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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood |
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Ethyl acetate as a lacquer-solvent 298
Ethyl acetate, use in lacquers 310
Ethyl alcohol, anhydrous, as a gum solvent 292
Ethyl alcohol, anhydrous, use in lacquers as a lacquer-solvent 297
Ethyl alcohol, denatured, in shellac 173
Ethyl lactate as a lacquer-solvent 301
Ethyl lactate, use in lacquers 310
Extenders, for paints 342
Extenders, functions of 343
Exterior enamels 199
Exterior varnish 252
Felts for rubbing 276
Ferric oxide, in Venetian red 362
Filled surface, final cleaning of 160
Filled surface, highly magnified 159
Filled surface, sandpapering of 159
Filler, brushes and picking-sticks for 149
Filler, containing benzol 153
Filler, liquid, ready-mixed 141
Filler, removal of when too hard to rub 149
Filler, thinning of 153
Filler, type required depends on porosity of wood 162
Filler, types of, used on common woods 160
Filler, wood, in tracheal vessels 137
Filling and staining in one operation 152
Filling without lifting stain 152
Filling, process of 152
Finishing-varnishes 253
Fire danger from drying-oils 280
Fitch-brushes 327
Flatting effects of turpentine 375
Flatting-oils, in paints 344
Flavin 103
Floor-paints contain varnish 344
Floor-varnishes 255
Flowing varnish 256
Forest green, filler for 146
Formulas for paint and varnish removers 283
Fossil varnish-gums 221
French ochers are superior 365
French polishing 185
French polishing on a lathe 189
French polishing used on close-grained woods 186
French polishing with varnish 281
French polishing, application of 188
French polishing, colors sometimes used with 187
French polishing, drying of coats of 188
French polishing, formulae for 187
French polishing, number of coats used in 188
French polishing, pad for 188
French polishing, pumice-stone as a filler for 188
French polishing, shellac mixtures for 186
French polishing, spiriting off in 188
French polishing, spiriting off on lathe finishes 190
French polishing, various procedures for 186
Fumed-oak with fixed alkalies 69
Fumed-oak, ammonia-process 70
Fumed-oak, chronological steps in finish 76
Fuming process on white oak 71
Fuming process, articles separated in 72
Fuming process, oiling after fuming 75
Fuming process, refuming light streaks 74
Fuming process, sap-streak doctoring 74
Fuming process, strength of ammonia required 72
Fuming process, tests for color in 73
Fuming process, time required for 73
Fuming process, uniform results in 74
Fuming-box 72
Furniture polishes 280
Furniture varnishes 256 268
Fustic 101
Fuzz on surface of cypress board, photomicrograph 43
Fuzz on surface of oak wood 151
Fuzz on wood, removal of 33
Fuzz removal of, before filling 152
Fuzz removal of, before or after water-staining 43
Gallnuts 100
Garnet-lac 172
Gear and Chassis varnish 256
Gilder's white 357
Gilsonite 217 253
Gloss enamels 197
Gloss paint for finishing coat 390
Gloss-oil varnishes 257
Gloss-varnishes in paints 344
Glycol ethers, use of in lacquers 299
Glyptals 410
Gold leaf 445
Gold paint 384 444
Graphite or black lead 360
Graphite paints 361
Gray paint 384
Gray, filler for 146
Green paints 384
Green pigments, chrome oxide green 371
Green pigments, classes of 370
Green pigments, cobalt green 371
Green pigments, emeraude green 371
Green pigments, permanent green 371
Green pigments, viridian 371
Greens, Brunswick 370
Greens, earth 370
Grinding colors in oil 376
Grinding white lead 350
Grinding-japan colors 315
Grinding-japans 244 258
Grinding-varnishes 257
Gum turpentine 237
Gums, varnish, soluble in drying oils 216
Gumwood, red, finishing of 393
Gun metal black, filler for 146
Gun-cotton, explosive 291
Gypsum, burnt, extender for Venetian red 362
Hard-oil varnish 258
Harmony in colors 85
Heat-proof varnish 258
Holes in wood, filling of 24
Hue 78
Hydrocarbon solvents 307
Indian red 362
Indian red in ferric oxide 362
Indigo 97 98
Indigo, synthetic 98
Indigo, vat dye 130
Indigoid colors 116
Inert paint pigments 342
Inside wall paints, flat 380
Inspection before sandpapering 26
Insulating varnish 259
Interior varnish 258
Iron pigments, list of 343
Ivory black 359
Ivory black, ground in japan 360
Ivory black, very dense and opaque 360
Ivory paint 384
Japanese lacquers 285 286
Japanese lacquers, baking 217
Japanese lacquers, colors in lacquer-enamels 315
Japanese lacquers, composition of 217
Japanese lacquers, contains gums 218
Japanese lacquers, driers, composition of 243 346
Japanese lacquers, driers, purpose of 217
Japanese lacquers, grinding 244 258
Japanese lacquers, gums used in 243
Japanese lacquers, japan 286
Japanese lacquers, painters' 243
Japanese lacquers, thinners in baking 217
Japanese lacquers, varnishes, and driers 216 217
Jet black 360
Kauri resin 223
| Kauri resin, cost of 224
Kauri resin, digging of 223
Kauri resin, grades of 223
Kauri resin, in high-grade varnishes 224
Kauri resin, melting temperature of 224
Kauri, fossil resin 223
Kauri, gum, function in varnish 246
Kauri, pine trees 223
Keg-lead 375
Kermes 96
Kerosene 240
Kerosene as a paint brush cleaner 392
Kerosene in paints 345
Kerosene, not good paint thinner 391
Kerosene, use in varnishes 249
Kiln-dried lumber reabsorbs moisture 15—16
Knots, prevention of exudation from 177
Knots, shellacking of, before painting 386
Lac, dye 171 172
Lac, insects, infest new trees 171
Lacquer and shellac mixtures 337
Lacquer films are heat resisting 337
Lacquer films are thin 323
Lacquer films, defects of 321
Lacquer films, density and strength of 293
Lacquer films, hardening speed of 335
Lacquer films, not easily damaged 335
Lacquer films, polishing of 336
Lacquer films, rubbing of with pumice-stone 336
Lacquer films, sanding, rubbing, and polishing of 334
Lacquer films, sandpapering 329
Lacquer films, waxing over 336
Lacquer finishes and lacquering technic 319
Lacquer finishes, advantages of 319
Lacquer finishes, disadvantages of 320
Lacquer finishes, drying time for 330
Lacquer finishes, have low gloss 321
Lacquer finishes, over drying-oils 324
Lacquer finishes, popularity of 289
Lacquer finishes, undercoats for 321
Lacquer for automobiles 293 313
Lacquer for wood 291
Lacquer, application of 325—326
Lacquer, application of, is difficult 289
Lacquer, brief history of 285
Lacquer, brush-cleaner 329
Lacquer, brushing, formula for wood 312
Lacquer, Burmese 286
Lacquer, characteristics of varnish-resins in 292
Lacquer, Chinese 285
Lacquer, colored 317
Lacquer, colored, with coal-tar dyes 315
Lacquer, cost of reduced by use of varnish-resins 292
Lacquer, diluents 294
Lacquer, diluents, characteristics of 308
Lacquer, drying time of 333—334
Lacquer, enamels 289 449
Lacquer, enamels, black 313
Lacquer, enamels, durability of 317
Lacquer, enamels, durable on automobiles 317
Lacquer, enamels, holds color while drying 319
Lacquer, enamels, japan colors in 315
Lacquer, enamels, mixing colors in 315
Lacquer, enamels, or, colored lacquers 314
Lacquer, enamels, pigment oil colors in 315
Lacquer, expensive 308
Lacquer, flat 336
Lacquer, formerly contained sandarac gum 169
Lacquer, formula, general 309
Lacquer, formula, general, amount of ingredients used 309—311
Lacquer, formula, general, chemical and general information 309—311
Lacquer, formula, general, diluents, functions of 311
Lacquer, formula, general, functions of ingredients 309—311
Lacquer, formula, general, gum or resin solvents 310
Lacquer, formula, general, ingredients in lacquer 309—311
Lacquer, formula, general, plasticizers 309
Lacquer, formula, general, solvents for nitrocellulose 310
Lacquer, formula, general, varnish-resins 309
Lacquer, from spirit-varnishes 287
Lacquer, history, use, composition 286
Lacquer, Japanese 285
Lacquer, Japanese, hardened by darkness and moisture 285
Lacquer, list of resins used in 292
Lacquer, meaning of term 289
Lacquer, nitrocellulose, composition of 290
Lacquer, nitrocellulose, with gums 288
Lacquer, nitrocellulose, without gums 288
Lacquer, nonsolvents, list of 295
Lacquer, nonsolvents, meaning of term 295
Lacquer, now contain varnish-resins and nitrocellulose 288
Lacquer, oriental 285
Lacquer, oriental, are varnishes 287
Lacquer, over spirit soluble stains 321
Lacquer, pigmenting of 316
Lacquer, plasticizers and oil-colors 315—316
Lacquer, quantity of resins in 293
Lacquer, reaction to linseed-oil 316
Lacquer, resins, characteristics of 292
Lacquer, resins, combination of in lacquers 293
Lacquer, rubbing, sandpapers for 335
Lacquer, solvents in 292
Lacquer, solvents, acetates and alcohol 292
Lacquer, solvents, active and nonsolvents 295
Lacquer, solvents, active, list of 295
Lacquer, solvents, characteristics of 294
Lacquer, solvents, classification of is difficult 295
Lacquer, solvents, classified by boiling-points 296
Lacquer, solvents, mixtures 294
Lacquer, spirit-varnish gums in 287
Lacquer, spirit-varnish type thin 287
Lacquer, spraying, formula for 312
Lacquer, spraying, pressure for 333
Lacquer, transparent or clear 313
Lacquer, undercoat stains 325
Lacquer, undercoats 336
Lacquer, undercoats, special 323
Lacquer, unpigmented, decompose in sunlight 313
Lacquer, uses of 289
Lacquering with a brush 327
Lacquering with an air-gun 330
Lacquering, brushes for 327
Lacquering, danger of in schools 333
Lacquering, drying time of coats 334
Lacquering, dust from spraying 333
Lacquering, hints for inexperienced 327
Lacquering, impossible over certain undercoats 322
Lacquering, over old finishes 325
Lacquering, over old varnish finishes 326
Lacquering, over porous woods 328
Lacquering, over shellac 324
Lacquering, over shellac undercoats 320
Lacquering, preparation of surfaces for 326
Lacquering, speed required usually 328
Lacquering, spraying-outfits for 330
Lacquering, unsatisfactory over linseed-oil compounds 322
Lacquering, use of spray-gam for 331
Lake colors 364
Lake greens 370
Lakes, coal-tar colors on blanc fixe 370
Lakes, dyes on blanc fixe 364
Lampblack 359
Lampblack used by ancient Egyptians 339
Lavender paint 384
Lead, acetate, function in varnishes 249
Lead, black 360
Lead, carbonate, and hydrate with drying-oils 349—350
Lead, carbonate, or white lead 342
Lead, corroding, photograph of stack 348
Lead, driers 241
Lead, driers in varnishes 239
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