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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) |
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Campbell, Sullivan Graham 226
Cancellation error 58 245
Cancellation error, avoiding 617
Cantor, David Geoffrey 446 448 449 455 460 672 681
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philip 209
Cantor, Moritz Benedikt 450 655
Capovani, Milvio 500 715
Caramuel Lobkowitz, Juan de 199—200
Cards, playing 2 145 147 190
Carissan, Eugene Olivier 390
Carling, Robert Laurence 104
Carlitz, Leonard 84 90
Carmichael, Robert Daniel, numbers 662 659
Carr, John Weber, III 226 241 242
Carroll, Lewis (= Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge) 435
Carry: An amount propagated to the current digit position from the digits in less significant positions 205 247 266 268 273 276—278 281 419 470 547
Cassels, John William Scott 109 158
Casting out nines 289 303 324
Castle, Clive Michael Anthony 653
Catalan, Eugene Charles, numbers 723
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 208
Cauchy, inequality 97 231
Cauchy, matrices 331
CCITT: The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) 405
CDC 1604 computer 291
CDC 7600 computer 280
CDROM: Compact disk read-only memory 3
Ceiling function [x] 81 732
Cerlienco, Luigi 683
Certificate of irreducibility 460
Certificate of primality 413
Cesaro, Ernesto 354 622 640
Ceulen, Ludolph van 198
Ch'in Chiu-Shao (= Qin Jiushao) 287 486
Chace, Arnold Buff urn 462
Chain multiplications 518 519 524
Chain steps 494
Chains of primes 415 666
Chaitin, Gregory John 170 178
Chan, Tony Fan-Cheong 615
Chappie, M.A. 530
CHAR (convert to characters) 328
Characteristic 214 (see “Exponent part”)
Characteristic polynomial 499 524
Charles XII of Sweden 200
Chartres, Bruce Aylwin 242
Chebotarev, Nikolai Grigorievich (×åáîòàðåâ, Íèêîëàé Ãðèãîðüåâè÷) 690
Chebyshev, Pafnutii Lvovich (×åáûøåâ, Ïàôíóòèé Ëüâîâè÷), inequality 183 669
Cheng, Russell Ch'uan Hsun 135
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith 417
Chi-square distribution 44 48 60 69 135 590
Chi-square distribution, table 44
Chi-square test 42—47 53—56 58—60
Chinese mathematics 197—198 287 340 486
Chinese remainder algorithm 21 289—290 293 304—305 505
Chinese remainder theorem 285—290 389 404 509 584
Chinese remainder theorem, for polynomials 440 456 510
Chinese remainder theorem, generalized 292
Chirp transform 634
Chiu Chang Suan Shu 340
Choice, random 2 119—121 142
Chor, Ben-Zion 669
Christiansen, Hanne Delgas 74
Christie Mallowan, Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller 725
Chudnovsky, David Volfovich (×óäíîâñêèé, Äàâèä Âîëüôîâè÷) 280 311 533
Chudnovsky, Gregory Volfovich (×óäíîâñêèé, Ãðèãîðèé Âîëüôîâè÷) 280 311 533
Church, Alonzo 178
Cipolla, Michele 682
Classical algorithms 265—284
Clausen, Michael Hermann 515 701
Clinger, William Douglas 638
Cochran, William Gemmell 55
Cocke, John 228
Codes for exercises xi
Codes, linear 711
Cody, William James, Jr. 226
Coefficients of a polynomial 418
Cohen, Daniel Isaac Aryeh 622
Cohen, Henri Jose 345 396 658 687 712
Cohn, Paul Moritz 436 676
Coincidence 6 8
Colenne, Joseph Desire 201
Collins, George Edwin 278 279 373 420 428 453 454 460 677
Collision test 70—71 74 158
Color values 284
Colson, John 208
Colton, Charles Caleb vii
Column addition 281 284
Combination of random number generators 33—36 38 39
Combination, random 142—148
Combinations with repetitions 664
Combinatorial matrices 116
Combinatorial number system 209
Commutative law 230 333 418 500 694 696
Commutative ring with identity 418 420 425
Compagner, Aaldert 29 169
Companion matrix 512
Comparison: testing for <, =, or >, continued fractions 654
Comparison: testing for <, =, or >, floating point numbers 233—235 239 242—243
Comparison: testing for <, =, or >, fractions 332
Comparison: testing for <, =, or >, mixed-radix 290
Comparison: testing for <, =, or >, modular 290
Comparison: testing for <, =, or >, multiprecision 281
Complement notations for numbers 15 203—204 210 213 228 275—276
Complete binary tree 667
Completely equidistributed sequence 177
Complex arithmetic 205 228 283 292 307—310 487 501 506 519 700 706
complex numbers 420 497
Complex radices 205—206 209—210
Complexity of calculation 138 178—179 280 294—318 396 401—402 416 453 465—485 494—498 516—524 720
Composition of power series 533 535—536 720
Computability 162—163 178
Conditional expression 730
Congruential sequence, inversive 32—33 40
Congruential sequence, linear 10—26 145—146 184—186 193
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of increment 10—11 17 22 89 97 185
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of modulus 12—16 23 184
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of multiplier 16—26 88—89 105—109 184—185
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of seed 17 20 143 184
Congruential sequence, linear, period length 16—23
Congruential sequence, linear, subsequence of 11 73
Congruential sequence, quadratic 26—27 37
Conjugate of a complex number 700 731
Connection Machine 538
Content of a polynomial 423
Context-free grammar 694
Continuant polynomials 357 360 374 377 379 438 647 651 655 676
Continued fractions 356—359 396—401
Continued fractions, infinite 358—359 374
Continued fractions, quadratic irrationalities 358 374—375 397—401 412 415 665
Continued fractions, regular 346 358—359 368 374—379 412 415 665
Continued fractions, with polynomial quotients 438—439 498 518
Continuous binomial distribution 588
Continuous distribution functions 49 53 57 60 121—136
Continuous Poisson distribution 588
Convergents 378 397 438—439 617 622
Conversion of representations 221 228 252—253 265 288—290 293 304—305
Convolution 305 318 525 586
Convolution, cyclic 294 305—307 510—512 520 521
Convolution, multidimensional 710
Convolution, negacyclic 521
Conway, John Horton 109 402 623
Cook, Stephen Arthur 211 297 299 312 318 672 707
Cooley, James William 701
Coolidge, Julian Lowell 486
Coonen, Jerome Toby 226
Copeland, Arthur Herbert 177
Coppersmith, Don 182 183 500 501 523 671
Cormack, Gordon Villy 664
Coroutine 375
| Correlation coefficient 72—73 77 132
Cosine 247 490
Cotes, Roger 651
Coumgnal, Louis 202
Counting law 694
Coupon collector's test 63—65 74 76 158 180
Couture, Raymond 546 582
Covariance 67
Covariance, matrix 60 69 139
Cover, Thomas Merrill 571
Coveyou, Robert Reginald 26—27 37 88 92 114 115 553
Cox, Albert George 278
Crandall, Richard Eugene 403 632
Craps 190
Cray T94 computer 409
Cray X-MP computer 108
Creative writing 190—193
Cryptanalysis 193 403—407 415 417 505
Cube root modulo m 404 415
Cunningham, Allan Joseph Champneys 666
Cusick, Thomas William 584
Cut-and-riffle 147
Cycle in a random permutation 384 460
Cycle in a sequence 4 10 22 37—40
Cycle in a sequence, detection of 7—8
Cyclic convolution 294 305—307 510—512 520 521
Cyclotomic polynomials 394 451 459 510 514
Dahl, Ole-Johan 148 592
Daniels, Henry Ellis 568
Dase, Johann Martin Zacharias 279
Datta, Bibhutibhusan 343 461
Daude, Herve 366
Davenport, Harold 648
David, Florence Nightingale 566
Davis, Chandler 606
Davis, Clive Selwyn 651
de Bruijn, cycle 38—40
de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert 181 212 568 653 664 686 694
de Fermat, factorization method 386—391 412
de Fermat, numbers 14 386 397 403
de Fermat, Pierre 386—388 391 407 579
de Fermat, theorem 391 440 680
de Finetti, Bruno 566
de Groote, Hans Friedrich 708
de Jong, Lieuwe Sytse 515
de Jonquieres, Jean Philippe Ernest de Fauque 465 466 469 477
de La Vallee Poussin, Charles-Jean-Gustave-Nicolas 381
de Lagny, Thomas Fantet 279 360
de Laplace (= de la Place), Pierre Simon, Marquis 363
de Torres y Quevedo, Leonardo 225
de Voltaire, (= Arouet, Francois Marie) 200
Debugging 193 221—223 275 331
Decimal computer: a computer that manipulates numbers primarily in the decimal (radix ten) number system 21 202—203
Decimal digits 195 319
Decimal fractions, history 197—198 326
Decimal number system 197—199 210 320—326 374
decimal point 195
Decimation 326 328
Decision, unbiased 2 119—121
DECsystem 20 computer 15
Decuple-precision floating point 283
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard 83 687
Definitely greater than 224 233—235 239 242—243
Definitely less than 224 233—235 239 242—243
Definition of randomness 2 149—183
Degot, Jerome 683
Degree of a polynomial 418 420 436
Degrees of freedom 44 495 517—518 704
Dekker, Theodorus Jozef 242 244 253
Deleglise, Marc 667
Dellac, H. 465
DeMillo, Richard Allan 675
Denneau, Monty Montague 311
Denormal floating point number 246
Density function 124—126 139
Density function, nearly linear 126
Dependent normal deviates 132 139
Derandomization 414
Derflinger, Gerhard 138
derivatives 124 439 489 524 526 537
Descartes, Rene 407
Determinants 356 373 432 434 498—500 523—524
Devroye, Luc Piet-Jan Arthur 138
Dewey, Melvil, notation for trees 555
Diaconis, Persi Warren 145 263 264 622
Diamond, Harold George 245
Dice 2 7 42—43 45—46 58 120—121 190
Dickman — Golomb constant 661
Dickman, Karl Daniel 382—383
Dickson, Leonard Eugene 287 387 647
Dictionaries 201—202
Dieter, Ulrich Otto 89 91 92 101 114 116 119 129—130 137 573 574 588
Differences 297—298 504 516
Differential equations 526—527
Differentiation see “Derivatives”
Diffie, Bailey Whitfield 406
Digit (One of the symbols used in positional notation; usually a decimal digit, one of the symbols 0, 1, ..., or 9), binary 195 200
Digit (One of the symbols used in positional notation; usually a decimal digit, one of the symbols 0, 1, ..., or 9), decimal 195 319
Digit (One of the symbols used in positional notation; usually a decimal digit, one of the symbols 0, 1, ..., or 9), hexadecimal 195 210
Digit (One of the symbols used in positional notation; usually a decimal digit, one of the symbols 0, 1, ..., or 9), octal 210
Dilcher, Karl Heinrich 403
Dilogarithm 621
Diophantine equations 343—345 354 417 449 648
Diophantus of Alexandria see “Diophantine equations”
Direct product 520 522—523
Direct sum 520 522—523
Direct sum, conjecture 708
Directed graph 480—481 484—485
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune 342
Dirichlet, series 536—537 695
Discrepancy 39 110—115
Discrete distribution functions 48 120—121 136—138
Discrete Fourier transforms 169 305—311 316—318 501—503 506 512 520—521 524 595 700
Discrete logarithms 417
Discriminant of a polynomial 674 686
Distinct-degree factorization 447—449 459 689
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable) 2 119 121
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), beta 134—135
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), binomial 136—138 141 401 559
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), chi-square 44 48 60 69 135 590
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), exponential 133 137 589
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), F- 135
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), gamma 253—264
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), geometric 136 137 140 585
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), integer-valued 136—141
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), Kolmogorov — Smirnov 57—60
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), negative binomial 140
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), normal 56 122 132 139 384 565
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), of floating point numbers 253—264
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), of leading digits 254—264 282 404
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), of prime factors 382—384 413
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), of prime numbers 381—382 405
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), partial quotients of regular continued fractions 362—369 665
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), Poisson 55 137—138 140 141 538 570
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), Student's 135
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), t- 135
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), tail of binomial 167
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), tail of normal 139
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), uniform 2 10 48 61 119 121 124 263
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), variance-ratio 135
Distribution (a specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable), wedge-shaped 125—126
Distribution functions 48 121 140 263 362 382—384
Distribution functions, continuous 49 53 57 60 121—136
Distribution functions, discrete 48 120—121 136—138
Distribution functions, empirical 49
Distribution functions, mixture of 123—124 138
Distribution functions, polynomial 138
Distribution functions, product of 121
Distributive laws 231 334 418 694
Divide-and-correct 270—275 278 282—284
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