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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) |
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Krishnamurthy, Edayathumangalam Venkataraman 278 279
Kronecker, Leopold 450 678 688 730
Kruskal, Martin David 542
KS test see “Kolmogorov — Smirnov test”
Kuczma, Marek 533
Kuipers, Lauwerens 114 177
Kulisch, Ulrich Walter Heinz 242 245
Kung, Hsiang Tsung 356 529—530 533 720
Kurita, Yoshiharu 29 572 604
Kuttaka 287 343
Kuz'min, Rodion Osievich (Êóçüìèí, Ðîäèîí Îñèåâè÷) 363
La Touche, Maria Price 194 230
Laderman, Julian David 700
Lafon, Jean-Claude 700
Lagarias, Jeffrey Clark 416 599 667
Lagged Fibonacci sequences 27—29 35 40 72 75 79—80 146 186—188 193
Lagny, Thomas Fantet de 279 360
Lagrange (= de la Grange), Joseph Louis, comte 375 378 456 503 527 533 649 653 655
Lagrange, interpolation formula 503—505
Lagrange, inversion formula 527—528 533—534 723
Lags 28
Lake, George Thomas 327
Lakshman, Yagati Narayana 455
Lalanne, Leon Louis Chretien 208
Lame, Gabriel 360
Landau, Edmund Georg Hermann 621 683
Lapko, Olga Georgievna (Ëàïêî, Îëüãà Ãåîðãèåâíà) 762
Large prime numbers 407—412 549—550 663—664
Las Vegas algorithms: computational methods that use random numbers and always produce the correct answer if they terminate 447—449 459 681—682
Lattice of points 97
Lattice reduction see “Short vectors”
Laughlin, Harry Hamilton 279
Laurent, Paul Mathieu Hermann, series 723
Lauwerier, Hendrik Adolf 561
Lavaux, Michel 108
Lavington, Simon Hugh 3
Lawrence, Frederick William 390
Leading 418 451—452 454
Leading coefficient 418 451—452 454
Leading digit 195 239
leading zeros 222 238—240 327
Least common left multiple 437—438
Least common multiple 18 23 292 334 337 353 411 483 641
Least remainder algorithm 376
Least significant digit 195
Lebesgue [= Le Besgue], Victor Amedee 341 662
Lebesgue, Henri Leon, measure 160 166—167 178 367
Leeb, Hannes 604
Leeuwen, Jan van 477 515 706
Legendre (= Le Gendre), Adrien Marie 326—327 381 396 449
Legendre, symbol 414
Leger, Emile 360
Leger, R. 587
Lehman, Russell Sherman 387 405
Lehmer, Derrick Henry 10—11 47 54 149 278 345—346 382 390 391 394 396 409 413 414 484 655 660 667 686
Lehmer, Derrick Norman 661
Lehmer, Emma Markovna Trotskaia 391
Lehn, Jiirgen 32 558
Lempel, Abraham 556 712
Lenstra, Arjen Klaas 118 396 403 417 453 712
Lenstra, Hendrik Willem, Jr. 118 396 402—403 416 417 453 656
Leonardo Pisano see “Fibonacci”
Leong, Benton Lau 485
Leslie, John 208
Less than, definitely 224 233—235 239 242—243
Levene, Howard 74
LeVeque, William Judson 648
Levin, Leonid Anatolievich (Ëåâèí, Ëåîíèä Àíàòîëüåâè÷) 36 170 179
Levine, Eugene 104
Levy, Paul 363
Levy, Silvio Vieira Ferreira vii
Lewis, John Gregg 615
Lewis, Peter Adrian Walter 108 701
Lewis, Theodore Gyle 32
Lexicographic order 207 624
Li Yan 287
Li, Ming 179
Lickteig, Thomas Michael 706
Liischer, Martin 35 72 109 188 550 556 571
Lindholm, James H. 79
Linear congruential sequence 10—26 145—146 184—186 193
Linear congruential sequence, choice of increment 10—11 17 22 89 97 185
Linear congruential sequence, choice of modulus 12—16 23 184
Linear congruential sequence, choice of multiplier 16—26 88—89 105—109 184—185
Linear congruential sequence, choice of seed 17 20 143 184
Linear congruential sequence, period length 16—23
Linear congruential sequence, subsequence of 11 73
Linear equations 291—292
Linear equations, integer solution to 343—345 354
Linear factors mod p 455
Linear iterative array 313—317 329
Linear lists 279 281 283
Linear operators 363—366 376
Linear probing 592
Linear recurrences 29—32 409—411 695
Linear recurrences, mod m 37—40
Linearly independent vectors 443—444 508 659—660
Linked memory 279 281 283 419
Linking automaton 311
Linnainmaa, Seppo Ilmari 242 244 718
Liouville, Joseph 378
Lipton, Richard Jay 497 675 697
Liquid measure 199
Little Fermat computer 311
Littlewood, John Edensor 382
LLL algorithm 118 417 453
Local arithmetic 200
Locally nonrandom behavior 46 51—52 152 168
Loewenthal, Dan 291
Logarithm 279 313
logarithm, discrete 417
Logarithm, of 283
Logarithm, of a matrix 536
Logarithm, of a power series 533 537
Logarithm, of a uniform deviate 133
Logarithmic integral 381—382 414 663
Logarithmic law of leading digits 254—264 282 404
Logarithmic sums 628—629
Logical operations see “Boolean operations”
Loh, Giinter 666
Lomult 15
Long division 270—275 278—279
Loos, Riidiger Georg Konrad 435 674
Lotti, Grazia 500 715
Lovasz, Laszlo 118 417 453
Lovelace, Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of 189
Loveland, Donald William 178 179 183
Lubiw, Anna 656
Lubkin, Samuel 327
Luby, Michael George 179
Lucas, Franoois Edouard Anatole 391 407 409 413 414
Lucas, numbers Ln 695
Lukes, Richard Francis 390
Luther, Herbert Adesla 278
L’Ecuyer, Pierre 108 179 546 582 584 603
m-ary method of exponention 464 466 470—471 481—482
Ma, Keju 673
Machine language versus higher-level languages 16 185
MacLaren, Malcolm Donald 33 47 128 551 585
MacMahon, Percy Alexander 609
MacMillan, Donald B. 226
MacPherson, Robert Duncan 114
MacSorley, Olin Lowe 280
Maeder, Roman Erich 627 635
Mahler, Kurt 180
Mahler, measure 683
Makarov, Oleg Mikhailovich (Ìàêàðîâ, Îëåã Ìèõàéëîâè÷) 700 714
Mallows, Colin Lingwood 74
Manasse, Mark Steven 403
Manchester University Computer 192
| Mandelbrot, Benoit Baruch 606
Mangoldt, function 371 376
MANIAC III computer 242
Mansour, Yishay 316
Mantel, Willem 552
Mantissa 214 (see “Fraction part”)
Marcziriski, R.W. 205
Mariage, Aime 201
Mark I computer (Ferranti) 3
Mark II Calculator (Harvard) 225
Marsaglia, George 3 23 29 33 40 47 62 71 75 78 108 114—115 119 122 123 128 133—135 179 544 546—547 549 551 565 588
Martin, Monroe Harnish 32 38 40
Martin-Lof, Per Erik Rutger 169—170 178
Masking 322 329
Mathematical aesthetics 289
Matias, Yossi (CN'DD >OV) 121
Matrix (Bush), Irving Joshua 41 280
Matrix, characteristic polynomial 499 524
Matrix, determinant 356 373 432 434 498—500 523—524
Matrix, greatest common right divisor 438
Matrix, inverse 98 331 500 524
Matrix, multiplication 499—501 506—507 516 520—523 699
Matrix, null space 443—444 456 659—660 681
Matrix, permanent 499 515—516
Matrix, rank 443—444 506 508 520
Matrix, semidefinite 586
Matrix, singular 98 116 513 520
Matrix, triangularization 444 659—660 677
Matrix: rectangular array 486
Matsumoto, Makoto 29 572 604
Matthew, Saint, Saint 735
Matula, David William 210 211 329 332—333 379
Mauchly, John William 27
Maximum of random deviates 122
Maximum-of-t test 52 54 59 70 75 77 122 158 180
Maya Indians 196
Mayer, Dieter Heinz-Jorg 366
McCarthy, Daniel Patrick 696
McClellan, Michael Terence 292
McCracken, Daniel Delbert 226
McCurley, Kevin Snow 661 671
McEliece, Robert James 687
McKendrick, Anderson Gray 74
Mean, evaluation of 232 244
Measure theory 160 166—167 178 367
Measure, units of 198—199 201 209 255 326 327
Mediant rounding 331—332 379
Meissel, Daniel Friedrich Ernst 667
Mellin, Robert Hjalmar, transforms 355 644
Mendelsohn, Nathan Saul 211
Mendes France, Michel 649 656
Mental arithmetic 279 295
Merit, figure of 105
Mersenne, Marin 391 407
Mersenne, multiplication 294
Mersenne, numbers 14 409
Mersenne, primes 185 409 412 413
Mertens, constant 659
Mertens, Franz Carl Joseph 641 659
MetaPost vii 762
METRFONT iv vi 762
Metrology 201
Metropolis, Nicolas Constantine 4 189 240 242 327
Metze, Gemot 280
Meyer, Albert Ronald da Silva 634
Micali, Silvio 179 598
Michigan, University of 242 617
Middle-square method 3—4 7—8 27 36 75
midpoint 244
Mignotte, Maurice 683
Mikami, Yoshio 340 486 648
Mikusiriski, Jan 378
Miller, Gary Lee 395—396
Miller, James M. 108
Miller, Jeffrey Charles Percy 695
Miller, Kenneth William 108
Miller, Victor Saul 416
Miller, Webb Colby 485
Milne-Thompson, Louis Melville 505
Minimizing a quadratic form 98—101 105 115—118
Minimum polynomial 711
Minkowski, Hermann 579
Minus zero 202 244—245 249 268
MIP-years 176 405
Miranker, Willard Lee 242
Mitchell, Gerard Joseph Francis Xavier 27 32
MIX computer vi 209
MIX computer, binary version 202—204 339 389—390 481
MIX computer, floating point attachment 215 223—225 516
Mixed congruential method 11 (see “Linear congruential sequence”)
Mixed-radix number systems 66 199 208—211 290 293 505
Mixed-radix number systems, addition and subtraction 209 281
Mixed-radix number systems, balanced 103 293 631
Mixed-radix number systems, comparison 290
Mixed-radix number systems, counting by 1s 103
Mixed-radix number systems, multiplication and division 209
Mixed-radix number systems, radix conversion 327
Mixture of distribution functions 123—124 138
MOD 228 421 544 734
mod m arithmetic, addition 12 15 203 287—288
mod m arithmetic, division 354 445 499
mod m arithmetic, halving 293
mod m arithmetic, multiplication 12—16 284 287—288 294 318 663
mod m arithmetic, on polynomial coefficients 418—420
mod m arithmetic, square root 406—407 415 456—457 681—682
mod m arithmetic, subtraction 15 186 203 287—288
Model V computer 225
Modular arithmetic 284—294 302—305 450 454 499
Modular arithmetic, complex 292
Modular method for polynomial gcd 453 460
Modulus in a linear congruential sequence 10—16 23 184
Moebius, August Ferdinand, function 354 376 456 459
Moebius, inversion formula 456 652
Moenck, Robert Thomas 449 505
Moller, Ole 242
Monahan, John Francis 130 131 135
Monic polynomial 418 420 421 425 435 452 457 518
Monier, Louis Marcel Gino 414 662
Monkey tests 75
Monomials, evaluation of 485 697
Monotonicity 230 243
Monte Carlo 2 29 55 114 189
Monte Carlo method: any computational method that uses random numbers (possibly not producing a correct answer) see also “Las Vegas algorithms” “Randomized
Montgomery, Hugh Lowell 683
Montgomery, multiplication mod m 284 386 396
Montgomery, Peter Lawrence 284 322
Moore School of Electrical Engineering 208 225
Moore, Donald Philip 27 32
Moore, Louis Robert, III 108
Moore, Ramon Edgar 242
Morain, Francois 390
Morgenstern, Jacques 524
Morley, Geoffrey Hugh 199
Morris, Robert 613
Morrison, Michael Allan 396 400 660
Morse, Harrison Reed, III 192
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, code 377
Moses, Joel 45—455
Most significant digit 195
Motzkin, Theodor Samuel 378 490 494 495 497 518 519 705
Muddle-square method 36 174—176 179
Muller, Mervin Edgar 122 143
Multinomial coefficients 539
Multinomial theorem 722
Multiple-precision arithmetic 58 202 265—318 419 486
Multiple-precision arithmetic, addition 266—267 276—278 281 283
Multiple-precision arithmetic, comparison 281
Multiple-precision arithmetic, division 270—275 278—279 282—283 311—313
Multiple-precision arithmetic, greatest common divisor 345—348 354 355 379 656
Multiple-precision arithmetic, multiplication 268—270 283 294—318
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