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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics)
Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics)

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Название: Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics)

Авторы: Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O.


Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Second Edition Volume 2: Kinetic Theory R. Byron Bird, Charles F. Curtiss, Robert C. Armstrong and Ole Hassager Volume Two deals with the molecular aspects of polymer rheology and fluid dynamics. It is the only book currently available dealing with kinetic theory and its relation to nonlinear rheological properties. Considerable emphasis is given to the connection between kinetic theory results and experimental data. The second edition contains new material on the basis for molecular modeling, the application of phase-space theory to dilute solutions, kinetic theory of melts and melt mixtures, and network theories.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 649

Добавлена в каталог: 14.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hartnett, J. P.      89 235 536
Hassager equation      (1)442
Hassager, O.      85 86 125 172 173 321 330 438 439 440 442 455 461 465 499 507 536
Haupt, F.      178
Hayes, J. W      98
heat capacity      (1)209
Heat flux      (1)9 11
Heat transfer      see Nonisothermal flow problems
Heat-transfer coefficient      (1)89 215 216
Heaviside unit step function      (1)123 286 (2)75
Heaviside unit step function, definition      286
Helical flow      see Annular flow helical
Helmholtz equation      (2)230 234
Helmholtz free energy      (2)15 109 241
Helmholtz — Korteweg variational principle      (1)201
Hencky strain      (1)135 430 531 624
Hencky, H.      480
Herschel — Bulkley equation      (1)227
Heterogeneity index      (1)59 96
Heuer, W.      143
Hieber, C. A.      218 220 221
Higashitani — Pritchard equation      (1)68 463
Higashitani, K.      68 97 463
Highgate, D. J.      85
Hildebrand, F. B.      192 217
Hill      69 70 529
Hinch, E. J.      422
Hoger, A.      64
Hohenemser, K.      170
Hole-pressure effect      (1)67 97 521
Hole-pressure effect, Curtiss — Bird model      (1)462
Hole-pressure effect, Higashitani — Pritchard relation      (1)68 463
Hole-pressure effect, second-order fluid      (1)337
Hole-pressure effect, Tanner — Pipkin relation      (1)463
Holmes, D. B.      236
Holmes, L. A.      106 108 118 119 121 123 125 126 172
Homogeneous velocity fields      (2)57 286 393
Homopolymers      (1)56
Hookean dumbbell, constitutive equation      (2)71 100
Hookean dumbbell, distribution function      (2)21 29
Hookean dumbbell, end-to-end distance      (2)28 107
Hookean dumbbell, energy dissipation      (2)16
Hookean dumbbell, force law      (2)21
Hookean dumbbell, material functions for      (2)73—76
Hookean dumbbell, memory function for      (2)72
Hookean dumbbell, nearly Hookean dumbbell      (1)410
Hookean dumbbell, nondilute solutions      (2)17
Hookean dumbbell, nonisothermal flow      (2)10
Hookean dumbbell, retarded-motion constants for      (1)302 (2)15
Hookean dumbbell, second-order-fluid constants      (2)208
Hookean dumbbell, thermodynamic quantities      (2)18
Hookean dumbbell, time constants      (2)71
Hookean solid      (1)257
Hookean spring      (2)15
Hoppmann, W. H., II      523
Horie      73
Hou      551
Hoyt,J.W.      91 92
Hsu, C. C.      180
Huang, C. F.      235
Huang, C. R.      446
Hubbard, D. W.      235
Hudson, N. E.      532
Huggins coefficient      (1)109
Huilgol, R. R.      234 306 431 436
Hull, A.      473
Huppler, J. D.      69 98 106 108 118 119 121 123 125 126 172
Hutton, J. F.      206 517
Hwang, C. L.      235
Hydrodynamic force      see also Forces in kinetic theory; Stokes’ law
Hydrodynamic force, bead-rod-spring model      (2)199
Hydrodynamic force, in melts      (2)311
Hydrodynamic force, kinetic theory definition      (2)273
Hydrodynamic force, table of notation      (2)283
Hydrodynamic interaction      see also Oseen — Burgers tensor; Rotne — Prager- Yamakawa tensor
Hydrodynamic interaction parameter      (2)133 169 111
Hydrodynamic interaction, bead-rod-spring models      (2)185 285
Hydrodynamic interaction, bead-spring chains      (2)164—173
Hydrodynamic interaction, elastic dumbbells      (2)59 92
Hydrodynamic interaction, equilibrium-averaged      (2)94 164 185 204 213
Hydrodynamic interaction, Hookean dumbbells      (2)94
Hydrodynamic interaction, multibead-rod      (2)195
Hydrodynamic interaction, nondilute solutions      (2)17
Hydrodynamic interaction, notation for      (2)188
Hydrodynamic interaction, rigid dumbbells      (2)133
Hydrodynamic interaction, stress tensor with      (2)135 198
Hydrodynamic interaction, tensors      (2)285
Hydrodynamic interaction, Zimm matrix      (2)165
Hydroxyethylcellulose      (1)175 191 446 (2)91
Hylton, D. C.      533
Ide, Y.      321
Iizuka, H.      236
Immergut, E. H.      238
Inagaki, H.      107
Incompressibility      (1)5 11 435 476 (2)393
Indices, conventions for      (2)33 249
Inelastic fluids      see Generalized Newtonian fluid
Infinite-shear-rate viscosity      (1)107
Infinitesimal strain tensor      (1)257 (see also Strain tensors)
Infinitesimal strain tensor, additivity of      (1)258
Infinitesimal strain tensor, derived from finite strain tensors      (1)489
Instability problems      (1)235
Integral constitutive equations      (1)425—476
Integral operations, over all space      (2)404
Integral operations, over unit sphere      (2)497
Internal degrees of freedom      (2)4
Internal degrees of freedom, chain models      (2)32
Internal degrees of freedom, equations of motion for      (2)38 251 272
Internal degrees of freedom, freezing out      (2)41 46 104 143 218 226
Internal energy, bead-rod-spring models      (2)241
Internal energy, equation of change for      (1)9
Internal energy, Hookean dumbbell solution      (2)18
Internal viscosity      (2)15 172
Intramolecular force      see Forces in kinetic theory
Intrinsic viscosity      (2)81 123 162 205 399
Intrinsic viscosity, complex viscosity      (1)117
Intrinsic viscosity, definition      (1)109
Intrinsic viscosity, Mark — Houwink exponent      (1) 143
Invariance, rheological      (1)482
Invariants      (1)568
Invariants, joint      (1)569
Invariants, of rate-of-strain tensor      (1)170 351
Invariants, of strain tensors      (1)435 437 624
Inverse Langevin force law      (2)16
Irrotational fields      (1)575
Ishikawa, S.      81 411
Ishizawa, S.      22
It$\bar{o}$, R.      210
Jackson, R.      523
Jacobian of transformation      (2)40
James, D. F.      74 335
Janeschitz — Kriegl, H.      205 409 509 533
Jaumann derivative      (1)342 507 (2)395
Jaumann, G.      342
Jeffreys model      (1)261 285
Jeffreys, H.      261
Jenekhe, S. A.      235
Jensen, G. E.      216
Jet emerging from tube, extrudate swell      (1)72
Jet emerging from tube, Newtonian fluid      (1)36
Jet emerging from tube, polymer additives and jet breakup      (1)91 (see also Fiber-spinning)
Johnson — Segalman equation      (1)355
Johnson, D. S. L.      85
Johnson, M. W., Jr      69 177 201 251 355 409 411
Johnson, N. L.      411
Jolley, L. B. W.      288
Jones, A. F.      22
Jones, D.      327
Jones, J. R.      311
Jones, T. H.      400
Jongschaap, R. J. J.      409
Joseph, D. D.      64 67 97 318 327 328 330 387
Journal-bearing problem      see Eccentric annuli tangential
Joye, D. D.      533
Junctions in networks      (2)354
K — BKZ model      (1)436 466 (2)398
K — BKZ model, factorized      (1)437 475 (2)398
K — BKZ model, relation to molecular theories      (1)440
K — BKZ model, retarded motion expansion and      (1)438
K — BKZ model, third-order fluid and      (1)303
Kanel, F. A.      532
Kao, B. G.      318
Kapoor, N. N.      78
Karanth, N. G.      220
Kato, H.      335 551
Kaye model      (1)467
Kaye, A.      51 67 80 109 327 436 467 523
Kazakia, J. Y.      327
Kearsley, E. A.      97 218 309 328 436
Keentok      109 517
Kelsey, S. J.      228
Kemp, R. A.      264 523
Keunings, R.      379
Keurohlian, G. H.      89
Khan, S. A.      123
Kim, K. U.      446
Kim,K. Y.      99 536 537
Kimura, S.      125 127
Kincaid, J. F.      228
Kinematic tensors      (1)294 296 (2)396
Kinematic tensors, operations with      (1)506
Kinematic tensors, relations among      (1)504
Kinematic tensors, table of notation for      (1)492
Kinematic tensors, tables in curvilinear coordinates      (1)614—620 (see also Rate-of-strain tensor; Strain tensors; Vorticity tensor)
Kinematics      (1)100—103 153—163
kinetic energy      (2)33 35
Kinetic energy, average value of      (2)43
Kinetic energy, elastic dumbbells      (2)48
Kinetic energy, equation of change for      (1)8
Kinetic energy, internal      (2)248
Kinetic energy, rotational      (2)247
King, J.      57
Kirkwood equation for translational diffusivity      (2)174 299
Kirkwood — Riseman model      (2)1
Kirkwood — Riseman model, elongational viscosity      (2)229
Kirkwood — Riseman model, end-to-end distance      (2)13 228
Kirkwood — Riseman model, equilibrium distribution function      (2)226
Kirkwood — Riseman model, generalized coordinates      (2)32
Kirkwood — Riseman model, geometry of      (2)25 223
Kirkwood — Riseman model, radius of gyration      (2)27
Kirkwood — Riseman model, second-order fluid constants      (2)209 228
Kirschke, K.      63
Kishi, N.      236
Kiss, G.      109
Kitagawa, K.      148
Kitayama, Y.      204 251
Kizior      532
Kleindienst, U.      209
Koppel, L. B.      407
Kotaka      107 273
Kotchaphakdee, P.      91
Kramer, J.      69
Kramers matrix      (2)23 37
Kramers matrix, modified      (2)166 217
Kramers matrix, relations for      (2)179
Kramers model      (2)11
Kramers model, base vectors      (2)35 217
Kramers model, configurational distribution function      (2)40 49
Kramers model, dynamic moduli      (2)232
Kramers model, elongational viscosity      (2)219
Kramers model, end-to-end vector probability      (2)49
Kramers model, generalized coordinates      (2)32
Kramers model, geometry of      (2)23 217
Kramers model, melt kinetic theory and      (1)302 (2)309
Kramers model, metric matrix      (2)35 217
Kramers model, radius of gyration      (2)27
Kramers model, relation to bead-spring chain      (2)46
Kramers model, second-order fluid constants      (2)208 218
Kramers model, three-bead      (2)35 49 189 232
Kramers stress tensor      see Stress tensor
Kramers tensors      (2)218 313
Kramers — Kronig relations      (1)265 284 291
Kramers, H.      210
Kramers, H. A.      290
Kraynik, A.M.      247
Kreyger, P. J.      210
Kroesser, F. W.      180
Kronecker delta      (1)559 (2)13
Kronig, R. de L.      290
Kulicke, W. — M.      109
Kurata      125 127
Kurata, F.      45
Kuriwaki, Y.      210
Kuzma, D. C.      22
Kwack, E. Y.      89 536
La Mantia, F. P.      409 411
Lagrange’s identity      (1)564
Lagrangian technique      (1)456 461
Lamb, H.      13 22 23 29 201 458
Landau, L. D.      10 13 20 23 36 324
Landel, R. F.      75 140 532
Landry, C. J.      117
Langevin function      (2)16
Langlois — Rivlin — Pipkin theorem      (1)309
Langlois, W. E.      309 326
Laplace transform      (1)289 370
Laplacian      (1)573 596 604 606
Larsen      181 183 233
Larson, R. G.      441 467
Laun, H.      106 117 127 128 130 131 132 138 149 150 152 153 274 451 452 509 521 530 532
Laun’s rule      (1)150
Laurence, R. L.      34 223
Laurencena, B. R.      240
Laven, J.      205
Lawler, J. V.      95 400
Layec — Raphalen, M.-N.      105
Leaderman, H.      116
Leal — Hinch equation      (1)422
Leal, L. G.      85 321 328 422 458
Lee, E. H.      69 70 98 109
Lee, S. Y.      235
Lee, W. Y.      536
Legendre polynomials      (1)324 (2)408
Leibniz formula for differentiating an integral      (1)525
Leibniz formula for differentiating an integral, three-dimensional      (1)576
Leider, P. J.      35 190 191 446 545 546
Leonov model      (1)361 413
Leonov, A. I.      361 413
Leppard, W. R.      110 111 117 122 523 548
Leroux, P.      247
LeRoy, P.      475
Lescarboura, J. A.      45 231 232
Leslie, F.      414 536
Lewis, H. W.      537
Lidorikis, S.      73
Lifshitz, E.      10 13 20 23 36 324
Lightfoot, E. N.      3 10 20 22 25 38 89 194 210 227 229 231 244 552 555
Lighthill, M. J.      261 290
LiH      244
Lin, S. H.      180
Line sink, Hookean dumbbell solutions      (2)17
Line sink, kinematics of      (1)162
Line sink, Lodge rubberlike liquid      (1)456 473
Line sink, third-order fluid      (1)329
Linear viscoelasticity      (1)255—291
Linear viscoelasticity, finite      (1)431
Linear viscoelasticity, flow problems      (1)275
Linear viscoelasticity, limitations of      (1)282
Linear viscoelasticity, measurements      (1)510
Linear viscoelasticity, table of analogous quantities      (1)272
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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