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Copi I.M., Cohen C. — Introduction to logic |
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Conclusion-indicators 9—10 11 20 25 28
Conclusions 5—14
Conclusions in legal processes 482
Conclusions in single argument 18—22
Conclusions, identifying 9—14
Conclusions, irrelevant 105—107
Conclusions, unstated 13 28
Concomitant variation 397—399 406
Conditional propositions 26—27 240
Conditional statement forms 286
conditional statements 265—272
Confirming instances 382
Confucius 110 122 156
Conine, Ernest 79
ConJkling, James, C. 246
Conjunction 298
Conjunction, symbols for 255—257
Conjunctive statement form 286
Conjuncts 255
Connellan v. Coffey 493
Connotation 141—143 146—150
Connotative definition (see Definition by genus and difference)
Conrad, John P. 375
Consequences in scientific method, deducing 436—437
Consequences in scientific method, testing 437—438
Consequent 240 266
Constituent propositions 10—11
Constitutional law 482
Constructive dilemma 297
Constructive dilemma, validity of 283
Context, arguments recognized by 13 27—30
Contingent statement forms 288
Contradiction 288
Contradiction, principle of 293—294
Contradictories 330
Contradictories, propositions as 168—169
Contraposition, for reduction to standard form 216—217
Contrapositive 176—177
Contraries 330
Contraries, propositions as 169
Controlled experiment, Mill's methods of 408—409
Conventional connotation 147
Converse accident, fallacy of 100—101 120
Conversion 172—174
Conversion by limitation 173 177
Conversion for reduction to standard form 216—217
Convertend 173
Copeland, John W. viii
Copernicus, Nicolaus 121 429—430 443—444 448
Copi, Irving M. 54 294 306
Cottrell, Leonard S. 412
Counterdilemma, rebutting dilemmas with 246 247—248
Courts, in legal controversies 481
Cousins, Norman 251
Cox, William viii
Creekmore, Charlie 32
Creighton, Mandell 207
Criminal law 480—481 482 496
Crito (Plato) 99
Croce, Benedetto 107
Croesus 115
Cronan, Sheila 361
Curl, negation formed by 258
Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts 500
Cyrus 115
Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward 207
Dale, A. I. 471
Damascene 228
Dangling participle amphiboly 115
Daniels, Lee A. 15
Dare, Wilbert 33
Darwin, Charles 75 95 234 432
Davies, H. 395—396
Davis, Dwight B. 15
Davy, Sir Humphry 439—443
De Beauvoir, Simone 233 360
De Kruif, Paul 392 409 410—411 413
De Morgan's theorems 289—290 304
de Morgan, Augustus 289—290 460
Dean, Geoffrey 456
Debs, Eugene 77
Decatur, Stephen 87
Declarative sentences 71
Deduction 46 295—323
Deduction, inconsistency 318—320
Deduction, invalidity proof 315—317
Deduction, rule of replacement 304—308
Deduction, validity proof 295—298 304—308
Deductive arguments 45—47 48 49 161 Categorical
Deductive arguments, truth and validity of 50—54
Deductive reasoning (see Law logic
Definiendum 131 132
Definiens 131—132
Definition by division (see Definition by genus and difference)
Definition by genus and difference 148—150
Definition by genus and difference, rules for 151—155
Definition per genus et differentiam (see Definition by genus and difference)
definitions 128—158
Definitions by genus and difference 148—150
Definitions in law 487
Definitions of general terms 141—142
Definitions, circular 152
Definitions, connotation (intension) 141—143 146—150
Definitions, denotation (extension) 141—143 144—146
Definitions, disputes and 128—131
Definitions, figurative 154
Definitions, in law 486—488
Definitions, kinds of 131—141
Definitions, lexical 133—135
Definitions, negative 154—155
Definitions, obscurity in 153—154
Definitions, operational 148
Definitions, ostensive 145—146
Definitions, persuasive 137—138 154
Definitions, precising 135—137
Definitions, rules for 151—155
Definitions, stipulative 132—133
Definitions, synonymous 147—148
Definitions, theoretical 137
Demonstrative definition (see Ostensive definition)
Denial form 286
Dennis v. United States 7
Denotation 141—143 144—146
Densberger, Joan E. 23
Denying the antecedent, fallacy of 241 282
Dependent events, joint occurrence of 463—464
Descartes, Ren 17 371
Detective, as scientist 430—439
Dewey, John 55 157 235 431
Diagrams (see also Venn Diagrams)
Diagrams for categorical propositions 186—190
Diagrams for several arguments 33—40
Diagrams for single argument 18—22
Dickens, Charles 76
Dickson, W. J. 416
Difference, definition by genus and (see Definition by genus and difference)
Difference, method of 386—388 397 404 405 407 408
Dilemma 245—248
Dimock, George E., Jr. 235
Diogenes 153
Directive language 66
Disagreement in attitude 82 83—84
Disagreement in belief 82 84
Disagreement, kinds of 81—85
Disanalogies, in analogical arguments 364
Disjunction, symbols for 258—260
Disjunctive propositions 26 239
Disjunctive statement form 286
Disjunctive syllogism 238—241 259 283 297
| Disjunctive syllogism, validity of 279—280
Disjuncts 258
Disputes, kinds of 128—131
Disputes, resolving (see Definitions)
distribution 305
Distribution, categorical propositions and 165—167
Distribution, categorical syllogisms and 207—209
Dividing the question 96—97
Division, fallacy of 118—120
Dollard, John 361 385 392
Dot symbol 255 256 257
Double Negation 305
Doubling technique, in probability 476—477
Douglas, Justice 10 25 234
Douglas, Stephen 50
Douglass 400—401
Dow, W. G. 153
Doyle, A. Conan 45 243 430 431 432 434 435 436 438
Drange, Theodore viii
Drawing an affirmative conclusion from a negative premiss, fallacy of 210
Drew, Elizabeth 107
Dreyfus 40
Driessen, Paul K. 33
Dubos, Ren 361 393
Duhem, Pierre 156 447
Dukakis, Michael 22
Dummett, Michael 324
Dworkin, Ronald 122 123
Dyson, Freeman 16 18 31
Earth, shape of the 443—446
Eddington, Arthur, Sir 370
Ehrenpreis, Irvin 17
Ehrlich, Paul 413
Eijkman 391 446—447
Einstein, Albert 233 419 420 423 447 448
Elementary valid argument 297
Elliott 111
Elliptical formulations 293
Emotion, appeal to 103—104
Emotive words 78—81
Empedocles 443
Encke, Professor 396
Engels, Friedrich 42 157
Enthymematic, arguments as 231
Enthymemes 231—233
Epictetus vi
Epicurus 235
Equivocation 113—114
Equivocation, fallacy of 206—207
Erasmus, Desiderius 87
Erdman, Paul 241
Euathlus 248
Euripedes 77
Euthydemus 100—101
Everett, Edward 87
Ewing, A. W. 414
Exceptive propositions 222—224 349
Excluded middle, principle of 293 294
Exclusive disjunction 258—259
Exclusive events 467
Exclusive premisses, fallacy of 210
Exclusive propositions 221—222
Existential fallacy 184 211 219
Existential generalization, principle of 340
Existential import, proposition having 181—184
Existential import, syllogistic rule for 210—211
Existential instantiation, principle of 340
Existential quantifier 328 329
Expectation, probability and 472—477
Expected value, probability and 472—477
Expert testimony 493—494
Explanations 30
Explanations, argument distinguished from 73—74
Explanations, scientific (see Science unscientific)
Exportation 305
Expressive language 66—67
Extension 141—143 144—146
Faber, R. 471
Facts, for disagreement in belief 82
Fain, Arnold L. 233
Fairlie, Henry 233
Falk, Allen 44
Fallacy(ies) 3 91—127
Fallacy(ies) accent 115—117
Fallacy(ies) amphiboly 114—115
Fallacy(ies) avoiding 123—124
Fallacy(ies) composition 117—118 120
Fallacy(ies) division 118—120
Fallacy(ies) equivocation 113—114
Fallacy(ies) equivocation, avoiding 123—124
Fallacy(ies) equivocation, definition 91—92
Fallacy(ies) in law 483—486
Fallacy(ies) of affirming the consequent 211 282
Fallacy(ies) of ambiguity 113—123
Fallacy(ies) of denying the antecedent 211 282
Fallacy(ies) of drawing an affirmative conclusion from a negative premiss 210
Fallacy(ies) of equivocation 206—207
Fallacy(ies) of exclusive premisses 210
Fallacy(ies) of exclusive premisses, existential 211
Fallacy(ies) of existential assumption 184
Fallacy(ies) of four terms 206 207
Fallacy(ies) of illicit process of the major term 209 232
Fallacy(ies) of illicit process of the minor term 209
Fallacy(ies) of relevance 93—113
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, accident 100—101 120
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, appeal to emotion 103—104
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, appeal to force 105
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, appeal to inappropriate authority 95—96
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, appeal to pity 104—105
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, argument ad hominem, abusive 97—98
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, argument ad hominem, circumstantial 98—100
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, argument from ignorance 93—95
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, avoiding 123
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, begging the question 102—103
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, complex question 96—97
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, converse accident 100—101 120
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, false cause 101—102
Fallacy(ies) of relevance, irrelevant conclusion 105—107
Fallacy(ies) of standard-form categorical syllogism 206—211
Fallacy(ies) of undistributed middle 208 223
False cause 101—102
Fan Chen 369
Fang, Thome H. 123
Fath, Edward Arthur 394
Feamside, W. Ward 92
Feigi, Herbert 122
Felknor, Bfruce L. 17
Female Eunuch, The (Green) 79
Fennat, Pierre de 460
Fernandez, Benjamin 108
Feyeraband, Paul 126
Feynman, Richard P. 41
Fibiger, Johannes 414
Figurative definitions 154
Figure, of standard-form syllogism 193
Firestone, Shulamith 124 360
First-order enthymeme 232
Fischer, David Hackett 92
Fitzgerald contraction effect 447
Fitzgerald, Frances 359
Flage, Daniel viii
Fleming, Alexander, Sir 370
Fletcher, C. Edward, HI 24
Force, appeal to 105 486
Ford v. Trident Fisheries 492
Formal proof of validity 295—298
Fossedal, Gregory A. 116
Four terms, fallacy of 206 207 215
Franco 188
Francois, Due de la Rochefoucault 155
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