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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood |
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Sandpaper, Wetordry, use of 160
Sandpapered surfaces, dusting of 35
Sandpapering, a filled surface 159
Sandpapering, a priming coat of paint 203
Sandpapering, between lacquer-films 334
Sandpapering, cell walls of wood illustrated 34
Sandpapering, curved surfaces 30
Sandpapering, faults of amateurs 31
Sandpapering, over, defect on surfaces 20
Sandpapering, over, lacquer finishes 329
Sandpapering, over, old finishes 208
Sandpapering, over, rubbing-varnish 274
Sandpapering, over, shellacked surfaces 179
Sandpapering, preparing old surfaces for lacquering 326
Sandpapering, procedure in 31—32
Sandpapering, rounding off arrises 160
Sandpapering, shellacked surfaces 182
Sandpapering, size of grit to use 31
Sandpapering, to produce smooth surfaces 35
Sandpapering, undercoats 205
Sandpapering, undercoats, before filling 151
Sandpapering, varnish undercoats 270
Sandpapering, veneered surfaces 35
Sandpapering, very fine paper required 160
Sandpapering, with wet sandpaper 32
Sanitation improved by paints 341
Sap-wood streaks and water-stains 45
Satin finish, enamels 200
Satin finish, on varnishes 254
Satin finish, rubbing with oil 276
Saturation of a color 79
Scarlet lake 364
Scrapers, curved 23
Scrapers, sharpening of 21
Scrapers, unsatisfactory on soft woods 23
Scrapers, used in hands 20
Scraping, of wood 22
Scraping, surface of wood 29
Scratching by incorrect sanding 30
Second coat of paint, formula for 378
Secondary colors 80
Seed-lac 172
Sepia 96 372
Setting time of varnish 266
Shade of colors 78
Shellac 164
Shellac, as an enamel undercoat 203
Shellac, as transparent filler 139
Shellac, best spirit-varnish 169
Shellac, bleached or white 174
Shellac, brushes, cleaning of 185
Shellac, brushes, selection and care of 183
Shellac, brushes, use of 184
Shellac, characteristics of the gum 169
Shellac, colored to match stains 75
Shellac, finishes, destroyed by heat or soap 181
Shellac, grades of 170
Shellac, grinding japans 244
Shellac, made from lac-gum 169
Shellac, mixture for lathe polishing 189
Shellac, mixtures for French polishing 186
Shellac, sticks for repairing dents 25
Shellac, substitutes 183
Shellac, under filler 152
Shellac, wash coat, over stains 152
Shellac, wash, over volatile oil-stains 56
Shellac, washes, purpose and composition of 179
Shellac-gum, adulteration of 172
Shellac-gum, bleached, deteriorates with age 177
Shellac-gum, bleached, solubility of 173
Shellac-gum, bleaching of 176
Shellac-gum, cooling in sheets 172
Shellac-gum, deposited on trees 170
Shellac-gum, difficult to cut in alcohol 174
Shellac-gum, garnet-lac and button-lac 172
Shellac-gum, heating in long bags 172
Shellac-gum, in grinding japans 258
Shellac-gum, in lacquers 287 293
Shellac-gum, melting of seed-lac 172
Shellac-gum, not easily soluble in lacquer-solvents 323
Shellac-gum, produced by insects 170
Shellac-gum, purifying of 173
Shellac-gum, two crops annually 171
Shellac-gum, where found 170
Shellac-varnish, "blushing" of 180
Shellac-varnish, absorption of water by alcohol in 174
Shellac-varnish, adulteration of 170
Shellac-varnish, alcohol in 173
Shellac-varnish, amount of gum in 175
Shellac-varnish, and dampness 271
Shellac-varnish, and dampness, outdoor exposure 177
Shellac-varnish, application of 178
Shellac-varnish, as a filler 178
Shellac-varnish, as a finishing material 181
Shellac-varnish, bleaching with oxalic acid 175
Shellac-varnish, characteristics of 174
Shellac-varnish, cloudy effect of in damp weather 180
Shellac-varnish, darkening of 175
Shellac-varnish, dust trouble with 175
Shellac-varnish, easy spreading of 179
Shellac-varnish, effects of metal cans and dust on 175
Shellac-varnish, effects of water in 174
Shellac-varnish, evaporation of alcohol from 175
Shellac-varnish, formulae 174
Shellac-varnish, good and bad qualities of 180
Shellac-varnish, keeps well in glass 175
Shellac-varnish, nonpermeable 177
Shellac-varnish, not good outdoors 181
Shellac-varnish, orange 174
Shellac-varnish, orange and white 176
Shellac-varnish, orange, keeping of 176
Shellac-varnish, orange, use of 178
Shellac-varnish, preparation of 173
Shellac-varnish, satisfactory for lacquer undercoats 323
Shellac-varnish, shellac-wax in 181
Shellac-varnish, spreading of 178
Shellac-varnish, thinning of 175
Shellac-varnish, under spar-varnish 177 178
Shellac-varnish, used by pattern-makers 178
Shellac-varnish, used diluted 178
Shellac-varnish, uses of 177
Shellac-varnish, with camphor-gum 178
Shellac-varnish, with glycerine and Venice turpentine 180
Shellac-wax 173
Shellac-wax, in shellac-varnish 181 337
Shellacked surfaces, drying and sanding of 179
Shellacked surfaces, rubbing of 182
Shellacked surfaces, rubbing with pumice-stone 183
Shellacked surfaces, sandpapering of 182
Shellacked surfaces, use of steel wool on 182
Shellacking, flowing with a brush 184
Shellacking, in damp weather 180
Shellacking, on lathe work 189
Shellacking, over knots 202
Shellacking, rag used on lathe work 189
Shingle stain of creosote-oil 55
Short-oil in white enamels 263
Short-oil varnishes 262
Short-oil, polishing varnishes 261
Siccatives or driers 240
Sienna, burnt 364
Sienna, raw 364
Sienna, raw, ferric oxide permanent color 367
Sierra Leone gum 222
Silex, from crushed rock 143
Silex, in fillers 142
Silex, in paints 358
Silex, in wood-fillers 358
Silica (or silex) 358
Silica (or silex), from crushed quartz 143
| Silver white, in fillers 142
Sizing-varnishes 262
skinning 430
Slate paint 385
Soft gum varnishes 165
Softeners, purpose of in lacquers 303
Solid-solution theory of dyeing 94
Solubility of soft gums 165
Solvent oils, used in oil-stains 135
Solvent, meaning of term in lacquer industry 295
Solvents for lacquers, in combinations 297
Solvents for nitrocellulose 310
Solvents for nitrocellulose and resins 294
Solvents for oil-soluble dyes 129
Solvents for spirit-varnishes 164
Solvents for varnishes 218
Solvents for varnishes, information about 248
Solvents, and diluents classified by boiling-points 296
Soy-bean oil 231
Spar-varnishes 263
Spar-varnishes, oils in 263
Specks 430
Spirit-soluble dyes used in varnishes 133
Spirit-stains, and applying stains 59
Spirit-stains, and volatile-oil stains mixed 60
Spirit-stains, characteristics of 59
Spirit-stains, drying and penetration of 59
Spirit-stains, evaporation and fire-risk of 60
Spirit-stains, lifting of with shellac, or filler coat 59
Spirit-stains, made from basic dyes 60
Spirit-stains, method of application of 60
Spirit-stains, soluble in water or alcohol usually 122
Spirit-stains, tendency to fade 60
Spirit-stains, use of 59
Spirit-stains, volatile 135
Spirit-varnish lacquers 287
Spirit-varnish resins 164
Spirit-varnish resins, soluble in alcohol 165
Spirit-varnish resins, soluble in alcohol, turpentine or benzol 165
Spirit-varnish solvents 164
Spirit-varnishes 164
Spirit-varnishes, classification of 164
Spirit-varnishes, defined 164
Spirit-varnishes, list of 164
Spirit-varnishes, resins used in 164
Spiriting-off, shellac on lathe work 190
Sponging and resanding 33
Spontaneous combustion, from oil-pads 280
Spontaneous combustion, from oil-soaked rags 392
spotting 429
Spray-gun, use of 331 440
Spraying outfits, for lacquering 330
Spraying outfits, school made 331
Spraying-lacquer with an air-gun 330
Spraying-lacquer, formula for 312
Spraying-varnishes 263
Staining of wood for pleasing tones 37
Staining of wood for preservation 37
Staining of wood, and color harmony 37
Staining of wood, reasons for 37
Staining, speed in 62
Staining, use of brushes and wiping 61
Staining, wood with a brush, superficial 132
Stains, application of 61
Stains, Chemical 64
Stains, oil 50
Stains, pigment 50
Stains, preservative 50
Stains, solvents in penetrating type of 50
Stains, under lacquers 325
Stains, volatile oil 50
Stains, water, popularity of 40
Steel wool, sizes of 33
Steel wool, uniformness of grit 33
Steel wool, use of 33
Stick-lac, composition of 173
Stone paint 385
Straining paint 377
Sublimed white lead 351
Substantive dyes 125
Sulphur dyes 128
Surface of wood, preparation of 16
Surface preparation, for chemical staining 68
Surface preparation, for enamels 202
Sweating 429
Sycamore, finishing of 393
Synthetic dyes, classification of 109
Synthetic resins 403
Synthetic resins, alkyd 410
Synthetic resins, in lacquers 293
Synthetic resins, phenol-formaldehyde 410
Synthetic resins, types 404
Tack-rags 269
Tackiness 429
Tan paint 385
Tannic acid, reaction of with ammonia 66
Tannic acid, use and characteristics of 67
Tannic acid, used in wood-stains 39
Tannin dye 101
Teglacs 412
Temperature checks in lacquer films 306
Terra verte 370
Tertiary colors 81
Texaco spirits 240
Texaco spirits, use in varnishes 249
Textile dyes, ancient 97
Thiazole colors 116
Thinner, added to hot varnishes 239
Thinner, for enamels 196
Thinner, for fillers 153
Thinner, for flat paints 204
Thinner, for paints 345
Thinner, in lacquers 306
Thinner, purpose of 240
Thinning and working properties of varnishes 265
Thinning varnishes 264
Tint, of color 78
Titanium oxide, as a paint pigment 355
Titanox, and titanium oxide 354
Titanox, as a paint pigment 354
Titanox, mixed with zinc white 354
Titanox, obscuration of 354
Toluene, as a lacquer thinner 307
Toluene, boiling point of 107
Toluene, from light tar-oil 111
Toluene, not a solvent for nitrocellulose 307
Toluene, or toluol, use in lacquers 311
Tone 79
Transparent filler, use of 139
Triphenylmethane dyes 112
Tung-oil 234
Tung-oil, amount of used in varnishes 248
Tung-oil, drying properties of 235
Tung-oil, flatting effect of 254
Tung-oil, in rosin and ester-gum varnishes 235
Tung-oil, in spar-varnishes 263
Tung-oil, information about 248
Tung-oil, properties of in varnishes 235
Tung-oil, treatment of 234
Tung-oil, viscosity of 236
Turkey-red 100
Turmeric 101
Turpentine 236
Turpentine is a slow-drying volatile-oil 238
Turpentine is an oxygen carrier 238
Turpentine is chemically active 238
Turpentine, absorbs oxygen 237
Turpentine, added freely to varnishes 266
Turpentine, addition of varnish 270
Turpentine, addition of, to melted gums 264
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