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Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

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Íàçâàíèå: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Àâòîð: Hofstadter D.R.


Twenty years after it topped the bestseller charts, Douglas R. Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is still something of a marvel. Besides being a profound and entertaining meditation on human thought and creativity, this book looks at the surprising points of contact between the music of Bach, the artwork of Escher, and the mathematics of Gödel. It also looks at the prospects for computers and artificial intelligence (AI) for mimicking human thought. For the general reader and the computer techie alike, this book still sets a standard for thinking about the future of computers and their relation to the way we think.

ßçûê: en

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Typographical Number Theory      see “TNT”
Typographical operations, defined      64
typos      404
U, as nontheorem of MIU-system      36 39
U-mode      see “Un-mode”
Ulam, Stanislaw      560 621 676
Un-mode      39 98 254
Unamuno, Miguel de      698
Uncertainty principle      see “Heisenberg uncertainty principle”
Uncles      446—448 464 466 468 541 580
Undecidability      17 222 449 451—455 468
Undecidability: causes of      707—708
Undefined terms      92—102 216 456
Undefined terms: defined      93 97
Understanding minds/brains: meaning of      697
Understanding minds/brains: possibility of      697—698 706—707
Understanding, nature of      569 675—676 680
Unicycle, tandem      633 669
Units in Typogenetics      505 509
Universal quantifiers      see “Quantifiers”
Universal triggering power      171 175
Unmon      254
Unobservant machines      36—37 674
Unpredictable but guaranteed termination      400 425
Upper bounds      see “Loops bounded” “BlooP”
Uracil      see “Nucleotides”
Use vs. mention      434—437 458 531 545 699—700 syntactic “Programs “Syntax “Structure
Variables in TNT      206 213—214
Variables in TNT: free      207—209 214
Variables in TNT: quantified      208 214
Verb-at-the-end phenomenon      130—131
Verbum (Escher)      257 731—732
versus      see “Accessible vs. inaccessible knowledge” “Active “Ants “Arithmetical “Bach “Beautiful “Bottom-up “Classes “Continuous “Deductive “Derivations “Dissection “Distinct “Enzymes “Explicit “Explicit “Explicit “Formal “Formal “Formal “Genuine “High-fidelity “Holism “Improvisation “Instructions “Local “Meaningless “Men “Minds “Nouns “1-D “Passive “People “Plausible “President “Procedural “Programs “Programs “Purposeful “Rational “Sanity “Self-perception “Structure “Subject “Symbol “Symbols “Symbols “Syntactic “Syntax “Teleological “Theorems “Theorems “Theorems “Theorems “Tortoise “Truth “Truth “Truth “2-D “Use “Weight “Womanseeing “Words “Zen “Zen
Vibrations      76—78 82—85 102 270 271 469
Vice President      670
Villon, Francois      369
Vinogradov property      394—395
Vinogradov, Ivan M.      394—395
Violins      62 63 70 81 84 162 200 257 434 502 595 681 720 724
Viruses      536—543
Viruses: likened to Henkin sentences      542—543
Vision by computer      602 627
Visual imagery: Bongard problems and      661
Visual imagery: faucets and      364—365
Visual imagery: inaccessible knowledge and      365
Visual imagery: lack of in program      623
Visual imagery: mathematics an      569 678
Visual imagery: necessitating layers of substrate      570—571
Visual imagery: power of      338—339
Visual imagery: role in conceptual mapping      668 672
Visual imagery: rubbing-off and      361—362
Voices in fugues and canons      28 282—283 314 322—323 335 665—667 669 683 737 740
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de      3
Vortices      713—719
Vuillard, Edouard      347
Wachter, F.L.      92
Warrin, Frank L.      366
Waterfall (Escher)      11—15 99 716
Watergate      692
Watson, J.D.      667
Weasel      106
Weather      302—303
Weaver, Warren      380
Weierstrass, Karl W.T.      404
Weight vs. mass      171—172
Weizenbaum, Joseph      599—600 675
Well-formed strings in Art of Zen Strings      239 242 244
Well-formed strings in pq-system      47
Well-formed strings in Propositional Calculus      181—183
Well-formed strings in TNT      213—215
Well-formed strings: BlooP puzzle on      416
Well-formed strings: defined      53
Well-Tempered Clavier (Bach)      7 280—284 327 329 335
Well-Tested Conjecture (Fourmi)      333—335
Whitehead, Alfred North      18 21 23—24
Whitely, C.H.      477
Wholes      see “Holism”
Wiener, Norbert      684
Wiesel, Torsten      343
Will: mechanical      684—686
Will: roots of      684—686
Wilson, E.O.      350
Winograd, Terry      627—632
Winston, Patrick Henry      299
Wishes, meta-wishes, etc.      109—116
Wittgenstein, Ludwig      680 699
Wolff, Christoph      392
Womanseeing vs. seeing, woman      see “Men vs. women”
Wondrous and unwondrous numbers      400—402 408 415 418 425
Wooldridge, Dean      360
Words as programs      629—630
Words in computers      288—289 295 411
Words vs. letters      325—327 570 571
Words: spelled backwards      81 418 427 498 505 533 549 727 738 740
Words: thoughts, formal rules, and      see “Main theses”
Words: Zen attitude towards      246 249 251—254
Worker ants      318
Working inside the system      see “Mechanical mode”
Yes-answers      461—464
Yngve, Victor      620
Young, La Monte      700
Zen Algebra      577
Zen Buddhism vs. logic      99 233—234 249—251 254
Zen Buddhism vs. words      246 248—249 251—254
Zen Buddhism: Achilles tetches the Tortoise about      231—245
Zen Buddhism: computers and      625—626
Zen Buddhism: Crab's refrigerator and      406—407
Zen Buddhism: Escher and      255—258
Zen Buddhism: holism vs. reductionism and      312—313
Zen Buddhism: inconsistencies and      see “Zen vs. logic”
Zen Buddhism: introduction to      246—259
Zen Buddhism: jumping out of the system and      233 255 479
Zen Buddhism: music, art, and      699 704—706
Zen Buddhism: Mystery of the Undecidable and      272
Zen Buddhism: nonexistence and      254—255 698
Zen Buddhism: patriarchs of      30 232 252 259
Zen Buddhism: quasi-      625—626
Zen Buddhism: U-mode and      39 98 254
Zen Buddhism: Zeno and      30
Zen Strings, Art of      see “Art of Zen Strings”
Zenfunny, Beethoven's Ninth      634
Zeno of Elea      28 29—32 94—95 144 146 232 610 681 704 722
Zeno's paradoxes      29—32 35 43 146 610
Zentences      186—190
ZET-cycles      94—96 689
Zooming in      645 671
~G      272 449 451—455 458—459 542
‘t’-concept, ‘h’-concept, ‘e’-concept      326
“Actually Intelligent” programs      676
“all”      60
“Almost”-situations      634—640 641—643 649
“And”      177—180 181 186 630
“Ant Fugue” (Escher)      322—323
“British Grenadiers, The”      607
“Canon per augmentationem et contrario motu” (Bach)      see “Sloth Canon”
“Canon per Tonos” (Bach)      see “Endlessly Rising Canon”
“Cantorcrostipunctus”      424
“Coding” of sentences      583—584
“heart”, in an AI program      679
“I Can Be Played (Proven, etc.)...”      488 541
“I Cannot Be Played (Proven, etc.)...”      76—77 85 406—407 448 465—467 536 541 608
“Imaginary Landscape no. 4” (Cage)      163—164 699
“I”, referent of      608
“Jabberwocky” (Carroll)      366—368 372—373
“Jammerwoch, Der”, (Carroll-Scott)      366—368
“Jaseroque, Le” (Carroll-Warrin)      366—368
“Last step”      462—463 468
“Song Without time or Season, A”      483
“the”      586 629—630
“this sentence”      436 495—498 499
“WASH ME”      608
“When Johnny Comes Marching Home”      607
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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