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Copi I.M., Cohen C. — Introduction to logic |
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Schaefer, David 43
Schaefer, Roberta 43
Schilpp, P. A. 126
Schlauch, Margaret 80
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. 44
Schopenhauer, Arthur 11 12 91 368
Schuck, Victoria 27 251
Schurz, Carl 87
science 418—457
Science in scientific investigation 439—443
Science, classification as hypothesis 448—452
Science, compatibility with other hypotheses 427—428
Science, detective as scientist and 430 439 below)
Science, evaluating 425—430
Science, hypotheses 425—430
Science, hypotheses and 443—448
Science, predictive or explanatory power 428—429
Science, relevance 426
Science, scientific explanations 422—425
Science, scientific explanations, evaluating (see Hypotheses above)
Science, scientific method formulating hypothesis 435—436 441
Science, scientific method in detective work 430—439
Science, scientific method preliminary hypothesis 432—433 440
Science, scientific method problem 430—432 439 440
Science, scientific method, application 438—439 442
Science, scientific method, collecting additional facts 434—435 440—441
Science, scientific method, deducing further consequences 436—437 442
Science, simplicity of 429—430
Science, testability 427
Science, testability, Mill’s methods and (see Causal connections)
Science, testing consequences 437—438 442
Science, values of 418—421
Scotus, Duns 111 124 127 230 234
Scriven, Michael 18
Second Treatise on Government (Locke) 35—36
Second-order enthymeme 232
Sefler, George ix
Segal, Julius 386
Self-contradictory, statement form as 288
Seligman, Daniel 252
Semmelweis, Ignaz 390
Sentences 71—73
Sentences, categories 71—72
Sentences, propositions distinct from 5—6
Sestanovich, Stephen 41
Sextus Empiricus 3 26 243 250
Shakespeare, William 7 15 35 79 181 234
Shaw, Albert ix
Shaw, George Bernard 75 234 272
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 156
Sheridan 134
Sherman, William Tecumseh 76
Shils, Edward 125
Shirer, William L. 26
Shoemaker, Robert ix
Silk, Joseph 361
Simple dilemma 245
Simple enumeration 381—383
Simple predicate 326
simple statement 255 256 257
Simplicity, of hypotheses 429—430
simplification 298
Sinclair, John 86
Sine qua non rule 492
Singer, Isaac Bashevis 229
Single arguments, diagrams for 18—22
Singular propositions 324—326
Sinnott, Edmund W. 454
Skinner, B. F. 17
Slive, David 36
Smart, J. J. C. 229
Smith, J. P. 86
Smith, Joseph 423
Smith, Kenneth M. 389
Smith, Lloyd 427
Smith, Theobald 77
Smith, William 74
Socrates 98 100—101 104 125 137
Sognnaes, Reider F. 389
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 96
Sontag, Susan 18 360
Sophisms, as fallacies of ambiguity (see Fallacies)
Sophocles 139
Sorites 235—237
Sound argument 52—53
Special theory of relativity 447 448
Specific form of given argument 277
Specific form of statement 287
Speer 30
Speer, Lisa 13
Spencer, Herbert 153 369
Spinoza, Baruch 77 157 244
Spock, Benjamin 369
Square of opposition 168—172
Square of opposition, traditional 182 183
St. Aubyn, Giles 87
St. Germans, Earl of 24
Stalin 244
Standard-form categorical propositions (see Categorical propositions)
Standard-form categorical syllogisms (see Categorical syllogisms)
Standard-form translation of the given, syllogistic argument 214 216
Standards of proof 495
Stanford v. Kentucky 498
Stare decisis 484
Starr, Chauncey 418
Statement forms 286—288
Statement variables 276
statements 6
statements, compound 255—257
Statements, simple 256 257
Statements, truth value of 256
Statutory laws 481
Steame, Russell 32
Steffens, Lincoln 83—84 158
Steinberg, Carol 34
Stevens, John Paul 43
Stevenson, Charles L. 82 445
Stine, Whitney 124
Stipulative definitions 132—133
Stipulative definitions in law 487
Stobaeus, Joannes 87
Stokes v. City of Sac City 492
Strachey, John 107
Stradivari, Antonio 152
Strauss, Leo 250
Subaltemate 171
Subaltemation 171
Subaltern 171
Subcondusion 36 37
Subcontraries 330
Subcontraries, propositions as 169—170
Subject-predicate propositions 330—335
Subjective connotation 147
Substance rules 498—499
Substitution instance 277 326
Sufficient cause, in law 492
Sufficient condition 379
Sufficient condition for occurrence of an event 377—378
Suits, Daniel B. 18 156
Sullivan, Arthur S. 41
Sumichrast, Michael 244
Sumner, Charles 86
Sumner, W. G. 158
Superaltem 171
Swift, Jonathan 122
Syllogisms 191 (see also Categorical syllogisms)
Syllogisms, disjunctive 238—241 259
Syllogisms, hypothetical 238—241
Syllogistic argument, enthymemes 231—233
Syllogistic argument, reducing number of terms in 214—217
| Syllogistic argument, testing 214—215
Syllogistic argument, uniform translation 225—226
Symbolic logic 253—294
Symbolic logic, argument forms 275—283
Symbolic logic, conditional statements 265—272
Symbolic logic, conjunction 255—257
Symbolic logic, contingent statements 288
Symbolic logic, contradiction 288
Symbolic logic, De Morgan's theorems 289—290
Symbolic logic, disjunction 258—260
Symbolic logic, laws of thought 293—294
Symbolic logic, logical equivalence 288—289
Symbolic logic, material equivalence 288
Symbolic logic, material implication 290—291 292
Symbolic logic, negation 258
Symbolic logic, punctuation for 260—262
Symbolic logic, statement forms 286—288
Symbolic logic, tautology 287
Symbolic logic, value of special symbols 253—254
Symbolism, for categorical propositions 184—186
Symbols, definitions of 131
Symons, Arthur 76
Synonymous definition 147—148
Synonyms, eliminating from syllogistic argument 215
Szasz, Thomas S. 15 43
Tacitus 87
Tautology 287 305
Teller, Edward 96
Testability, of scientific hypotheses 427
Theoretical definitions 137
Third-order enthymeme 232
Thomas, Keith 41
Thomas, Lewis 23
Thomas, Stephen N. 18
Thoreau, Henry David 87
Thought, Laws of 293—294
Thought, logic and 4
Thouless, Robert 80—81
Thrasymachus 125
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll) 113—114
Thucydides 452
Thurow, Lester 40 42 45
Tieck, Ludwig 76
Tilde, negation formed by 258
Todorov, Tzvetan 251
Tolstoi, Lyof, Count 155
Toombs, Robert 120
Townsend, Burke ix
Traditional square of opposition 168—172 182 183
Translation to standard form 214
Translation, uniform 225—227
Transposition 305
Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (Berkeley) 65—66
Tripp, Wilson 456
Trollope, Anthony 112
Truman, Bess 80
Truman, Harry 80 107
Truth table for material equivalence 288
Truth table for tautology 287
Truth table, dot symbol defined by 257
Truth table, horseshoe defined by 268 270
Truth table, negation symbol defined by 258
Truth table, validity of argument form with 278
Truth table, validity of hypothetical syllogism with 281—282
Truth table, validity of modus ponens argument with 280—281
Truth table, wedge defined by 259
Truth value, of statement 256
Truth, validity and 50—54
Truth-functional compound statement 256
Truth-functional connective 256
Tu quoque, as circumstantial ad hominem argument 99
Tuchman, Barbara W. 17 40 207—208
Tucker, William 125
Tullgren v. Amoskeag Mfg. Co. 494
Turing, A. M. 16 242
Twain, Mark 112
Tzu — Kung 122
Ulysses (Joyce) 4
Unconscious syllogism 207—208
Undistributed middle, fallacy of the 208 223
Uniform translation 225—227
Unit class 218
Universal affirmative 330—331 332 333
Universal affirmative proposition 162 165
Universal generalization, principle of 338—339
Universal instantiation, principle of 336—337
Universal negative 330 332 333
Universal negative proposition 163 165
Universal quantification 328 329
Unstated conclusion 13 28
Validity 46
Validity of argument 275—283
Validity, formal proof of 295—298 304—308
Validity, quantification theory of proving 336—340
Validity, truth and 50—54
Van Den Haag, Ernest 24 32 113 124 375
Vance, Cyrus 29 30
Vander, Arthur J. 44
Variable 276
Velasquez 188
Vemoff, Edward 44
Venn diagrams 189—190
Venn Diagrams, syllogisms tested with 197—205
Venn, John 189
Verbal definitions (see Stipulative definitions)
Verbal dispute 128—131
Vesalius 400
Vinovskis, Maris A. 125
Vogt, Karl 360
Von Clausewitz, Carl 155
Von Hirsch, Andrew 74
Von Moltke, Helmuth 75
Von Treitschke 77
Wetterau, Elaine ix
Whewell, William 46 47 402
Whipple, Fred L. 456
Whitehead, Alfred North 254
Whitehead, T. N. 416
Whitman v. W. T. Grant Co. 492
Wiener, N. 358
Wiener, P. P. 447
Wigmore, John H 366
Wilde, Oscar 156 157
Will, George F. 25 41 76 107 108
Willets, David G. 416
Williams, B. A. D. 371
Williams, Glanville 251
Williamson, Robert C. 416
Wilson v. State of Texas 493
Wilson, James Q. 41
Wilson, Katherine S. 454
Winks, Robin W. 449
Winnie, John A. 306
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 66 158
Wollheim, Richard 37
Woodbridge, C. G. 414
Woods, John 92
Words, emotive 78—81
Wordsworth, William 68
Wu Rukang 24 42
Wurtele, Morton G. 453
Wyndner, Ernest L. 385
Xenophon 100
Yellow journalism 96
Zanker, Alfred 31
Zawadsky, John P. ix
Zeeman's effect 390—391
Zembaty, J. S. 20
Zinsser, Hans 458
Zonana, Victor F. 15
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