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Поиск книг, содержащих: Generic point
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ueno K. — Algebraic Geometry. From varieties to schemes (vol. 1) | 46 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 16.A | Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract algebra | 733 | Lang S. — Algebra | 383, 408 | Bruns W., Vetter U. — Determinantal Rings | 73 | Matsumura H. — Commutative algebra | 41 | Matsumura H. — Commutative ring theory | 36 | Mumford D. — Algebraic Geometry I complex projective varieties | 2 | Mishra B. — Algorithmic algebra | 197 | Ritt J.F. — Differential algebra | 27 | Cassels J.W.S. — Lectures on Elliptic Curves | 58 | Brin M., Stuck G. — Introdution to dynamical system | 88 | Dwork B., Gerotto G., Sullivan F.J. — An Introduction to G-Functions | 93 | Sot R. — Simple Morphisms in Algebraic Geometry | Def. 1.1 | Street R., Murray M. (Ed), Broadbridge Ph. (Ed) — Quantum Groups: A Path to Current Algebra | 10 | Kolchin E.R. — Differential algebra and algebraic groups | 150 | Miyanishi M. — Algebraic Geometry | 63 | Sernesi E. — Topics of families of projective schemes | section 2 page 5 | Borwein P., Choi S., Rooney B. — The Riemann Hypothesis | 335 | Chou S.-C. — Mechanical Geometry Theorem Proving | 30, 31, 55, 57, 58, 85 | Van Oystaeyen F.M. — Prime Spectra in Non-Communicative Algebra | 42 | Reid M. — Undergraduate algebraic geometry | 119, 120—121, 122 | Ivey Th.A., Landsberg J.M. — Cartan for Beginners: Differential Geometry Via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems | 83 | Marker D. — Model theory: An introduction | 227 | Queffelec M. — Substitution Dynamical Systems - Spectral Analysis | 64 | Neukrich J. — Algebraic number theory | 86 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 16.A | Cohn P.M. — Skew Fields : Theory of General Division Rings (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) | 414 | Knutson D. — Algebraic Spaces | 144 | Denker M., Grillenberger Ch., Sigmund K. — Ergodic Theory on Compact Spaces | 20 | Swan F.G. — Algebraic K-Theory | 156 | Silverman J.H. — Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves | 304, 328 | Wen-Tsun W. — Mathematics Mechanization | c3s3. 2, c3d2. 13 | Ritt J.F. — Differential algebra | 27 | Van Oystaeyen F.M.J., Verschoren A.H.M.J. — Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction | 176 | IItaka S. — Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction to Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties | 15, 34, 74, 83, 291 | Ivey T.A., Landsberg J.M. — Cartan for beginners: differential geometry via moving frames exterior differential systems | 83 | Hartshorne R. — Algebraic Geometry | 74, 75, 80, 294 |