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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics)
Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics)

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Название: Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics)

Авторы: Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O.


Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Second Edition Volume 2: Kinetic Theory R. Byron Bird, Charles F. Curtiss, Robert C. Armstrong and Ole Hassager Volume Two deals with the molecular aspects of polymer rheology and fluid dynamics. It is the only book currently available dealing with kinetic theory and its relation to nonlinear rheological properties. Considerable emphasis is given to the connection between kinetic theory results and experimental data. The second edition contains new material on the basis for molecular modeling, the application of phase-space theory to dilute solutions, kinetic theory of melts and melt mixtures, and network theories.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 649

Добавлена в каталог: 14.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, Weissenberg number      (1)94
Eccentric annuli, tangential flow, White — Metzner equation      (1)397
Eccentric disk rheometer      (1)163 166 417 512 (2)57
Eccentric disk rheometer, convected Maxwell model      (1)418
Eccentric disk rheometer, retarded-motion expansion and      (1)328
Eccentric disk rheometer, Rivlin — Sawyers model      (1)471
Eccentric disk rheometer, schematic diagram      (1)164
Eckert, R. E.      220
Edwards, S. F.      262
Effective forces      see Forces in kinetic theory
Effective-velocity-gradient assumption      (2)10 374
Eggink,R.      210 212
Ehrlich, R.      48
Einaga, Y.      127
Eirich, F. R.      20 61 116 190 235 279 509 517 529
Eisenschitz, R.      527
Elastic dumbbell      (2)20
Elastic dumbbell, anisotropic effects      (2)96
Elastic dumbbell, configurational distribution function      (2)62
Elastic dumbbell, diffusion equation for      (2)62
Elastic dumbbell, effective-velocity-gradient assumption      (2)10
Elastic dumbbell, end-to-end distance      (2)28
Elastic dumbbell, equations of motion for      (2)59
Elastic dumbbell, equilibrium properties of      (2)47
Elastic dumbbell, force laws      (2)21
Elastic dumbbell, forces in      (2)58
Elastic dumbbell, stress tensor      (2)64—71
Elastic effects      (1)56 69 72
Elastic effects, in line-sink flow      (1)458
Elastic effects, in squeezing flow      (1)191 539
Elastic effects, second-order fluids and      (1)301 318
Elastic effects, stress ratio and      (1)110 (see also Deborah number)
Elastic modulus      (1)257 (2)365 389)
Elastic rhombus model      (2)209 215 239
Elastic solids, configurational distribution for      (2)361
Elastic solids, constitutive equation      (2)364
Elastic solids, elastic modulus      (2)365
Elastic solids, modeling of      (2)355
Elata, C.      235
Elliptical tube      (1)327
Ellis model      (1)228 229 236
Ellis model, axial annular flow      (1)231
Ellis model, slit flow      (1)243
Ellis model, temperature dependence      (1)210
Ellis model, tube flow      (1)243
Ellis, S. B.      228
Elongation      (2)364 367
Elongation rate      (1)101
Elongation, uniaxial      (1)437
Elongational flow      (1)38 101 (2)400
Elongational viscosity      see also Material functions
Elongational viscosity, definition      (1)38 132 (2)400
Elongational viscosity, FENE dumbbell      (2)85—88
Elongational viscosity, Kirkwood — Riseman chain      (2)229
Elongational viscosity, Kramers chain      (2)219
Elongational viscosity, measurement of      (1)530
Elongational viscosity, melt kinetic theory for      (2)345
Elongational viscosity, non-affine Lodge network model      (2)377
Elongational viscosity, rigid dumbbell      (2)125 145
Elongational viscosity, sample experimental data      (1)133
Elongational viscosity, second-order fluid      (1)300
Embedded vectors      (2)182 410
End effects in tube flow      (1)528 551
End-to-end distance, elastic dumbbells      (2)28 72
End-to-end distance, FENE dumbbells      (2)89 107
End-to-end distance, Hookean dumbbells      (2)73 75 101 107
End-to-end distance, Kirkwood — Riseman chain      (2)13 228
End-to-end distance, Kramers chain      (2)12
End-to-end distance, Rouse chain      (2)18 163
End-to-end vector      (2)12
End-to-end vector, distribution function      (2)13 28
End-to-end vector, Kramers chain      (2)49
End-to-end vector, random-walk chain      (2)49
End-to-end vector, Rouse model      (2)19
Energy dissipation      see also Viscous dissipation heating
Energy dissipation, in Hookean dumbbell solutions      (2)16
Energy dissipation, in rigid dumbbell      (2)144
Entanglements      (2)354
entropy      (2)18 241
Epprecht viscometer      (1)548
Equation of change for angular momentum      (1)8
Equation of change for enthalpy      (1)40
Equation of change for kinetic energy      (1)8
Equation of change in kinetic theory, bead-spring chains      (2)154
Equation of change in kinetic theory, elastic dumbbells      (2)62
Equation of change in kinetic theory, general      (2)256
Equation of change in kinetic theory, networks      (2)359
Equation of change in kinetic theory, rigid dumbbells      (2) 114
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics      (1)4 (2)400
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics, for incompressible fluids      (1)12 206
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics, for mixtures      (2)400
Equation of continuity in fluid dynamics, kinetic theory derivation      (2)257 269
Equation of continuity in kinetic theory      (2)61 116 152 168 193 255 271 272 274 358
Equation of energy      (1)9
Equation of energy, alternative form for      (1)40
Equation of energy, for generalized Newtonian fluids      (1)206
Equation of energy, for incompressible fluids      (1)12
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics      (1)6 (2)400
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics, for generalized Newtonian fluids      (1)206
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics, for incompressible fluids      (1)12
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics, in terms of stream function      (1)24
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics, kinetic theory derivation      (2)258 269
Equation of motion in fluid dynamics, tables in curvilinear coordinates      (1)612 613
Equation of motion in kinetic theory      (2)272 274 277 295
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, bead-rod-spring models      (2) 193 194
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, bead-spring chains      (2)152 164 168
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, elastic dumbbells      (2)59 92
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, in melts      (2)313
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, network segments      (2)357 374
Equation of motion in kinetic theory, rigid dumbbells      (2) 114
Equation of state      (1)10
Equations of change in fluid dynamics      (2)400
Equations of change in fluid dynamics, for generalized Newtonian fluids      (1)206
Equations of change in fluid dynamics, for incompressible fluids      (1)11 12 206
Equations of change in fluid dynamics, in terms of fluxes      (1)3
Equations of change in fluid dynamics, in terms of transport properties      (1)10
Equations of change in fluid dynamics, integrated forms of      (1)36
Equilibration in momentum space      (2)279 291 314 355
Ericksen, J. L.      298 480 503 620
Erickson, L. E.      235
Essential boundary conditions      (1)194
Euler angles      (2)182 410
Euler angles, functions of      (2)412
Euler — Lagrange equations      (1)194
Euler — Maclaurin expansion      (1)286
Eulerian technique      (1)455 461
Everage, A. E., Jr      242
Excluded volume      (2)81 172
Extensional viscosity      see Elongational viscosity
External force, translational diffusivity and      (2)95 140 174 299 327
Extrudate swell      (1)72
Eyring model      (1)228 229
Eyring, H.      228
Factorization, in linear viscoelasticity      (1)263
Factorized K — BKZ model      see K — BKZ model
Fading memory      (1)263
Falling cylinder viscometer      (1)45 248
Falling film      see Film flow power-law
Falling-ball viscometer      (1)536
Falling-sphere viscometer      (1)521
Fams, G. J.      48
Fan, L.      235
Fan, X. J.      302 483
FENE dumbbell      (2)76—92 99
FENE dumbbell, anisotropic effects      (2)98
FENE dumbbell, constitutive equation      (2)79 90 98 104
FENE dumbbell, distribution function      (2)21 29 48
FENE dumbbell, end-to-end distance      (2)28 107
FENE dumbbell, force law      (2)21
FENE dumbbell, retarded-motion constants for      (1)302
FENE springs      (2)16
FENE — P model      (1)410 (2)88
Ferguson, J.      532
Ferry, J.D.      116 120 128 139 140 147 255 285 440 510
Feshbach, H.      555 576 583 595
Fiber-spinning      (1)235 469
Fiber-spinning, Newtonian fluid      (1)51
Fiber-spinning, stability of      (1)79
Fiber-spinning, White — Metzner fluid      (1)377
Fick’s law of diffusion      (1)7 (2)299
Fikhman, V. D.      530
Filament drawing      see Fiber-spinning
Filbey, G. L., Jr      503
Film flow, power-law model      (1)179
Finger tensor      (1)427 (see also Strain tensors)
Finger tensor, invariants of      (1)435 624
Finite beads      (2)246 252 284 289 300
Finite linear viscoelasticity      (1)431
Finite strain tensors      see Relative (finite) strain tensors; Strain tensors
Finlay son, B. A.      199 200 539
Fisher, R. J.      51 377 385 386
Flannery, B. P.      377
Flory — Fox equation      (2)178
Flory, P. J.      56 143
Flow enhancement, by pulsatile pressure drop      (1)187 371
Flow enhancement, in helical annular flow      (1)184
Flumerfelt, R. W.      180 182 201
Force balance in kinetic theory      see Equation of motion in kinetic theory
Forces in kinetic theory      (2)58 191 250
Forces in kinetic theory, stress tensor and      (2)64
Forces in kinetic theory, tables of notation      (2)192 266 273 277 283
Fosdick, R. L.      64 306 318 327
Fourier’s law of heat conduction      (1)7 11
Fox, T. G.      139 145
Fox, V. G.      235
Fraenkel dumbbell, force law      (2)21
Fraenkel dumbbell, rigid dumbbell and      (2)14 143
Fraenkel dumbbell, zero-shear-rate viscosity      (2)14
Franck, A.      530
Fredenslund, Aa      321
Fredrickson, A. G.      61 78 181 203 232 233 249 250 277 529 547 551
Free recovery      (1)131
Free recovery, after elongational flow      (1)133
Free-draining assumption      (2)92
Freely jointed bead-rod chain      see Kramers model
Freely rotating chain      see Kirkwood-Riseman model
Friction coefficient      (2)60 188 311
Friction coefficient, rotational      (2)289 304
Friction coefficient, translational diffusivity and      (2)95
Friction tensor      (2)60 97 285 300
Friction tensor, effective      (2)188 286
Friction tensor, in melts      (2)311
Friction tensor, modified effective      (2)187
Friction tensor, total effective      (2)187 286
Friedman, N.      436
Fromm, H.      342 361
Froude number      (1)12 207
Fuller, G. G.      509
Galerkin’s method      (1)200
Galili, N.      218 235
Gallagher, R. H.      464
Gallo, R. J.      533
Gannett, H. J., Jr      91
Gao, H. W.      109 475 523
Garner, F. H.      63
Gartling,D. K.      418
Gaussian distribution      (2)14
Gaussian spring      (2)16 355
Gavis, J.      36 37 223
Gee, R. E.      218
Geiger, K.      333
General linear viscoelastic model      (1)263 511
Generalized coordinates      (2)31 182 248
Generalized forces      see Forces in kinetic theory
Generalized Maxwell model      (1)262
Generalized Maxwell model, convected      (1)409 432
Generalized Maxwell model, fitting linear viscoelastic data      (1)117
Generalized Maxwell model, stress growth      (1)269
Generalized Maxwell model, stress relaxation      (1)268
Generalized momenta      (2)31 34 249
Generalized Newtonian fluid      (1)169—253
Generalized Newtonian fluid, Deborah number      (1)234
Generalized Newtonian fluid, equations of change for      (1)206
Generalized Newtonian fluid, limitations of      (1)233
Generalized Newtonian fluid, Nusselt numbers for      (1)212 213
Generalized Newtonian fluid, slit flow      (1)242
Generalized Newtonian fluid, tube low      (1)242
Generalized Newtonian fluid, variational principle for      (1)201 252
Generalized velocities      (2)34 248
Generation number      (1)207
Gent, A. N.      163
Georgescu, A. G.      109
Gibbs, J. W.      607
Giesekus constitutive equation      (1)353 361 412 417
Giesekus constitutive equation, for shear and shearfree flow      (1)625 626
Giesekus constitutive equation, kinetic theory derivation      (2)97
Giesekus constitutive equation, third-order constants for      (1)303
Giesekus equation for kinematic tensors      (1)305
Giesekus stress tensor      see Stress tensor
Giesekus, H.      69 70 73 76 77 83 298 306 318 327 342 353 409 414 523 532 536
Giesekus’s three-dimensional flow theorem      (1)306
Gilliland, E. R.      244
Ginn, R. F.      109
Gleissele, W.      150 153
Gleissele’s mirror relations      (1)150 153
Goddard, J. D.      342 496 499 507
Godleski, E. S.      235
Gogos, C. G.      205 235 245 337 377
Goldstein, S.      25
Good, P. A.      335 551
Gordon — Schowalter equation      (1)355
Gordon, R.J.      81 82 355
Gortemaker, F. H.      509
Gottlieb      74 536
Grace, J. R.      83
Gradient      (1)571 572
Graessley, W. W.      107 122 139 143 146 147
Graetz number      (1)212 213
Green, A. E.      498
Green, M. S.      346 432
Green, R. G.      61
Greensmith, H. W.      550
Griffith, R.      208
Griffiths, D. F.      327 400
Grigull, U.      210
Grimm, R. J.      22 190
Griskey, R. G.      61
Guckes, T. L.      204
Gupta, M. A.      89
Gupta, S. K.      411
Gurnee, F. R.      116
Gutfinger, C.      235
Hagen — Poiseuille equation      (1)15 177
Hagen, G.      15
Hagler, G. E.      173
Hajjam      85
Hamiltonian      (2)15 37 249
Hamilton’s equations      (2)37 251
Hamoy, A.      387
Han, C. D.      446
Hand equation      (1)422
Hand, G. L.      422
Hanin      387
Hanks, R. W.      177 181 183 204 233
Hansen, A. G.      240
Hansen, M. G.      509
Happel, J.      85
Harmon, D. B.      37
Harper, J. F.      83
Harris, E. K., Jr      147
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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