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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) |
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Retarded motion expansion, relation to memory integral expansion (1)501
Retarded motion expansion, rigid dumbbells (2) 131
Retarded motion expansion, rod-climbing (1)318 330
Retarded motion expansion, shearfree flow (1)329
Retarded motion expansion, stability of flow (1)337
Retarded motion expansion, turntable experiment (1)333
Retarded motion expansion, uses of (1)326
Retarded motion expansion, viscometric functions for (1)299
Reynolds number (1)12 207
Rheological equations of state see Constitutive equations
Rheological invariance (1)482
Rheologically steady shear flow (1)157
Rheometry (1)509—553
Rheometry, instruments for measurement of viscometric functions (1)518—520
Rhi — Sausi, J. 533
Ricci’s lemma (1)604
Richardson, S. 37 72 377
Riddle, M. J. 85
Riemann zeta function (1)266
Rigbi,Z. 218 235
Rigid dumbbell (2)20
Rigid dumbbell, diffusion equation (2) 116 119 127
Rigid dumbbell, distribution functions for (2)112
Rigid dumbbell, Fraenkel dumbbell and (2)14 143
Rigid dumbbell, hydrodynamic interaction (2)133 213
Rigid dumbbell, lopsided (2)208
Rigid dumbbell, mixtures (2) 148
Rigid dumbbell, relaxation modulus (1)285 (2)131 237
Rigid dumbbell, second-order fluid constants (2)208
Rigid dumbbell, stress tensor (2)117 135
Ring models (2)50 209 215
Rivlin — Ericksen tensors see Rate-of-strain tensor
Rivlin — Sawyers model (1)436 441 467 499
Rivlin — Sawyers model, eccentric disk rheometer (1)471
Rivlin — Sawyers model, factorized (1)437
Rivlin — Sawyers model, third-order fluid and (1)303 506
Rivlin, R. S. 298 309 326 327 387 436 498 504 550 569 596
Riwlin, R. 231
Rizzio, G. 409
Rod-climbing (1)163
Rod-climbing, experiments on (1)62
Rod-climbing, melt kinetic theory and (1)330 (2)335
Rod-climbing, second-order fluid (1)318 330
Rodlike polymers, models for (2)112 (see also Multibead-rod; Multirod-rod; Rigid dumbbell)
Rodriguez, J. 532
Rolling-ball viscometer (1)537
Roscoe, R. 421
Rosen, S. L. 235
Rotation matrices (2)26 157 182 223 235 410
Rotational isomeric state model (2)1
Rotatory diffusivity (2)62
Rotne — Prager — Yamakawa tensor (2)94 133 137 142 195 213
Rouse matrix (2)23 37
Rouse matrix, eigenvalues of (2)24 27
Rouse matrix, modified (2)166 169 217
Rouse model (2)17
Rouse model, base vectors (2)36
Rouse model, configurational distribution function (2)41 154 157
Rouse model, constitutive equation (2)159
Rouse model, diffusion equation (2)152—155 157 239
Rouse model, distribution function for interbead vector (2)45
Rouse model, end-to-end distance (2)18
Rouse model, generalized coordinates (2)32
Rouse model, generalized Maxwell model and (1)262
Rouse model, geometry of (2)23
Rouse model, material functions (2)161
Rouse model, metric matrix (2)36
Rouse model, normal coordinates (2)156
Rouse model, radius of gyration (2)27
Rouse model, relation to K — BKZ model (1)440
Rouse model, second-order fluid constants (2)208
Rouse model, single-link distribution function (2)178
Rouse model, stress tensor (2)156 239
Rouse model, two-link distribution function (2)49
Rouse, P. E., Jr 262 440
Rubin, H. 235
Russel, R. J. 63
Russel, W. B. 60
Ryan, N. W. 177 228
Ryskin, G. 483
S. W. 204 251
Saab, H. H. 453 454 462 468
Sabersky, R. H. 89 90
Sakai, K. 235 536
Salt, D. L. 228
Sarti, G. C. 206
Savenije, E. P. W. 181 584
Saville, D. A. 60
Savins, J. G. 184 321
Sawyers, K. N. 436 437 498
Scale factors (1)584 597 598
Scalora, A. J. 335 551
Schechter, R. S. 192 201 251
Schlichting, H. 13 53
Schliinder, E. U. 139 205
Schmidt, L. R. 240
Schowalter, W. R. 60 71 72 184 235 247 355 371 431 533
Schrag, J. L. 117 120
Schrenk, W. J. 242
Schuldt, S. B. 235
Schultz, W. W. 379
Schummer, P. 327
Schwartz, A. J. 335 551
Schwarz, W. H. 327
Scott equation (1)190 234
Scott equation, deviations from (1)545
Scott, J. R. 190
Scriven, L. E. 103 273 441 451 458 469 535
Second-order fluid (1)299 355 483 (2)397
Second-order fluid, bead-rod-spring models (2)204 207—210 238
Second-order fluid, eccentric annuli flows (1)311 314
Second-order fluid, elastic rhombus (2)215
Second-order fluid, elongational viscosity for (1)300
Second-order fluid, forces on solid surfaces (1)307 309
Second-order fluid, Giesekus’s flow theorem (1)306
Second-order fluid, Kirkwood — Riseman chain (2)228
Second-order fluid, Kramers chain (2)218
Second-order fluid, Langlois — Rivlin — Pipkin theorem (1)309
Second-order fluid, melt kinetic theory and (2)336
Second-order fluid, multibead-rod (2)211
Second-order fluid, multirod-rod (2)304
Second-order fluid, Tanner — Pipkin plane-flow theorem (1)306
Second-order fluid, tridumbbell (2)213
Second-order fluid, useful theorems for (1)304
Second-order fluid, wire-coating (1)311 (see also Retarded-motion expansion)
Secondary flows (1)69
Secondary flows, in disk-cylinder system (1)69 327
Secondary flows, in elliptical tube (1)327
Secondary flows, near oscillating cylinder (1)71
Secondary flows, near rotating sphere (1)69
Sedov, L. I. 483 597 598 606
Seeger, R. J. 327 569
Segalman memory function (1)442 473
Segalman, D. J. 285 355 409 411
Segment, in network theory (2)354
Segment, in network theory, complexity (2)356
Segment, in network theory, contribution to stress tensor (2)362
Segment, in network theory, distribution function (2)356 371
Segment, in network theory, equation of continuity (2)358
Segment, in network theory, equation of motion for (2)357
Segment, in network theory, kinetics (2)358 368 378 380 384
Sestak, J. 537
Seyer, F. A. 532
Shah, M. J. 235
Shah, V. L. 244
Shah, Y. 235 384
Shaver, R. G. 235
Shear axes (1)156 158
Shear How (2)398
Shear How, classification (1)153 154
| Shear How, convected derivative of stress tensor (1)343 622
Shear How, convected Jeffreys model (1)346
Shear How, form of stress tensor (1)103 622
Shear How, Giesekus model (1)625
Shear How, homogeneous (1) 100 154
Shear How, kinematic tensors (1)622
Shear How, material functions (1)104—132
Shear How, nonhomogeneous (1)154
Shear How, Oldroyd model (1)625
Shear How, oscillatory (2)399
Shear How, particle separations in (1)100
Shear How, rate-of-strain tensors in (1)297 622
Shear How, rectilinear (1)154
Shear How, simple (1)154
Shear How, table of kinematic tensors (1)622—624
Shear How, Theologically steady (1)157
Shear How, unidirectional (1)154 156 164
Shear How, unsteady-state experiments (1)113
Shear rate (2)57
Shear rate, definition (1)100 155 (2)394 397
Shear strain (1)623
Shear stress (1)104
Shear-thickening fluids (1)61 105 173
Shear-thinning (1)60 105 173
Shearfree flows (2)57
Shearfree flows, convected Jeffreys model (1)349
Shearfree flows, form of stress tensor (1)104 165 622
Shearfree flows, Giesekus model (1)625
Shearfree flows, homogeneous (1)100 162
Shearfree flows, kinematic tensors (1)622
Shearfree flows, kinematics of (1)162
Shearfree flows, material functions (1)132—139
Shearfree flows, measurements (1)529
Shearfree flows, Oldroyd model (1)625
Shearfree flows, particle separation in (1)103
Shearfree flows, table of kinematic tensors (1)622—624
Shearfree flows, types of (1)101
Shearfree flows, White — Metzner model (1)415
Shearing plane (1)154
Shearing surface (1)155 158
Sherwood, A. A. 109
Shift factor (1)107 139
Short-range-force approximation (2)279 281 310
Sigli, D. 85
Silicone (1)72 191
Silly Putty (1)73 95
Simha, R. 144
Simmons, J. 440 472
Simple shear (2)364 367
Simple shear flow (2)57 119 138 161
Single-link distribution function (2)317 322 328 330
Sinusoidal motion see Oscillatory motion in annulus; Oscillatory motion in semi-infinite medium; Oscillatory motion in slit; Oscillatory motion in tubes
Siskovic, N. 446
Skoog, J. 85
Slattery, J. C. 48 201 204 251 321 327
Slibar, A. 249
Slip at solid surface (1)12 247
Slip velocity (2)374
Slit flow, base vectors in (1)505
Slit flow, Bingham model (1)229
Slit flow, convected coordinates in (1)487
Slit flow, Ellis model (1)229
Slit flow, Eyring model (1)229
Slit flow, generalized Newtonian fluid (1)242
Slit flow, kinematic tensors (1)505
Slit flow, Nusselt numbers for (1)213
Slit flow, power-law model (1)176 229
Slit flow, truncated power law (1)229 (see also Couette flow)
Slit, flow into Newtonian fluid (1)42 43
Slit, flow into second-order fluid (1)332
Smith, J. C. 235
Smith, K. A. 89
Soeda, H. 204 251
Sokolnikoff, I. S. 192
Sommerfeld, A. 48
Soskey, P. R. 451 533 535
Spearot, J. A. 532
Spencer, A. J. 498
Spencer, D. E. 584
Sphere, rotating, Deborah number (1)93
Sphere, rotating, Newtonian fluid (1)31 34
Sphere, rotating, second-order fluid (1)318
Sphere, rotating, viscoelastic fluids (1)69
Sphere, translating (1)235
Sphere, translating, convected Maxwell (1)464
Sphere, translating, Deborah number (1)93
Sphere, translating, Newtonian fluid (1)23
Sphere, translating, Oldroyd model (1)414
Spherical coordinates (1)580 585
Spherical coordinates, Christoffel symbols in (1)603
Spherical coordinates, del operator in (1)583 590
Spherical coordinates, equation of motion in (1)612 613
Spherical coordinates, kinematic tensors in (1)614—620
Spherical coordinates, metric coefficients in (1)603
Spherical coordinates, unit vectors in (1)581 591 (2)405
Spherical film inflation (1)148
Spherical harmonics (2)120 128 138 408 409
Spriggs — Bird model (1)421
Spriggs, T. W. 121 123 125 126 228 262 266 288 421
Spring force (2)21 (see also Forces in kinetic theory)
Square duct (1)251
Squeezing flow, CEF equation (1)539
Squeezing flow, inertial effects (1)22
Squeezing flow, lubricated (1)533
Squeezing flow, Newtonian fluid (1)20
Squeezing flow, parallel-plate plastometer (1)537
Squeezing flow, power-law model (1)176 189
Stability (1)337 405
Stanton number (1)89
Star polymer model (2)28
Staudinger, H. 143
Staudinger’s rule (1)143 (2)176
Steady-state compliance, bead-rod-spring models (2)205
Steady-state compliance, linear viscoelasticity (1)270
Steady-state compliance, melt kinetic theory and (2)337
Stearn, A. E. 228
Stefan equation (1)22
Stefan, J. 20
Stegun, I. A. 266
Step-strain experiment (1)113 124 266 286 415
Stephenson, S. E. 440 530 535
stergaard, K. 321
Stevenson, J. F. 132
Stewart, W. E. 3 10 20 22 25 38 69 89 194 199 210 227 229 231 240 552 555
Stewartson, K. 335
Stodola and Vianello method (1)217
Stokes, V. K. 437
Stokes’ law (2)58 115 152 193 199 279 285
Stokes’ law, anisotropic (2)97 311
Stokes’ law, derivation of (1)23 (see also Forces in kinetic theory; Hydrodynamic force)
Stokich 117
Storage modulus see Dynamic moduli
Strain history (1)481
Strain tensors, Cauchy tensor (1)427
Strain tensors, components in curvilinear coordinates (1)616—619
Strain tensors, definition of (1)425 (2)396
Strain tensors, eigenvalues of (1)435
Strain tensors, expansion in Taylor series (1)505
Strain tensors, Finger tensor (1)427
Strain tensors, finite (1)425 470
Strain tensors, in kinetic theory (2)72 159 334 378
Strain tensors, in shear flows (1)429 623
Strain tensors, in shearfree flows (1)429 623
Strain tensors, infinitesimal (1)257 489
Strain tensors, invariants of (1)435 437 624
Strain tensors, reference state (1)257 260
Strain tensors, relative (1)427 489
Strain tensors, transformation rules for (1)488
Strain-time factorization (1)437 451
Stream function, definition (1)22
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