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Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) |
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Normal-stress ratio, osculating multibead-rod model and (2)138
Normal-stress ratio, rod-climbing and (2)335
Nusselt number (1)212 213 215 217
Oka, S. 20 178 190 244 279 509
Oldroyd 4—constant model (1)354 356—360 423
Oldroyd 6—constant model (2)398
Oldroyd 6—constant model, Hookean dumbbells and (2)10
Oldroyd 6—constant model, memory integral expansion and (1)502
Oldroyd 6—constant model, retarded-motion constants for (1)303 416
Oldroyd 6—constant model, rigid dumbbells and (2)144
Oldroyd 8—constant model (1)352 354 415 416 420 (2)398
Oldroyd 8—constant model, for shear and shearfree flows (1)625 626
Oldroyd 8—constant model, Phan — Thien and Tanner model and (2)385
Oldroyd — A model (1)498
Oldroyd — B model see Convected Jeffreys model
Oldroyd, J. G. 170 228 235 251 296 342 345 352 427 479 480 492 495 496 507
Oldroyd’s admissibility criteria (1)480 497
Oldroyd’s convected derivatives see Convected derivatives
Oldroyd’s nth rate-of-strain tensors see Rate-of- strain tensors
Oliver, D. R. 532
Olsen, E. 454 461
Onogi, S. 148 244 371
Order of magnitude analysis (1)16
Ordered fluids see Retarded motion expansion
Orientation vector (2)405
Orientation vector, operator (2)114 406
Orientation vector, time derivative of (2) 114
Orientational distribution function see Configurational distribution function
Orthogonal matrix (2)157
Orzag, S. A. 27
Osaki, K. 117 120 125 127 273
Oscillating cylinder (1)71
Oscillatory motion in annulus (1)279
Oscillatory motion in semi-infinite medium (1)275
Oscillatory motion in slit (1)113
Oscillatory motion in slit, convected Jeffreys model (1)347 414
Oscillatory motion in slit, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)264
Oscillatory motion in slit, Newtonian fluid (1)52
Oscillatory motion in slit, viscous heating in (1)53
Oscillatory motion in tubes (1)187 277
Oseen — Burgers tensor (2)93 133 164 195 213
Oseen — Burgers tensor, derivation of (1)28
Oseen, C. W. 29
Osmers, H. R. 333
Ostwald, W. 172
Ostwald-de Waele model see Power-law model
Otto, R. E. 235
Ozoe, H. 208
Pamaby, J. 181
Papanastasiou — Scriven — Macosko model (1)441
Papanastasiou, A. C. 273 441 451 458 469 535
Parallel-disk viscometer, centripetal pumping (1)551
Parallel-disk viscometer, convected derivative of stress tensor (1)343
Parallel-disk viscometer, convected Jeffreys fluid (1)400
Parallel-disk viscometer, inertial effects in (1)549
Parallel-disk viscometer, Newtonian fluid (1)37
Parallel-disk viscometer, second-order fluid (1)335
Parallel-disk viscometer, viscometric functions from (1)518 520 524
Parallel-plate plastometer see Squeezing flow
Parallel-plate viscometer (1)521
Particle label (1)484
Particle motion in fluids (1)85
Partition function (2)15
Paskhin, E. D. 361 413
Paslay, P. R. 249
Patzold, R. 85 87
Paul, D. D. 91
Pawlowski, J. 201
Pawlowski’s variational principle (1)201
Paz, U. 89
Pearl-necklace model see Kramers model
Pearson, J. R. A. 18 28 37 51 72 95 205 206 207 235 245 377 384 523 532
Peclet number (1)12 207
Pedersen, S. 125
Peng, S. T. J. 75 532
Perera, M. G. N. 400
Permutation symbol (1)559 600 (2)183
Persson, O. 84
Perturbation method (1)32 316 540
Peterlin, A. 105 139
Petersen, E. E. 235
Petrie, C. J. S. 51 162 235 353
Phan — Thien and Tanner model (1)411 467 (2)373 380
Phan — Thien, N. 187 235 371 377 387 400 409 411 467
Phase shift in oscillatory testing (1)115
Phase-space distribution function (2)38 255
Phase-space distribution function, elastic dumbbells (2)56
Phase-space distribution function, rigid dumbbells (2) 112
Phase-space kinetic theory (2)245 279 307
Phillips model (1)441
Phillips, J. C. 436
Phillips, M. C. 441
Phuoc, H. B. 73
Piau 327
Piau, J. — M. 240 327
Pickup, T. J. F. 532
Picot, J. J. C. 208
Pierick, M. W. 180 182
Pierrard, J. 475
Pigford, R. L. 210
Pike, D. 68 463
Pipe flow see Tube flow
Pipkin, A. C. 65 97 98 157 263 306 309 318 326 328 337 498 499 517 529
Planar elongational flow (1)101 437 471
Plane flow (1)22 24
Plateau modulus (1)147
Plotnikova, Ye. P. 124
Poehlein, G. W. 533
Poiseuille, J. L. 15
Poly isobutylene (1)58 65 80 81 106 108 118 121 124 125 126 136 145 172 191 284 413 446 546 (2)91
Poly- -benzyl — L-glutamate (2)124 143
Poly- -methylstyrene (1)120 (2)83 171 175 343
Polyacrylamide (1)58 61 63 70 71 76 77 82 84 86 87 106 108 118 121 125 126 163 172 236 380 465 537 548 (2)91
Polybutadiene (1)117 145
Polydimethylsiloxane (1)58 145 208
Polydispersity (1)59 (2)4
Polydispersity, melt kinetic theory and (2)337
Polyethylene (1)57 58 60 79 105 112 117 120 127 128 131 135 139 141 145 173 208 209 274 277 412 446 (2)6 8 347 348 382
Polyethylene glycol (1)145
Polyethylene terephthalate (1)58
Polyethyleneoxide,(l) 58 82 88 90 110 175 (2)5 91
Polyhexamethylene adipamide (1)58
Polyisoprene (1)58 117 236
Polymer additives (1)87
Polymer structure (1)56 (2)4
Polymethylmethacrylate (1)72 145 208
Polypeptide (1)56
Polypropylene (1)61 208 236 446
polystyrene (1)58 107 117 127 133 134 137 141 143 145 146 148 149 151 152 172 173 174 208 446 (2)7 83 84 171 175 176 342 345 348
Polyvinyl acetate (1) 145
Polyvinylchloride (1)58 208 209
Poreh 89
Porter, R. S. 109
Portmann, P. 440 535
potential energy (2)37 250 265 281
Potential energy, elastic dumbbells (2)62
potential flow (2)57
Potential flow, bead-rod-spring models (2) 195
Potential flow, elastic dumbbells (2)62 102
Potential flow, rigid dumbbells (2) 116 143
Potential flow, Rouse model (2)154
Potential function (1)438 469
Powell — Eyring model (1)228
Powell, R. E. 228
Power-law model (1)172
Power-law model , axial annular flow (1) 176 181 202 238
Power-law model , axial eccentric annular flow (1)204
Power-law model , coat-hangar die (1)245
Power-law model , cone-and-plate viscometer (1)223
Power-law model , distributor design (1)240
| Power-law model , falling cylinder viscometer (1)248
Power-law model , flow of immiscible fluids (1)242
Power-law model , helical annular flow (1) 184
Power-law model , nonisothermal flow (1)210 216 217 223
Power-law model , pulsatile pressure drop (1)187
Power-law model , radial flow between disks (1)176 240
Power-law model , Rayleigh problem (1)248
Power-law model , shortcomings of (1)175
Power-law model , slit flow (1)176
Power-law model , square tube (1)251
Power-law model , squeezing flow (1)176 189
Power-law model , tangential annular flow (1)176 239
Power-law model , tapered tube (1)178 241
Power-law model , temperature dependence of constants (1)210
Power-law model , tube flow (1)175 187 210 216 218 247
Power-law model , variational method (1)202 204
Power-law model , with slip at wall (1)247
Power-law model , with third invariant (1)250
Power-law viscosity (1)107
Power-law viscosity, from rigid dumbbell model (2)123 140
Prager, W. 170 201 228 480 561 566 607
Prandtl number (1)90
Press, W. H. 377
Pressure (1)10
Pressure tensor see Stress tensor
Pressure transducers, hole-pressure effect and (1)67
Pressure, modified (1)12 14
Principal axes of rate of strain (1)162
Principal elongation ratios (1)430 623
Pritchard, W. G. 68 80 81 97 109 463 524
product rule for real parts of (1)188
Prokunin, A. N. 361 413
Proudman — Pearson equation (1)28
Proudman, I. 28
Prud’homme, R. K. 298 465 466
Pseudoplastic fluids (1)60 173
Pulsatile tube flow (1)187 234 277 371
Pure shear (2)364 366
Purely viscous fluids see Generalized Newtonian fluid
Quasi-steady-state approximation (1)13 20 176 189
Quasilinear differential models (1)345
Quasilinear integral models (1)431
Quelleffekt (1)63
Quinzani, L. 539
Rabie, L. H. 88
Rabinowitsch, B. 527
Radial flow between disks (1)165
Radial flow between disks, convected Maxwell model (1)418
Radial flow between disks, power-law model (1)176 240
Radial flow between disks, second-order fluid (1)318
Radial flow between disks, third-order fluid (1)330
Radius of gyration (2)27
Radius of gyration, effect of ring closure (2)50
Radtke, D. R. 117
Radushkevich, B. V. 530
Raible 135 530
Rajagopal, K. R. 306
Ramachandran, S. 109 475 523
Random walk distribution (2)12
Random walk distribution, and probability of end-to-end vector (2)49
Random walk distribution, deviations from (2)40 47
Random walk distribution, equilibrium averages (2)28
Rate-of-deformation tensor see Rate-of-strain tensor
Rate-of-strain tensor (1)622 (2)64
Rate-of-strain tensor, components in curvilinear coordinates (1)614
Rate-of-strain tensor, definition of (1)11 256 296 (2)394
Rate-of-strain tensor, higher-order (1)296 491 622 (2)396
Rate-of-strain tensor, in shear flow (1)297 622
Rate-of-strain tensor, in shearfree flow (1)622
Rate-of-strain tensor, invariants of (1)170
Rate-of-strain tensor, relations among (1)492 504 507
Rate-of-strain tensor, transformation rules for (1)488
Rayleigh problem, convected Jeffreys model (1)369
Rayleigh problem, Newtonian fluid (1)38
Rayleigh problem, power-law fluid (1)248
Rayleigh, Lord (J. W. Strutt) 38
Rayleigh’s equation (2)50
Reciprocal base vectors (1)597 599 602
Recoil, comparison with data (1)130
Recoil, constrained (1)113 129
Recoil, extrudate swell and (1)73
Recoil, in circular tube (1)78
Recoil, linear viscoelastic fluid (1)269 289
Recoil, Lodge rubberlike liquid and (2)388 390
Recoil, recoverable shear (1)130
Recoil, ultimate (1)130
Recoil, use of Laplace transform (1)289
Recoverable shear (1)130 153
Redheffer, R. 192
Reduced variables (1)108 139 (2)163
Ree 228
Ree, F.H. 228
Reed, J. C. 235
Reilly, I. G. 208
Reiner 61 95 170 173 228 231 234 326 387 504
Reiner — Rivlin equation (1)504
Reiner — Riwlin equation (1)231
Relative (finite) strain tensors, and infinitesimal strain tensor (1)489
Relative (finite) strain tensors, components in curvilinear coordinates (1)616—619
Relative (finite) strain tensors, definition (1)427 (2)396
Relative (finite) strain tensors, in eccentric disk rheometer (1)513
Relative (finite) strain tensors, in shear and shearfree flows (1)623
Relative viscosity (1)108
Relaxation modulus, bead-rod models (2)231 233
Relaxation modulus, Curtiss — Bird theory (2)337
Relaxation modulus, definition (1)263 (2)399
Relaxation modulus, determination from data (1)273
Relaxation modulus, Doi — Edwards theory and (1)287
Relaxation modulus, generalized Maxwell model (1)262
Relaxation modulus, Jeffreys model (1)262
Relaxation modulus, linear viscoelasticity and (2)397
Relaxation modulus, Lodge network model (2)370
Relaxation modulus, Maxwell model (1)260
Relaxation modulus, melt kinetic theory and (2)337
Relaxation modulus, rigid bead-rod models (2)237
Relaxation modulus, rigid dumbbell model (1)285 (2)131 237
Relaxation modulus, sample experimental data (1)127
Relaxation modulus, Segalman empiricism (1)285
Relaxation modulus, step-strain experiment and (1)124
Relaxation modulus, zero-shear-rate viscosity and (1)264
Relaxation spectrum (1)285
Relaxation time (1)259 261 442
Renardy 440 469
Renardy condition (1)440
representation of oscillations (1)116 163
Reptation (1)146 (2)291 310 315
Reptation coefficient (2)316 322
Retardation time (1)261
Retarded motion expansion (1)295—339 (2)397
Retarded motion expansion, boundary conditions and (1)317
Retarded motion expansion, complex viscosity for (1)329
Retarded motion expansion, constants in (1)301—303
Retarded motion expansion, creeping flows (1)316
Retarded motion expansion, definition (1)298
Retarded motion expansion, eccentric-disk rheometer (1)328
Retarded motion expansion, FENE dumbbells (2)80
Retarded motion expansion, flow into a slit (1)332
Retarded motion expansion, flow near a comer (1)339
Retarded motion expansion, flow systems analyzed for (1)318 326
Retarded motion expansion, for melts (2)335
Retarded motion expansion, hole-pressure effect (1)337
Retarded motion expansion, Hookean dumbbells (2)15
Retarded motion expansion, limitations of (1)325
Retarded motion expansion, line sink (1)329
Retarded motion expansion, Oldroyd 6—constant model and (1)416
Retarded motion expansion, parallel disk viscometer (1)335
Retarded motion expansion, radial flow between parallel disks (1)330
Retarded motion expansion, relation to empirical constitutive equations (1)303
Retarded motion expansion, relation to integral models (1)438
Retarded motion expansion, relation to kinetic theory (1)302
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