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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) |
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Gessel, Ira Martin 723
Gibb, Allan 242
Gilbert, William John 607
Gill, Stanley 226
Gioia, Anthony Alfred 469
Girard, Albert 424
Givens, James Wallace, Jr. 94
Glaser, Anton 201
Globally nonrandom behavior 51—52 80
Goertzel, Gerald 487
Gofnnet, Daniel 607
Goldbach, Christian 392 651
Goldberg, David Marc 226
Golden ratio 164 283 359 360 514 652 726—727 733
Goldreich, Oded 179 598 669
Goldschmidt, Robert Elliott 312
Goldstine, Herman Heine 202 278 327
Goldwasser, Shafrira 598
Golomb, Solomon Wolf 147 661 711
Golub, Gene Howard 562
Gonzalez, Teofilo 60
Good, Irving John 183
Goodman, Allan S. 108
Gosper, Ralph William, Jr. 101 107 117 355 375 378 540 649
Gosset, William Sealy (= Student), t-distribution 135
Goulard, A. 477
Gould, Henry Wadsworth 725
Gourdon, Xavier Richard 355 449
Goyal, Girish Kumar 625
Gradual underflow 222
Graffe, Carl Heinrich 683
Graham, Ronald Lewis 484 608 739
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization process 101 674
Gram, Jorgen Pedersen 674
Granville, Andrew James 659
Graph 480—481 485
Graphics 284
gray levels, multiplication of 284
Gray, Frank, code 209 568 699
Gray, Herbert L. 242
Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search 409
Greater than, definitely 224 233—235 239 242—243
Greatest common divisor 330—356 483
Greatest common divisor, binary algorithms for 338—341 348—356 435
Greatest common divisor, Euclidean algorithm for see “Euclid's algorithm”
Greatest common divisor, multiprecision 345—348 354 355 379 656
Greatest common divisor, of n numbers 341 378
Greatest common divisor, of polynomials 424—439 460 453—455
Greatest common divisor, within a unique factorization domain 424
Greatest common right divisor 437—438
Greedy algorithm 293
Greek mathematics 196—197 335 359
Green, Bert Franklin, Jr. 27
Greenberger, Martin 17 88 551
Greene, Daniel Hill 659 686 697
Greenwood, Joseph Arthur 33
Greenwood, Robert Ewing 74
Gregory, Robert Todd 657
GRH: the ERH for algebraic numbers 396
Griinwald, Vittorio 204 205
Grosswald, Emil 90
Grotefeld, Andreas Friedrich Wilhelm 656
groups 701
Groups, Galois 679 681 689 690
Grube, Andreas 582
Guaranteed randomness 35—36 170—176
Guard digits 227
Gudenberg see “Wolff von Gudenberg”
Guessing, amplified 172—174 416—417
Guilloud, Jean 280
Gustavson, Fred Gehrung 721
Guy, Michael John Thirian 623
Guy, Richard Kenneth 402 413
Haber, Seymour 164
Habicht, Walter 435
Hadamard, inequality 432 436 499
Hadamard, Jacques Salomon 382 432
Hafner, James Lee 661
Hajjar, Mansour 29
HAKMEM 540 649
Halberstam, Heini 664
Halewyn, Christopher Neil van 403
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard 316
Halton, John Henry 164
Halving 328 338 339 462
Halving, continued fraction 375
Halving, modular 293
Hamblin, Charles Leonard 420
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark v
Hammersley, John Michael 189
Hamming, Richard Wesley 255 263
Handscomb, David Christopher 189
Handy identities 628—629
Hansen, Eldon Robert 617
Hansen, Walter 473 475 476 479 483
Hanson, Richard Joseph 615
Haralambous, Yannis 762
Hard-core bit 179
Hardware: computer circuitry, algorithms suitable for 228 244 280 312 313—316 322 327—329 338 356 461 695
Hardy, Godfrey Harold 382 384 653
Harmonic numbers 731
Harmonic numbers , fractional 362 729
Harmonic numbers , table of 728—729
Harmonic probability 264
Harmonic sums 355
Harmuth, Henning Friedolf 502
Harriot, Thomas 199
Harris, Bernard 541
Harris, Vincent Crockett 341 355
Harrison, Charles, Jr. 242
Hashing 70 148
Hassler, Hannes 699
Hastad, Johan Torkel 179 417 514 599
Haynes, Charles Edmund, Jr. 108
Hebb, Kevin Ralph 477
Heideman, Michael Thomas 701
Heilbronn, Hans Arnold 372 377
Heindel, Lee Edward 677
Hellman, Martin Edward 406
Henrici, Peter Karl Eugen 332 505
Hensel, Kurt Wilhelm Sebastian 213 685
Hensel, lemma 38 451 454—455 458 685—686
Hensley, Douglas Austin 366
Heringa, Jouke Reyn 29
Hermelink, Heinrich 208
Hermite, Charles 115 579
Herrmann, Hans Jurgen 29
Hershberger, John Edward 366
Herzog, Thomas Nelson 178 594 598
Hexadecimal digits 195 210
Hexadecimal number system 201—202 204 210 324 639
Hexadecimal number system, floating point 254 263
Hexadecimal number system, nomenclature for 201
Higham, Nicholas John 242
Hilferty, Margaret M. 134
Hill, Ian David 544
Himult 15 584
Hindu mathematics 197 208 281 287 343 461
HITACHI SR2201 computer 280
Hitchcock, Frank Lauren 506
Hlawka, Edmund 117
HLT (halt) 222
Hobby, John Douglas 762
Hoffmann, Immanuel Carl Volkmar 279
Holte, John Myrom 629
Homogeneous polynomial 437 458 698
Hopcroft, John Edward 500 507 699
Hormann, Wolfgang 138
Horner, Horst Helmut 118
| Horner, rule for polynomial evaluation 486—489 498 504 515 517 519
Horner, William George 486
Horowitz, Ellis 505
Howard, John Vernon 178
Howell, Thomas David 708
Hoyle, Edmond, rules 147
Huang, Ming-Deh Alfred 396
Huff, Darrell Burton 42
Hull, Thomas Edward 17
Hurwitz, Adolf 345 375 376
Huygens (= Huyghens), Christiaan 655
Hyde, John Porter 419
Hyperbolic tangent 375
Hyperplanes 96 97 116
IBM 704 computer 280
IBM 7090 computer 280
IBM System/360 computers, early models 614
IBM System/360 Model 91 computer 396—397
IBM System/370 computers 15
Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir 197
Idempotent 539 694
Identity element 418
IEEE standard floating point 226 246 600 602
Ikebe, Yasuhiko 252
Ill-conditioned matrix 292
Images, digitized 284
Imaginary radix 205—206 209—210 283
Impagliazzo, Russell Graham 179
Improving randomness 26 34
IMSL: The International Mathematics and Statistics Library 108
Inclusion and exclusion principle 354 563 610 640 678 699
Incomplete gamma function 56 59 133
Increment in a linear congruential sequence 10—11 17 22 89 97 185
Independence of random numbers 2 43 46 55 59 66 95 240 559 562
Independence, algebraic 496 518
Independence, linear 443—444 508 659—660
Index modulo p 417
Indian mathematics 197 208 281 287 343 461
Induced functions 535
Induction, mathematical 336
Induction, mathematical, on the course of computation 266 269 337
Inductive assertions 281—282
Infinite continued fractions 358—359 374
Infinity, representation of 225 244—245 332
Inner product 97 499—501 520
Integer solution to equations 343—345 354 417 449 648
Integer, random, among all positive integers 257 264 342 354
Integer, random, in a bounded set 119—121 138 185—186
Integer-valued distributions 136—141
Integrated circuit module 313
Integration 153—154 259
Interesting point 642
Internet iv x
Interpolation 297 365 503—505 509 516 700 721
Interpretive routines 226
Interval arithmetic 228 240—242 244—245 333 613
Inverse Fourier transform 307 316 516 633
Inverse function 121 (see also “Reversion of power series”)
Inverse matrix 98 331 500 524
Inverse modulo m 26 213 354 445 456 646
Inversive congruential sequence 32—33 40
Irrational numbers, multiples of, mod 1 164 379 622
Irrational numbers, transcendental 378
Irrational numbers: real numbers that are not rational 181 359
Irrational radix 209
Irrationality, quadratic 358 374—375 397—401 412 415 665
Irreducible polynomial 422 435 450 456—457 460
Ishibashi, Yoshihiro 291
Islamic mathematics 197 280—281 326 461—462
Iteration of power series 530—536 723
Iterative n-source 172
Iverson, Kenneth Eugene 226
Ja'Ja', Joseph Farid 514
Jabotinsky, Eri 533 536 723
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob 435 662
Jacobi, symbol 413—414 415 662 668
JAE (jump A even) 339 481
Jaeschke, Gerhard Paul Werner 666
Jager, Hendrik 665
Janssens, Frank 108 114
Jansson, Birger 540 553
JAO (jump A odd) 339 612
Japanese mathematics 648
Jayadeva, Acharya 648
Jebelean, Tudor 629
Jefferson, Thomas 229
Jensen, Johan Ludvig William Valdemar 683
Jevons, William Stanley 388
Jiuzhang Suanshu 340
Johnk, Max Detlev 134
Johnson, Don Herrick 701
Johnson, Jeremy Russell 625
Johnson, Samuel 229
jokes 3 417
Jones, Hugh 200 326
Jones, Terence Gordon 143
Jong, Lieuwe Sytse de 515
Jordaine, Joshua 199
Judd, John Stephen 394
Jurkat, Wolfgang Bernhard 699
Justeson, John Stephen 196
JXE (jump X even) 339
JXO (jump X odd) 219 339
k-distributed sequence 151—155 168 177 179—182
Kac, Mark 384
Kahan, summation formula 615
Kahan, William Morton 222 226 227 241—245 617
Kaib, Michael Andreas 578
Kaltofen, Erich Leo 345 449 455 672 718
Kaminski, Michael 712
Kanada, Yasumasa 280
Kankaala, Kari Veli Antero 75 570
Kannan, Ravindran 599
Kanner, Herbert 327
Karatsuba, Anatolii Alekseevich (Карацупа, Анатолий Алексеевич) 295 318 420 663
Karlsruhe, University of 242
Katai, Imre 607
Katz, Victor Joseph 198
Keir, Roy Alex 237 638
Keller, Wilfrid 664 666
Kempner, Aubrey John 204 378
Kendall, Maurice George 3 74 76
Kermack, William Ogilvy 74
Kerr, Leslie Robert 699
Kesner, Oliver 226
Khinchin, Alexander Yakovlevich (Хинчин, Александр Яковлевич) 356 652
Kinderman, Albert John 130—131 135
Klarner, David Anthony 213
Klem, Laura 27
Knop, Robert Edward 136
Knopfmacher, Arnold 345 686
Knopfmacher, John Peter Louis 345
Knopp, Konrad Hermann Theodor 364
Knorr, Wilbur Richard 335
Knott, Cargill Gilston 627
Knuth, Donald Ervin ii iv vii 2 4 30 89 138 145 159 196 205 226 242 316 335 372 378 384 435 491 584 595 599 606 636 659 661 686 694 697 722 739 762
Knuth, Jennifer Sierra xiv
Knuth, John Martin xiv
Kohavi, Zvi 498
Koksma, Jurjen Ferdinand 161
Kolmogorov — Smirnov distribution 57—60
Kolmogorov — Smirnov distribution, table 51
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test 48—60
Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich (Колмогоров, Андрей Николаевич) 56 169 178 183
Koons, Florence 327
Kornerup, Peter 332 333 629 657
Korobov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (Коробов, Николай Михайлович) 114 159 177
Kovacs, Bela 607
Kraitchik, Maurice Borisovitch (Крайчик, Меер Борисович) 396 407
Krandick, Werner 625
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