Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction |
Предметный указатель |
Triangulation (of a convex polygon) 494
Trigonometric series 303
Triple 248
Triple repetition code 765 768 769 see
Triple system 829
Trivial subgroup 748
Trivial walk 515
Trotter, H.F. 506 508
Trunc (truncation) function 254
Truth tables 49 52 55—59 62 70 143
Truth value 48 49 69 82
Tucker, Alan 42 43 412 444 445 796 797
Turing machine 333
Turing, Alan Mathison 333
Tutte, W.T. 573
Two-byte address 5
two-dimensional array 101
Two-dimensional motions 749
Two-state device 711
Two-unit delay machine 329
Two-valued logic 711
Two’s complement method 227 228 230
Tymoczko, Thomas 575 576
U.S. Navy 357 377
U.S.S. Constitution 623
Ullman, Jeffrey David 333 334 378 506 507 574 575 623 624 642 667 668 708
UltraSPARC processor 5
Unary operation 138 267 268 733
Uncountable set 164 303 A-28 A-29 A-32
Undirected edge 351
Undirected graph 350—352 396 480 488 514 515 615—619 639—642 699 730
Uniform discrete random variable 185 209
Union Construct (in C++) 369
Union of graphs 570
Union of sets 136 138 213 248 A-29 A-31
Uniqueness of complements (inverses) for a Boolean algebra 736
Uniqueness of inverses for a group 747
Uniqueness of inverses for a ring 680 681
Unit circle A-28
Unit delay machine see "One-unit delay machine"
Unit in a ring 677 681 689 700
Unit-interval graph 520
Unity in a ring 675 681 700
Unity of a Boolean algebra 733 739
Universal address system 589
Universal generalization 110 111
Universal quantifier 87 88 90 96 98 124
Universal set 523
Universal specification 106 111
Universally quantified statement 107 108 110—112
Universe 87 90—92 106 123—128 138 139 149 161
Universe of discourse 87 124
Unsaturated edge 645
Unspecified outputs 731
Upper bound 363
Upper limit in product notation 239
Upper limit of a summation 17
Uranium 486
Usable edge 653 655 656
User-interface 155
Utility graph 542
Vajda, S. 506 508
Val(f) 645—649 651—653 656
Valid argument 47 53 67—71 111 see
Validity of an argument 70 71 73 76 77 79—83 99 103 109 112
Value of a flow 645—649
Van Gelder, Allen 305 624 625 641 642 667 668
Van Slyke, R. 642 668 669
Var(x) 180—184
Variable 86—88
Variable bound 88
Variable coefficient 452 487
Variable free 88
Variance 177 180
Varieties 825—827
VDT 155
Veblen, O. 831
Vector space 624
Vectors 694
Veitch, E.W. 742 743
Velleman, Daniel J. 304 305
| Venn diagram 141—144 146 148 155 161 168 169 188 385 386 393 398 411
Venn,John 141 188
Vertex degree 530
Vertex set 349 514
Vertices of a graph 349 514
Vertices of a graph, adjacent vertices 349 514
Vertices of a graph, isolated vertex 349 514
Vertices of a graph, origin 349 514
Vertices of a graph, source 349 514
Vertices of a graph, terminating vertex 349 514
Vertices of a graph, terminus 349 514
Video-display terminal 155
Von Dyck, Walther Franz Anton 794
Von Ettinghausen, Andreas 42
von Koch, Helge 475
von Neumann, John 689
Von Staudt, Karl 622
Vorlesungen ueber die Algebra der Logik 119
W(T) 612
Wakerly, John F. 742 743
Walk 515 516
Walker, Elbert A. 707 708
Wallis, W.D. 796 797 831 832
Walser, Hans 506 508
Wand, Mitchell 244
Washington, Lawrence C. 693 708 795 797
Weaver, W. 797
Weight of a string 18
Weight of a tree 612
Weight of an edge 631 638 644
Weight of x (in coding theory) 766 see
Weighted directed graph 644
Weighted graph 631—634 636 637 640—642 667
Weights (for an optimal tree) 611 612
Well — Ordering Principle 193 194 222 223 231 236
Well-defined (in set theory) 123
Well-defined binary operation 687
Well-formed formulae 220
Well-ordered set 194
West, Douglas B. 543 573 574 576
Weston, J. Harley 412
What the Tortoise Said to Achilles 119
Wheel graph 519 520 572
Wheel of Fortune 196
Wheel with n spokes 520 572
Whitehead, Alfred North 119 187
Whitney, Hassler 573
Whitworth, William Allen 42 43 411 412
Wilder, Raymond L. 119 120 304 305
Wiles, Andrew John 705 706
Wilf, Herbert S. 444 445
Wilson, John 752
Wilson, Robin J. 574 575
Wilson’s Theorem 752 798
Wimbledon 249 601
Without replacement 15
Woltz, Jack 186
Wood, Derick 333 334
Word 310
World War II 333
Worst-case complexity 295 296
Worst-case time-complexity function 503 605—609 636 637 640—642 654 668
Wrapped around 536 724
Wright, Charles R.B. 119 120
Wright, Edward Maitland 244 412
wt(a,b) 631
wt(e) (for an edge e) 631 632 638 639 641
wt(x) (for a string x) 18
wt(x) (in coding theory) 766 see
Wyman, M. 493 507
Xenocrates (of Chalcedon) 41
Youse, Bevan K. 244
Zariski, Oscar 707 708 831 832
Zero element A-13
Zero element of a Boolean algebra 733 738 739
Zero element of a ring 674 679 699 701
Zero polynomial 802
Zero-one matrix 247 344 345 347 348 352
Zuckerman, Herbert Samuel 243 244 444 445 708
|a| 124
|G| 746
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