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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood |
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White lead, properties and uses of 352
White lead, sublimed 351
White lead, with zinc-white 379
Wiping stains 61
Woad 98
Wood finishes 433
Wood finishes, bleaching agents 434
Wood, absorptive, with water-stains 53
Wood, advantages of dryness of 15
Wood, cellular structure of 34
Wood, close-grained, stain for 53
Wood, effects of, dampness in 15
Wood, effects of, moisture on kiln-dried stock 15
Wood, fibers, arrangement of 30
Wood, list of showing type of filler required 161
Wood, porosity of, under a microscope 162
Wood, preparation of surface of 16
Wood, proper moisture content of 15
Wood, surface, examination of with microscope 16
Wood, surface, planing by hand 18
Wood, turpentine 237
Wood, value of moisture content tests in 15
Wood, various, finishing of 393
Wood-alcohol shellac-varnish 173
Wood-filler 137
Wood-filler, classes or types of 138
Wood-filler, containers for 145
Wood-filler, in pores of chestnut wood 138
Wood-filler, liquid 138
Wood-filler, liquid, for non-porous wood 138
Wood-filler, liquid, ingredients in 140—141
Wood-filler, liquid, thinner for 141
Wood-filler, paste 138 141
Wood-filler, paste, body-materials in 141 143
Wood-filler, paste, colored pigments in 145
Wood-filler, paste, composition of 143
Wood-filler, paste, covering power of 144
Wood-filler, paste, early kinds of 141
Wood-filler, paste, formula for 144
Wood-filler, paste, keeping qualities of 144
Wood-filler, paste, mixing of 144
Wood-filler, plug up open pores 137
| Wood-filler, purpose of 137
Wood-filler, special, under lacquers 323
Wood-filler, transparent 138
Wood-filler, transparent, use of 139
Wood-filler, type of required 137
Wood-filler, type of required, on various woods, Table V 160
Wood-lacquers 291
Wood-lacquers, formula for 312
Wood-lacquers, have heavy body 313
Wood-staining, definition of 38
Wood-stains and colors 78
Wood-stains and water-staining 37
Wood-stains, acid and alkaline 39
Wood-stains, classification of 38
Wood-stains, from basic dyes 125
Wood-stains, from coal-tar 92
Wood-stains, from vegetable and mineral materials 40
Wood-stains, water, formerly not permanent 40
Wood-stains, water-soluble powders and chemicals used in 39
Wood-stains, without mordants 125
Working properties of varnishes 265
Wrinkling of coats of varnish 272
Xanthene colors 113
Xylene, a lacquer thinner 307
Xylene, boiling point of 107
Xylene, from light tar-oil 111
Xylene, or Xylol, use in lacquers 311
Yellow ocher in priming paints 387
Yellow ocher, origin and formula for 365
Yellow pigments, list of 365
Yellow, other, aurora yellow 367—368
Yellow, other, cadmium yellow 367—368
Yellow, other, Naples yellow 367—368
Zinc and white lead paint 379
Zinc lead 352
Zinc oxide, amount of oil in paste 353
Zinc oxide, and white lead mixtures 352
Zinc oxide, as a paint pigment 352
Zinc oxide, less opaque than white lead 353
Zinc-white 352
Zinc-white, discolored by linseed-oil 194
Zinc-white, paste 376
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