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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) |
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Multiple-precision arithmetic, radix conversion 326 328
Multiple-precision arithmetic, subtraction 267—268 276 281 283
Multiple-precision arithmetic, table of constants 726—728
Multiples 422
Multiples of an irrational number mod 1 164 379 622
Multiplication 194 207—208 265 294 462
Multiplication, complex 205 307—310 487 506 519 706
Multiplication, double-precision 249—250 252 295
Multiplication, fast (asymptotically) 294—318
Multiplication, floating point 220 230—231 243 263—264
Multiplication, fractions 282 330
Multiplication, matrix 499—501 506—507 516 520—523 699
Multiplication, Mersenne 294
Multiplication, mixed-radix 209
Multiplication, mod m 12—16 284 287—288 294 318 663
Multiplication, mod u(x) 446
Multiplication, modular 285—286 302—305
Multiplication, multiprecision 268—270 283 294—318
Multiplication, multiprecision by single-precision 281
Multiplication, polynomial 418—420 508 512 521 712 713
Multiplication, power series 525
Multiplicative congruential method 11 19—23 185—186
Multiplier in a linear congruential sequence 10—11 16—26 88—89 105—109 184—185
Multiply-and-add algorithm 268 313
Multisets 170 473 483
Multisets, operations on 483 694—695
Multisets, terminological discussion 694
Multivariate polynomials 418—419 422 455 518
Multivariate polynomials, chains 497—498 514
Multivariate polynomials, factors 458
Multivariate polynomials, noncommutative 436
Multivariate polynomials, roots of 436
Munro, James Ian 515 706
Musical notation 198
Musinski, Jean Elisabeth Abramson 507
Musser, David Rea 278 453 455
N-source 170
Nadler, Morton 627
Nance, Richard Earle 189
Nandi, Salil Kumar 278
NaNs 245 246 639
Napier, John, Laird of Merchiston 194 200
Native American mathematics 196
Needham, Joseph 287
Negabinary number system 204—205 209—210 212 328
Negacyclic convolution 521
Negadecimal number system 204 210
Negative binomial distribution 140
Negative digits 207—213 696
Negative numbers, representation of 202—205 275—276
Negative radices 204—205 209—210 212 328
Neighborhood of a floating point number 234
Neugebauer, Otto Eduard 196 225
Newcomb, Simon 255
Newman, Donald Joseph 697
Newton, interpolation formula 503—505 516
Newton, Isaac 449 486 698 701
Newton, method for rootfinding 278—279 312 486 529 719
Ni, Wen-Chun 121
Nicomachus of Gerasa 659
Niederreiter, Harald Gunther 106—107 109 113—115 117 161 177 584
Nijenhuis, Albert 146
Nine Chapters on Arithmetic 340
Nines' complement notation 203 210
Nines, casting out 289 303 324
Nisan, Noam 316
Niven, Ivan Morton 155—156
Nonary (radix 9) number system 200 637
Noncommutative multiplication 436—438 500 507 672 684
Nonconstructive proofs 286 289 583
Nonsingular matrix: a matrix with nonzero determinant 98 116 513 520
Norm of a polynomial 457—458
Normal deviates, dependent 132 139
Normal deviates, direct generation 141
Normal deviates, square of 134
Normal deviates: random numbers with the normal distribution 122—132 142
Normal distribution 56 122 384 565
Normal distribution, tail of 139
Normal distribution, variations 132 139
Normal evaluation schemes 506 709—710
Normal numbers 177
Normalization of divisors 272—273 282—283
Normalization of floating point numbers 215—217 227—228 238 248—249 254 616
Normand, Jean-Marie 29
Norton, Graham Hilton 372 673
Norton, Karl Kenneth 383
Norton, Victor Thane, Jr. 607
Notations, index to 730—734
Nozaki, Akihiro 524
NP-complete problems 499 514 585 698
Null space of a matrix 443—444 456 659—660 681
Number field sieve 403
Number fields 331 333 345 403 674
Number sentences 605
Number system (a language for representing numbers), balanced binary 213
Number system (a language for representing numbers), balanced decimal 211
Number system (a language for representing numbers), balanced mixed-radix 103 293 631
Number system (a language for representing numbers), balanced ternary 207—208 209 227 283 353
Number system (a language for representing numbers), binary (radix 2) 195 198—206 209—213 419 461 483
Number system (a language for representing numbers), combinatorial 209
Number system (a language for representing numbers), complex 205—206 209—210 292
Number system (a language for representing numbers), decimal (= denary, radix ten) 197—199 210 320—326 374
Number system (a language for representing numbers), duodecimal (radix twelve) 199—200
Number system (a language for representing numbers), factorial 66 209
Number system (a language for representing numbers), Fibonacci 209
Number system (a language for representing numbers), floating point 196 214—215 222 228 246
Number system (a language for representing numbers), hexadecimal (radix sixteen) 201—202 204 210 324 639
Number system (a language for representing numbers), mixed-radix 66 199 208—211 290 293 505
Number system (a language for representing numbers), modular 284—285
Number system (a language for representing numbers), negabinary (radix —2) 204—205 209—210 212 328
Number system (a language for representing numbers), negadecimal 204 210
Number system (a language for representing numbers), nonary (radix 9) 200 637
Number system (a language for representing numbers), octal (= octonary = octonal, radix 8) 194 200—202 210 228 323—325 328 481 727
Number system (a language for representing numbers), p-adic 213 605 632 685
Number system (a language for representing numbers), phi 209
Number system (a language for representing numbers), positional 151 166—167 177 195—213 319—329
Number system (a language for representing numbers), primitive tribal 195 198
Number system (a language for representing numbers), quater-imaginary (radix 2i) 205 209—210 283
Number system (a language for representing numbers), quaternary (radix 4) 195 200
Number system (a language for representing numbers), quinary (radix 5) 195 200 213
Number system (a language for representing numbers), rational 330 420
Number system (a language for representing numbers), regular continued fraction 346 358—359 368 374—379 412 415 665
Number system (a language for representing numbers), reversing binary 212
Number system (a language for representing numbers), revolving binary 212
Number system (a language for representing numbers), sedecimal (= hexadecimal) 202
Number system (a language for representing numbers), senary (radix 6) 200
Number system (a language for representing numbers), senidenary (= hexadecimal) 202
Number system (a language for representing numbers), septenary (radix 7) 200
Number system (a language for representing numbers), sexagesimal (radix sixty) 196—200 225 326
Number system (a language for representing numbers), slash 331—333 379
Number system (a language for representing numbers), ternary (radix 3) 195 200 204 213 328
Number system (a language for representing numbers), vigesimal (radix twenty) 196
Numerical instability 245 292 485 489 490
Nunes (= Nunez Salaciense = Nonius), Pedro 424
Nussbaumer, Henri Jean 521 710 201
Octal (radix 8) number system 194 200—202 210 228 323—325 328 481 727
Octavation 326
Odd-even method 128—130 139
Odlyzko, Andrew Michael 416 541 608 667 671
Oldham, Jeffrey David vii.
OLFO 218
Oliver, Ariadne 725
Olivos Aravena, Jorge Augusto Octavio 485 698
One-way function 172 179
Ones' complement notation 12 203—204 275—276 279 288 544
Online algorithms 318 525—526 720
Ophelia, daughter of Polonius v
Optimum methods of computation see “Complexity”
OR (bitwise or) 140 686 695
Order of a modulo m 20—23 391—392
| Order of an element in a field 457
Order of magnitude zero 239
Ordered hash table 592
Organ pipe order 378
Oriented binary tree 692
Oriented tree 9 464—465 481—482
Ostrowski, Alexander Markus 494
Oughtred, William 225 326
Overflow 12—13 252 267 293 332 543 639
Overflow, exponent 217 221 227 231 241 243 249
Overflow, fraction 217 254 262 264
Overflow, rounding 217 220 222 224 227—228
Overstreet, Claude Lee, Jr. 189
Owen, John 1
Owings, James Claggett, Jr. 178
Ozawa, Kazufumi 615
p-adic numbers 213 605 632 685
Packing 109
Pade, Henri Eugene 357 534
Padegs, Andris 226
Pairwise independence 183 668—669
Palindromes 415
Palmer, John Franklin 222 222
Pan, Victor Yakovlevich (Ïàí, Âèêòîð ßêîâëåâè÷) 490 492 497 500 505 507 515 517 519 521 699 703 705 706 714 715 721
Panario Rodriguez, Daniel Nelson 449
Pandu Rangan, Chandrasekaran 717
Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos 697
Pappus Of Alexandria 225
Paradox 257
Parallel computation 286 317 488 503
Parameter multiplications 518 524
Parameter step 494 518
Pardo see “Trabb Pardo”
Park, Stephen Kent 108
Parlett, Beresford Neill 194
Parry, William 209
Partial derivatives 524
Partial fraction expansion 85 510 685
Partial ordering 694
Partial quotients 87 106 117 346 359 367—369 379 656
Partial quotients, distribution of 362—369 665
Partition test 63—64 74 158
Partitions of a set 64 722
Partitions of an integer 79 146
Pascal, Blaise 199
Pascal-SC language 242
Patashnik, Oren 739
Paterson, Michael Stewart 519 634 707
patience 190
Patterson, Cameron Douglas 390
Paul, Nicholas John 128
Pawlak, Zdzislaw 205 627
Payne, William Harris 32
Paz, Azaria 498
Peano, Giuseppe 201
Pearson, Karl 55 56
Peirce, Charles Santiago Sanders 538
Penk, Michael Alexander 646
Penney, Walter Francis 206
Pentium computer chip 280 409
Percentage points 44 46 51 70—71 383
Perfect numbers 407
Perfect squares 387—388
Period in a sequence 7—9
Period in a sequence, length of 4 16—23 37—40 95
Periodic continued fraction 375 415
Permanent 499 515—516
Permutation (an ordered arrangement of a set), mapped to integers 65—66 77—78 145
Permutation (an ordered arrangement of a set), random 145—148 384 460 679
Permutation test 65—66 77—78 80—81 91 154
Perron, Oskar 356 460 690
Persian mathematics 197 326 462
Pervushin, Ivan Mikheevich (Ïåðâóøèí, Èâàí Ìèõååâè÷) 407
Petho, Attila 607
Petkovsek, Marko 608
Petr, Karel 442
Pfeiffer, John Edward 192
Phalen, Harold Romaine 200
Phi ( ) 164 209 283 359 360 514 652 726—727 733
Phillips, Ernest William 201—202
Pi ( ) 41 151 158 161 198 200 279—280 284 358 726—727 733
Picutti, Ettore 412
Pigeonhole Principle 286
Pingala, Acharya 461
Pipeline 283
Pippenger, Nicholas John 481 697
Piras, Francesco 683
Pitfalls of random number generation 6 29 88 189
Pitteway, Michael Lloyd Victor 653
Places 265
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig, constant 214 227 238 240
Plauger, Phillip James 327
Playwriting 190—192
Plouffe, Simon 284
PM system 420
Pocklington, Henry Cabourn 414 681
Pointer machine 311 317 634
Poirot, Hercule 725
Poisson, Simeon Denis, distribution 55 137—138 140 141 538 570
Poker test 63—64 74 158
Polar coordinates 56 59 123
Polar method 122—123 125 135
Pollard, John Michael 306 385—386 402—403 413 417 658 711
Polya, George (= Gyorgy) 65 569
Polynomial 418—420 486
Polynomial chains 494—498 517—524
Polynomial, addition 418—420
Polynomial, arithmetic modulo m 37—40 419—420 464
Polynomial, degree of 418 420 436
Polynomial, derivative of 439 489 524 537
Polynomial, discriminant of 674 686
Polynomial, distribution function 138
Polynomial, division 420—439 487 534
Polynomial, evaluation 485—524
Polynomial, factorization 439—461 514
Polynomial, greatest common divisor 424—439 460 453—455
Polynomial, interpolation 297 365 503—505 509 516 700 721
Polynomial, irreducible 422 435 450 456—457 460
Polynomial, leading coefficient 418 451—452 454
Polynomial, monic 418 420 421 425 435 452 457 518
Polynomial, multiplication 418—420 508 512 521 712 713
Polynomial, multivariate 418—419 422 455 518
Polynomial, norms 457—458
Polynomial, over a field 420—425 435 439—449 455—459
Polynomial, over a unique factorization domain 421—439 449—461
Polynomial, primitive 422 436
Polynomial, primitive modulo p 30—32 422
Polynomial, primitive part 423—425
Polynomial, random 435 448 455 459
Polynomial, remainder sequence 427—429 438 455 721
Polynomial, resultant 433 690 674
Polynomial, reverse of 435 452 673 721
Polynomial, roots of 23 434 436 483 493
Polynomial, sparse 455 672
Polynomial, squarefree 439 456 459
Polynomial, string 436—438
Polynomial, subtraction 418—420
Pomerance, Carl 396 402 659
Pope, Alexander 88
Pope, David Alexander 278
Popper, Karl Raimund 178
Portable random number generators 185—188 193
Porter, John William 372
Positional representation of numbers 151 166—167 177 195—213 319—329
Positive definite quadratic form 98 115
Positive operator 365
Positive semidefinite matrix 586
Potency 24—26 36 47 52 73 83 87—88 92 184
Power matrix 534—536
Power series, manipulation of 525—537
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