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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) |
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Viscometric functions, measurement of (1)517
Viscometric functions, sample experimental data (1)105—112
Viscometric functions, temperature dependence (1)139
Viscometric functions, third-order fluid (1)299
Viscoplastic fluids (1)61 227
Viscosity, bead-spring-rod models (2)205
Viscosity, complex (1)115 (2)399
Viscosity, concentration dependence (1)143
Viscosity, definition (1)105 (2)399
Viscosity, dilatational (1)10
Viscosity, from capillary rheometer (1)527
Viscosity, from cone-and-plate instrument (1)522
Viscosity, from parallel-disk viscometer (1)525
Viscosity, in polydisperse melts (2)338
Viscosity, intrinsic (2)81 123 162 205 399
Viscosity, Kirkwood — Riseman chain (2)228
Viscosity, molecular weight dependence in melt (1)143 (2)341 371
Viscosity, non — Newtonian (1)60
Viscosity, relative (1)108
Viscosity, temperature dependence of (1)139 (see also Complex viscosity; Material functions; Non — Newtonian viscosity; Viscometric functions)
Viscous dissipation heating (1)11 206
Viscous dissipation heating, in cone-plate system (1)223 523
Viscous dissipation heating, in oscillatory flow (1)53
Viscous dissipation heating, in tube flow (1)218 (see also Energy dissipation)
Vlachopoulos, J. 73
von Karman 401
Vortex inhibition (1)81
Vortex inhibition, rigid dumbbell model and (2) 146
Vorticity tensor (1)615
Vorticity tensor, definition (1)296 (2)394
Wagner model (1)439 441 451 473 (2)283
Wagner model, comparison with experimental data (1)106 128 131
Wagner model, with damping functional (1)467
Wagner, M. H. 120 122 128 130 131 432 441 446 451 453 467 469
Wagner, M.G. 321 327
Wake behind particles (1)85
Wales, J. L. S. 238
Wallbaum, U. 109
Wallick, G. C. 184
Walters, K. 20 55 61 109 162 163 187 190 192 206 264 304 314 321 326 327 371 380 387 400 420 461 468 498 501 505 509 510 512 516 523 529 550
Wamecke, W. 63
Wang, C. B. 88
Wannier, G. H. 48
Warashina, Y. 244
Warner force law (2)16
Wasserman, M. L. 204
Waterhouse, W. 505
Waters, N.D. 321 327 523
Wave transmission (1)275
Weber, M. E. 83
Weber, N. 79
Wedgewood, L. E. 539
Weighted residuals (1)199
Weissenberg effect see Rod-climbing
| Weissenberg hypothesis (1)62 109
Weissenberg number (1)94 392
Weissenberg — Rabinowitsch equation (1)528
Weissenberg, K. 62 504 527
Wells, C. S., Jr 89
Wetton, R. E. 85 264 327 523
White — Metzner model (1)351 395—400
White — Metzner model, fiber spinning (1)377
White — Metzner model, pulsatile flow (1)371
White — Metzner model, shearfree flows (1)415
White, J. L. 173 227 235 321 351 437 532
Whitehead, J. C. 327
Whiteman, I. R. 223
Whitlock 61
Whorlow, R. W. 85 264 327 509 517 523 536
Wiest, J. 353 355
Wilkinson, W. L. 234
Williams, M. C. 91 240 416 420
Williams, M. L. 140
Wills, A. P. 597 606
Wilson, S. D. R. 22
Wineman, A. S. 65
Winter, H. H. 139 205 208 333 432 451 533 535
Wire coating (1)204 239
Wire coating, second-order fluid (1)311
WKBJ method (1)223
WLF equation (1)140 141 (2)163
Wolff, C. 105
Wormlike chain (2) 11
Worth, R. A. 181
Wu, P. C. 235
Yahikozawa, K. 210
Yamada, N. 236
Yarusso, B. J. 61 227 244
Yasuda, K. 143 146 151 172 174
Ybarra, R. 220
Yield stress (1)61 227
Yield stress, Bingham fluids (1)61
Yoshioka, N. 235 536
Zana, E. 458
Zapas, L. J. 436
Zaremba, S. 342 361
Zeichner, G. R. 385
Zero-elongation-rate properties (1)132
Zero-shear-rate properties (1)105
Zero-shear-rate properties, blending law for (1)147
Zero-shear-rate properties, second-order fluid constants and (2)397
Ziabicki, A. 377
Zidan 327
Ziegenhagen, A. J. 223 251
Zimm model (2)18 169—175
Zimm model, Flory — Fox relation and (2)178
Zimm model, hydrodynamic interaction matrix (2)165
Zimm, B. H. 440
Zosel, A. 117
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