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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood
Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood

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Название: Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood

Автор: Newell A.C.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1930

Количество страниц: 480

Добавлена в каталог: 19.09.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Paintings, early Egyptian, varnished      339
Paintings, prehistoric      339
Paraduras      410
Paraffin oil, in polishing oils      2-80
Paraffin, in varnish-removers      282
Paranols      410
Paris white      357
Parolite      217 253
Paste filler      138
Paste filler, application of      153—154
Paste filler, body material in      141
Paste filler, brushes and picking-sticks for      149
Paste filler, colors used to mix for various woods, table of      146
Paste filler, crosswise rubbing of      156
Paste filler, drying of      158
Paste filler, forced into pores      154
Paste filler, homemade, keeping qualities of      145
Paste filler, improper application of      155
Paste filler, in pores of walnut, magnified      157
Paste filler, ingredients in      143
Paste filler, lens examination of in pores      158
Paste filler, materials for rubbing of      156
Paste filler, names of colors of      145
Paste filler, not used over full strength shellac      152
Paste filler, oxidation of oil in      158
Paste filler, poor application of      155
Paste filler, process of filling with      152
Paste filler, pulling out of      154
Paste filler, required on certain woods      161
Paste filler, required on floors      162
Paste filler, rubbing off of      155
Paste filler, rubbing time for      156
Paste filler, rules for application of      155
Paste filler, second application of      156 158
Paste filler, setting of      154
Paste filler, stirring of      154
Paste filler, thinning of      145 153
Paste pigments, white lead and zinc-white      376
Patent bark      103
Perilla oil      231
Permanent green      371
Permanent pigment oil-colors      51
Petroleum distillates, solvent power of      240
Phenol-formaldehyde synthetic resins      410
Phthalates as plasticizers in lacquers      305
Phthalic acid      111
Piano varnish      260
Picking-sticks      149
Pickling      444
Picric acid      115
Picric acid in chemical stains      66
Picric acid in wood-stains      39
Pigment colors, oil-soluble, in lacquer-enamels      315
Pigment colors, permanent      51
Pigment colors, required for various woods, Table of      146
Pigment dyes      127
Pigment mixing, colored      382
Pigment oil-stains      50
Pigment oil-stains, advantages of      52
Pigment oil-stains, formulas for      52
Pigment oil-stains, on house trimming      54
Pigment oil-stains, use of      53
Pigment pastes, for paints      375
Pigment pastes, of white lead and zinc-white      376
Pigmented nitrocellulose      316
Pigments in lacquers      312
Pigments in lacquers, absorb ultra-violet rays      316
Pigments, black      343 359
Pigments, blue      368
Pigments, brown      372
Pigments, classes of      342
Pigments, colored      342
Pigments, colored, addition of to paints      391
Pigments, colored, classes of      343
Pigments, extenders      342
Pigments, green, classes of      370
Pigments, inert      342
Pigments, inert, or, extenders      343
Pigments, iron, list of      343
Pigments, lead, iron, and black      343
Pigments, metallic      373
Pigments, opaque, list of      342
Pigments, orange red      364
Pigments, red      361
Pigments, red, natural and artificial      361
Pigments, used by ancient Egyptians      339
Pigments, used in paints      342
Pigments, Vandyke Brown      373
Pigments, white, classes of      342
Pigments, white, inert, list of      342
Pigments, white, or body      342
Pigments, yellow, list of      365
Pine, yellow, finishing of      393
Pink paint      385
Pitch      108
Plane bits, sharpening of      18
Plane bits, sharpening straps      18
Plane, adjustment of      19
Plane, bits should be sharp      18
Plane, proper use of      19
Plane-cutter, adjustment of      19
Planer marks, removal of      16
Planer used for smoothing      18
Planing, against grain      22
Planing, with a smooth-plane      20
Planing, wood by hand      18
Plaster of Paris      357
Plastered wall, new, destroys Prussian blue      369
Plastered wall, new, destroys Prussian blue, painting      388
Plastered wall, new, destroys Prussian blue, preparation for painting      388
Plastered wall, new, destroys Prussian blue, white lead paints      380
Plasticizer and color mixing for lacquers      313
Plasticizers, and blushing      303
Plasticizers, and softeners add elasticity to lacquer films      305
Plasticizers, and softeners for lacquers      302
Plasticizers, in lacquers      309
Platinum finishes      439
Plugs for holes      24
Plum      81
Plumbago, or black lead      360
Polishing, enamels      198
Polishing, formula for spiriting-off      281
Polishing, lacquer-finishes      336
Polishing, oil formulas      280
Polishing, oils      230 279
Polishing, oils, for old furniture      280 281
Polishing, processes on varnish      277
Polishing, processes on varnish, three methods named for      278
Polishing, processes on varnish, use of rottenstone for      278
Polishing, varnishes      260
Pompeian paintings      340
Pontianak gum, functions of in varnishes      245
Pontianak gum, in spar-varnishes      263
Pontianak gum, in waterproof varnishes      265
Pontianak resin      224
Pontianak resin, in coach varnish      225
Poplar wood, finishing of      393
Poplar wood, finishing of, radial section of      34
Pores, of oak unfilled, illustration of      151
Pores, of wood, properly filled      29
Porosity of end-grain of wood      28
Potassium bichromate, as a stain      67
Potassium-permanganate, as a stain      67
Pots for lead, corroding      347—348
Preservation by paints      340
Preservative oil-stains      50
Primary Colors      79
Primary colors, should be brilliant      80
Priming coat, of paint      378 387
Priming coat, omitted in repainting      386
Priming coat, paint with benzol      387
Priming coat, paints for wood      382
Priming coat, sandpapering of      203
Prismatic colors      79
Prussian blue, affected by alkalies      369
Prussian blue, strong, useful color      369
Prussian blue, unsatisfactory over new plaster      369
Pumice-stone, as a filler for French polishing      188
Pumice-stone, grades of for rubbing      276
Pumice-stone, lump rubbing      274
Pumice-stone, powder and water rubbing      274
Pumice-stone, removal of after rubbing      277
Pumice-stone, rubbing, of lacquer-films      336
Pumice-stone, scratches      275
Purple paint      385
Putty, coloring of      389
Putty, drying of      204
Putty, from oil, whiting, and white lead      356
Putty, the making of      203
Puttying, after priming coat      389
Puttying, time for in enameling      203
Pyroxylin or soluble cotton      290
Quaternary colors      81
Quercitron      102
Quinoline colors      116
Rags, painters', danger of      392
Rauzene      410
Raw sienna      364
Raw sienna, permanent ferric oxide color      367
Raw umber      372
Raw umber, as a drier      372
Red lead, a drier called minium      363
Red lead, function of in varnishes      247
Red lead, not used with white lead      363
Red lead, paints for metal      381
Red, Indian      362
Red, pigments      361
Red, sandalwood      102
Red, sanders dye      102
Red, Tuscan      363
Red, Venetian      362
Redwood, filler for      148
Reenameling      208
Refinishing, old painted and enameled surfaces      208
Refinishing, with lacquers      326
Repolishing oil for old furniture      280 281
Resinates, formation of      227
Resinates, less acid than rosin      227
Resinates, melting point of      228
Resinates, treatment of      227
Resins, combination of in lacquers      293
Resins, heat treatment of      221
Resins, in lacquers reduce cost      292
Resins, in oil-varnishes      218
Resins, in polishing varnishes      260
Resins, in rubbing varnishes      262
Resins, Nevindene      412
Resins, quantity of in lacquers      293
Resins, Rezyls      412
Resins, solubility of in benzol      307
Resins, soluble in benzol or turpentine      165
Resins, synthetic      395 403
Resins, synthetic, Esterols      410
Resins, synthetic, in lacquers      293
Resins, synthetic, Paraduras      410
Resins, synthetic, Paranols      410
Resins, Teglacs      412
Resins, used in lacquers, list of      292
Resins, used in lacquers, solubility of      292
Resins, used in spirit-varnishes      164
Resins, used in various varnishes      245—246
Resins, varnish, characteristics of in lacquers      291
Reszyls      412
Rose paint      385
Rosewood, filler for      148
Rosin varnishes, cracking of      229
Rosin varnishes, with resinates and tung-oil      228
Rosin, absorptive power of for driers      242
Rosin, acidity of      229
Rosin, and resinates      226
Rosin, and resinates, neutralized      262
Rosin, C.P. or treated      229
Rosin, composition of      226 227
Rosin, fluidity of      229
Rosin, in enamels      196 201
Rosin, in high-grade varnishes      228
Rosin, in water-proof varnishes      264
Rosin, its use in varnishes      264
Rosin, luster of in varnishes      267
Rosin, origin of      226
Rosin, solubility of in turpentine and alcohol      165
Rosin, treated with heat and lime      228
Rottenstone, and oil polishing      279
Rottenstone, and water polishing      278
Rottenstone, use of, in polishing      278
Rottenstone, use of, in polishing-oils      280
Rough rubbing with lump pumice-stone      274
Roughness of surface of wood      17
Rubbing, carvings and rounded surfaces      275
Rubbing, coats of varnish      272
Rubbing, drying after rubbing      276
Rubbing, enameled surfaces      199
Rubbing, felts for      276
Rubbing, lacquer-films, with pumice-stone      336
Rubbing, lacquer-films, with sandpaper      335
Rubbing, oil stains off      54
Rubbing, oil-rubbing not used between coats      277
Rubbing, oils for      277
Rubbing, procedure for      275
Rubbing, rag, for shellacking lathe work      189
Rubbing, to dull finish      274
Rubbing, to satin-finish      276
Rubbing, with lump pumice-stone      274
Rubbing, with machines      277
Rubbing, with oil and sandpaper      274
Rubbing, with pads or blacks      275
Rubbing, with pumice-stone powder and water      274
Rubbing, with water-proof sandpaper      274
Rubbing-enamels      198
Rubbing-varnishes, contain but little drier      261
Rubbing-varnishes, placed over spar-varnishes      261
Rubbing-varnishes, short-oil type      261
runs      429
Russet paint      385
Russet, mixing the color      81
Sag      429
SAGE      81
Salt dyes      125
Sandarac, formerly used in lacquers      169
Sandarac, hardness of the gum      169
Sandarac, in early varnishes      214
Sandarac, in lacquers      287
Sandarac, origin of gum      168
Sandarac, solubility of      165
Sandarac, solvents for      169
Sandarac, used with shellac in varnishes      169
Sandarac, varnishes      164
Sanding before painting      386
Sandpaper, blocks      30
Sandpaper, double-coated      27
Sandpaper, for wet sanding      27
Sandpaper, grit from crushed rock      27
Sandpaper, made from strong paper      27
Sandpaper, manufacture      26
Sandpaper, manufacture of      27
Sandpaper, scratches on finished surface, highly magnified      160
Sandpaper, sizes      30
Sandpaper, types of      32
Sandpaper, use of      30
Sandpaper, used by automobile finishers      32
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