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Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

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Название: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Автор: Hofstadter D.R.


Twenty years after it topped the bestseller charts, Douglas R. Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is still something of a marvel. Besides being a profound and entertaining meditation on human thought and creativity, this book looks at the surprising points of contact between the music of Bach, the artwork of Escher, and the mathematics of Gödel. It also looks at the prospects for computers and artificial intelligence (AI) for mimicking human thought. For the general reader and the computer techie alike, this book still sets a standard for thinking about the future of computers and their relation to the way we think.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Популярные издания/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1979

Количество страниц: 757

Добавлена в каталог: 30.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Canons: Escher drawings and      15
Canons: polyribosomes and      526—528
Canons: self-refs and      501—503
Canons: structure of      8—10
Canons: two-tiered      527—528 (see also individual “Canons” “Fugues”)
Cantor set      142
Cantor, Georg      20 216 418 421 422—424
Capitalized Essences      29
Car radio      670—671
Cardinality, intuitive sense of      567
Carroll paradox      28 43—45 681
Carroll paradox: evidence version      693—694
Carroll paradox: message version      170
Carroll paradox: problem posed by      46 181
Carroll paradox: proof version      192—193
Carroll paradox: Samuel's argument and      684—685
Carroll paradox: symbolized      193 (see also “Infinite regress”)
Carroll, John B.      630
Carroll, Lewis      20 28 46 192 372 681
Carroll, Lewis: material by      43—45 366—368
Cascades      224 529 626 664
Caste distribution: encoding of knowledge in      319 324—328 359
Caste distribution: meaning of      321—324
Caste distribution: updating of      318—319 324
Catalogues of programs (Blue, Green, Red)      419 427—428
Catalysts      528—529
Cats      313 343—346 532
Causality, types of      709—710
CCrab      see “ATTACCA”
Ceilings      see “Loops bounded” “BlooP”
Celestial mechanics      353—354
CELLs (BlooP)      410—411
Cellular processes, as models for AI      663—664
Central Crabmap      667
Central Dogma of Mathematical Logic      271 532—534
Central dogma of molecular biology      504—505 514 532—534 536 667
Central Dogma of the MIU-system      513
Central Dogma of Typogenetics      513
Central Dogma of Zen strings      238 239 240 243
Central Dogmap      532—534 545 547 672 709
Central Pipemap      701—702
Central processing unit      288 289
Central Proposition      264 269
Central Slothmap      702
Central Xmaps      702 716
Centrality      374—375
Centromere      668
Cerebellum      341
Chadwick, John      50
Chain letters      546
Champernowne, David      595
Champollion, Jean Francois      165
channeling      299 376—377
Chaos in number theory      137—138 152 557
Chauvinism      171—173
Checkers programs      573 604—605
Chekhov, Anton      642
Chess boards, hierarchy of      687
Chess players, cycle of      94—95
Chess programs: Babbage and      25 729—731 736
Chess programs: choice and      711—712
Chess programs: Crab and      721 729—731
Chess programs: difficulty of      151—152 605
Chess programs: jumping out of the system and      37—38 678
Chess programs: knowledge representation in      618
Chess programs: recursive structure of      150—152
Chess programs: strengths and weaknesses of      151—152 285—287 573 603—604 611
Chess programs: Turing and      595 596 736
Chess programs: varieties of      601
Chess programs: without look-ahead      604
Chess: chunking and      285—287 604
Chess: grand masters in      286—287
Chess: round-the-house      595
Chess: self-modifying      687—688
Chests of drawers, nested      644—645
Children's stories and AI      675—676
Chiyono      256
Choice      711—714
Chopin, Frederic      70 257 677
Chords and analogies      673—674
Chromosomes, homologous      668
Chunked versions of this book      jacket vi—vii viii—xiii 370 758—777
Chunking of DNA      531—532
Chunking of music      160 164 525
Chunking of one's own brain      382
Chunking: ant colonies and      326—327
Chunking: brains and      381—384 559
Chunking: computer languages and      290—292 381 412—413
Chunking: defined      285—288
Chunking: determinism and      306—308 363 522
Chunking: intuitive world-view and      305—306 362—363
Chunking: probabilistic      384
Chunking: scientific explanation and      305—306
Chunking: superconductivity and      305
Chunking: trade-offs in      326
Chunking: vision and      348
Church — Turing thesis      428—429 552 561—579
Church — Turing Thesis: AI Version      578—579 580 581
Church — Turing Thesis: Hardy's Version      566
Church — Turing Thesis: Isomorphism Version      567—568
Church — Turing Thesis: Microscopic Version      572
Church — Turing Thesis: Public-Processes Version      562 568 574 580
Church — Turing Thesis: Reductionist's Version      572 574
Church — Turing Thesis: Soulist's Version      574
Church — Turing Thesis: Standard Version      561—562 579
Church — Turing Thesis: Tautological Version      561
Church — Turing Thesis: Theodore Roszak Version      574—575
Church — Turing Thesis: unprovability of      562
Church's Theorem      560—561 574 579—581 609 697
Church, Alonzo      428 476 561
Cigars      199 201 383 481 651
Classes vs. instances      351—355 360—361 “Intensionality “Analogies” “Conceptual etc.)
Codes: art and      703—704
Codes: familiar and unfamiliar      82 158 267 “Goedel “Genetic etc.)
Codons      519—520 524 533 535 “Duplets”)
Colby, K.      599
Columns in brain      346
Comenius, Johann Amos      625
Comments in programs      297
Common Sense (Magritte)      700—701
Common sense and programs      301
Communicability of algorithms      562
Commutativity      55—56 209 225—227 453 639
Compelling inner logic      161—162 163—164
Competing theories, and nature of evidence      695
Compiler languages      292—295
Compilers      292—295 297 503
Compiling, reverse of      381
Complete List of All Great Mathematicians      see “List”
Completeness      100—102 417—418 422 465 “Consistency”)
Complexity of world      569
Composite numbers      64 65—66 73
Compound sentences, in TNT      214
Compound words      665
Computer chess      see “Chess programs”
Computer languages in SHRDLU      629—632
Computer languages: analogues in cell      547
Computer languages: dialects of      503
Computer languages: flexibility and      298—299
Computer languages: high-level      292—293 297—300
Computer languages: message-passing      662—663
Computer languages: power of      299 428—429
Computer languages: presented      289—299 406—430 498—499
computer systems      287—302
Computers: assembled by computers      504 684
Computers: crying      675—676
Computers: determinism and      25—27 306—307 684—686
Computers: fallibility of      575 578 678
Computers: in phonographs      78 484 486—488 “AI” “AI
Computers: learning by      603—605
Computers: origins of      24—26
Concept network      651—654 (see also “Semantic networks”)
Conceptual dimensions      670—671
Conceptual mapping      668—672
Conceptual nearness      371—373 614 651—656
Conceptual revolutions      660—661 673
Conceptual skeletons      381 514 666—672 674
Connotations and culture      372—373 379—380
Consciousness: causality and      709—710
Consciousness: source of      384—385 387—388
Consciousness: understanding of      82 680 708—710
Conservation of complexity      60 195
Consistency of Propositional Calculus      191—192 229
Consistency of TNT      229—240 449—450
Consistency: defined      94
Consistency: hypothetical worlds and      95—100
Consistency: interpretations and      88 94—101
Consistency: Lucas and      477
Consistency: oath of, in TNT      450
Consistency: of extended TNT      223 459
Consistency: proofs of      23—24 191—192 229—230 449—450
Consistency: varieties of      94—96 (see also “$\omega$-consistency”)
Constants, parameters, variables      643—644 669
Context-free sums      520—522
Context: necessity of      161—164 173—176
Context: restoring of      115—116 128 133 161—164 173—176
Contexts, nested      643—646 672 674
Continued fractions      140 277 563 565
Continuous vs. discrete processes      598
Contracrostipunctus, discussed      82—85 267 270—271 406—407 424 467—470 483—484 534—537 608 721
Contradictions in mathematics      17—24 196—197 223 580—581
Contradictions: $\omega$-consistency and      453
Contradictions: between levels      see “Level-conflicts”
Contradictions: caused by impossible cycles      94—96
Contradictions: coexisting in same brain      383 697—698
Contradictions: diagonal argument and      420—422
Contradictions: in pq-system      87 88
Contradictions: in Propositional Calculus      191—192 196—197
Contradictions: in self-image      696
Contradictions: personal nonexistence and      698
Contradictions: Tortoise's shell and      177—180
Contradictions: two levels of      581 584
Contradictions: visual      97—99
Contradictions: Zen and      99 235 246—256 698 “Inconsistency” “Epimenides etc.)
Contrafactus      641 643 669
Convex and Concave (Escher)      105—109 348
Cooper pairs      304—305
Copies in code      517 527—528
Copies: canons and      8—9 527—528
Copies: complementary to originals      70 501 506—507 517
Copies: DNA and      529—531
Copies: inexact      500—503 546
Copies: nature of      146—149
Copies: self-reps and      500—504 512—513
Copies: television and      489
Copies: viruses and      542—543
Copies: visually nested      138—140 (see also “Sameness” “Isomorphisms”)
copper      173
Cops Silva and Gould      405
Copy mode (Typogenetics)      506—508
Cortex: areas of      344
Cortex: cerebral      340—348
Cortex: visual      343—348
Counterfactual parameters      639
Counterfactuals      634—640 641—644
Counterpoint      see “Canons” “Fugues” “Bach” etc.
Counting      55—57 228 364
Court system      692 693
Covalent bonds      514
Cows      312 346 351
CPU      see “Central processing unit”
Crab Canon (Bach)      202—203 666
Crab Canon (Dialogue)      204 355—356 665—669 672 723—725 738
Crab Canon (Escher)      198—199 667
Crab canons      9 198—203 204 355 501 665—669
Crab canons in DNA      200—201
Crab meets Achilles      200
Crab programs      500—501
Crab vs. Tortoise      75—78 406 483—488 540 543
Crab: entertains Achilles      480—494
Crab: genes of      200—201 204 507
Crab: hikes and plays flute      549—558
Crab: intelligence of      549 558 733
Crab: jukebox of      154—157
Crab: musical evening chez      720—742
Crab: origin of      666—668
Crab: plight of      281 383—384
Crab: questionable behavior of      560 562 573—574 579—581
Crab: receives presents and entertains guests      275—284 311—336
Crab: subjunctive afternoon chez      633—640
Crab: Theme of      729 732 740 742
Creativity, mechanizability of      25 26 571 620 673 “Paradox “Non-programmability” etc.)
Crick, Francis      505 532 533 534 617
Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)      379—380
Cristofori, Bartolommeo      3
Critical mass      228 317 389 417 470
Crossing-over      665—668
Crystal in magnetic field      140—143
Crystallization metaphor      347
CT-Thesis      see “Church — Turing Thesis”
Cube with Magic Ribbons (Escher)      281—282
Cursively drawable figures      67—68 72
Cytoplasm      517 518 522—524
Cytosine      see “Nucleotides”
da Vinci, Leonardo      641
Dali, Salvador      700
Dase, Johann Martin Zacharias      567
Data base      618
Daughter programs      503 546
David, Hans Theodore      3 28 719
Day and Night (Escher)      252 255 667
Dboups, Hfpsh      515 533
De Chirico, Giorgio      700
de Morgan, Augustus      20 404 600
Decidable strings      417
Decimal system      262—264 269
Decipherment of texts      50 164—165 173—174 583
Decision procedures as BlooP puzzles      415—417
Decision procedures for alienness      487—488 540—541
Decision procedures for axiomhood      41 48 470
Decision procedures for beauty      552—558 560 579 581—582 583—584
Decision procedures for Buddha-nature      234 239 272
Decision procedures for Diophantine equations      559—560
Decision procedures for dreamable themes      384
Decision procedures for end of Dialogue      402—403
Decision procedures for genuineness of koans      234 239
Decision procedures for Goldbach property      400 414
Decision procedures for Granny      344—345 347—348
Decision procedures for halting      425—429
Decision procedures for intelligence      see “Turing test”
Decision procedures for Mozart pieces      649
Decision procedures for number-theoretic truths      228—229 426 551—558 560 573—574 579—581
Decision procedures for primality      64 149 413
Decision procedures for proof-pair-ness      416 439—441
Decision procedures for sameness      146—149 158—159
Decision procedures for sorting numbers into two classes      see “Church — Turing Thesis”
Decision procedures for termination      425—429
Decision procedures for theorem-numbers      440—441 580
Decision procedures for theoremhood      39—41 47—49 72—73 190—191 408 416 560 579—580 582
Decision procedures for Tortoise property      396—397 415 441
Decision procedures for Tortoise-pair-ness      441
Decision procedures for truth      213 228—229 417 552—558 560—561 579 581
Decision procedures for validity of derivations      194 416 439—441 470
Decision procedures for well-formedness      182 269 416 582
Decision procedures for wondrousness      402 425
Decision procedures for “the Way” in Zen      250—251 253 254
Decision procedures: defined      39—41
Decision procedures: no guarantee of existence of      72
Decision procedures: top-down vs. bottom-up      48—49
Decoding as revelation      160—161
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