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Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction
Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction

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Название: Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction

Авторы: Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J.


Provides an introductory survey in both discrete & combinatorial mathematics. Intended for the beginning student designed to introduce a wide variety of applications & develop mathematical maturity of the student by studying an area that is so different form the traditional coverage in calculus & different equations. DLC: Mathematics. — This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5th edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 833

Добавлена в каталог: 15.04.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Charlie      226
Chartrand, Gary      573—575
Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich      188
Chebyshev’s inequality      183 184 188
Chemical isomers      622 796 see
Chemistry      574 584
Chess      404
Chessboard      121 208 209 404—409 458 464 470 510
Child      588 590 594 598 617—620
Children      589 594 595 607 613 617—621
Chinese remainder theorem      702—704 707 708
Choice and Chance      411
Chromatic number      413 565 615 621
Chromatic polynomial      413 564—571 574
Chu Shi-kie      188
Chvatal, V.      573
Cipher machine      333
Cipher shift      690 759
Ciphertext      690—692 760
Circuit      516 528 533 534 551
Circular arrangements      10 395 784
Circular disks      472 473
Circular tables      266
Clairaut, Alexis      303
Clark, Dean S.      305
class      123 780 782
Class A address      12
Class B address      12
Class C address      12
Class representative      687
Classification schemes      667
clauses      86
CLIQUE      578
Clique number      578
Closed      136—138
Closed binary operation      136 267 268 270 278 311—313 673 674 686 697 705 711 733 745 746 800 801
Closed interval      134
Closed path      351
Closed switch      64 551 553
Closed under a binary operation      136 193 248 356
Closed walk      515 516 546 549
Closure for a group      745 774 783
Coalescing of vertices      567 569
Cobweb Theorem      506
Cocycle      564
Code      129 610
Code word      763 769 771 772 774 776—778 see
Coding schemes      128 610 763 see
Coding theory      3 41 161 324 574 575 581 609 745 761 831 see
Coding Theory—prefix codes      575—579
Codomain      175 253 279 281 287 323 702
Cohen, Daniel I.A.      42 304 305
Collection      123 135 A-29
Collinear      820 822 827
Collision      694 708
Collison, Mary Joan      244
Color-critical graph      573 622
Coloring      551
Column major implementation      259
Column matrix      A-1 1
Column vector      A-1 1
Comb graph      577
Combinational circuit      309
Combinations      14—17 21 26 41 42 411 436 453 506
Combinations with repetition      26—29 41
Combinatorial analysis      796
Combinatorial approach      132
Combinatorial argument      385
Combinatorial designs      707 799 815 820—832
Combinatorial designs, $(\upsilon, b, r, k, \lambda)$-design      825 826 831
Combinatorial designs, affine plane      820—822 826—828 831
Combinatorial designs, balanced incomplete block design      825 826
Combinatorial designs, block designs      825—829 832
Combinatorial designs, finite geometry      799 820 822 825 830 831
Combinatorial designs, Latin squares      799 815—820 822—824 831
Combinatorial designs, projective plane      827 828
Combinatorial identity      30 131 188 288
Combinatorial mathematics      385 405
Combinatorial proof      10 33 47 128 259 264 388 390
Combinatorics      123 575 761
Common divisor      231
Common multiple      236
Common ratio      447
Commutative binary operation      268 270 311
Commutative group      745
Commutative k-ary operation      306
Commutative law of addition for a ring      673
Commutative law of addition for integers      113
Commutative law of addition for real numbers      97
Commutative law of matrix addition      A-12
Commutative law of multiplication for real numbers      97
Commutative laws for a Boolean algebra      734
Commutative laws for Boolean functions      713
Commutative laws for Boolean variables      713
Commutative laws for logic      58
Commutative laws for set theory      139
Commutative ring      675 700 801
Commutative ring with unity      677 678 681 687 743 802 810
Comparison of coefficients      426
Comparisons      450 452 473 474 500 502 503 605—608 636 637 641
Compiler      253 290 302 605
Complement (logic gate)      719
Complement in a Boolean algebra      739
Complement in a cut      646
Complement of a Boolean function      712
Complement of a graph      523 543
Complement of a set      138 287
Complement of a subgraph in a graph      586
Complementary $(\upsilon, b, r, k, \lambda)$-design      833
Complete binary tree      589 595 596 600 605 606 610 611 613
Complete binary tree for a set of weights      612
Complete bipartite graph      541
Complete directed graph      559
Complete graph ($K_n$)      352 354 480 523 531 558 569
Complete inventory      786 789
Complete m-ary tree      600—602
Complete matching      660—664
Complete ternary tree      603
Complex conjugates      465
complex numbers      134 356 465
Complex roots      464—467
Complexity function      295
Component flag      641
Component statement      49
Components of a graph      352 353 517 534 546 549 567 581 585 615 640 646
Composite function      280 281
Composite integer      222 230
Composite primary key      272
Composite relation      344
Composition of functions      280 282 344 A-9
Composition of relations      344
Compositions of integers      30—32 130 131 205 423—426 448 460
compound statement      48 49 52 53 61 63 71 80
Computational complexity      289—293 503 575
Computer      290 309 377 605 623 631 694
Computer addition of binary numbers      720
Computer algebra system      477 485
Computer algorithm      242 243 574
Computer architecture      531
Computer hardware      326
Computer implementation      667 727 742
Computer network      638
Computer program      260 309 349 350 597
Computer programming      51 574
Computer recognition of relation properties      348
Computer science      32 41 51 91 119 225 244 247 250 252 253 259 323 324 350 377 378 460 490 574 575 589 673
computer security      222
Computer simulation      689
Computer’s main memory      5
Concatenation of languages      313—315
Concatenation of strings      311 312
Conclusion      48 51 53 67 70 107 109 111 112
Concurrent processing      350
Condition      166
Conditional probability      166—173
Congruence      377
Congruence modulo n      689 690
Congruence modulo p      830
Congruence modulo s(x)      808 810 830
Congruence of triangles      55
Conjugate of a complex number      466
Conjunction      48 53 57 70 75
Conjunction (logic gate)      719
Conjunctive normal form (c.n.f.)      717 742
Connected components      352 517
Connected graph      351 488 517
Connectives      see "Basic connectives"
Conservation condition      645 651
Conservation of flow      649
Constant (of a polynomial)      799
Constant Boolean function      713
Constant coefficients      448
Constant function      261
Constant order      293
Constant polynomial      800
Constant term      799
Constant time complexity      293
Constanzia      186
Construction of a Huffman tree      613
Construction of finite fields      799
Construction of Latin squares      817 818
Constructive proof      223 660 665
contacts      551 552
Contiguous      462 495
Continuous random variable      175 183
Continuous sample space      164
Continuum      A-30
Contradiction      53 58 76 77 80 115
Contrapositive      62 63 92—94 99 115 116 362
Contrapositive method of proof      76 114 115
Control circuits      309
Convergence      419 429
Converse of a quantified implication      92—94
Converse of a relation      282
Converse of an implication      62 63 82 99
Convex polygon      494
Convolution (of sequences)      430 431 440 488
Cooke, K.L.      562 575
Corleone, Don Vito      186 692
Corleone, Michael      692
Cormen, Thomas H.      504 507 624 625 638 643 654 667 668
Corners of a Karnaugh map      725 726
Corollary      106
Correspondence      21 26 27 30 37 39 131 205 279
Coset      757 774—776 795
Coset leader      775—777 see
Countable set      164 303 A-24—A-32
Countably infinite sample space      177 183 428
Countably infinite set      164 428 A-25 A-30
Counterexample      83 84 89 91 94 114 115
Countess of Lovelace      242 243
Counties on a map of England      565
Counting      3 10
Counting formulas      148
Coupled switches      65
Covalency      825
Covering number (of a graph)      577
Covering of a graph      577
Cross product      152 154 248 250 270 314
Cryptanalysis      333
Cryptography      244
Cryptology      693 708 745
Cryptosystem      690 693
cube      547 548 791
Cubic equation      794
Cubic order      293
Cubic time complexity      293
Cut (in a transport network)      645—648 652 661 662
Cut-set      549—551 553 624 645
Cycle detection      641
Cycle in a graph      351 488 516 527 532 551—553 556 558 581 639—641
Cycle index      787 789
Cycle structure representation      786 787 789
Cyclic group      753—756 809 812
Czekanowski, Jan      667
d(a,b)      632
d(x,y)      766 see
d.n.f.      715—718 721—724
Dantzig, G.B.      668 669
Data structures      129 247 348 349 378 487 490 581 592 598 605 623 637 641 694
databases      8
Datagram      13
Date, C.J.      305
Dauben, Joseph Warren      304 305
David, Florence Nightingale      189
De Arte Combinatoria      118
de Fermat, Pierre      243 244 705
de Laplace, Pierre Simon      150 188 443
de Montmort, Pierre Remond      411
DeBruijn, Nicolaas Govert      796
Decimal (base 10) representation      459
Decision structure      51
Decison tree      602 603
Declarative sentence      47 86
Decoding      763 see
Decoding algorithm      772 see
Decoding function      767 see
Decoding table      774 775 see
Decoding table with syndromes      776 see
Decoding with coset leaders      776 see
Decomposition (of a permutation)      781
Decomposition theorem for chromatic polynomials      568
decryption      690—693
Decryption function      759
Dedekind domain      706
Dedekind, Richard      243 303 377 706 795
Deductive reasonings      117
Deficiency of a graph      664
Deficiency of a set of vertices      664
Definition      52 87 98 103—105 113
Deg($\upsilon$)      530
deg(R)      546
Degree      0 800
Degree of a polynomial      799
Degree of a region      546
Degree of a table      271
Degree of a vertex      530 533
Delays      332 722
Deletion      490
Delong, Howard      119 120
Delta      226
DeMoivre, Abraham      304 411 443 505
DeMoivre’s Theorem      208 464 465
DeMorgan, Augustus      118 186 242 244 565
DeMorgan’s Laws for a Boolean algebra      736
DeMorgan’s Laws for Boolean functions      713
DeMorgan’s Laws for Boolean variables      713
DeMorgan’s Laws for logic      57 58 60—62
DeMorgan’s Laws for set theory      139—141 148 149 163 214
Denumerable set      303 A-24
Deo, Narsingh      506 508 574 576
Depth-first index      616 619
Depth-first search      597 598 600 617 624
Depth-first search algorithm      597 598 617
Depth-first spanning tree      615—620
Derangement      402 403 410 412
Descendant      588 616—619
Descent (in a permutation)      220
Design of experiments      815 825 831
Determinant      411 466 467 A-17—A-21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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