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Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction
Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction

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Название: Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction

Авторы: Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J.


Provides an introductory survey in both discrete & combinatorial mathematics. Intended for the beginning student designed to introduce a wide variety of applications & develop mathematical maturity of the student by studying an area that is so different form the traditional coverage in calculus & different equations. DLC: Mathematics. — This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5th edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 833

Добавлена в каталог: 15.04.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Horizontal class      822
Horner’s method      301
Horowitz, Ellis      641 642 668 669
Huffman tree      613 614
Huffman, David Albert      333 334 378 611 624 625
Huffman’s construction for optimal trees      612—614
Hungarian method      668
Huygens, Christiaan      42 188
Hydrocarbon      581 584
Hydrogen      584
Hypercube      531—533 541—544 557 667
Hypothesis      48 51 53 67 70
Hypothesis testing      188
i ($=\sqrt{-1}$)      811
I Principii di Geometrica      377
icosahedron      548
Id(A)      644 646
id(v)      535
Ideal      684 700 706
Idempotent element (in a ring)      697
Idempotent Law of Addition      718 724 726 732
Idempotent Law of Multiplication      717
Idempotent Laws for a Boolean algebra      735
Idempotent Laws for Boolean functions      713
Idempotent Laws for Boolean variables      713
Idempotent Laws for logic      58
Idempotent Laws for set theory      139 147
Identical containers      493
Identity element for + in a ring      673
Identity element for a binary operation      269 270
Identity element for concatenation      311
Identity element of a group      745 794
Identity for the addition of real numbers      103
Identity function      279 A-24
Identity laws for a Boolean algebra      734
Identity laws for Boolean functions      713
Identity laws for Boolean variables      713
Identity laws for logic      58
Identity laws for set theory      139
Identity transformation      791 792
If and only if      48
If p, then q      51
If p, then q, else r      51
If-then decision structure      51
If-then statement      62
If-then-else decision structure      51
IFF      48
Ignition system      5
Image of a set      256 257
Image of an element      253 255
Implication      48 51—53 56 61—63 67 69 70 76 83 89 104 105 124
Implicit quantification      104
Implicit quantifiers      90
Implicit restriction      218 317
Implies      48
In degree of a vertex      535
incidence      123
Incidence matrix for a design      832
Incidence matrix for a graph      539
incident      514
Inclusive or      48
Incoming degree of a vertex      535
Incompletely specified Boolean function      731 732
Increment      689
Independence for three events      171 172
Independence number of a graph      564 666
Independent      786
Independent events      154 155 158 161 166 170 174 179 182 428 430 762
Independent in pairs      172
Independent set of vertices      564 627
Independent solutions      see "Linearly independent solutions"
Independent switches      64 65
Indeterminate      799
Indeterminate form      A-1
INDEX      145
Index list      379
Index of a product      239
Index of a summation      17
Index set      145 366 367
Indirect method of proof      82
Indirect proof      115
Induced subgraph      522 619
Induction      534 545
Induction hypothesis      196 198 199 201 203—205 207 208 214 216 238 298 315 317 805
Inductive proof      213
Inductive step      195—199 201—204 206 207 212—215 218
Infeld, Leopold      831 832
Infinite area      545
Infinite cardinal numbers      A-31
Infinite countable set      A-26
Infinite order (for a group)      746
Infinite region      545
Infinite sample space      164
Infinite sequence      A-25 A-26
Infinite set      124 186 189 280 304 A-23—A-26 A-28 A-30
Infinite slope      821 822
Infix notation      251 591
Information retrieval      694
Information theory      795
Initial condition(s)      448 456
Initial flow      652 654
Initialization      636 639 642
Injective function      255
InOrder      594
Inorder traversal      594
Input (for a finite state machine)      309 319 320 322 324 329
Input (for a gate)      719 720
Input (for an algorithm)      253 289
Input (function)      253
Input alphabet      320 321
Input string      321 322 327 330 331
Instant Insanity      524 525
integer division      222
Integer solutions      235 392 415—417 427 433
Integer-valued function      254
Integers      113 114 133 193 242
Integers modulo n      686—696
Integral domain      677 678 681 682 801 802
Intel Corporation      5
Internal states      320 321 327 337 371
Internal vertices      588
Internet      12 13 575
Internet address      12
Internet security      222
Internet standard regarding reserved network numbers (STD2)      12
Intersection of graphs      570
Intersection of sets      136 138 214
Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum      443
Invalid argument      74 75 82 83 109
Invariant (element under a permutation)      781 783 784 786 787 789
Inventory      786
Inverse (under addition)      278
Inverse (under multiplication)      278
Inverse function      278 283 285 A-9
Inverse laws for a Boolean algebra      734
Inverse laws for Boolean functions      713
Inverse laws for Boolean variables      713
Inverse laws for logic      58
Inverse laws for set theory      139
Inverse of an implication      62 63 82 92—94 99
Inverses in a group      745 794
Inverses under + in a ring      673
Inverter      719 720 722
Invertible function      282—285 287 A-23
Irrational numbers      356 A-2
Irrational power      A-3
Irreducible polynomial      807 810 811 830
Irreflexive relation      344
Is approximately equal to ($\dot{=}$)      7
Isobutane      584
Isolated fundamental conjunction      724
Isolated product term      724
Isolated vertex      349 352 359 514
Isomers      573 796
Isomorphic Boolean algebras      739 740
Isomorphic copy      809
Isomorphic finite fields      813
Isomorphic graphs      526 527 542 543 549
Isomorphic groups      753 755
Isomorphic rings      698 699 704
Isomorphic trees      582 583
Isomorphism of Boolean algebras      737 740
Isomorphism of fields      810—811
Isomorphism of finite fields      813
Isomorphism of graphs      523 526—528
Isomorphism of groups      753
Isomorphism of rings      698
Isomorphism of trees      596
Itanium processor      5
Iteration      634—637 639—642 652 653 656
Iterative algorithm      477 478
Iverson, Kenneth      623
Iwasawa theory      706
Java      4 13 345
Jean, Roger V.      506 507
Jefferson, Thomas      54
Jiushao, Qin      707
Johnson, D.B.      642 668 669
Johnson, Lyle      623
Johnson, Selmer Martin      506 507
Jordan, Marie Ennemond      622
Juenger, M.      562 576
Juxtaposition      301 311
k-ary operation      306
K-equivalence      371 373
k-equivalent states      338 371 372
k-regular graph      531
k-unit delay machine      329
Karnaugh map      722—726 729 731 732
Karnaugh map, don’t care conditions      731—733
Karnaugh, Maurice      722 742 743
Karp, Richard M.      653 654 669
Katz, Nick      706
Katz, Victor J.      189
Kempe, Sir Alfred      565
Kepler, Johannes      505
Kernel of a group homomorphism      797
Kernel of a ring homomorphism      704
Kershenbaum, A.      642 668
Key      295 302 501—503 691—695 759 760
Key, J.D.      796
Khan, Genghis      707
Khowarizm      242
Kimberling, Clark      707 708
King (of a tournament)      563
Kings (on a chessboard)      510
Kinney, John J.      175 189
Kirchhoff, Gustav      573 581 622
Kirkman, Thomas R.      562
Kitab al-jabr w'al muquabala      242
Kite      628
Kleene closure (of a language)      315 322
Kleene, Stephen Cole      119 120 315
Klein Four group      755
Klein, Felix      795
Kneiphof      533
Knuth, Donald Ervin      304 305 378 506 624 625 704 708
Koch snowflake curve      475
Koenig, Denes      573
Koenigsberg      378 513 518 533—535 573
Kohavi, Zvi      333 334 378
Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolayevich      159 188 189
Koshy, Thomas      506 507
Kronecker, Leopold      242 705 795
Kruskal, Joseph Bernard      638 667 669
Kruskal’s algorithm      639—641
Kummer, Ernst      706
Kuratowski, Kasimir      543 573
Kuratowski’s Theorem      543 544 574
L(G)      578 670
Label      633—636
Labeled complete binary tree      610
Labeled directed graph      324
Labeled graph      562 634 636
Labeled multigraph      524 525
Labeled tree      586 611
Labeled trees on n vertices      623
Labyrinth      623
Ladas, Garasimos      506 507
Ladder graph      572 577 626 627
Lagrange, Joseph — Louis      510 752 794
Lagrange’s Theorem      758
Lame, Gabriel      458 505 705
Lame’s theorem      459
Landau symbol      304
Landau, Edmund      304
Language      211 309 312—317 328 333 338
Largest possible block of adjacent 1’s      726
Larney, Violet Hachmeister      244 707 708 795 796 831 832
Larson, Harold J.      444
Last nonzero remainder      232 235 808
Last-in-first-out structure      490
Latin square (in standard form)      816 817
Latin squares      799 815—820 822—824 831
Lattice      364 377
Lattice point      277
Law of Double Negation      58 59 61 62
Law of the Double Complement for a Boolean algebra      736
Law of the Double Complement for Boolean functions      713
Law of the Double Complement for Boolean variables      713
Law of the Double Complement for set theory      139
Law of the syllogism      72 73 78 108 127
Law of total probability      169 170 173
Law of Total Probability (Extended Version)      173
Lawler, Eugene L.      562 575 576 667 669
Laws for Boolean functions      713 735
Laws for Boolean variables      713
Laws of logic      58—65 74 77 83 113 139 140 211 713 735
Laws of set theory      139 144 163 168 169 713 735
Lay, David C.      A-21
lcm (least common multiple)      236 240 391 734 737 739
Le Probleme des rencontres      411
Leading coefficient      799 806
Leaf      588 591 593 596 597 600 601 611 612
Least common multiple      236 240 391 734 737 739
Least element (in a poset)      363
Least element (well-ordered set)      194
Least significant      731
Least significant bit      323 324
Least upper bound (lub)      363
Leaves of a plant      505
Left branch      488
Left child      590 594 610 611
Left children      594 595
Left coset      757
Left subtree      590 592 594 596 614
Left-cancellation property (in a group)      747 757
Legendre, Adrien-Marie      705
Lehman, John      623
Lehmer, Derrick H.      689
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm      118 302
Leiserson, Charles E.      504 507 624 625 638 643 654 667
Lemma      222
Length of a chain      381
Length of a cycle (in a graph)      351
Length of a cycle (in group theory)      780
Length of a path      632
Length of a string      18 310—312
Length of a walk      515
Lenstra, Arjan      795
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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