 36—37
Challenger, James 33 252
Chargaff, Erwin 94
Chase, Salmon P. 77
Chase, Stuart 88
Chasis, Sara 13
Chesterton, G. K. 87
Christie, Agatha 124
Church, Alonzo 253
Churchill, Winston 157 234 272
Circular argument, begging the question as 102
Circular definition 152
Circumstantial ad hominem argument 98—100
Circumstantial evidence 494
Civil law 481 482 496
Clark, Justice 373
Clark, William P. 375
Class-defining characteristic 174
Classes, categorical propositions and 161—164
Classes, complement of the 174
Classes, obversion and 174
Classification, as hypothesis 448—452
Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom) 251
Cobb, Jean 25
Coke, Edward, Sir 156 480
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 86
Columbus, Christopher 443 448
Commands 71—72
Commands as directive discourse 67 68
Commands, conclusion as 7
Common knowledge 27—28
Commutation 304
Complement 174
Complementary class 174
Complex question, as fallacy 96—97
Component of a statement 255
Composition, fallacy of 117—118 120
Compound propositions 26—27
compound statements 255
Compound statements as conditional statement 265—272
Compound statements, conjunction 255—257
Compulsive Gamblers (Livingston) 152
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