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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) |
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Stream function, differential equations for (1)24
Street, J. R. 458
Stress growth (1)113 (2)399
Stress growth, convected Jeffreys model (1)348
Stress growth, in elongational flow (1)135 (2)400
Stress growth, in shear flow (1)118 (see also Material functions)
Stress growth, sample experimental data (1)120—123
Stress history (1)482
Stress ratio (1)110
Stress relaxation after shear flow (1)113 (2)400
Stress relaxation after shear flow, bead-spring chains (2)173
Stress relaxation after shear flow, convected Jeffreys model (1)348
Stress relaxation after shear flow, in elongational flow (2)400
Stress relaxation after shear flow, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)267
Stress relaxation after shear flow, normal stress coefficient and (1)417
Stress relaxation after shear flow, rigid dumbbells (2) 145 147
Stress relaxation after shear flow, sample experimental data (1)124 (see also Material functions)
Stress relaxation after step strain (1)113 124
Stress relaxation after step strain, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)266
Stress tensor, antisymmetric contribution to (2)303
Stress tensor, bead-rod-spring models (2)198
Stress tensor, bead-spring chains (2)155 169
Stress tensor, bead-spring models (2)285
Stress tensor, contravariant components (1)493
Stress tensor, convected derivative of (1)342 343 493
Stress tensor, covariant components (1)493
Stress tensor, definition (2)401
Stress tensor, elastic dumbbells (2)64—71 97
Stress tensor, FENE dumbbells (2)79
Stress tensor, for melts (2)322—326
Stress tensor, for networks (2)362 368 378
Stress tensor, Giesekus expression for (2)69 103 118 156 202 303
Stress tensor, hydrodynamic interaction and (2)94 103 135
Stress tensor, in shear flows (1)103 622
Stress tensor, in shearfree flows (1)104 622
Stress tensor, kinetic contribution to (2)259 264
Stress tensor, kinetic theory expressions (2)259 264 269 275 277 295
Stress tensor, Kramers expression for (2)69 118 156 201
Stress tensor, Kramers — Kirkwood expression for (2)69 118 156 199 283
Stress tensor, Lodge elastic liquid (2)368
Stress tensor, molecular mechanisms and (2)270
Stress tensor, multibead-rods (2)117 202
Stress tensor, multirod-rods (2)302
Stress tensor, Phan — Thien and Tanner equation (2)375 380
Stress tensor, rigid dumbbells (2) 117 131 135 143
Stress tensor, sign convention (1)7
Stress tensor, symmetry of (1)6 103
Stress tensor, transformation rules for (1)493 (see also Constitutive equations)
Stretching of polymer molecules see End-to-end distance
Structure tensor (2)194
Structure tensor, second-order fluid constants and (2)204
Structure tensor, thermodynamic quantities and (2)241
Sturges, L. 67 97 318 387
Substantial (time) derivative (2)395
Substantial (time) derivative, definition of (1)9
Sugeng, F. 464
Sukanek, P. C. 34 218
Surface spherical harmonics (2)128 409
Sutterby model (1)228
Sutterby, J. L. 178 204 228
Suzuki, H. 107
Swift, G. W. 45
Sylvester, N. D. 235
Tadmor, Z. 180 204 205 235 245 311 337 377
Takserman — Krozer, R. 218 235
Tallmadge, J. A. 235
Tamura 127
Taneda, S. 28
Tanford, C. 56 57 143
Tanner model (1)377 410
Tanner — Pipkin plane-flow theorem (1)306 314
Tanner — Simmons network-rupture model (1)440 472
Tanner, R. I. 18 37 51 65 72 73 95 97 98 109 153 157 235 306 314 318 328 332 337 369 377 387 409 411 414 440 464 467 472 517 529
Tao, F. S. 216
Tapered tube, Newtonian fluid (1)16
Tapered tube, power-law model (1)178 241
Tapered tube, retarded-motion expansion and (1)327
Taylor theorem (2)403
Taylor, E. S. 82
Taylor, G. I. 80
Taylor, J. J. 91 92
Taylor, T. D. 31
Temperature dependence (1)139—143
Temperature history (1)482
Temple, G. 327 569
Tension, in link (2)313
Tension, in polymer chain (2)15
Tensors (1)555—609
Tensors, addition of (1)567
Tensors, antisymmetric (1)566
Tensors, Cartesian tensor notation (1)607
Tensors, characteristic equation of (1)569
Tensors, components of (1)567
Tensors, contravariant components of (1)597 600
Tensors, covariant components of (1)597 600
Tensors, curvilinear coordinates (1)577
Tensors, eigenvalues of (1)569
Tensors, fourth-order isotropic (2)409 412 415
Tensors, Gibbs notation (1)607
Tensors, integral theorems for (1)576
Tensors, invariants of (1)568
Tensors, magnitude of (1)566
Tensors, matrix representation (1)608
Tensors, moment-of-inertia tensor (1)570
Tensors, multiplication of (1)567
Tensors, notation (1)555 607
Tensors, symmetric (1)566
Tensors, transformation rules (1)605
Tensors, transpose (1)566
Tensors, unit tensor (1)566 600
Terminal velocity of sphere (1)34
Teukolsky, S. 377
Than, P. 64
thermal conductivity (1)11 206 208
Thermodynamic quantities (2)18 241
Third-order fluid (1)299 (2)397
Thoone, G. P. J. 291
Three- symbols (2)414
Three-bead-two-rod model see Kramers model
Thurston’s equation (2)170
Tiefenbruck, G. F. 321
Tien, C. 208
Tilted-trough experiment (1)65 97
Time constants (1)60
Time constants in molecular models (1)302
Time constants in molecular models, bead-rod models (2)231
Time constants in molecular models, FENE dumbbells (2)76 81
Time constants in molecular models, Hookean dumbbells (2)71
Time constants in molecular models, in melts (2)321 328 331
Time constants in molecular models, in network models (2)358 370 379 380 384
Time constants in molecular models, in polydisperse melts (2)338
Time constants in molecular models, molecular weight dependence in melts (2)343 344 370
Time constants in molecular models, multibead-rods (2)117 136 198
Time constants in molecular models, multirod-rods (2)301 304
Time constants in molecular models, rigid dumbbells (2) 123
Time constants in molecular models, Rouse chains (2)159
Time constants in molecular models, Zimm chains (2)169
Time constants, and Deborah number (1)93 234
Time constants, in generalized Newtonian models (1)228
Time constants, spectrum of (1)60
Time derivatives, convected (1)342 491 494—496
Time derivatives, corotational (Jaumann) (1)324 507
Time derivatives, substantial (1)9
Time derivatives, types of (2)395
Time-temperature superposition (1)108 (2)163
Tipei, N. 48
Titomanlio, G. 409 411
Tobacco mosaic virus (2)22 124 132 143
Tobolsky, A. V. 116 346 432
Tokita, N. 437
| Tomita, Y. 201 335 551
Toms, B. A. 88 529
Tordella, J. P. 235
Torque, in coaxial cylinder system (1)230
Torque, in parallel-disk viscometer (1)511
Torque, molecular models and (2)284 289
Torque, on rotating sphere (1)33 43 321
Torsional flow see Parallel disk viscometer
Torsional oscillatory viscometer (1)279
Toupin, R. 480
Townsend, P. 187 371 380
Translational diffusivity, bead-spring chains (2)174 176
Translational diffusivity, bead-spring models (2)299
Translational diffusivity, elastic dumbbells (2)62 95
Translational diffusivity, frictional coefficient and (2)95
Translational diffusivity, hydrodynamic force and (2)273
Translational diffusivity, in melts (2)327
Translational diffusivity, Kirkwood equation (2)174 299
Translational diffusivity, molecular weight dependence of (2) 179 273 299
Translational diffusivity, rigid dumbbells (2) 140
Treloar, L. R. G. 437
Triangular duct (1)36
Tridumbbell model (2)210 213 237
Triple-jet method (1)532
Trogdon, S. A. 328
Trouton viscosity see Elongational viscosity
Trouton, F. 39
Truesdell, C. 480
Truncated cone-and-plate instrument (1)520 551
Truncated power law (1)228 229 236 245
Tsamopoulos, J. A. 235 537
Tube flow, Bingham model (1)229 244
Tube flow, capillary viscometer data (1)547
Tube flow, Casson equation (1)243
Tube flow, Ellis fluid (1)229
Tube flow, end effects (1)528
Tube flow, Eyring model (1)229
Tube flow, generalized Newtonian fluid (1)242 518
Tube flow, kinematics of (1) 160
Tube flow, Newtonian fluid (1)14 34
Tube flow, nonisothermal flow (1)210 216 218
Tube flow, normal-stress measurements in (1)517
Tube flow, Nusselt numbers for (1)212
Tube flow, Oldroyd model (1)420
Tube flow, power-law model (1)175 187 210 216 218 229 247
Tube flow, pulsatile pressure drop (1)187 234
Tube flow, recoil in (1)78
Tube flow, tapered tube (1) 16 178
Tube flow, truncated power law (1)229 245
Tube flow, viscosity from (1)527
Tube flow, with sinusoidally varying cross section (1)35
Tube flow, with slip (1)247
Tubeless siphon (1)74
Tubes in kinetic theory (2)307
Turbulent flow (1)87 235
Turbulent flow, drag reduction (1)88
Turbulent flow, heat transfer (1)89
Turbulent flow, laminar-turbulent transition (1)177
Turian, R. 175 210 223 523 537
Turner, D. 105
Turntable experiment (1)283
Turntable experiment, convected derivative of stress tensor (1)344
Turntable experiment, displacement gradients in (1)289
Turntable experiment, finite strain tensors and (1)431
Turntable experiment, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)283
Turntable experiment, second order fluid (1)333
Turrel, G. 475
Two-needle model (2)252
Uebler effect (1)74
Uebler, E. A. 74 76 77 532
Uhleherr, P. H. 537
Ultimate recoil (1)130 269
Ultimate recoil, elongational (1) 138
Undiluted polymers see Melts
Uniaxial stretching (1)437
Unit dyads (1)564 565
Unit tensor (1)566 600
Unit tensor, convected derivative of (1)495
Unit vectors (1)560 579 580 581
Unit vectors, change with position (1)582 583 594
use for studying elongational flow (1)532
Utracki, L. 144
Vale, D. G. 51 67 109
Valstar, J. 210 213
van Aken, J. A. 509 533
Van Arsdale, W. E. 413
van Dam, J. 205
van der Vijgh, R. 238
van Es, H.E. 467
van Leeuwen, J. 238
Van Wazer, J. R. 99 536 537
Variational methods (1)192—205 252
Variational methods, collocation method and (1)199
Variational methods, for generalized Newtonian fluids (1)201
Variational methods, Galerkin’s method and (1)200
Variational methods, weighted residuals and (1)199
Vaughn, R. D. 233
Vectors (1)555—609
Vectors, addition and subtraction (1)556 561
Vectors, base (1)597—602 605 (2)33 35 51 184 406
Vectors, complex unit vectors (2)413
Vectors, components of (1)561
Vectors, contravarant components (1)597 600
Vectors, covariant components (1)597 600
Vectors, curvilinear coordinates (1)577
Vectors, derivatives of unit vectors (2)406
Vectors, embedded vectors (2)182
Vectors, integral theorems (1)576
Vectors, magnitude of (1)556
Vectors, modified reciprocal base (2)188 200
Vectors, multiplication by scalar (1)557 562
Vectors, notation (1)555 607
Vectors, physical components of (1)597
Vectors, position vectors (1)563 575 578 594 (2)183
Vectors, reciprocal base (1)597—602 605 (2)406
Vectors, scalar product of (1)557 562
Vectors, transformation rules (1)605
Vectors, unit vectors (1)560 580 581 (2)405
Vectors, vector product of (1)558 562
Velocity gradient tensor (1)296 622
Velocity space distribution function, anisotropic (2)96
Velocity space distribution function, at equilibrium (2)57
Velocity space distribution function, averages with respect to (2)58
Velocity space distribution function, elastic dumbbells (2)56
Velocity space distribution function, rigid dumbbells (2) 112
Velocity, fields (2)393
Velocity, kinetic theory expression (2)257 264
Vetterling, W. 377
Villadsen, J. 199
Villat, H 23
Vinogradov, G. V. 124 139 530
Virk, P. S. 88 89
Viryayuthakom 461
Viscoelasticity (1)56
Viscometer, coaxial cylinder (1)35 548
Viscometer, cone-and-plate (1)18 223 521
Viscometer, Epprecht (1)548
Viscometer, examples of (1)158
Viscometer, falling cylinder (1)45 248
Viscometer, falling sphere (1)23
Viscometer, parallel-disk (1)37 335 400 510
Viscometer, squeezing flow (1)20
Viscometer, torsional oscillatory (1)279
Viscometer, truncated cone-and-plate instrument (1)520
Viscometer, tube (1)14
Viscometer, Viscometric flow (1)100 154 157
Viscometric functions, CEF equation and (1)503
Viscometric functions, convected Jeffreys model (1)347
Viscometric functions, definition of (1)105 (2)397
Viscometric functions, functional forms for (1)165
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