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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) |
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SETUN computer 208
Sexagesimal number system 196—200 225 326
Seysen, Martin 118
Shakespeare (= Shakspere), William v
Shallit, Jeffrey Outlaw 360 378 380 390 396 645 646 656 663 689
Shamir, Adi 403 405 416 505 599 669
Shand, Mark Alexander 629
Shanks, Daniel Charles 280 379 681—682
Shanks, William 279—280
Shannon, Claude Elwood, Jr. 211
Shaw, Mary Margaret 489 498 515
Shen, Kangshen (itMM) 287
Sheriff 190—192
Shibata, Akihiko 280
Shift operators of MIX 339
Shift register recurrences 31 38 442
Shift-symmetric N-source 172 183
Shirley, John William 199
Shokrollahi, Mohammed Amin 515
Short vectors 98—101 118
Shoup, Victor John 449 687
Shub, Michael Ira 36 599
Shuffled digits 141
Shuffling a sequence 33—36 38 39
shuffling cards 145—147
Shukla, Kripa Shankar 648
Sibuya, Masaaki 133
Sideways addition 463
Sierpiriski, Waclaw 666
Sieve methods 389—391 402—403 412
Sieve of Eratosthenes 416 667
Sieveking, Malte 720
signatures, digital 406
Signed-magnitude representation 202—203 209—210 247 266
Significant digits 195 229 238
Sikdar, Kripasindhu 327
Simplex, recursively subdivided 567
Simulation 1
Sinclair, Alistair 699
Sine 490
Singh, Avadhesh Narayan 343 461
Sink vertex 480
size of 420 451 457—458 461
SKRZAT 1 computer 205
Slash arithmetic 331—333 379
SLB (shift left AX binary) 339 340
Slide rule 225
Sloane, Neil James Alexander 109
Slowinski, David Allen 409
Small step 467
Smirnov, Nikolai Vasilievich (Смирнов, Николай Васильевич) 57—58
Smith, David Eugene 197 198
Smith, David Michael 275 279
Smith, Henry John Stephen 646
Smith, James Everett Keith 27
Smith, Robert Leroy 228
Sobol, Ilya Meerovich (Соболь, Илья Меерович) 541
Soden, Walter 323
Solitaire 190
Solomonoff, Ray Joseph 178
Solovay, Robert Martin 396 414
Sorenson, Jonathan Paul 646
Sorted uniform deviates 57 71 135 137 141
Source vertex 480
Sowey, Eric Richard 189
Space-filling curves 495
Spacings 71 78—79 181
Sparse polynomials 455 672
Specht, Wilhelm 683
Species of measure zero 179
Spectral test 30 35 93—118 169 184
Spectral test, algorithm for 101—104
Spectral test, examples 105—109
Spectral test, generalized 108 117
Spence, Gordon McDonald 409
Spencer Brown, David John 695
Sphere, n-dimensional 56
Sphere, n-dimensional, random point in 136
Sphere, n-dimensional, random point on 135
Sphere, n-dimensional, volume of 105
Spherical coordinates 59
SQRT box 175 406—407 415
Square root 122 213 283 374—375 397—398 483
Square root, modulo m 406—407 415
Square root, modulo p 456—457 681—682
Square root, of power series 526 537
Square root, of uniform deviate 122
Squarefree factorization 460
Squarefree polynomials 439 456 459
Squeamish ossifrage 417
Squeeze method 125—126 147
SRB (shift right AX binary) 339 340 481
Stability of polynomial evaluation 485 489 490
Stack: Linear list with last-in-first-out growth pattern 299—301
Stahnke, Wayne 31
Standard deviation, evaluation of 232 244
Stanley, Richard Peter 594
Star chains 473—477 480 482 467
Star step 467
Stark, Richard Harlan 226
Starting value in a linear congruential sequence 10 17 20 184
Statistical tests 171 (see “Testing”)
Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr. 635 638
Steffensen, Johan Frederik 722
Stegun, Irene Anne 44
Stein, Josef 338
Stein, Marvin Leonard 278
Stern — Brocot tree 378 656
Stern, Moriz Abraham 654
Stevin, Simon 198 424
Stibitz, George Roberto 202 225
Stillingfieet, Edward 537
Stirling, James, approximation 59
Stirling, James, numbers 64—65 298 534—535 542 680 732
Stockmeyer, Larry Joseph 519 634 707
Stoneham, Richard George 115
Stoppard, Tom (= Straussler, Tomas) 61
Storage modification machines 311
Strachey, Christopher 192
Straight-line program 494
Strassen, Volker 306 311 317 396 414 497 500 507 521 523 656 708 718
Straus, Ernst Gabor 378 485
String polynomials 436—438
Stringent tests 75
Stroud, Arthur Howard 279 327
Struve, Wassilij Wassiliewitsch (Струве, Василий Васильевич) 462
Student (= William Sealy Gosset), t-distribution 135
Sturm, Jacob Karl Franz 434 438 674
Subbarao, Mathukumalli Venkata 469
Subexponential (nice) functions 694
Subresultant algorithm 428—436 438 455
Subsequence rules 161—162 168—169 177—178 182
Subsequence tests 73 158
Subsequences 40 193
Subset FORTRAN language 600
Subtract-and-shift cycle 338 348
Subtract-with-borrow sequence 23 35 72 75 108 193 546
Subtraction 194 207 213 265 267—268 281
Subtraction, complex 487
Subtraction, continued fractions 649
Subtraction, double-precision 247—249
Subtraction, floating point 216 230—231 235—238 245 253 556 602
Subtraction, fractions 330—331
Subtraction, mod m 15 186 203 287—288
Subtraction, modular 285—286
Subtraction, multiprecision 267—268 276 281 283
Subtraction, polynomial 418—420
Subtraction, power series 525
Subtractive random number generator 39—40 186—188 193
Sugunamma, Mantri 469
| Sukhatme, Pandurang Vasudeo 568
Sum of periodic sequences, mod m 35 38 78 108
Summation by parts 643
sums, generalized 83—92 106
Sun SPARCstation 762
Sun Tsu (= Sunzi, Master Sun) 280 287
Suokonautio, Vilho 279
Svoboda, Antonin 282 292
Swarztrauber, Paul Noble 634
Swedenborg, Emanuel 200
Sweeney, Dura Warren 253 379
Swinnerton-Dyer, Henry Peter Francis 681
Sykora, Ondrej 700
Sylvester, James Joseph, matrix 433 436 674
Szabo, Jozsef 607
Szabo, Nicholas Sigismund 291 292
Szekeres, George 570
Szymanski, Thomas Gregory 540
t-ary trees 723
Tabari, Mohammed ben Ayyub 208
Tables of fundamental constants 358—359 726—729
Tabulating polynomial values 488 515
Tague, Berkley Arnold 419
Tail of a floating point number 235
Tail of the binomial distribution 167
Tail of the normal distribution 139
Takahashi, Daisuke 280
Takahasi, Hidetosi 291
Tamura, Yoshiaki 280
Tanaka, Richard Isamu 292
Tangent 376
tanh 375
Tannery, Jules 241
Taranto, Donald Howard 327 635
Tarski, Alfred 718
Tate, Stephen Ralph 309
Taussky Todd, Olga 35 106
Tausworthe, Robert Clem 31
Taylor, Alfred Bower 201
Taylor, Brook, theorem 489
Taylor, William Johnson 504
Television script 190—192
Ten's complement notation 203 210
Tensors 506—514 520—524
Terminating fractions 328
Ternary number system 195 200 204 213 328
Ternary number system, balanced 207—208 209 227 283 353
Testing for randomness 41—118
Testing for randomness, a priori tests 80
Testing for randomness, chi-square test 42—47 53—56 58—60
Testing for randomness, collision test 70—71 74 158
Testing for randomness, coupon collector's test 63—65 74 76 158 180
Testing for randomness, empirical tests 41 61—80
Testing for randomness, equidistribution test 61 74 75
Testing for randomness, frequency test 61 74 75
Testing for randomness, gap test 62—63 74—76 136 158 180
Testing for randomness, Kolmogorov — Smirnov test 48—60
Testing for randomness, maximum-of-t test 52 54 59 70 75 77 122 158 180
Testing for randomness, partition test 63—64 74 158
Testing for randomness, permutation test 65—66 77—78 80—81 91 154
Testing for randomness, run test 63 66—69 74—77 158 180
Testing for randomness, serial correlation test 72—74 91 83 154 182
Testing for randomness, serial test 39 60 62 74 75 78 95 106 109—115 158
Testing for randomness, spectral test 30 35 93—118 169 184
Testing for randomness, subsequence tests 73 158
Testing for randomness, theoretical tests 41—42 80—93
Testing for randomness, torture test 79
Tezuka, Shu (#if H) 164 189 546 584
Thacher, Henry Clarke, Jr. 529
Theoretical tests for randomness 41—42 80—93
Thiele, Thorvald Nicolai 505
Thompson, John Eric Sidney 196
Thomson, William Ettrick 3 11 22
Thurber, Edward Gerrish 466 470 477 478
Tichy, Robert Franz 161
Tienari, Martti Johannes 279
Tingey, Fred Hollis 57
Tippett, Leonard Henry Caleb 3
Tiwari, Prasoon 316
Tobey, Robert George 677
Tocher, Keith Douglas 588
Todd, John 35
Todd, Olga Taussky 35 106
Toeplitz, Otto 721
Tonal System 201
Tonelli, Alberto 682
Toolkit philosophy 487
Toom — Cook algorithm 299—302 316—317 672
Toom, Andrei Leonovich (Тоом, Андрей Леонович) 296 299 306
Topological sorting 480
Topuzoglu, Alev 558
Torelli, Gabriele 535
Torture test 79
Touchy-feely mathematics 466 477
Trabb Pardo, Luis Isidoro 384 661
Trace of a field element 687
Trager, Barry Marshall 455 689
Trailing digit 195
Transcendental numbers 378
transform 173 502
Transitive permutation groups 679
Transpose of a tensor 507 512—513
transpositions 147
Traub, Joseph Frederick 138 348 396 428 489 498 505 515 531—534 719
Trees (branching information structures) 413
Trees (branching information structures), binary 378 527 696 723
Trees (branching information structures), complete binary 667
Trees (branching information structures), enumeration of 527 696 723
Trees (branching information structures), oriented 9 464—465 481—482
Trees (branching information structures), t-ary 723
Trevisan, Vilmar 452 461
Trial quotients 270—272 278 282
Triangularization of matrices 444 659—660 677
Tries 687
Trigonometric functions 279 313 490
Trilinear representation of tensors 521—522
Triple-precision floating point 252
Trits 207
Truncation: suppression of trailing digits 207 237—238 309
Tsang, Wai Wan 72
Tsu Ch'ung-Chih (=Zu Chongzhi) 198
Tsuji, Masatsugu 264
Tukey, John Wilder 701
Turan, Paul 372 649
Turing, Alan Mathison 3 599
Turing, Alan Mathison, mashines 169 499 634
Twindragon fractal 206 210 606
Two squares, sum of 579—580
Two's complement notation 15 188 203—204 228 275—276
Twos' complement notation 204
Ulam, Stanislaw Marcin 138 140
Ullman, Jeffrey David 694
Ullrich, Christian 242
Ulp 232
Underflow, exponent 217 221—222 227 231 241 249
Underflow, exponent, gradual 222
Ungar, Peter 706
Uniform deviates (random numbers with the uniform distribution) 138
Uniform deviates (random numbers with the uniform distribution), generating 10—40 184—189 193
Uniform deviates (random numbers with the uniform distribution), logarithm of 133
Uniform deviates (random numbers with the uniform distribution), sorted 57 71 135 137 141
Uniform deviates (random numbers with the uniform distribution), square root of 122
Uniform distribution 2 10 48 61 119 121 124 263
Unimodular matrix 524
Unique factorization domain 421—424 436
Units in a unique factorization domain 421—422 435
Unity (the number one) 336
Unity (the number one), roots of 84 531—532 700 “Exponential
Unlimited precision 279 283 331 416
Unnormalized floating point arithmetic 238—240 244 327
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