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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood |
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Turpentine, amount used in varnishes 239
Turpentine, as a paint thinner 375
Turpentine, boiling point of 239
Turpentine, flatting effects of 375
Turpentine, functions of in varnishes 248
Turpentine, imparts brushing qualities 238
Turpentine, in enamels 196
Turpentine, in oil-soluble stains 129
Turpentine, in paint 345
Turpentine, kinds of 237
Turpentine, solid matter in 238
Turpentine, specific gravity of 238
Turpentine, substitutes 239
Turpentine, substitutes, list of 240
Turpentine, thinner for flat paints under enamels 204
Turpentine, uses of 239
Tuscan red 363
Tyrian purple 96
Tyrian purple, synthetic 104
Ultra-violet rays decompose clear lacquers 313
Ultramarine blue, and related blues 368
Ultramarine blue, not good with white lead 391
Ultramarine blue, not mixed with chrome yellow or white lead 368
Ultramarine blue, permanent 368
Ultramarine blue, with zinc white 369
Umber, as a drier 243
Umber, burnt 372—373
Umber, raw 372
Undercoat, flat enamel paint 381
Undercoat, flat paint, with lithopone 353
Undercoats of shellac 203
Undercoats, for lacquers 321
Undercoats, for quick-drying varnishes 432
Value, of color 79
Vandyke brown, imitation of 373
Vandyke brown, used as a walnut stain 373
Varnish brushes, cleaning 283
Varnish brushes, preparation of 268
Varnish brushes, use of 270
Varnish ingredients changed by heat 221
Varnish, addition of thinners to hot mixtures of 239 240
Varnish, application of 270
Varnish, application of, in ancient Egypt 213
Varnish, architectural 251
Varnish, automobile 251
Varnish, baking 251
Varnish, black, gums used in 253
Varnish, book-binders' contains sandarac 169
Varnish, choice of 421
Varnish, classification of 216 396
Varnish, coach 252
Varnish, coats, sanding of between 273
Varnish, color of 266
Varnish, containing China wood-oil 222
Varnish, cooking effects on 266 419
Varnish, covering power of 272
Varnish, darkened by long cooking 267
Varnish, drying of, by evaporation and oxidation 231 236 240
Varnish, drying of, on damp days 269
Varnish, drying-oils in 231 395
Varnish, dyes used in 133
Varnish, early composition of unknown 213
Varnish, early formulas contained sandarac 214
Varnish, East India soft gum in 254
Varnish, effects of heat on 252
Varnish, elasticity of 266
Varnish, ester-gum in enamel-varnishes 253
Varnish, evolution 395
Varnish, exterior 252
Varnish, films, drying of 273
Varnish, films, rubbing of 272
Varnish, films, staying in place of 266
Varnish, films, thickness of 266
Varnish, films, winkling of 272
Varnish, finishing 252
Varnish, flat, mixing 255
Varnish, flat, or mat 254
Varnish, flatting with beeswax 255
Varnish, flowing 256
Varnish, flowing qualities of 236 265
Varnish, for floors 256
Varnish, for furniture 256
Varnish, for gear and chassis 256
Varnish, for preservation and beauty 215
Varnish, for undercoats 271
Varnish, for use in enamels 252
Varnish, from soft gums 165
Varnish, gloss-oil 257
Varnish, grinding 257
Varnish, hard-oil 2—58
Varnish, heat-proof 258
Varnish, in floor-paints 390
Varnish, in paints 244
Varnish, ingredients 417
Varnish, insulating 259
Varnish, interior 258
Varnish, japans, purpose of 217
Varnish, kinds that will rub 273
Varnish, leveling properties of 266
Varnish, long-oil, in enamels 394
Varnish, long-oil, is elastic 259
Varnish, luster of 266 267
Varnish, making, directed by scientists 219
Varnish, making, little changed till recently 214
Varnish, making, secrets of 218
Varnish, making, temperatures of 220
Varnish, manufacture, improvements in 185
Varnish, marine 259
Varnish, medium-oil for baking-enamels 253
Varnish, middle ages type with drying-oils 215
Varnish, mixing 259
Varnish, oil or oleoresinous, history of varnish making 212
Varnish, oil, composition of 218
Varnish, oil, contains drying-oils 216
Varnish, oil, made from amber 212
Varnish, oil, resins in 218 221
Varnish, oil, slow-drying 400
Varnish, oil, use of amber in ancient 214
Varnish, oil, with linseed-oil 398
Varnish, on early paintings 214
Varnish, origin of name 212
Varnish, over enamels 217
Varnish, piano 260
Varnish, polishing 260
Varnish, purpose of 215
Varnish, qualities of 415
Varnish, quick-drying 413
Varnish, removal of gloss on 271
Varnish, rosin, and tung-oil 228
Varnish, rosin, cracking of 229
Varnish, rubbing 261
Varnish, rubbing, methods of 273
Varnish, rubbing, with oil 274
Varnish, sandpapering of 274
Varnish, setting time of 266
Varnish, short-oil 262
Varnish, short-oil, in enamels 200
Varnish, sizing 262
Varnish, solvents 218
Varnish, spar 263
Varnish, spirit 164 397
Varnish, spraying 263
Varnish, synthetic 418
Varnish, synthetic, disadvantages in 420
Varnish, tack-rags 269
Varnish, Theophilus Presbyter's formula for 214
Varnish, thickness of coats of 272
Varnish, thinned freely with turpentine 266
Varnish, thinners 236
Varnish, thinners, information about 248
| Varnish, thinners, mixing temperatures of 240
Varnish, thinning of 264
Varnish, thinning of, by users 270
Varnish, told of by Pliny 214
Varnish, troubles 428
Varnish, types of 251
Varnish, types of, in enamels 204
Varnish, under- and over-cooked 221
Varnish, used, as a binder in enamels 195
Varnish, used, by ancient Egyptians 213
Varnish, vehicles in 247
Varnish, viscosity of 264
Varnish, warming of 270
Varnish, wipers on containers 270
Varnish, working and thinning properties of 265
Varnish-chimney, photograph of 219
Varnish-chimney, purpose of 220
Varnish-gums, fossil 221
Varnish-gums, hard, melted with oils 216
Varnish-gums, in lacquers 288
Varnish-kettle 219—220
Varnish-kettle, copper and aluminum 232
Varnish-lacquer, dries slowly 288
Varnish-lacquer, possible new finish 314
Varnish-oils, linseed 232
Varnish-oils, with lead driers 233
Varnish-oils, with manganese drier 233
Varnish-removers, cleaning after use of 269
Varnish-removers, formulas for 283
Varnish-removers, may burn skin of hands 282
Varnish-resin and oil mixing 220
Varnish-resin, cooking of 220
Varnish-resin, functions of 245—246
Varnish-resin, information about 245
Varnish-resin, Manila gums 225
Varnish-resin, or gums 245
Varnish-resin, rosin 226
Varnish-resin, solubility of in hot oils 220
Varnish-resin, use in lacquers 291 309
Varnished paintings of ancient Egypt 339
Varnishing, brush 422
Varnishing, brush, for quick-drying 423
Varnishing, brush, for slow-drying 424
Varnishing, brushes for 268
Varnishing, conditions for 265
Varnishing, dusting before 268
Varnishing, number of coats used 272
Varnishing, on lathe work 190
Varnishing, over old finishes 269
Varnishing, over sandpapered undercoats 271
Varnishing, panels, method of 270
Varnishing, preparations for 267
Varnolene 218 240
Varnolene, used in varnishes 249
Vat dyes 128
Vegetable dyes 96
Vegetable dyes, aloes extract 99
Vegetable dyes, camwood bark 102
Vegetable dyes, cutch, or catechu 100
Vegetable dyes, Flavin 103
Vegetable dyes, fustic 101
Vegetable dyes, gallnuts 100
Vegetable dyes, madder extract 99
Vegetable dyes, mordant 127
Vegetable dyes, patent bark 103
Vegetable dyes, quercitron 102
vehicles 247 see
Vehicles, for bronze and aluminum paints 375
Vehicles, for paints, functions of 343
Vehicles, functions of in varnishes 247
Vehicles, in fillers 143
Venetian red 361
Venetian red, composition of 362
Vermilion 363
Veronese green 370
Violet paint 385
Viridian 371
Viscosity of drying-oils 236
Viscosity of varnishes 264
Volatile oil-stains 55
Volatile oil-stains, bleeding into varnish coats 57
Volatile oil-stains, coloring-matter in 56
Volatile oil-stains, lifting of 57
Volatile oil-stains, oils in 56
Volatile oil-stains, permanency of 56
Volatile oil-stains, wiping of 56
Volatile oils, list of 236
Volatile-oil solvents or thinners 236
Wall (interior) paints, formulas for 380
Walnut, American, fillers and stain for 148
Walnut, antique, filler for 148
Walnut, black, finishing of 393
Walnut, Circassian 148
Walnut, paint 386
Walnut, wood, filled surface of, highly magnified 159
Warm colors 79
Warning, lacquering with an air-gun increases fire risk 333
Waste-can, for safety from fires 280
Water-color paints 345
Water-proof, enamels 199
Water-proof, shellac 337
Water-proof, varnishes 264
Water-proof, varnishes, not for furniture 268
Water-soluble colors, solubility of 133
Water-staining, and loose glue joints 43
Water-staining, beginning and ending of 48
Water-staining, care of brushes with 47
Water-staining, helpful hints on 46
Water-staining, on end-grain 46
Water-stains, acid, under lacquers 325
Water-stains, advantages of 40
Water-stains, and sap streaks 45
Water-stains, application, procedure of 45
Water-stains, applied evenly 48
Water-stains, brush application of is difficult 45
Water-stains, care in application of 46—47
Water-stains, change of color with 41
Water-stains, cheap per gallon 42
Water-stains, clear effects with 42
Water-stains, dark shades with 41
Water-stains, dipping with 41
Water-stains, disadvantages of 43
Water-stains, dry quickly 43
Water-stains, hot application of 42
Water-stains, on veneers 48
Water-stains, penetrate thru one coat linseed-oil 43
Water-stains, penetration of 41
Water-stains, permanency of 42
Water-stains, popularity of 41
Water-stains, preliminary preparation for 41
Water-stains, solubility of 41
Water-stains, use of brushes with 41
Water-stains, variety of colors with 41
Water-stains, will darken a filled surface 41
Wax, removal of 208
Wax-finishes, removal of 269
Wet weather painting 386
White lead, (8% oil) oil paste 378
White lead, and whiting in putty 389
White lead, buckles 347
White lead, corroding, chemistry of 349
White lead, darkened by sulphur in ultramarine blue 391
White lead, formula for 347
White lead, grinding of 350
White lead, making by Carter process 350
White lead, manufacture of 347
White lead, paint mixtures 378—379
White lead, paints over red-lead priming 382
White lead, paste 352
White lead, poisonous 391
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