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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood |
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Lead, driers, list of 242
Lead, hydrate 349—350
Lead, keg 375
Lead, pigments, in colors 343
Lead, poisoning 391
Lead, red 363
Lead, sulphate, basic 351
Lead, sulphate, with sulphur gases 351
Lead, white, composition of 346
Lead, white, manufacture of 347—348
Leveling properties of varnishes 266
Lifting of stain by filler 152
Lifting of volatile oil-stains 57
Lighting effects of paints 341
Linseed-oil 232
Linseed-oil under paste filler 153
Linseed-oil, amount used in varnishes 247
Linseed-oil, and tacky lacquers 307
Linseed-oil, bleached 232
Linseed-oil, function of in varnishes 247
Linseed-oil, heat treated with driers 232
Linseed-oil, in ancient varnishes 214
Linseed-oil, in elastic varnishes 267
Linseed-oil, information about 247
Linseed-oil, on rags, and spontaneous combustion 392
Linseed-oil, only good paint oil 391
Linseed-oil, pale 232
Linseed-oil, viscosity of 236
Linseed-oil, weight of 234
Liquid filler, covering power of 140
Litharge in tung-oil 234
Litharge used in varnishes 249
Litharge, combined with red lead 362
Lithopone for undercoat paints 353
Lithopone in enamels 194
Lithopone, characteristics of 205
Lithopone, formation of 356
Lithopone, obscuration of 353
Lithopone, paint, tests for 205
Livering 430
Logwood, chips 98
Logwood, extract 97
Long-oil ester-gum varnishes 265
Long-oil varnish, dries slowly 259
Luster of varnishes 266
Madder, colors for stains 100
Madder, extract 99
Madder, plant 99
Magenta, a basic dye 105
Magnesium silicate or asbestine 357
Mahogany, color, for paints 364
Mahogany, finishing of 393
Mahogany, paint 385
Mahogany, stains, not used under lacquers 325
Mahogany, various fillers for 146
Manganese dioxide 218
Manganese dioxide, function in varnishes 249
Manganese driers 242
Manganese driers in varnishes resist moisture 243
Manila gum, for pale inside varnishes 226
Manila gum, hard or fossil, functions in varnishes 245
Manila gum, soft and hard 225
Manjak 253
Maple, finishing of 393
Marble-dust in putty 389
Marine enamels 199
Marine varnish is water-proof 259
Marine varnish, composition of 259
Mastic, and dammar-varnish 168
Mastic, gum, solubility of in turpentine and alcohol 165
Mastic, gum, solvents for 168
Mastic, varnish used by artists 168
Mastic, varnish, characteristics of the gum 167 168
Mastic, varnish, origin of 167
Mauve, an aniline color 105
Mechanical theory of dyeing 93
Meglip, for artists 168
Menhaden oil, in varnish 258
Metal finishes 442
Metal paints of red-lead 381
Metal surface cleaning 202 443
Metallic pigments 373
Methylene blue and green 116
Mineral oil thinners 239—240
Minium 363
Mission-oak oil-stain 50
Mixing, dyes 134—135
Mixing, paint by hand, rules for 377
Mixing, varnish, resins in 260
Mixing, varnishes, amount of oil in 255
Monoethyl ether of ethylene glycol, as a lacquer-solvent 298
Mordant dyes 127
Mordant dyes, vegetable, going out of use 127
Mordants 94
Naphtha, functions and use in varnishes 248
Naphtha, in lacquers 307
naphthalene 98
Naphthol yellow 115
Negative varnishes, contain sandarac 169
Neutral colors 81
Nevindene 412
Nigrosine, acid water-soluble 113
Nigrosine, spirit-soluble 113
Nitrating cotton 290
Nitrobenzene 104
Nitrocellulose, amount used in lacquers 309
Nitrocellulose, kept wet in alcohol 291
Nitrocellulose, lacquers, composition of 290
Nitrocellulose, lacquers, high viscosity of early types of 291
Nitrocellulose, low viscosity type of 291
Nitrocellulose, nonsolvents for 310—311
Nitrocellulose, or pyroxylin 290
Nitrocellulose, pigmented 316
Nitrocellulose, solvents 310
Nitroso and nitro dyes 114
Oak, antique, filler for 146
Oak, Antwerp, filler for 146
Oak, Baronial, stain and filler for 146
Oak, bog, stain and filler for 146
Oak, dark, filler for 146
Oak, Dutch brown 147
Oak, early English 147
Oak, Flemish or Inlanders 147
Oak, fumed, filler for when used 147
Oak, golden, stain and filler for 147
Oak, Jacobean, no filler 147
Oak, Malachite, stain and filler for 147
Oak, mission, filler for when used 147
Oak, mission, finishing of 393
Oak, natural finishing of 393
Oak, olive, stain and filler for 147
Oak, silver or Kaiser, filler and stain for 148
Oak, stained, finishing of 393
Oak, stains and various fillers for 146
Oak, weathered, fillers when used for 148
Obscuration by paints 340
Ochers, golden, fade 366
Ochers, in priming paints 387
Ochers, yellow and golden 365
Oil for rubbing 277
Oil formulas for use in polishing 280
Oil of cedar, in polishing oils 280
Oil of cedar, use of in ancient times 213
Oil or oleoresinous varnishes 212
Oil oxidizing 218
Oil polishing with rottenstone 279
Oil rubbing, not used between coats 277
Oil rubbing, to satin-finish 276
Oil soaked rags and clothes, danger of 392
Oil solvents 236
| Oil used in polishing 279
Oil, colors, grinding of 376
Oil, colors, not equal in brilliancy 51
Oil, driers 346
Oil, drying 218
Oil, drying, used in varnishes 216
Oil, drying, used in varnishes, during the middle ages 215
Oil, tung- or China wood-oil 234
Oil-soluble dyes, hard to dissolve 134
Oil-soluble dyes, list of 130
Oil-soluble dyes, not distinct class 130
Oil-soluble dyes, solubility of 135
Oil-soluble dyes, solvents for 130
Oil-soluble stains, strength of color of 135
Oil-soluble stains, table of 129
Oil-stains, application of with a brush 54
Oil-stains, colored pigments in 50
Oil-stains, creosote 54
Oil-stains, dry colors in 51
Oil-stains, drying of 53
Oil-stains, lifting of color 53
Oil-stains, on close-grained woods 53
Oil-stains, on close-grained woods, cypress wood 50
Oil-stains, on close-grained woods, porous woods like cypress 53
Oil-stains, opaque effects of 51
Oil-stains, pigment, advantages of 52
Oil-stains, pigment, for architectural finishing 53
Oil-stains, pigment, formulas for 52
Oil-stains, pigment, use of 53
Oil-stains, preparation of pigments for 51
Oil-stains, rubbing of 53 54
Oil-stains, three kinds of 50
Oil-stains, volatile 55
Oil-stains, volatile, shellac-wash over 56
Oil-stains, with wood filler 52
Oil-varnish gums, soluble in drying-oils 216
Oil-varnishes see also "Varnish" "Varnishes" "Varnishing"
Oil-varnishes in gloss enamels 198
Oil-varnishes, application of 267
Oil-varnishes, composition of 218
Oil-varnishes, resins in 218
Oleate of lead 243
Olive, mixing the color 81
Olive, paint 385
Orange, chrome 366
Orange, paint 385
Orange, red pigments 364
Orange, shellac, use of 178
Orange, shellac-varnish, keeping of 176
Oriental lacquers 285
Oriental lacquers are varnishes 287
Osage orange dye 101
Outside paint formulas 378—379
Oxalic acid, bleaching shellac-varnish with 175
Oxazine colors 115
Paint and painting, brief history of 339
Paint and varnish removers, as paint brush cleaners 392
Paint and varnish removers, used on old finishes 208
Paint for, floors, with varnish 390
Paint for, porous woods 382
Paint for, undercoats, with lithopone 353
Paint's peeling on plastered walls 388—389
Paint, aluminum 374
Paint, antiseptic qualities of 341
Paint, application of 386
Paint, black 382
Paint, blue 383
Paint, brass (yellowish) 383
Paint, bronze 374
Paint, bronze, green 383
Paint, brown 383
Paint, brushing 388
Paint, buff 383
Paint, citron or citrine 383
Paint, composition of 342
Paint, containing, benzine 345
Paint, containing, kerosene 345
Paint, containing, turpentine 345
Paint, containing, turpentine, inflammable 391
Paint, covering-capacity of 379
Paint, cream 384
Paint, drab 384
Paint, driers, classes of 346
Paint, flatting-oils 344
Paint, formula for a second coat 378
Paint, from water-colors 345
Paint, functions of 340
Paint, gold 384
Paint, gray 384
Paint, green 384
Paint, green, permanent 371
Paint, hints and precautions 390
Paint, improves lighting effects 341
Paint, ingredients, characteristics of 375
Paint, ivory 384
Paint, lavender 384
Paint, list of drying-oils for 344
Paint, mahogany 385
Paint, making, progress slow in 340
Paint, making, recent development thru chemistry 340
Paint, mechanical not chemical mixtures 342
Paint, mixing, by a painter 377
Paint, mixing, formula for 378
Paint, oil, linseed only good 391
Paint, olive 385
Paint, orange 385
Paint, penetration increased by benzol 382
Paint, pigments 342
Paint, pigments, opaque, list of 342
Paint, pigments, powdered 375
Paint, pigments, white, classes of 342
Paint, pink 385
Paint, preserves wood and iron 341
Paint, priming, mixing 8% oil white lead paste 378
Paint, purple 385
Paint, removal from hands with linseed-oil 391
Paint, rose 385
Paint, russet 385
Paint, sanitation and cleanliness improved by 341
Paint, sky 383
Paint, slate 385
Paint, stone 385
Paint, straining 377
Paint, tan 385
Paint, thinners 345
Paint, thinners, functions of 345
Paint, unsealed, becomes worthless soon 391
Paint, vehicles, functions of 343
Paint, violet 385
Paint, walnut 386
Paint-brush cleaners 392
Painters' japans 243
Painters' rags, care of 392
Painting, body coat or second coat 389
Painting, body coat same color as finishing coat 390
Painting, cypress and yellow pine 393
Painting, early Egyptian 339
Painting, first coat 378
Painting, knots and resinous woods 386
Painting, not advisable during wet weather 386
Painting, number of coats used 386
Painting, old surfaces 386
Painting, preparation for 386
Painting, priming coat 387
Painting, procedure for 388
Painting, second coat, with 8% white lead oil paste 379
Painting, third coat mixture of 8% white lead oil paste 379
Painting, third or finishing coat 390
Painting, trimming coat 390
Paintings at Pompeii 340
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