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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) |
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Configurational distribution function, Rouse chain (2)41 161
Connector force see also Forces in kinetic theory
Connector force, elastic dumbbells (2)60 76
Connector vector (2)23
Conservation laws in fluid dynamics (1)3
Consistency index (1)173
Constitutive equations (1)10
Constitutive equations, Aciemo — LaMantia — Marrucci — Titomanlio equation (1)411
Constitutive equations, chart showing interrelations among (1)500
Constitutive equations, construction of admissible equations (1)497
Constitutive equations, convected Jeffreys model (1)345 (2)398
Constitutive equations, convected Maxwell model (1)346 (2)398
Constitutive equations, Criminale-Ericksen-Filbey (“CEF”) equation (1)503 (2)397
Constitutive equations, Curtiss — Bird (1)440 (2)334
Constitutive equations, Doi — Edwards (1)440 (2)334
Constitutive equations, elastic solid (2)364
Constitutive equations, factorized K — BKZ model (1)437 (2)398
Constitutive equations, FENE dumbbells (1)410 (2)88—91 99
Constitutive equations, FENE — P (1)410
Constitutive equations, for melts (2)333
Constitutive equations, Fraenkel dumbbells (2)14
Constitutive equations, general linear viscoelastic fluid (1)263 (2)397
Constitutive equations, generalized Newtonian fluid (1)169—253
Constitutive equations, Giesekus equation (1)303 353 361 412 417 625 (2)97
Constitutive equations, Gordon — Schowalter equation (1)355
Constitutive equations, Hand equation (1)422
Constitutive equations, Hassager equation (1)442
Constitutive equations, Hookean dumbbells (2)71 100
Constitutive equations, Johnson — Segalman equation (1)355
Constitutive equations, K — BKZ equation (1)436 466 (2)398
Constitutive equations, Leal — Hinch equation (1)422
Constitutive equations, Leonov model (1)361
Constitutive equations, Lodge network model (1)433 (2)368
Constitutive equations, Lodge rubberlike liquid (1)431 (2)397
Constitutive equations, Marrucci, et al (1)411 (2)379
Constitutive equations, Maxwell model (1)258
Constitutive equations, memory-integral expansion (1)499 (2)397
Constitutive equations, nearly Hookean dumbbell model (1)410
Constitutive equations, Newtonian fluid (2)398
Constitutive equations, non-affine Lodge network model (2)376
Constitutive equations, Oldroyd 4—constant model (1)354 356 423
Constitutive equations, Oldroyd 6—constant model (1)303 416 (2)10 144 398
Constitutive equations, Oldroyd 8—constant model (1)352 353 415 420 625 (2)398
Constitutive equations, Oldroyd’s admissibility criteria (1)482 497
Constitutive equations, Papanastasiou — Scriven — Macosko equation (1)441
Constitutive equations, Phan — Thien and Tanner (1)411 (2)375 380
Constitutive equations, Phillips equation (1)441
Constitutive equations, recommendations for use of (1)468
Constitutive equations, Reiner — Rivlin equation (1)504
Constitutive equations, retarded-motion expansion (1)298 (2)397
Constitutive equations, Rouse chains (1)440 (2)159
Constitutive equations, second-order fluid (2)398
Constitutive equations, Tanner model (1)410
Constitutive equations, Tanner — Simmons equation (1)440
Constitutive equations, Wagner model (1)451 (2)383
Constitutive equations, White — Metzner model (1)350 371 377 415
Constitutive equations, Zimm chains (1)440 (2)169
Constrained recoil see Recoil
Constraints, bead-rod-spring models (2)182
Constraints, generalized coordinates and (2)32
Constraints, generalized forces (2)192
Constraints, Hamilton’s equations and (2)38
Constraints, rigid dumbbell model (2)115 134
Constraints, stress tensor and (2)199 201 283
Continuity equation see Equation of continuity in kinetic theory
Continuum mechanics 477—508
Continuum mechanics, summary of notation (2)293
Contraction flow (1)76
Contraction flow, Deborah number (1)93
Contraction flow, torsional oscillations in (1)95
Contravariant components (1)597 600
Convected base vectors (1)480 483
Convected base vectors, reciprocal (1)485
Convected base vectors, time dependence of (1)486
Convected coordinates (1)480 483
Convected derivatives, definition (1)342 491 494 495 496 (2)395
Convected derivatives, higher order (1)495
Convected derivatives, in kinetic theory (2)63
Convected derivatives, of product (1)495
Convected derivatives, of rate-of-strain tensor (1)297 491 492
Convected derivatives, of stress tensor (1)324 622 623
Convected derivatives, of unit tensor (1)495
Convected derivatives, rules for (1)495
Convected integration (1)496
Convected Jeffreys model (1)345—350 419 483 (2)398
Convected Jeffreys model, Hookean dumbbells and (2)72 107
Convected Jeffreys model, integral form of (1)432 496
Convected Jeffreys model, line sink (1)458
Convected Jeffreys model, oscillatory flow (1)414
Convected Jeffreys model, Rayleigh problem (1)369
Convected Jeffreys model, spherical film inflation (1)458
Convected Jeffreys model, torsional flow (1)400
Convected Maxwell model (1)346 387 418 (2)398
Convected Maxwell model, generalized (1)409 432
Convected Maxwell model, integral form of (1)432
Convected Maxwell model, line sink (1)458
Convected Maxwell model, modification of (1)506
Convection equation in network theories (2)357 391
Converging flow, use for studying elongational flow (1)532
Cooper, S. L. 180 182
Coordinates, cylindrical (1)578
Coordinates, nonorthogonal (1)599
Coordinates, spherical (1)578
Coordinates, transformation of (1)605
Copley, A. L. 244
Copolymers (1)56
Corner, Newtonian flow near (1)46
Corner, second-order fluid flow near (1)339
Corotational derivative (1)324 507 (2)395
Corotational Jeffreys model (1)355
Couette flow, Newtonian fluid (1)13
Couette flow, power-law fluid (1)180 224
Couette flow, with viscous heating (1)224
Couette viscometer (1)519 548
Couette viscometer, end corrections for (1)550
Couette viscometer, viscous heating in (1)551
Couette viscometer, wide-gap (1)552
Coughanour, D. R. 407
Coupling tensors (2)187 194 288 294 301 313
Court, H. 461
Coutanceau 85
Covariant components (1)597 600
Covariant differentiation (1)604
Cox — Merz rule (1)150
Cox, W. P. 150
Craft 436
Craig, S. E., Jr 216
creep (1)113 128
Creep compliance (1)128
Creep recovery (1)131
Creep, elongational (1)133 137
Creep, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)270
Creeping flow (1)23 316
Creighton, T. E. 57
Criminale — Ericksen — Filbey (“CEF”) equation (1)233 397 503 521 (2)397
Criminale — Ericksen — Filbey (“CEF”) equation, use in describing squeezing flow (1)539
Criminale, W. O., Jr 503
Critical molecular weight (1)144
Critical shear rate (1) 146
Crochet, M. J. 192 379 454 461 464 468
Cross product of base vectors (1)600
Cross product of tensor with vector (1)568
Cross product of unit dyads (1)565
Cross product of unit vectors (1)560
Cross product of vectors (1)558 562 602
Crosslinks (1)56 (2)354 365
Crowder, J. W. 173
Curl (1)572
Currie potential (1)454
Currie, P. K. 437 440 454
| Curtiss — Bird theory of melts (1)468 (2)309 316
Curtiss — Bird theory of melts, hole-pressure effect and (1)462
Curtiss — Bird theory of melts, rod-climbing and (1)330
Curtiss — Bird theory of melts, third-order fluid constants from (1)302
Curtiss, C. F. 302 440 453 454 462 468 483
Curvilinear coordinates (1)577—596
Cussler, E. L. 190
Cylinder, transverse flow around (1)40
Cylindrical coordinates (1)578
Cylindrical coordinates, Christoffel symbols in (1)603
Cylindrical coordinates, del operations in (1)582 585 588
Cylindrical coordinates, equation of motion in (1)612 613
Cylindrical coordinates, kinematic tensors in (1)614—620
Cylindrical coordinates, metric components in (1)603
Cylindrical tank with rotating lid (1)69
Dahler, J. S. 103
Dai, G. C. 61 227 244
Dalton, J. N. 532
Damping function (1)106 (2)384
Daniel, T. L. 88
Dashner, P. A. 413
Davenport, T. C. 327 387
Davies, A. R. 192 461
Davies, J. 187 190 314 327 371 517
Davies, M. J. 387
De Cindio, B. 509
de Gennes, P. — G. 483
de Vargas, L. 68 463 517
de Waele, A. 172
Dealy, J. 162 509 533
Deborah number (1)92
Deborah number, for generalized Newtonian fluids (1)234
Deborah number, for retarded motion expansion (1)301 316
Deborah number, in fiber spinning (1)383
Deborah number, in journal-bearing flow (1)392
Deborah number, in spherical film inflation (1)461
Deborah number, in torsional flow (1)402
Debrule, P. 89 90
Deformation history (1)481
Del operator (1)571
Del operator, identities involving (1)574
Del operator, in curvilinear coordinates (1)582 583
Del operator, in nonorthogonal coordinates (1)602
Del operator, in spherical coordinates (1)583 597
Del operator, tables of del operations (1)586—593
Delayed swell (1)73
Delta see Dirac delta function; Kronecker delta
Demarmels, A. 135 136 440 535
DeMartine, M. L. 190
Denn 51 327 377 379 385 386 517 547
Density of polymer melts (1)209
Denson, C. D. 533
DeVries, A. J. 533
Dewald, C. 64
DeWitt, T. W. 361
Die swell (1)72
Dierckes, A. C., Jr 184
Differential constitutive equations (1)345 350 408—413
Differential operators, curl (1)572 604
Differential operators, del operator (1)571 582 583 584 586—593 597 602 604
Differential operators, divergence (1)571 573 604 606
Differential operators, gradient (1)571 572
Differential operators, Laplacian (1)573 604 606
Differential operators, operator (2)119 125 230 406
Differential operators, operator (2)403
Differential operators, operator (2)114 406
Diffusion equation in configuration space see also Convection equation in network theories
Diffusion equation in configuration space, bead-rod-spring models (2)193 194 290 294
Diffusion equation in configuration space, bead-spring chains (2)154 168
Diffusion equation in configuration space, elastic dumbbells (2)59—62 96
Diffusion equation in configuration space, in melts (2)313 317 328
Diffusion equation in configuration space, multibead-rod (2)195
Diffusion equation in configuration space, multirod-rod (2)300
Diffusion equation in configuration space, rigid dumbbells (2)114—117 119 127 134
Diffusion tensors (2)165 185 188 286
Diffusion tensors, multibead-rod (2)195
Diffusivity see Rotatory diffusivity; Translational diffusivity
Dijksman, J. F. 181 584
Dilatancy (1)61 105 173
Dilatational viscosity (1)10
Dimant, Y. 89
Dimensionless groups (1)12 92 207 212 213
Dinh, S. M. 218 223 475
Dirac delta function (1)261 (2)14 405
Dirac, P. A. 261
Displacement functions (1)428 484
Displacement functions, definition (1)425 (2)394
Displacement functions, in eccentric disk viscometer (1)513
Displacement gradient tensors (1)485
Displacement gradient tensors, components in curvilinear coordinates (1)620
Displacement gradient tensors, definition (1)426 (2)394
Displacement gradient tensors, in eccentric disk rheometer (1)513
Displacement gradient tensors, in linear viscoelasticity (1)257
Displacement gradient tensors, in shear flows (1)623
Displacement gradient tensors, in shearfree flows (1)623
Displacement gradient tensors, in turntable problem (1)289
Displacement gradient tensors, incompressibility and (1)476
Displacement gradient tensors, time derivatives of (1)486 507
Distribution function see also Configurational distribution function; Momentum space distribution function; Phase space distribution function; Single-link distribution function; Velocity space distribution function
Distribution function, contracted (2)44 261
Distribution function, equilibrium (2)38
Distribution function, for interbead vector (2)45
Distribution function, for segments (2)356 371
Distribution function, pair (2)261
Distribution function, time-evolution of (2)271
Distributive law (1)556
Divergence (1)571 573 595 596 604 606
Dodge, D. W. 177 235
DOI 262
Doi — Edwards theory of melts (2)307 311 314 316 322
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, constitutive equation (1)453
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, Currie’s approximate potential for (1)454
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, relation to generalized Maxwell model (1)262 287
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, relation to K — BKZ model (1)440
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, relaxation modulus from (1)287
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, rod-climbing and (1)330
Doi — Edwards theory of melts, third-order fluid constants from (1)302
Domain perturbation approach (1)387
Donis, R. 85 87
Dot product of base vectors (1)600
Dot product of tensors (1)567 601
Dot product of unit dyads (1)565
Dot product of unit vectors (1)560
Dot product of vectors (1)557 562 601
Dotson, P. J. 411
Double-dot product (1)565 567
Drag force on bubble (1)30 323
Drag force on sphere (1)28 464
Drag reduction (1)88
Drake, W. B. 223
Draw ratio in fiber spinning (1)379 384
Drift velocity see Center of mass
Dryden, H. L. 13
Dudek, J. 187 377
Duffy, B. R. 480
Dumbbell model (2)19 (see also Elastic dumbbell; FENE dumbbell; Hookean dumbbell; Rigid dumbbell)
Dupont, S. 454 461
Dupont, Y. 492
Duzy, N. Q. 123
Dyadic product (1)566
Dynamic moduli, bead-rod models (2)232 238
Dynamic moduli, definitions (2)399
Dynamic viscosity (1)122 (see also Complex viscosity)
Eccentric annuli, axial flow, power-law fluid (1)204
Eccentric annuli, axial flow, second-order fluid (1)311
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, CEF equation (1)397
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, convected Maxwell fluid (1)387
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, Deborah number (1)93
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, Newtonian fluid (1)48
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, second-order fluid (1)314
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