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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) |
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Abdel-Khalik, S. I. 91 172 173 499 507
Abir, D. 326
Abramowitz 266
Acierno — LaMantia — Marrucci — Titomanlio equation (1)411
Acierno, D. 409 411 532
Acoustic streaming (1)71
Acrivos, A. 31 85 208 235 422
Adachi, K. 235 536
Adams, E. B. 327
Adams, N. 550
Adelman 208
Adler, P. 240
Admissibility (1)293 482 497
Affine motion (2)355
Affine motion, deviations from (2)373
Ajayi, O. O. 321
Alfrey, T., Jr 116 242
Aluminum soap solutions (1)79 106 108 118 121 125 172
Amadou, H. 240
Ambros, F. 537
Ames, W. F. 235
Amundson, N. R. 508
Ancker, F. H. 240
Angular momentum equation of change (1)8
Annular flow, axial see also Eccentric annuli axial
Annular flow, axial, Bingham fluid (1)249
Annular flow, axial, Ellis model (1)231
Annular flow, axial, Newtonian fluid (1)44
Annular flow, axial, power-law model (1)176 181 202 238
Annular flow, axial, second normal-stress difference and (1)519
Annular flow, axial, viscoelastic fluid (1)98
Annular flow, helical (1)160
Annular flow, helical, power-law model (1)184
Annular flow, radial (1)41
Annular flow, tangential (1)160 333
Annular flow, tangential, Bingham fluid (1)228
Annular flow, tangential, Newtonian fluid (1)35
Annular flow, tangential, normal stress effects (1)96
Annular flow, tangential, oscillatory (1)279
Annular flow, tangential, power-law model (1)176 239 axial
Aoyagi, Y. 204 251
Apuzzo, G. 85
Armstrong, R. C. 95 139 143 146 151 172 174 205 218 223 235 302 351 387 395 400 411 432 508 537
Arpaci, V. S. 192
Arrhenius expression (1)140
Ashare,E. 45 106 108 118 119 121 123 125 126 172 231 232 523
Associative law (1)556
Astarita, G. 75 85 89 95 132 150 206 532
Attane, P. 475
Attenuation of velocity wave (1)276
Average molecular weights (1)49 59 144 (2)337
Average number of beads (2)273
Average value (2)12 41 58 113
Average value, in momentum space (2)42 263
Average value, in network theories (2)359
Average value, in phase space (2)256
Average value, of kinetic energy (2)43
Average value, of reciprocal of interbead distance (2)46
Average value, over cross section (1)14
Average value, over time (1)187 375
Average value, over unit sphere (2)411
Average value, time rate of change of (2)62 116 154 256 359
Axisymmetric flow (1)25
B hme, G. R. 63
Bach, P. 440
Baily, E. D. 533
Baird, D. G. 68 463
Balakrishnan, C. 81
Ballal, B. Y. 387 596
Ballenger, T. F. 173
Barnard, B. J. S. 80 81
Barnes, H. A. 61 187 326 371 380
Barth s — Biesel, D. 422
Basaran, O. 411
Base vectors (2)33 406
Base vectors, bead-rod-spring models (2)185 186 248
Base vectors, differentiation of (1)602
Base vectors, in nonorthogonal coordinates (1)598
Base vectors, in spherical coordinates (1)597
Base vectors, Kramers chain (2)35 217
Base vectors, modified reciprocal (2)188
Base vectors, multibead-rod model (2)189
Base vectors, multirod-rod model (2)300
Base vectors, reciprocal (1) 597 599
Base vectors, Rouse chain (2)36
Base vectors, special relation for system with no constraints (2)51
Base vectors, transformation rules for (1)605
Base vectors, two-needle model (2)253
Batchelor, G. K. 10 11 12 13 23 29 40 458
Bateman 13
Bauer, W.H. 61 79
Bead-rod models (2)117 136 222 229
Bead-rod-spring models, diffusion equation (2)193
Bead-rod-spring models, generalized forces (2)192
Bead-rod-spring models, geometry of (2)182
Bead-rod-spring models, high-frequency dynamic viscosity (2)240
Bead-rod-spring models, hydrodynamic interaction (2)185
Bead-rod-spring models, index convention for (2)249
Bead-rod-spring models, second-order fluid constants (2)204 238
Bead-rod-spring models, stress tensor (2)198 283
Bead-rod-spring models, thermodynamic quantities (2)241
Bead-rod-spring models, third-order fluid constants for (1)302
Bead-rod-spring models, translational diffusivity (2)295
Bead-spring chain (2)18
Bead-spring chain, diffusion equation (2)152—155
Bead-spring chain, stress tensor (2) 155
Bead-spring chain, translational diffusivity (2)174 (see also Rouse model; Zimm model)
Bead-string model (2)209
Beard, D. W. 327
Beautemps, J. 533
Beavers, G. S. 64 327 330
Beek, W. J. 210 212 213 236
Belcher, H. V. 244
Bender 27
Bennet, K. E. 533
Bergen, J. 503
Berger, J. L. 235
Bergman, P. D. 233
Beris, A. N. 235 351 387 395 400 537
Berker, R. 13 36
Bernstein, B. 436 454 461 462
Berry, G. C. 139 145
Bestul — Belcher equation (1)244
Bestul, A. B. 244
Bhatnagar, R. K. 400
Bhumiratana, S. 187 371
Biaxial stretching flow (1)101 437 533
Billmeyer, F. W., Jr 56
Bingham fluid (1)61 228 229
Bingham fluid, axial annular flow (1)249
Bingham fluid, flow around sphere (1)235
Bingham fluid, tangential annular flow (1)228
Bingham fluid, tube flow (1)244
Bingham, E. C. 228
Bipolar coordinates (1)312 595
Bipolar coordinates, del operations in (1)592
Bird — Carreau model (1)467
Bird, R. B. 3 10 20 22 25 38 45 53 61 69 85 89 95 121 123 125 126 172 173 180 181 182 187 194 201 203 204 210 216 218 221 222 227 228 229 231 232 233 234 240 243 244 248 249 250 251 288 298 302 311 318 327 330 353 355 371 411 416 420 421 440 453 454 462 467 468 483 499 507 508 523 537 545 546 552 555
Birefringence (1)509
Bisgaard,C. 85 461 465 536
Bitumen (1)74
BKZ model see K — BKZ model
Block, H.D. 555 597
Boger, D. V. 76 94 95 123 517 537 547
Bogue — Chen model (1)467
Bogue, D. C. 173 327 467
Boltzmann, L. 264
Boltzmann’s superposition principle (1)263
Bonnebat, C. 533
Booij, H. C. 291
| Boundary-layer flows (1)235
Bragg, R. 532
Branched polymers (1)56
Brandrup, J. 238
Brenner, H. 85
Brindley, G. 190
Brinkman number (1)207
Brinkman, H. C. 218
Broadbent, J. 55 67 109
Broer, L. J. F. 277
Brown, R. A. 95 235 351 387 395 400 537
Brownian force see also Forces in kinetic theory
Brownian force, anisotropic (2)96 310
Brownian force, approximations for (2)291 314
Brownian force, equilibration in momentum space and (2)292
Brownian force, for systems with no constraints (2)293
Brownian force, in melts (2)314
Brownian force, on polymer molecule (2)292
Bruce, C. 327
Brunn, P. O. 83 328
Bubble inflation (1)533
Bubble, deforming (1)31 325
Bubble, deforming, converging flow field and (1)76
Bubble, translating, Newtonian flow around (1)29
Bubble, translating, second-order fluid (1)318 321
Bubble, translating, shape of (1)83
Bubbles, Uebler effect (1)74
Buckingham — Reiner equation (1)229
Buckingham, E. 229
Bui,Q.H. 247
Burdette, S. R. 444 450
Burgers, J. 29
Burow, S. 105
Bush, M. B. 235
Cable, P. J. 76
Calculus of variations (1)192—205
Calderbank, P. H. 85
Calvetti, F. F. 235
Cameron, A. 190
Capillary number (1)31 324
Capillary viscometer see Tube flow
Carboxymethylcellulose (1)61 78 236 537 547
Carboxypolymetheylene (1)61 208
Carreau — Yasuda model (1)171
Carreau, P. J. 172 173 247 467
Cartesian tensor notation (1)607
Casson equation (1)227 243
Casson, N. 243
Caswell, B. 327 414 461 536
Cauchy tensor (1)427 (see also Strain tensors)
Cayley — Hamilton theorem (1)298 435
Cayley — Hamilton theorem, statement of (1)569
CEF equation see Criminale — Ericksen — Filbey (“CEF”) equation
Cellulose (2)83
Center of mass (2)32
Center of mass, motion of (2)38 60 95 115 134 152 174 273 296
Center of resistance (2)166
Center of resistance, motion of (2)168 288 305
Center of resistance, weight tensors (2)187 286
Centripetal pumping between parallel disks (1)551
Cers, A. 64
Chacon, R. V. 436
Chain constraint exponent (2)311
Chain models (2)9—19
Chain models, generalized coordinates (2)32
Chain models, geometry of (2)22 153 167
Chain models, hydrodynamic interaction and (2)164—175
Chain models, index conventions for (2)33
Chain models, infinitely stiffened springs (2)46
Chain models, second-order fluid constants (2)208 (see also Kirkwood — Riseman model; Kramers model; Rouse model; Zimm model)
Chain rule of partial differentiation (1)579 (2)60 403
Chan Man Fong, C. F. 76 77 532
Chan, P. C. 328
Chang, C. 71 72
Charan, V. V. 220
Chartoff, R. P. 163
Chatraei, S. 533
Chen, I. 467
Chen, I. — J. 173
Chen, S. S. 235
Chhabra, R. P. 537
Cho, Y. I. 89 235 536
Chow, A. W. 509
Christensen, R. 467
Christiansen, E. B. 109 110 111 117 122 216 228 475 523 548
Christoffel symbols (1)602 603
Churchill, S. W. 208
Circular tube see Tube flow
Clift, R. 83
Co, A. 240 318 327 330
Coat-hangar die (1)245
Coaxial cylinders see Annular flow tangential
Cocci, A. A., Jr 208
Codeformational derivatives see Convected derivative
Cogswell, F. N. 530 532
Cohen, R.E. 143 146 151 172 174
Cohen, Y. 247
Cokelet, G. R. 244
Coleman, B. D. 157 162 184 498 504 552
Collins, E. A. 61
Collocation method (1)199
Colwell, R. E. 99 536 537
Commutative law (1)556
complex modulus (1)115 (see also Complex viscosity)
Complex modulus, plateau modulus (1)147
Complex modulus, temperature dependence (1) 142
Complex quantities: complex spherical components (2)413
Complex viscosity see also Material functions
Complex viscosity, bead-rod-spring model (2)240
Complex viscosity, concentration dependence of (1)147
Complex viscosity, definition (1)115 (2)399
Complex viscosity, from cone-and-plate instrument (1)549
Complex viscosity, from eccentric rotating disk viscometer (1)512 516
Complex viscosity, from torsional viscometer (1)282
Complex viscosity, high-frequency expressions (1)286
Complex viscosity, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)265 287
Complex viscosity, melt kinetic theory and (2)337
Complex viscosity, memory function and (1)287
Complex viscosity, parallel-disk viscometer (1)510
Complex viscosity, rigid dumbbell model (1)286
Complex viscosity, sample experimental data (1)118
Complex viscosity, third-order fluid and (1)329
computer simulations (2)41
Concentration dependence (1)143—150
Concentration, kinetic theory expression (2)257 264
Concentric cylinder viscometer see Couette viscometer
Cone-and-plate viscometer (1)18 517
Cone-and-plate viscometer, complex viscosity from (1)549
Cone-and-plate viscometer, inertial effects in (1)549
Cone-and-plate viscometer, Newtonian fluid (1)18 34
Cone-and-plate viscometer, power-law fluid (1)223
Cone-and-plate viscometer, secondary flows in (1)327
Cone-and-plate viscometer, sources of error (1)523
Cone-and-plate viscometer, truncated (1)520 551
Cone-and-plate viscometer, viscometric functions from (1)110 518 521 548
Cone-and-plate viscometer, viscous heating in (1)223 523
Configurational distribution function (2) 12 262 272
Configurational distribution function, bead-rod models (2)231
Configurational distribution function, change of coordinates (2)40 49
Configurational distribution function, elastic dumbbells (2)21 48 56
Configurational distribution function, equilibrium (2)39
Configurational distribution function, FENE dumbbells (2)77
Configurational distribution function, Hookean dumbbells (2)72 101
Configurational distribution function, in network theories (2)356 371
Configurational distribution function, Kirkwood — Riseman chain (2)226
Configurational distribution function, Kramers chain (2)40
Configurational distribution function, pair (2)263
Configurational distribution function, potential flow (2)62
Configurational distribution function, random walk distribution (2)12
Configurational distribution function, rigid dumbbells (2)112 121 127
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