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Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

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Íàçâàíèå: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Àâòîð: Hofstadter D.R.


Twenty years after it topped the bestseller charts, Douglas R. Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is still something of a marvel. Besides being a profound and entertaining meditation on human thought and creativity, this book looks at the surprising points of contact between the music of Bach, the artwork of Escher, and the mathematics of Gödel. It also looks at the prospects for computers and artificial intelligence (AI) for mimicking human thought. For the general reader and the computer techie alike, this book still sets a standard for thinking about the future of computers and their relation to the way we think.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1979

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 757

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.04.2005

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Purines      506—507 514 516 534 “Bases” “Base-pairing”)
Purposeful vs. purposeless behavior      320—322
Pushcorn      124—125
Pushing      127—134 184—185
Pushing-potion      105—106
Pushkin, Alexander      124
Puzzles      8 33—35 62—63 67 73 137 182 212 215 220 401 415—417 425 442—443 444 512—513 564—565 609 621—623 646—660 689
Pyramidal family of theorems      221—225 450—453
Pyrimidines      506—507 514 516 534 “Bases” “Base-pairing”)
Pythagoras      418 556—557
Q(n)      137—138 152 265 409
Quantifiers      207—209 210 211—212 214 217—219
quantum mechanics      19 54 140—146 350 455 457 699
Quantz, Joachim      4
Quarks      304 305 350
Quasi-isomorphisms      see “Isomorphisms fluid”
Quaternary structure      525
Questions and Speculations      676—680
Quine, Willard van Orman      435 446 449 699
Quining      431—437 445 446 449 497—499 531
QUIT (BlooP)      412
quotation      426 431 433—437 496—497 702 738
Quotation marks      33 434 498 499 702
r.e. sets      see “Recursively enumerable sets”
Rachmaninoff, Sergei      150
RACRECIR      738
Radio broadcasts      128 163 169 353 478 545 720
Ramanujan, Srinivasa      562—566 614
Randomness      408—409 620 673 712
Rational and irrational numbers      140—142 418 452 556—557
Rational vs. irrational, in human head      575—577
Rats in mazes      342
Rauschenberg, Robert      703
Reading frame shift      154 525
Reality, nature of      409
Rearrangement of parts      78 333—335 484
Reasoning about formal systems      38—39 66 260—272 438—452 465—471 579—581
Reasoning by programs      569—570 577—578 586—593 606—607 609—611 614—615 618—619 628—632
Recognition vs. production      648—649
Recognition: molecular      540—541
Recognition: visual      346—348 646—662
Recognizable forms      68
Recombination      657 665—669
Record players: alien-rejecting      487—488
Record players: as informalion-revealers      158—161 164
Record players: Epsilon-Zero      486
Record players: family of, in Crab's jukebox      154—157
Record players: Grand Self-assembling      see “Record player Epsilon-Zero”
Record players: intrinsic vulnerability of      75—78 102 424 470 483—486 536 543 584 721 “TC-battles” etc.)
Record players: likened to formal systems      84 85
Record players: low-fidelity      77 85 101 406—407 470
Record players: Numbers 1, 2 ... etc.      76—77
Record players: Omega      78 468 483—484
Record players: Tortoise-chomping      483 487—488
Record players: two-channel monaural      634 669
Records and record players, likened to cellular constituents and cells      83 158—164 167 175 536
Records and unpredictability      152 (see also “Nesting” “Levels distinct “Level-confusion” etc.)
Records as information-bearers      158 160—161 164
Records as labyrinths      120—124
Records as phonograp-breakers      75—78 83—85 271 406—407 424 469 484 486 536 543 584
Records in game-playing programs      150—151 604—605
Records in language      130—134 588 591 592
Records in music      121—123 129—130
Records in space      162—164 172 174—175
Records of Well-Tempered Clavier given to Crab      275 278—280
Records with multiple melodies      154—157
Records: defective      102
Records: elementary particles and      142—146
Records: fantasy rule and      184—185
Records: indirect      134 137
Records: smashed, information in      161
Recursion: avoidance of infinite regress in      127 134—135
Recursion: avoidance of paradox in      127
Recursion: defined      127—129 131—135
Recursive acronyms      113 133 134—135 738 742
Recursive diagrams      135—137
Recursive figures      67—70 72 73
Recursive formula, of thinking      560
recursive functions      136—140 152 430 455 “Primitive “BlooP” “FlooP”)
Recursive graphs      138—143
Recursive sequences      135—138 139
Recursive sets      72—74 152 191
Recursive structure of ideas      386—387 560 621 644—645 650 656—657 669 671—672
Recursive Transition Networks      131—134 136 145 150 620—621
Recursively enumerable sets      72—74 152 191 265 269
Recursively related notation-systems      475
Red Programs      427—428
Reddiag [N]      428 429
Redness, subjective and objective      710
Reductionism: defined      312
Reductionism: proteins and      520—522 (see also “Holism vs. reductionism” “Sealing-off”)
Reductionist's Dilemma      522 709
Reentrant code      387
Refrigerators      see “Record players low
Registers, in computers      289
Relativity      19 96 100 680
Relativity (Escher)      97—98
Relevant implication      197
Renormalization      142—146 258 304—305 309
Repeatability      see “Goedelization” “Toedelizalion” “Diagonal “Escherization” “TC-battleries” “Answer-schemas”
Representability      407 417—418 430 441 443 444 451 466 468 579—580
Representation of knowledge in AI      569 615—621 626—632 641—659 664—665 668—672
Representation of knowledge in brains      see “Symbols” “Localization”
Repressors      544—545
Reptiles (Escher)      116—117
Requirement of Formality      33 52 65
Retrogression      8—9 81 146 200 208 500—501 549 666—668 723—725 737—738
Return addresses      128 133
Revelation      160—161 175
Ribo, some      236
Ribonucleic acid      see “mRNA” “rRNA” “tRNA”
Ribosomal RNA      see “rRNA”
Ribosomes as models for AI      662 663
Ribosomes as self-assembling objects      485—486 542
Ribosomes as translators of Genetic Code      485 518—519 522—525 547
Ribosomes in Typogenetics      512
Ribosomes: molecular canons and      527—528
Ribosomes: need for in DNA's self-rep      530
Ribosomes: origin of      528 548
Ribosomes: structure of      528
RICERCAR (E)      7 727—742
Ricercar, defined      7
Rippled Surface (Escher)      256—257
RNA      see “mRNA” “rRNA” “tRNA”
RNA polymerase      527 530 544
Robot in T-maze      711—713
Rogers, Hartley      476
Ropes, thin and thick      229—230
Rose, Steven      342
Rosetta stone      165 166
Roszak, Theodore      574
Rousseau, Henri      680
Royal Theme      4—10 96 719 739—740
rRNA      528
RTN's      see “Recursive Transition Networks”
Rule-less systems      598 685
Rules of inference of 310-system      263
Rules of inference of MIU-system      34 260
Rules of inference of P-system      74
Rules of inference of pq-system      47
Rules of inference of Propositional Calculus      187
Rules of inference of TNT      215 217—220 223—225
Rules of inference of tq-svslem      65
Rules of inference of Typogenetics      509—510
Rules of inference: compared with enzymes      509—510 513 531
Rules of inference: defined      34—35
Rules of inference: derived      193—194
Rules of inference: of C-system      65
Rules of inference: proposed      66 221
Rules of inference: recursive enumerability and      152
Rules of inference: run backwards      48—49 182
Rules of production      see “Rules of inference”
Rules: arithmetical vs. typographical      262—264 269
Rules: flattened into strings      see “Theorems vs. rules”
Rules: intelligence and      26—27 559
Run-of-the-mill sets      20—21
Russell's paradox      20—21 685
Russell, Bertrand      18—24
Saccheri, Girolamo      91—93 99 452 456
Sagredo      see “Salviati et
Salviati, Simplicio, Sagredo      408—409 478—479 673 694
Sameness in Bongard world      650—653 657 660 664
Sameness in self-refs and self-reps      500—504
Sameness of ASU's      375
Sameness of BACH and CAGE      153—157
Sameness of butterflies      147 369
Sameness of demi-doublets      669
Sameness of Escher drawings      147
Sameness of human and machine intelligence      337 379 679—680
Sameness of human minds      341—342 369—372 375—377 382
Sameness of programs      380—382
Sameness of semantic networks      371
Sameness of translations between languages      372 379—380
Sameness vs. differentness      153—157
Sameness-detectors      see “Sams”
Sameness: elusiveness of      146—149
Sameness: intensionality and      338
Sameness: mechanisms underlying perception of abstract      646—662 665—669 671—672
Sameness: overlooked      614 674
Sameness: universality of intelligence and      158 501
Sameness: visual      344—348 662 “Isomorphisms” “Conceptual
SAMs      650—653 657 664
Samuel's argument, pro and con      684—686
Samuel, Arthur      604—605 684—686
San Francisco Chronicle example      351
Sand castles      725—726
Sanity vs insanity      192 696
Satellite-symbols      see “Splitting-off”
Satori      see “Enlightenment”
Scale, cyclic      see “Shepard tones”
Schmidt, Johann Michael      27
Schnirelmann, Lev G.      394
Schoenberg, Arnold      125
Schroedinger, Erwin      167
Schweikart, F.K.      92
Science and Bongard problems      659—661
Science: self-applied      699
Scott, Robert      366
Scripts, collage of      168—169
Sealing-off      305 309 350 534
Secondary structure      521 525
Self, nature of      316—317 327—328 384—385 387—388 695—696 709—714
Self-assembly, spontaneous      485—486 542—543
Self-awareness      406 479 573
Self-descriptive adjectives      see “Autological adjectives”
Self-engulfing      489—494
Self-engulfing: failed      490 492
Self-engulfing: total      493
Self-knowledge, possibility of      696—698 706
Self-modifying games      687—688
Self-monitoring      328 385 387—388 697 713
Self-perception      695—698
Self-perception vs sell-transcendence      478
Self-programmed objects      685—686 691—692
Self-proving sentences      542—543
Self-quoting sentence      426 496—497
Self-reference and self-replication, compared      530 533—534 541—543
Self-reference: as cause of essential incompleteness      465 470—471
Self-reference: Bach and      86
Self-reference: banning      21—23
Self-reference: by translation      502
Self-reference: focusing of      438 443 445—448
Self-reference: Goedelian      17—18 271 447—449 497 502 533 667 738
Self-reference: indirect      21 85 204 436—437 502 667 738—739
Self-reference: many-leveled      742
Self-reference: near miss      437
Self-reference: Quine method      431—437 445—446 449 497—499 531
Self-referential sentences      435—437 477 495—499 501
Self-rep by error message      503
Self-rep by retrograde motion      500—501
Self-rep by translation      501
Self-rep: by augmentation      503
Self-rep: canons and      501 503
Self-rep: differentiating      546
Self-rep: epigenesis and      160
Self-rep: inexact      500—503 546
Self-rep: trivial      499
Self-rep: typogenetical      312—313
Self-snuffing      701—702
Self-swallowing sets      20
Self-symbol      385 387—388 709
Self-symbol: free will and      710—714
Self-symbol: inevitability of      388
Self-transcendence      477—478 479
Self-unawareness, irony of      328 330 331 630
Semantic classes      621 630
Semantic networks      370—372 (see also “Concept network”)
Semi-interpretations      189 196
Semiformal systems      216 (see also “Geometry Euclidean”)
Senseless loops      679
Sentences in TNT      208—209
Sentences P and Q      436—437
Sequences of integers      73 135—139 173—174 408
Set theory      20—23
Sets F and G      73
Shadows, The (Magritte)      480
Shakespeare, Wm.      96 595 598 608 736
Shandy Double-Dandy      611
shared code      387
Shepard tones      717—719
Shepard, Roger      717—719
Shielding of lower levels      see “Inaccessibility”
SHRDLU      586—593 599 627—632 674
Shuzan      251
Sierpiriski, W.      404
Signals, crisscrossing      322—323
Signature, visual      347—348
Silberescher, Loewen      394
Silbermann, Gottfried      3 4
Silver      173
Simon, Herbert A.      303 305
Simple, complex, hypercomplex cells      see “Neurons”
Simplicio      see “Salviati”
simplicity      172 560 615
Simulation of entire brain      572—573
Simulation of neural networks      571—572
Sit-Part Ricercar (Bach)      4—7 719 739—742
Skater metaphor      412—413
Skeletons (recursion)      140—141 (see also “Bottom”)
Skimming off top levels      309 325 326 358—359 568—579
Slinky      337
Slippage, conceptual      633—640 641—644 654—656 672
Sloth      633—640 643 681—683 722
Sloth Canon (Bach)      9 666 683
Sloth Canon (Dialogue)      738
Sloths      684—719
slots      645 650—653 656—657 668
Smalltalk      662
Smart-stupids      721—742
Smoke Signal      67 702
SMUT      6 80 155—157 202 682 718 740
Soap cake      497
Soft-louds      see “Pianos”
Software and hardware: defined      301
Software and hardware: in brain      346 356—357 686 709
Soldier ants      318
Sonata for Unaccompanied Achilles      502—503
Sonata for violin and clavier in F minor (Bach)      162
Sonatas and partitas for unaccompanied violin (Bach)      62 63 70—71 257 502
Song, self-reproducing      500
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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