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Newell A.C. — Coloring Finishing and Painting Wood |
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Colored pigment mixing 382
Coloring metals 451
Coloring-matter in fillers 144
Colors and wood-stains 78
Colors in lacquer-enamels 313
Colors in varnishes 266 267
Colors used as trimmings 89
Colors used in shellac 187
Colors used in wood-stains 78
Colors, analogous and contrasting 85
Colors, chroma, and tints and shades of 78
Colors, coal-tar 93
Colors, complementary 82
Colors, complex mixed 81
Colors, contrasting 83
Colors, dry, difficult to mix with oil 376
Colors, mixed in putty 389
Colors, most used in stains 90
Colors, neutral 81
Colors, olive, citrine, and russet 81
Colors, palette of for staining 89
Colors, pigment-complements of 83
Colors, prismatic of the solar spectrum 79
Colors, quaternary 81
Colors, secondary 80
Colors, tertiary 81
Colors, three primary 79
Colors, value, tone, saturation of 79
Colors, variety of in ancient times 339
Colors, warm and cold 79
Colors, water-soluble, solubility of 133
Complementary colors 82
Complementary colors, near 84
Congo copal, function of in varnishes 246
Congo gum 222
Contrasting colors 86
Cooking of varnishes 220
Cooking of varnishes, effects of 226
Copal, meaning of 222
Copper finish 452
Corroding lead 348
Cotton linters, for nitrocotton 290
Cotton, nitrating of 290
Cotton, soluble 290
Cracking of rosin varnishes 229
Cracks, filling of 24
Cramling 428
Crazing 428
Cream paint 384
Creosote oil 108
Creosote oil used as wood-stain 37
Creosote oil-stains 54
Creosote oil-stains as a wood-preservative 54
Creosote oil-stains, formula for shingles 55
Crudes, for dyes 111
Crusher's drier 346
Cutch or catechu 100
Cypress, finishing of 393
Dakalite wood-stains 40
Dammar 164
Dammar gum, solubility of 165
Dammar-resin in lacquers 293
Dammar-resin, origin of 166
Dammar-varnish 165
Dammar-varnish in baking varnish 252
Dammar-varnish in gloss enamels 197—198
Dammar-varnish in paints and enamels 166
Dammar-varnish in white enamels 194
Dammar-varnish, application of 166
Dammar-varnish, brilliance and durability of 165
Dammar-varnish, composition of 166—167
Dammar-varnish, drying of 165
Dammar-varnish, not durable 252
Dammar-varnish, paleness of 166
Dammar-varnish, transparency of 166
Danger from lacquering 333
Deadening 429
Decoration by paints 340
Defects on surfaces 20
Defects on surfaces, removal of before sandpapering 26
Defects on surfaces, repair of with sawdust and glue 24
Dents, removal of by heat and water 25
Dents, repair of 25
Developing dyes 128
Diethyl carbonate as a lacquer-solvent 299
Diethyl carbonate, use in lacquers 310
Diluents for lacquers 294
Diluents in lacquer formula 311
Diluents in lacquers 306
Diluents in lacquers are cheap 308
Diluents, evaporate from lacquer films 308
Direct dyes 125
Direct dyes, solubility and use of 126
Drab paint 384
Driers and their functions in oils, varnishes, and japans 240
Driers are salts which change oxygen content 241
Driers in paints 346
Driers in water-proof varnishes 243
Driers theory of chemical reactions of 242
Driers, amount absorbed by rosin and linseed-oil 242
Driers, chemical action of 241
Driers, cobalt 242
Driers, concentrated 243
Driers, contain oils and drying salts 217
Driers, crusher's drier 346
Driers, function and use of in varnishes 249
Driers, lead, list of 242
Driers, manganese, list of 242
Driers, metallic in varnishes 218
Driers, metallic, in paints and varnishes 240
Driers, mixtures of preferred 243
Driers, oleate of lead 243
Driers, used in excess 346
Driers, used in pale varnishes 243
Drop black 360
Drying of drying-oils by oxidation 240
Drying of lacquer films 329—330
Drying salts, origin of 240
Drying speed of lacquer films 334
Drying-oils in varnishes 231
Drying-oils used in paints 344
Drying-oils, fire danger from 280
Drying-oils, functions of in varnishes 247
Drying-oils, list of 230
Drying-oils, oxidation of 231
Drying-oils, oxidation of in drying 240
Dull finish rubbing 274
Durez 410
Durites 410
Dust in finishing-room and clothes 269
Dust, from lacquering with air-gun 333
Duster-brushes 149
Dusting, before filling 150—151
Dusting, before varnishing 268
Dusting, sandpapered surfaces 35
Dusting, wood before finishing 36
Dutch Process white lead making 347
Dyeing or coloring wood 132
Dyeing, chemical theory of 93
Dyeing, mordants for 94—95
Dyeing, theories of 93
Dyes for wood-finishing, classes of 130
Dyes for wool, wood, and silk 131
Dyes, acid and basic do not mix 131
Dyes, acid are alkaline salts 131
Dyes, acid, acetic acid with 134
Dyes, acid, easily soluble 134
Dyes, American coal-tar, permanent 106
Dyes, American coal-tar, permanent, animal 95
Dyes, American coal-tar, permanent, cochineal 95
| Dyes, American coal-tar, permanent, kermes 96
Dyes, American coal-tar, permanent, sepia 96
Dyes, American coal-tar, permanent, Tyrian purple 96
Dyes, chemical, composition of 93
Dyes, classes used in staining 132
Dyes, classes, not used on wood 132
Dyes, classification of 109
Dyes, coal-tar 92
Dyes, coal-tar, chemist's classification of 112
Dyes, color numbers of, Shultz and Color-Index 109
Dyes, concentration of 110
Dyes, crudes and intermediates for 111
Dyes, developing 128
Dyes, direct, on wood 131
Dyes, fastness of 110
Dyes, heat may decompose 135
Dyes, identification of 109—110
Dyes, mordant 127
Dyes, more soluble in hot water 134
Dyes, naming of 109
Dyes, oil-soluble for wood-stains, table of 129
Dyes, oil-soluble, hard to dissolve 134
Dyes, oil-soluble, solubility of 135
Dyes, oil-soluble, solvents for 129
Dyes, pigment 127
Dyes, salt, direct, or substantive 125
Dyes, solubility of 111
Dyes, sources of 92
Dyes, straining a mixture of 134
Dyes, sulphur 128
Dyes, useful as stains 92
Dyes, vat 128
Dyes, vegetable 96
Dyes, vegetable, Brazil-wood 101
Dyes, vegetable, indigo 98
Dyes, vegetable, logwood 97
Dyes, vegetable, osage orange 101
Dyes, vegetable, red sanders or red sandalwood 102
Dyes, vegetable, textile, ancient 97
Dyes, vegetable, tumeric 101
Dyes, water, kind of, used in 134
Dyes, water-soluble, solubility of 133
Dyestuff, definition of 92
Earth greens 370
East India soft gum, in varnishes 254
Ebony, filler for 146
Egyptian pigments 339
Elastic varnishes, containing ester-gum 267
Elastic varnishes, containing linseed-oil 267
Elastic varnishes, long-oil type 267
Elasticity of lacquer films 305
Elasticity of varnishes 266
Emeraude green 371
Enamel finish, cheap 207
Enamel finish, preparation for 201
Enamel grinding mills, photograph of 193
Enamel undercoat paints 381
Enamel undercoats, composition of 204
Enamel-varnishes 252
Enamel-varnishes in last undercoat for enamels 204
Enamel-varnishes, long-oil 253
Enamel-varnishes, pale 253
Enameling of old furniture 208
Enameling, covering-capacity of undercoats of paint for 210
Enameling, drying of priming coat for 203
Enameling, finishing coats 206
Enameling, flat-paint undercoats for 204
Enameling, lithopone undercoats for 205
Enameling, over old finishes 208
Enameling, priming-coat 203
Enameling, sandpapering the priming coat 203
Enameling, shellac over a priming coat 203
Enameling, specifications and procedure 202
Enameling, success in 209
Enameling, temperature for 207 209
Enameling, time for puttying 203
Enameling, undercoats, preparation for 210
Enameling, undercoats, sandpapered for 205
Enameling, use of warm enamel 209
Enamels and enameling 192
Enamels are varnish-paints 218
Enamels for outside use 198
Enamels in gloss paints 198
Enamels, adherence of 210
Enamels, application of 206 208
Enamels, baking 198
Enamels, baking on 199
Enamels, characteristics of 192
Enamels, cheap 201
Enamels, chief function of 192
Enamels, coloring of 197
Enamels, composition of 193
Enamels, containing long-oil varnishes 194
Enamels, dammar-varnish in 194
Enamels, drying of 209
Enamels, drying-oils in 201
Enamels, durability of 201
Enamels, exterior 199
Enamels, finished with varnish 207
Enamels, flat 200
Enamels, flat varnishes in 200
Enamels, flat with little varnish 200
Enamels, flatted with flat mixing-varnish 255
Enamels, gloss 197
Enamels, knots shellacked under 202
Enamels, lithopone dulls luster of 200
Enamels, lithopone in 194
Enamels, marine 199
Enamels, oil varnish in 198
Enamels, over flat paints 202
Enamels, over gloss paints 202
Enamels, pale oil-varnishes in 198
Enamels, polishing or rubbing 198
Enamels, puttying under 202
Enamels, reducers or thinners for 206
Enamels, rosin in 196
Enamels, rubbing of 207
Enamels, rubbing with pumice-stone 199
Enamels, satin-finish 200
Enamels, shellac as an undercoat for 203
Enamels, short-oil varnish in 200
Enamels, stirring and straining of 210
Enamels, thinner for 196
Enamels, time of 192
Enamels, treated for easy spreading 209
Enamels, turpentine in 196
Enamels, turpentine in flat paints under 204
Enamels, types of 197
Enamels, undercoats for 201
Enamels, used in water 199
Enamels, varnish as a binder 195
Enamels, varnish-gums in, increase adhesion of 196
Enamels, vehicles for 194
Enamels, water-proof 199
Enamels, without gloss 200
Enamels, zinc white, body pigment for 194
End-grain of wood, porosity of 28
End-grain of wood, staining 46
Ester-gum 229 405
Ester-gum in elastic varnishes 267
Ester-gum in lacquers 293
Ester-gum in mixing varnishes 230
Ester-gum in water-proof varnishes 230 265
Ester-gum, its use in varnishes 246
Ester-gum, manufacture of 230
Ester-gum, melting point of 230
Ester-gum, nearly neutral in reaction 230
Ester-gum, varnishes, in enamels 253
Esterols 410
Esters as plasticizers and softeners 304
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