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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood |
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Acetates and alcohol as lacquer solvents 292
Acetic acid in polishing oils 280
Acetone in varnish-removers 282
Acid azo dyes 112
Acid coal-tar dyes 117
Acid dyes are soluble in water 118
Acid dyes for use in acid baths 118
Acid dyes in wood stains without acid 118
Acid dyes not acid in reaction 131
Acid dyes on wood 118
Acid dyes used as wood-stains 119
Acid dyes used as wood-stains, list of 120—121
Acid dyes used to dye wool and silk 124
Acid dyes, acetic acid with 134
Acid dyes, cheap and brilliant 118
Acid dyes, easily soluble 134
Acid water-soluble dyes on wood 130
Acid water-stains under lacquers 325
Acridine colors 115
Air-gun, use of with lacquers 330
Air-seasoned lumber unsatisfactory 15
Air-spraying outfits 331
Alcohol denatured, high proof, in shellac 173
Alcohol in shellac-varnish 173
Alcohol polishing, spiriting-off 281
Alcohol, absorption of water by 174
Alcohol, affinity of for water 180
Alcohol, amyl 311
Alcohol, butyl 311
Alcohol, ethyl as a lacquer-solvent 297
Alcohol, ethyl, solvent power of for resins 292
Alizarine dyes 111
Alizarine dyes, acid 114
Alizarine dyes, synthetic madder 100
Alkalies, destroy Prussian blue 369
Alkalies, fixed, for fumed-oak color 69
Alkalies, used on wood 67—68
Alkalies, volatile, and fixed, as stains 68
Alkaline wood stains 39
Alkyd resins 410
Aloes extract 99
Aluminum enamels 446
Aluminum paint 374
Aluminum stearate in flatting oils 344
Aluminum stearate in mixing varnishes 255
Aluminum stearate in varnishes 254
Aluminum stearate, dulls lacquers 330
Aluminum varnish kettle 232
Amber in varnish 212 214
Amber, not now available 222
Amberols 407
Ammonia, fuming of various woods 70
Ammonia, process of fuming oak 70
Ammonia, strong, effective stain 68
Amyl acetate as a lacquer-solvent 301
Amyl acetate for brush cleaning 283
Amyl acetate, brush cleaner 392
Amyl acetate, use in lacquers 310
Amyl alcohol, use in lacquers 311
Analogous colors 85
Aniline 104
Aniline dyes, are subdivision of coal-tar dyes 104
Aniline, derivation of 107
Aniline, source of 111
Animal dyes 95
Animi resin not available 222
Anthracene, dyes 114
Anthracene, oil 108
Anthraquinone dyes 114
Antimony, butter of 280
Antimony, oxide, or white antimony 355
Antimony, white, non-poisonous paint pigment 355
Antwerp blue 369
Application of paints 386
Applying stains 61
Architectural varnish 251
Asbestine as a paint extender 357
Ash, filler for 146
Ash, finishing of 393
Asphaltum black, as an oil-stain 50
Aurantine dye 101
Aurora yellow 368
Automobile, lacquers 313 449
Automobile, synthetic enamels 450
Automobile, varnish 251
Azine dyes, basic and acid 113
Azo, acid dyes 117—118
Azo, compounds 112
Bakelite 408
Baking-enamels, medium-oil varnishes for 253
Baking-varnish 251
Barium sulphate in lithopone 356
Barium sulphate, inert paint pigment 255
Barytes as a paint pigment 355
Barytes, cheap adulterant for paints 356
Basic dyes on leather 125
Basic dyes on wood 125
Basic dyes used on wood without mordants 333
Basic dyes, azo 112
Basic dyes, brilliant but fugitive 119
Basic dyes, brilliant but fugitive for spirit-soluble wood-stains 125
Basic dyes, from various chemical groups 119
Basic dyes, more fugitive than acid 132
Basic dyes, require mordants on cotton 124
Basic dyes, soluble in water and alcohol 131
Basic dyes, use as wood-stains, list of 122—123
Basswood, finishing of 393
Beckacites 410
Beeswax, in flat varnishes 255
Benzene from light tar-oil 111
Benzene, a lacquer thinner 307
Benzene, boiling point of 107
Benzene, not the same as benzine 307
Benzine 240
Benzine functions of in varnishes 248
Benzine in enamels 196
Benzine in lacquers 307
Benzine in paint 345
Benzine in varnishes 238
Benzine, excess of in short-oil varnishes 266
Benzine, not good in paints 391
Benzol in enamels 196
Benzol in oil-soluble stains 129
Benzol in paints 382
Benzol in priming paint on certain woods 387
Benzol in wood-fillers 153
Benzol, solubility of gums in 307
Benzyl alcohol, as a lacquer-solvent 302
Berenice's hair, story of 212
Berenice, old name for amber 212 213
Bichromate of potash with direct dyes 126
Birch, filler for 146
Birch, finishing of 393
Bismarck brown in shellac 187
Black lead, or graphite 360
Black paint 382
Black pigments 359
Black pigments, list of 343
Blanc fixe or precipitated barytes 355
Blanc fixe with titanox 354
Blanc fixe, base for "lake" colors 355
Bleaching agents 434
Blending agents in lacquers 307
Blending colors 382
Blistering 428
Blocks for sandpapering 30
Bloom 428
Blue, Antwerp 369
Blue, Chinese 369
Blue, cobalt, permanent, expensive 370
| Blue, paint 383
Blue, pigments 368
Blue, Prussian, brilliant color 369
Blue, sky, paint 383
Blue, ultramarine, complex compound 368
Blushing and plasticizers 303
Blushing in lacquer films 298
Blushing of shellac-varnish 180
Blushing or cloudy effects in lacquer films 299
Bone black 359
Brass paint (yellowish) 383
Brazil-wood dye 101
Bronze, green, paint 383
Bronze, paints 374
Bronzing liquids 374
Bronzing metals 444
Brown pigments, list of 371—372
Brown pigments, sepia 372
Brown pigments, Vandyke brown 373
Brown, paint, various mixtures 383
Brunswick green 370
Brush, cleaners for paint 392
Brush, cleaning liquids 283
Brushes for chemical staining 68
Brushes for lacquering 327
Brushes for varnishing 268
Brushes, care of with water-stains 47
Brushes, cleaning of 431
Brushes, kinds of used with water-stains 47
Brushes, use of in staining 61
Brushing, paint into wood cells 388
Brushing, wood before filling, need of 151
Brushing-lacquer, brushes for 327
Brushing-lacquer, clear, for wood 312
Brushing-lacquer, thickness or "body" of 329
Buckles for white lead corroding 347
Buff 81
Buff, paint 383
Burmese lacquers 286
Burnt, sienna 364
Burnt, umber 372—373
Burnt, umber, good oil-stain color 373
Burnt, umber, is a strong drier 373
Butternut, finishing of 393
Button-lac 172
Butyl acetate as a brush cleaner 283 392
Butyl acetate as a lacquer-solvent 300
Butyl acetate used in lacquers 310
Butyl alcohol as a lacquer-solvent 300
Butyl alcohol or butanol, used in lacquers 311
Butyl propionate, use in lacquers 310
Cabinet-maker's cement for holes 24
Cadmium yellow 367
Calcimines 345
Calcium carbonate or whiting 356
Camphor in shellac 179
Camwood bark 102
Carbolic oils 107
Carbon black, intense black 359
Carmine, from cochineal 364
Castor-oil as a softener 304
Castor-oil with colors in lacquers 316
Catalysers 241
Catechu 100
Cedar oil of, ancient use of 213
Cedar oil, in polishing oils 280
Cedar, red, finishing of 393
Cello Solve, as a lacquer-solvent 298
Charcoal black, artists' color 360
Chemical staining, brushes for 68
Chemical staining, fumed-oak color 69
Chemical staining, precautions with 68
Chemical staining, preparation of a wood surface for 68
Chemical Stains 64
Chemical Stains, chemicals used in 66
Chemical Stains, definition of 64
Chemical Stains, good on few woods 65
Chemical Stains, protection of hands with 68
Chemical Stains, reaction of woods to 64
Chemical Stains, tannic acid reacts with iron parts of brushes 66
Chemical Stains, waning popularity of 65
Chemical theory of dyeing 93
Cherry, color for paints 364
Cherry, filler for 146
Cherry, finishing of 393
Chestnut, filler for 146
Chestnut, finishing of 393
China clay 358
China clay or kaolin, in fillers 142
China wood-oil 234
China wood-oil in enamels 199
China wood-oil in flatting oils 344
China wood-oil in varnishes 222
China wood-oil, see tung-oil also 234
China wood-oil, special functions of in varnishes 248
Chinese blue 369
Chinese lacquers 285 286
Chroma 78
Chrome or Brunswick green 370
Chrome, green, a mixed color 370
Chrome, orange 366
Chrome, oxide green 371
Chrome, yellows 366
Chrome, yellows, brilliancy of 367
Chrome, yellows, unsatisfactory with Ultramarine blue and sulphur colors, and alkalies 366
Chromic acid in wood-stains 39
Chromic acid used in chemical stains 66
Citrine, mixing the color 81
Citronella, oil of, used in polishing-oils 280
Cleaning liquids for paint brushes 392
Cleanliness improved by paints 341
Close-grained woods, stain for 53
Coach black 360
Coach-varnish 252
Coal-tar 104
Coal-tar dyes and their use as wood-stains 104
Coal-tar dyes, acid 117
Coal-tar dyes, acid, colors for wood, list of 120—121
Coal-tar dyes, American now permanent 106
Coal-tar dyes, American production of 106—107
Coal-tar dyes, azo compounds 112
Coal-tar dyes, basic, colors for wood, list of 122—123
Coal-tar dyes, characteristics and origin 104
Coal-tar dyes, chemists' classification of 112
Coal-tar dyes, classified by application 116
Coal-tar dyes, crudes and intermediates for 111
Coal-tar dyes, history of 105
Coal-tar dyes, include aniline and others 104—105
Coal-tar dyes, list of application groups 117
Coal-tar dyes, list of first colors 105
Coal-tar dyes, number of 104
Coal-tar dyes, shortage of during war 105—106
Coal-tar, blacks 98
Coal-tar, distillation, products of 107
Coats of paint, number of 386
Cobalt, blue, artists' color 370
Cobalt, driers 241—242
Cobalt, green 371
Cochineal 95
Colophony 246 see
Color circle, 12-step 82
Color circle, modern 10-point 87
Color combinations, acceptable, list of 88
Color, harmony in 85
Color, index 104
Color, modern theory of 86
Color, plating 452
Color, triads of 83
Color, triads, and near complements 84
Colored lacquers 317
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