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Copi I.M., Cohen C. — Introduction to logic |
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Mann, Judy 45
Manning, A. W. G. 414
Mao Tsetung 156
Mappes, T. A. 20
Marat, Jean Paul 77
Marbury v. Madison 480
Marks, Leo D. 19
Marshall, Thurgood 25
Marth, P. C. 412
Martin, James A. 255
Martin, Judith 27
Marx, Karl 35 42 157
Marxists, principle of contradiction and 293
Material equivalence 288 305
Material implication 305
Material implication, conditional statement and 269—272
Material implication, definition of 290—291
Material implication, paradoxes of 292 319
Mayo, Elton 416
McCarthy, Joe 107
McCracken, Samuel 31
McHenry, Leemon ix
Mclnnis, Helen ix
McNally v. Colwell 492
McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis 125 233
Meaning (see Definitions)
Mediate inference 171
Meese, Edward 105
Meletus 486
Mencken, H. L. 156
Mendeleeff 451
Menninger, Karl 254
Merder, General 40
Mere, Chevalier de 460
Merely verbal disputes 128—130
Mesle, Bob ix
Metchnikoff 392
Methods, Mill's (see Causal connections)
Metzger, Walter P. 17
Michelson — Morley experiment 447 448
Middle term, of standard-form syllogism 192
Mill's methods (see Causal connections)
Mill, John Stuart 16 75 78 121 214 383 396 397 407 417
Mill, John Stuart methods of (see Causal connections)
Miller, Harry L. 453
Miller, Hazel 121
Miller, Neal E. 361 385 392
Miller, Stephen 44 235
Minogue, Brendan ix
Minor premiss, of standard-form syllogism 192
Minor term 191
Mitchell/ David 16
Mixed hypothetical syllogism 240
Mize, John ix
modus ponens 240—241 297
Modus ponens, validity of 280—281
Modus Tollens 241 297
Mohammed 423
Mohr v. Williams 482
Moore, George Edward 86 243
Moore, John A. 374
Moore, Thomas, Sir 15 75
Moral laws 481
Morick, Harold ix
Morton, Archbishop 250
Moses 423
Moutafakis, Nicholas ix
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 33 125
Murphy, Patrick V. 24
Mussolini, Benito 86
Mutually exclusive events, probabilities of 467
Myers, C. Mason 255
Necessary conditions 379
Necessary conditions for occurrence of an event 377 378
Necessary conditions in law 492—493
Negation form 286
Negation, symbols for 258
Negative definition 154—155
Nesbitt, Winston 241
Neumann, Jehuda 453
Neutral language 87—90
New York Times v. Sullivan 499—500
Newton, Isaac, Sir 183 421 422 428 429 441
Nicholson, Thomas D. 243 456
Nicolson, Harold 79
Nicolson, Nigel 79
Nietzsche, Friedrich 107
Nominal definitions (see Stipulative definitions)
Non causa pro causa, fallacy of 101—102
Non sequitur 106—107 123
Noncontradiction, principle of (see Principle of contradiction)
Nonelliptical formulations 293
Nonexclusive events, probabilities of 468—469
Normal form formula 334
Noun phrase, proposition as 12 39
Novak, Michael 23
O'Connell, S. ix
Objective connotation 147
Obscurity, in definition 153—154
Obverse 175
Obversion 174—175
Obversion for reduction to standard form 216—217
Obvertend 175
Occurrences in probability alternative 466—470
Occurrences, joint 463—465
Oilman, Bertell 44
Olbers, Heinrich 457
Omission, acts of in law 491—492
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (Copernicus) 443—444
Ontological argument 143
Operational definition 148
Oppenheimer, Robert 96
Ordinary language, arguments in 214—252
Organon 161
Orlov, Yuri 30
Orwell, George 375
Ostensive definitions 145—146
O’Brien, Charles 400
Paine, Thomas 75 111 125
Palsgraf v. The Long Island Railroad, Company 491
Paradoxes of material implication 292 319
Parsons, Cynthia 109
Particular affirmative 330 332—334
Particular affirmative proposition 163 165
Particular negative 330 332—333
Particular negative proposition 164 165
Pascal, Blaise 113 121 252 370 397 460
Pasteur, Louis 389 408—409 410
Pastore, Nicholas 404
Paul 423
Pauling, Linus 368 400
Peer, Elizabeth 121
Pegis, Anton C. 38
Peirce's law 288
Peirce, Charles Sanders 3 54 65 128 133 157 253 418 459
Performative utterance 70
Persuasive definitions 82 137—138 154
Petitio principii 102—103
Pettit 456
Phi 329
Phillips, Wendell 110
Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein) 66
Picasso, Pablo 95
Pilon, Juliana Geran vii
Pinborg, Jan 143
Pinnick, Cassandra ix
Piozzi, Mrs. 121
Pirsig, Robert M. 227 419 436
Pitcher, George 362
Pitt, William 74
| Pity, appeal to 104—105 486
Place marker 326
Place, U. T 8 156
Plato 12 76 78 91 104 110 113 125 137 153 155 157 161 230 233 250 252
Pledge, H. T. 389
Plochman, George Kimball 251
Plumb, J. H. 33
Plurality of causes 379—380
Positive law 481
Post hoc ergo propter hoc, fallacy of 102
Powell, Adam Clayton 234
Power v. Village of Hibbing 491
Pragmatism (James) 129—130
Precising definitions 135—137
Precising definitions in law 487—488
Preliminary hypotheses, in scientific method 432—433
Premiss-indicators 9—10 20 25 27 28
Premisses 5—14
Premisses in single argument 18—22
Premisses, identifying 9—14
Prescott, Peter S. 373
Presupposition, existential 182—183
Principle of contradiction 293—294
Principle of double negation 304
Principle of excluded middle 293 294
Principle of existential generalization 340
Principle of existential instantiation 340
Principle of identity 293
Principle of Induction 102—103
Principle of noncontradiction (see Principle of contradiction)
Principle of universal generalization 338—339
Principle of universal instantiation 336—337
probability 459—479
Probability a priori theory of 461—462
Probability in inductive arguments 49
Probability in legal arguments 495—497
Probability, alternate conceptions of 459—462
Probability, alternate occurrences 466—470
Probability, analogical arguments and 358
Probability, calculus 462—470
Probability, expectation or expected value 472—477
Probability, frequency theory of 461—462
Probability, joint occurrences 463—465
Problem in scientific method 430—432
Problem solving 54—59
Procedural rules 497—498
Product theorem 467
Product theorem of probability calculus 463—464
Propositional functions 326
Propositions 5 (see also Categorical propositions)
Propositions as premiss or conclusion 8
Propositions for quantification 327—330
Propositions, alternative 26 27
Propositions, commands as 7
Propositions, compound 26—27
Propositions, conditional 26—27 240
Propositions, constituent 10—11
Propositions, disjunctive (alternative) 26 239
Propositions, exceptive 222—224 349
Propositions, exclusive 221—222
Propositions, hypothetical 26—28 240
Propositions, noun phrases as 39
Propositions, recognizing arguments and 25—26
Propositions, recognizing arguments as rhetorical questions 12
Propositions, sentences distinct from 5—6
Propositions, singular 324—326
Prosser, William L. 496
Protagoras 248
Protasis 266
Proximate cause 378—379
Proximate cause in law 490—491
Psychology, logical distinct from 4—5
Ptolemy 429—430
Puligandla, R. ix
Punctuation, for symbolic logic 260—262
Pure hypothetical syllogism 240
Quality of categorical propositions 165—167
Quality, rules of 209—210
Quantification theory 324—353
Quantification theory, asyllogistic inference 347—350
Quantification theory, invalidity proof 342—346
Quantification theory, quantification 327—330
Quantification theory, singular propositions 324—326
Quantification theory, subject-predicate propositions 330—335
Quantification theory, validity proof 336—340
Quantification, propositions obtained by 327—330
Quantity, of categorical propositions 165—167
Quasi-ostensive definitions 145
Quatemio terminorum 206
Question as directive discourse 67
Question, begging the 102—103
Question, dividing the 96—97
Question, fallacy of complex 96—97
Ragosine, Victor E. 156
Rajneri, Julio Raul 31
Reagan, Ronald 105
Reasoning, logic and 4—5
Rebutting a dilemma by means of a counterdilemma 246 247—248
Reduction to standard form 214
Rees, Martin J. 361
Refutation by logical analogy 275—283 371—373
Refutation in law 498
Reid, Thomas 358 359
Relative frequency theory of probability 461—462
Relativity, theories of 447 448
Relevance fallacies of (see Fallacies)
Relevance fallacies of hypotheses 426
Rembrandt 188
Remmling, Gunter W. 417
Remote cause 378—379
Replacement, rule of 304—308
Requests, as directive discourse 67
Rescher, Nicholas 68
Residues, method of 393—395 397
Rhetoric (Aristotle) 231
Rhetorical questions, propositions as 12
Rice, Grantland 85
Richtmyer, F. K. 439 441
Rivlin, Alice M. 43
Robertson, John A. 31
Robinson, Kenneth 111
Robinson, Richard 114
Roblin, Ronald ix
Roethlisberger, F. J. 416
Romero, Vincente 107
Rose, L. E. 471
Rose, Pete 139
Rosemond, John 23
Rosenbloom v. Metromedia 501
Ross, W. D. 92
Rostow, Eugene V. 41
Rouleau v. Blotner 492
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 77 86 157
Roustan 417
Roux 392 458
Rovere, Richard H. 108
Rule(s) of evidence 489—490
Rule(s) of inference 296 297—298 304—308 336—340
Rule(s) of quality 209—210
Rule(s) of replacement 304—308
Rumford, Count 439—441 442
Ruskin, John 75 77
Russell, Bertrand 79 80 86 104 126 128 183 218 253
Ryle, Gilbert 157 235
Saltzburg, Stephen A. 489 496
Samuelson, Robert J. 19
Sanford, David H. 169 256
Santayana, George 112 158
Sargent, S. Stansfeld 416
Scalia, Justice 498
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