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Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

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Íàçâàíèå: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Àâòîð: Hofstadter D.R.


Twenty years after it topped the bestseller charts, Douglas R. Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is still something of a marvel. Besides being a profound and entertaining meditation on human thought and creativity, this book looks at the surprising points of contact between the music of Bach, the artwork of Escher, and the mathematics of Gödel. It also looks at the prospects for computers and artificial intelligence (AI) for mimicking human thought. For the general reader and the computer techie alike, this book still sets a standard for thinking about the future of computers and their relation to the way we think.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1979

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 757

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.04.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$\omega$-consisiency      459 (see also “$\omega$-inconsistency”)
$\omega$-incompleteness      221—222 421 450—451
$\omega$-inconsistency      17 223 453—455 458—459
$\phi$X174      176 524—525
$\pi$      277 306 408 415 421 546 568 605 673 728
.doGma I, .doGma II      532—533
1-D vs. 3-D      519—521 616—617
1729      204—205 210—211 345 393 551 564—565
2+2=5      576
2, as concept      678
2-D vs. 3-D in Escher      57—58 105—106 125 473—474 524 689—690 698 714—716
2-D vs. 3-D in Magritte      480—481 493—494 700—701 705—706
2-D vs. 3-D: television screens and      488—493 737
2-D vs. 3-D: trip-lets and      see “Trip-lets”
30, as possible MIU-number      265—267
310-system      261—267
3n+1 problem      400—402 (see also “Wondrous and unwondrous numbers”)
4'33'' (Cage)      156
4-D space      638—639
5-D space      640
50 (fifty)      338 557 564
AABB form      130 227
Abel, Niels Henrik      404
ABORT (BlooP)      412
Abortion      176
Abstraction, levels of      651—653 656—657 660 666—672 674
Achilles property      396—398 415
Achilles: answer-schemas and      475
Achilles: as violin      502
Achilles: Carroll paradox and      46 170 181 193
Achilles: Crab Canon and      204 666—667
Achilles: heel of      389 484
Achilles: image of GOD      223
Achilles: inaccessible neurons of      328 686
Achilles: initial letter of      231 507 667
Achilles: innocence of      406 408 424
Achilles: mapped onto ant colony      318 324
Achilles: mentioned      84 272 525 573 669
Achilles: mystified by Crab      560
Achilles: orchard analogy and      427
Achilles: origin of      28 29
Achilles: picture of      42
Achilles: problem reduction and      610—611
Achilles: recursion and      128—131 149
Acoustico-retrieval      278—280 460
acronyms      31—32 113 174 176 204 237 272 374 606 684 727 736 738 740
Acrostics      7 81
Active site      528—529 544
Actor formalism      662—664
Addition in BlooP      409
Addition of supernaturals      455
Addition: AI programs and      677—678
Addition: commutativity, associativity of      55 225—226
Addition: noncommutative      222—223 639
Addition: pq-system and      49—53 417
Addition: representability of      417
Addition: TNT notation for      206—207
Addition: triple      101 206—207
Addresses (in memory)      289 290
Adenine      see “Nucleotides”
advertisements      478
AI Thesis      579
AI: applied to mathematics      573 614—615
AI: arguments against      597—599
AI: attitudes against      see “Anti-AI attitudes”
AI: computer languages and      299—300 548
AI: converging towards brains      579
AI: defined      26
AI: difficulty of      26—27 573 740
AI: evidence and      695
AI: faith underlying      572 578—579
AI: Goedel's Theorem and      388—390 471—477 706—707
AI: history of      19 24—27 594—597 600—609
AI: level-translation and      285
AI: outline of      601—603
AI: relation to mathematics      559—560
AI: stratification of      299—300
Air and the Song, The (Magritte)      494
Air on G's String      445 446 497
Airplane-haystack story      675
Al programs: compared with people      679—680
Al programs: curiosity of      679
Al programs: Lucas' argument and      577—578
Aleatoric music      163 174 700
Algol      292 293 381 630
Algorithms      292 410 412 413 414 440 459 567
Alpha helix      521 525
Alternative Structures of the Union      see “ASU's”
Ambiguity in translation into TNT      209—211
Ambiguity: computer languages and      297—298
Amino acids      518—525 533—534
Amino acids in Typogenetics      508 510—511
Analogical thinking: by computer      603
Analogical thinking: underpinning of      570—571
Analogies      668—674
Analytical engine      25 598 727
Anaphase      667
Anarchy      693
Anderson, Alan Ross      197
Announcer      633—640
anomalies      44 96 208 435 723
Another World (Escher)      250 255
Answer-schemas      462—464 475 688
Ant bridge      334
Ant colonies: artificial      359
Ant colonies: caste distribution in      318—328
Ant colonies: castes in      317—318
Ant colonies: communism in      318 330—331
Ant colonies: compared with brains      315—316 318 324—325 350 358—359
Ant colonies: contrasted with gases      317
Ant colonies: freedom and control in      315—316 327
Ant colonies: intelligent      310—336
Ant colonies: levels in      319—327
Ant colonies: mechanisms of teams and signals      317—321
Ant colonies: order and chains in      316—317
Ant colonies: regrouped      332—333
Ant colonies: signals in      320—328
Ant colonies: symbol level in      324—328 330
Ant colonies: teams in      317 319—327
Ant colonies: thresholds in      316—317 319—321
Ant colonies: trails of      315—317 (see also “Caste distribution” “Aunt “Fermant” “Joh. “Fourmi” “Lierre “Teams” “Signals” “Symbols”)
Ant Fugue      337 349 350 382 570 686 737—739
Anteater      275—284 311—336 382 570 722
Anti-AI attitudes      27 470—472 628
Anticodons      522—524
Ants vs. ant colonies      314 315 319 321 326 330
Ants: dispensability of      326
Ants: nest of      359
Aperiodic crystals      167—169 174—176
Arch of termites      358—359
Aria with Diverse Variations (Bach)      392—393 395
Aria with Diverse Variations (Dialogue)      408
Aristotle      19
Arithmetization      262—265 268—269 533—534
Arithmoquining      445—454 466—468 497 502 541 580—581
Arms, mutually washing      691
Art of the Fugue (Bach)      79—81 86 671
Art of Zen Strings      237 239—242 244 626
Art-Language      622
Art: by computer      603 619—620
Art: identity crisis of      699—700 703—706
Art: modern      699—706
Artificial Imagery      560
Artificial Intuition      560
Artificial Ism      625
Artificial “thinking”      337 601
Ascending and descending (Escher)      12—13 15 21 716
assemblers      291 294
Assembly language      290—295
Assembly language: compared to DNA      290—291
Assembly lines, cellular      528—529 544—545
Associativity      55—56 207
Assumptions, shaky      420 422 429 580 581 644 672
ASU's, defined      575—574
ASU's: orientation in      375
ASU's: trips in      377—379 383
ATN's      see “Augmented Transition Networks”
ATN-colony      359
Atoms: in physics      303
Atoms: in Propositional Calculus      182 186
Atoms: in TNT      207 213 214
ATTACCA      176 284 311 505
Attachment and nonattachment      232—233 244
Augmentation      8 9 146 503 681—643 738
Augmentation: intervallic      156—157
Augmented Transition Networks      150 258—259 359 621 625—627 630
Augustus II, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland      461
Aunt Hillary      314—333 382 630
Author, the      3 6 204 370 689 722 724—742
Authorship triangle      94—95 96 689
Autological adjectives      20—21
Automatic programming      298—299
Avery, Oswald      159 161
Awareness, deductive vs. analogical      570—571 619
Axiom schemata      47 48 65 87 468 472—473 543
Axiomatic systems      see “Formal systems”
Axioms of 310-system      263
Axioms of MIU-system      33 35
Axioms of P-system      73—74
Axioms of pq-system      47
Axioms of pq-system, modified      87
Axioms of TNT      216
Axioms of TNT, extended      451—452 466—468
Axioms of tq-system      65
Axioms: defined      35
Axioms: lack of in Propositional Calculus      183
Axons      339—340
B-A-C-H (melody)      79—81 86 102 121 155—157 266 719
Babbage test      735—773
Babbage, Charles      24—26 598 601 726—742
BACH (acronym)      174—175
Bach, Anna Magdalena      482
Bach, C. P. E.      3 4 80
Bach, Joh and Seb.      633 669
Bach, Joh. Seb. as composer      392 461 740—742
Bach, Joh. Seb. as glassblower      79
Bach, Joh. Seb. as harpsichordist      275 279 280
Bach, Joh. Seb. as inspiration for Dialogues      28 737
Bach, Joh. Seb. vs. Cage      157 162—164 174—175
Bach, Joh. Seb.: AI and      27 677
Bach, Joh. Seb.: confused with Fermat      331—335
Bach, Joh. Seb.: depth of      7—8 9—10 27—28 70—71 677
Bach, Joh. Seb.: dissection vs. appreciation of      680
Bach, Joh. Seb.: Escher and      199 666—667
Bach, Joh. Seb.: Forkel on      4 86
Bach, Joh. Seb.: homage to      81
Bach, Joh. Seb.: improvisation in      3—7 96 719
Bach, Joh. Seb.: in Leipzig      383 404
Bach, Joh. Seb.: indirect sell-reference of      79—81 86
Bach, Joh. Seb.: life and death of      86
Bach, Joh. Seb.: modulation and      122—123 130
Bach, Joh. Seb.: recursive qualities of music of      70—71
Bach, Joh. Seb.: Shepard tones and      719
Bach, Joh. Seb.: squared      679
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann      4 6
Background assumptions      644
Backtracking      97 629 632
Backwards chaining      618
Bankers      457
Base-pairing, complementary      433 506—507 514—516 517 523 534
BASEBALL      637—638
Bases (genetics)      514 (see also “Nucleotides”)
Bases in Typogenetics      505—508 510
Baso      234
Bassui      255
Beautiful vs. non-beautiful      552—558 560 573—575 581—582
Beauty: computers and      575
Beauty: elusiveness of      554 555 565 574—575 581 583—584
Bees      360 641 720
Beethoven, Ludwig van      6 75 163 634
Beliefs, catalogue of      382 384
Bell, A.G.      296
Belnap, Nuel      197
Berio, Luciano      704
Bicentuplets      540
Bifurcations      91—94 100 456—459 467 579
Biojukeboxes      160 175
Birthday Cantata (Bach)      461
Birthday Cantatatata (Dialogue)      468 475 688
Birthdays      461—464
bits      288—289 290 291
BLOCK (BlooP)      410—411
Blocks world      586—593 627—632 674
BlooP      406 409—430 440 441 444
BlooP programs      410—414
BlooP: alphabet of      419 425
BlooP: control structures in      410
BlooP: primordial steps of      409 412—413
BlooP: syntax of      410—415
Blue Programs      418—420 422 427
Bluediag [N]      42—44 428
Board evaluation: static and dynamic      604—605 611
Board evaluation: Strange Loops in      604—605
Bodhidharma      232 238 245 252 625
Bolyai, Farkas      92
Bolyai, Janos      91—92
Bongard problems      646—662 664 669 674
Bongard problems: universality of      661—662
Bongard, M.      646
Boole, Geo.      20 404 600
Boolean Buddhism      577
Boomerangs      75 84 267 472
Bootstrapping      24 293—294 524 548
Bottom (recursion)      139—140 (see also “Skeletons”)
Bottom-up vs. top-down      48—49
Bottoming out      133—135 151 259 301 650
Boustrophedonic writing      168—169 176
Boxed systems      469—470 543
Boyle's law      308 (see also “Gases”)
Brains as ATN-colonies      359
Brains as mathematical objects      559
Brains vs. minds      576 (see also “Minds” “Intelligence” etc.)
Brains: ant colonies and      315—316 318 324—325 350 358—359
Brains: Epimenides paradox and      584—585
Brains: formal systems and      337—338 559—562 569—579 584—585 676 “Formal “Brains
Brains: frame and outer messages and      170—171
Brains: mappings between      341—342 345—346 369—382
Brains: music and      163
Brains: operating systems and      296
Brains: programmability of      302
Brains: rules and      26—27 676
Brains: suborgans of      340—341
Brains: thoughts and      337—365
Breton, Andre      700
Brouwer, Luitzen E.J.      404
Buddha-nature      233 234 238—244
Butterflies (Escher)      147—148
Buxtehude, Dietrich      335
Byrd, Donald      see “SMUT”
Byron, Lord      25
C-A-G-E (melody)      156—157
C-system      65—67 71—72
CAGE (acronym)      174—175
Cage, John      156—157 163—164 167 174—175 556 699—700 704
Calculating prodigies      see “Idiots savants”
Canon by Intervallic Augmentation      525
Canons in Goldberg Variations      392
Canons in Musical Offering      7—10 726—727
Canons: copies and      8—9 146
Canons: Dialogues and      665—669 738
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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