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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) |
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Power series: a sum of the form see “Generating functions”
Power tree 464 481
Poweroids 534—536 722
Powers, Don M. 312
Powers, evaluation of 461—485
Powers, evaluation of, multiprecision 463
Powers, evaluation of, polynomial 463—464
Powers, evaluation of, power series 526 537 719
Powers, Ralph Earnest 396 407
pp: primitive part 423—425
Pr: probability 150 152 168 179—180 257 264 472 734
Pratt, Vaughan Ronald 356 413
Precision (the number of digits in a representation), double 246—253 278—279 295
Precision (the number of digits in a representation), multiple 58 202 265—318 419 486
Precision (the number of digits in a representation), quadruple 253 295
Precision (the number of digits in a representation), single: fitting in one computer word 215
Precision (the number of digits in a representation), unlimited 279 283 331 416
Preconditioning see “Adaptation”
Prediction tests 171 183
Preston, Richard McCann 280
Primality testing 380 391—396 409—414 549
Prime chains 415 666
Prime numbers, distribution of 381—382 405
Prime numbers, enumeration of 381—382 416
Prime numbers, factorization into 334
Prime numbers, largest known 407—412
Prime numbers, Mersenne 185 409 412 413
Prime numbers, size of mth 665
Prime numbers, useful 291 405 407—408 549—550 711
Prime numbers, useless 415
Prime numbers, verifying primality of 380 391—396 409—414 549
Prime numbers: integers greater than unity having no proper divisors 380
Primes in a unique factorization domain 421—422
Primitive element modulo m 20—23
Primitive notations for numbers 195 198
Primitive part of a polynomial 423—425
Primitive polynomial 422 436
Primitive polynomial modulo p 30—32 422
Primitive recursive function 166
Primitive root: A primitive element in a finite field 20—23 185 391 417 456 457
Pritchard, Paul Andrew 631
Probabilistic algorithms see “Randomized algorithms”
Probability, abuse of 433
Probability, over the integers 150 152 257 264 472
Probability: ratio of occurrence 150 177 257
Probert, Robert Lorne 699
Programming languages 16 185 222
Pronouncing hexadecimal numbers 201
Proof of algorithms 281—282 336—337 592
Proofs, constructive versus nonconstructive 286 289 583 630
Proth, Francois Toussaint 663
Proulx, Rene 179
Pseudo-division of polynomials 425—426 435—436
Pseudorandom sequences 4 170—176 179
Ptolemy, Claudius 197
Public key cryptography 406
Purdom, Paul Walton, Jr. 541
Pyke, Ronald 566
q-series 536
Quadratic congruences, solving 417
Quadratic congruential sequences 26—27 37
Quadratic forms 98 521
Quadratic forms, minimizing, over the integers 98—101 105 115—118
Quadratic irrationalities, continued fractions for 358 374—375 397—401 412 415 665
Quadratic reciprocity law 393 411 414 663
Quadratic residues 415 697
Quadratic sieve method 402
Quadruple-precision arithmetic 253 295
Quandalle, Philippe 710
Quasirandom numbers 4 189
Quater-imaginary number system 205 209—210 283
Quaternary number system 195 200
Quick, Jonathan Horatio 77 147
Quinary number system 195 200 213
Quolynomial chains 498 524 704
Quotient, of polynomials 420—421 425—426 534
Quotient, partial 87 106 117 346 359 362—369 379 656 665
Quotient, trial 270—272 278 282
Quotient: [u/v] 265 (see “Division”)
Rabin, Michael Oser 175 396 406 413 415 448 449 707
Rabinowitz, Philip 279
Rademacher, Hans 90 91
Radioactive decay 7 132 137
Radix conversion 200 204 205 207 210 319—329 486 489
Radix conversion, floating point 326—329
Radix conversion, multiprecision 326 328
Radix point 10 185 195 204 209 214 319
Radix, complex 205—206 209—210
Radix, irrational 209
Radix, mixed 66 199 208—211 290 293 505
Radix, negative 204—205 209—210 212 328
Radix: base of positional notation 195
Rail, Louis Baker 240 242
Raimi, Ralph Alexis 257 262
Raleigh, Walter 199
Ramage, John Gerow 135
Ramanujan Iyengar, Srinivasa 662
Ramaswami, Vammi 383
Ramshaw, Lyle Harold 164 181
ran-array 186—188 193
Rand Corporation 3
Randell, Brian 202 225
Random bits 12 30—32 35—36 38 48 119—120 170—176
Random combinations 142—148
Random directions 135—136
Random fractions 10 (see “Uniform deviates”)
Random functions 4—9 385
Random integers, among all positive integers 257 264 342 354
Random integers, in a bounded set 119—121 138 185—186
Random mappings 4—9 385 657—658
Random number generators 1—193
Random number generators, for nonuniform deviates 119—148
Random number generators, for uniform deviates 10—40 184—189 193
Random number generators, machines 3 404
Random number generators, summary 184—193
Random number generators, tables 3
Random number generators, testing 41—118
Random number generators, using 1—2 119—148 664
Random permutations 145—148 384 460 679
Random permutations, of a random combination 148
Random point, in a circle 123
Random point, in a sphere 136
Random point, on a sphere 135
Random point, on an ellipsoid 141
Random polynomials 435 448 455 459
Random random number generators 6—9 26
Random real numbers 255 263
Random samples 142—148
Random sequences, finite 167—176 178—179 183
Random sequences, meaning of 2 149—183
Randomized algorithms: algorithms that use random numbers and usually produce a correct answer 1—2 171 395—396 401—402 413—417 436 447—449 453 459 669 688
Randomness, guaranteed 35—36 170—176
RANDU 26 107 188 551
Rangan see “Pandu Rangan”
Range arithmetic 228 240—242 244—245 333 613
Rank, of apparition 410—411
Rank, of apparition, of a matrix 443—444 506 508 520
Rank, of apparition, of a tensor 506 508 514 520—524
Rap music 3
Rapoport, Anatol 541
Ratio method 130—132 133 140
Rational arithmetic 69 330—333 427—428 526
Rational function approximation 438—439 534
Rational functions 420 498 518
Rational functions, approximation and interpolation 438—439 505 534
Rational numbers 330 420 459
Rational numbers, approximation by 331—332 378—379 617
Rational numbers, mod m 379
Rational numbers, polynomials over 428 459
| Rational numbers, positional representation of 16 211 213 328
Rational reconstruction 379
Real numbers 420
Real Time 286
Realization of a tensor 507
Reciprocal differences 505
Reciprocals 278—279 312—313 421
Reciprocals, floating point 243 245 263
Reciprocals, mod 213
Reciprocals, mod m 26 213 354 445 456 646
Reciprocals, power series 537
Reciprocity laws 84 90 393 414
Recorde, Robert xi 280—281
Rectangle-wedge-tail method 123—128 139
Rectangular distribution see “Uniform distribution”
Recurrence relations 10 26—33 37—40 260—261 295 301—302; 318 351 362 386 409—411 442 525 634 687 695 714
Recursive processes 253 295 299—303 318 419 500 531 689 713
Reeds, James Alexander III 599
Rees, David 39 169
Registers 491
Regular continued fractions 346 358—359 368 374—379 412 415 665
Reiser, John Fredrick 28 39 242
Reitwiesner, George Walter 213 280 280
Rejection method 125—126 128—129 134 138 139 591
Relative error 222 229 232 253 255
Relatively prime, polynomials 422 436 454
Relatively prime: having no common prime factors 11 19 286 330 332 342 354
Remainder: dividend minus quotient times divisor 265 272—273 420—421 425—426 437 534 see
Replicative law 90
representation of 205—206 209—210 292
Representation of 225 244—245 332
Representation of numbers see “Number systems”
Representation of trees 482
Reservoir sampling 143—144 147
Residue arithmetic 284—294 302—305 450 454 499
result set 494 517
Resultant of polynomials 433 690 674
Revah, Ludmila 706
Reverse of a polynomial 435 452 673 721
Reversing binary number system 212
Reversion of power series 527—530 533—536
Revolving binary number system 212
Rezucha, Ivan 143
Rhind papyrus 462
Rho method for factoring 384—386 393—394 413
Riccati, Jacopo Francesco, equation 650
Rieger, Georg Johann 653
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 83 382 414
Riemann, hypothesis 382 663
Riemann, hypothesis, generalized 395—396 671
Riemann, integration 153—154 259
riffle shuffles 145 147
Ring with identity, commutative 418
Riordan, John 542
Rising powers 534 731
Ritzmann, Peter 721
Rivat, Joel 667
Rivest, Ronald Linn 403 405 707
Robber 190—192
Robinson, Donald Wilford 554
Robinson, Julia Bowman 666
Robinson, Raphael Mitchel 664 711
Roepstorff, Gert 366
Rolletschek, Heinrich Franz 9 345
Roman numerals 195 209
Romani, Francesco 500 715
Roof, Raymond Bradley 115
Roots of a polynomial 23 434 483 493
Roots of a polynomial, multivariate 436
Roots of unity 84 531—532 700 “Exponential
Ross, Douglas Taylor 192
Rotenberg, Aubey 11 47
Rothe, Heinrich August 535
Rouche, Eugene, theorem 690
Roulette 2 10 55
Round to even 237 241
Round to odd 237
Rounding 102 207 217 222 223 230—231 236—237
Rounding errors 232 242 698 718
Rounding overflow 217 220 222 224 227—228
Rounding, mediant 331—332 379
Rozier, Charles P. 324
RSA box 404
RSA encryption 403—407 415 629 669
Rudolff, Christof 198
Rumely, Robert Scott 396
Run test 63 66—69 74—77 158 180
Runs above (or below) the mean 63
Runs in a permutation 66 74 76
Russian peasant method 462
Ruzsa, Imre Zoltan 213
Ryser, Herbert John 515 699
Saarinen, Jukka Pentti Paivio 75
Sachau, Karl Eduard 461
Saddle point method 568
Sahni, Sartaj Kumar 60
Saidan, Ahmad Salim 198 461
Salamin, Eugene 283
Salfi, Robert 145
Samelson, Klaus 241—242 327
Samet, Paul Alexander 321
Sampling (without replacement) 1 142—148
Sands, Arthur David 610
Saunders, Benjamin David 455
Savage, John Edmund 707
Sawtooth function ((x)) 81—82 90—91
Saxe, James Benjamin 141
Scarborough, James Blaine 241
Schatte, Peter 262 622
Schelling, Hermann von 65
Schmid, Larry Philip 73
Schmidt, Erhard 101 674
Schmidt, Wolfgang M 183
Schnorr, Claus-Peter 118 179 414 417 497 578 664 669
Schoenemann, Theodor 457
Schoenhage — Strassen algorithm 306—311
Schoenhage, Arnold 292 302 305 311 317 328 470 484 500 522 629 638 656 672 696 715
Scholz — Brauer conjecture 478 485
Scholz, Arnold 478
Schooling, William 627
Schreyer, Helmut 202
Schroeder, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Ernst 531
Schroeder, function 531—532 724
Schroeppel, Richard Crabtree 399 400 671
Schubert, Friedrich Theodor von 449
Schwartz, Jacob Theodore 674 675
Schwarz (= Svarc), Stefan 442
Schwenter, Daniel 654
Secrest, Don 279 327
secret keys 193 403—407 415 417 505
secure communications 403—407 415
Sedecimal number system 202 (see “Hexadecimal”)
Sedgewick, Robert 540
Seed (starting value) 143 146 170 187—188 193 550 590
Seed (starting value), in a linear congruential sequence 10 17 20 184
Seidenberg, Abraham 198
Selection sampling 142—143 146
Selenius, Clas-Olof 648
Self-reproducing numbers 6 293—294 540
Selfridge, John Lewis 394 412 665
Semi-online algorithm 529
Semigroup 539
Seneschol, David 589
Septenary (radix 7) number system 200
Serial correlation coefficient 77
Serial correlation test 72—74 91 83 154 182
Serial test 39 60 62 74 75 78 95 106 109—115 158
Seroussi, Gadiel 712
Serret, Joseph Alfred 374 449 579
Sethi, Ravi 485
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