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Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

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Íàçâàíèå: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Àâòîð: Hofstadter D.R.


Twenty years after it topped the bestseller charts, Douglas R. Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is still something of a marvel. Besides being a profound and entertaining meditation on human thought and creativity, this book looks at the surprising points of contact between the music of Bach, the artwork of Escher, and the mathematics of Gödel. It also looks at the prospects for computers and artificial intelligence (AI) for mimicking human thought. For the general reader and the computer techie alike, this book still sets a standard for thinking about the future of computers and their relation to the way we think.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1979

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 757

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.04.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Geometry: non-Euclidean      19—20 91—93 98—99 100 222—223 451 455—456
Geometry: “true” version of      88—94 99—100 456—457
German professor, proverbial      130—131
Giant Electronic Brains      25 601
Glia      339
GlooP      406 428—429
Goals and subgoals      227 589 590—591 609—614 618—619 629 632
Goblet G      79 81 83—85 267
God      216 400 478 482 533 567 597 711
GOD (acronym)      110—115 133 134 216 223 224 722 “Genie”)
God: picture of      142—143
Goedel Code      18 268 533—535
Goedel codons      268 425 533—535
Goedel isomorphism      261—271 439 442—446 738—739
Goedel isomorphism: likened to reflection of world in brain      502 570
Goedel questions, Lucas on      389 390
Goedel's argument, summarized      18 272 448
Goedel's article      17 24 438
Goedel's construction, illustrated      84
Goedel's method, underlying causes of      204 407 465 468—471
Goedel's second theorem      230 449—450 696
Goedel's Theorem: AI and      388—390 471—477 706—707 714
Goedel's Theorem: analogue of in molecular biology      534 536—537
Goedel's Theorem: brief mentions      72 74 78 100 486
Goedel's Theorem: consequences of      450—460 469—476
Goedel's Theorem: Contracrostipunctus and      see “Contracrostipunctus”
Goedel's Theorem: Diophantine equations and      459—460
Goedel's Theorem: LISP and      738—739
Goedel's Theorem: proof of      18 265—272 438—449
Goedel's Theorem: stated      17 101 272
Goedel's Theorems and human introspection      450 696—698
Goedel, Kurt      15—19 24 28 738 740 742
Goedel-numbering      18 438 738—739
Goedel-numbering of FlooP programs      425—426 502
Goedel-numbering of MIU-system      261—264
Goedel-numbering of TNT      268—270 579
Goedelizalion      270
Goedelizalion: programmability of      471—473
Goedelizalion: repeatability of      424 465—476 688 “Toedelization” “Jumping
Goedelizing operator      472—473 475—476 543
Goffman, Erving      478
Gold      173
Gold Box, Very Asian      404—405
Goldbach conjecture      394—396 400 404 557—558 615
Goldbach Conjecture: parodied      551
Goldbach property      395—397 400 414 418
Goldbach Variation      395—398 400 426 441
Goldbach, Christian      394 395
Goldberg Variations (Bach)      392—393 395
Goldberg, Johann Theophilus      391—392
Goodfortune, Hexachlorophene J.      103—104 115 128—129 130
Goso      248
gplot      138 140—143 146—147 159 503 661
Grammar for computer languages      297 408—415
Grammar for Feynman diagrams      142 145
Grammar for koans      625—626
Grammar for music      626—627
Grammar for natural languages      130—134 150 363 588—593 619—621 630—632
Grammar for thought      627
Grammar: high-level      625—627
Grand Tortue      237 243—244
Grandmother cell      344 345
Grandmothers, perception of      344 345 347—348 349
Graphics      728
Grass roots      693
Great Tutor      237 239 244
Green Programs      427
Greendiag [N]      427
Grelling's paradox      20—21 22
Groot, Adriaan de      286
Grounds, excellent      731
Guanine      see “Nucleotides”
Guaranteed termination      41 396—398 399 403
Guitars      62 200
Gullibility      75—76 106 309 461 600 701
Gutei      237
H(n)      137
Hacker      664
Haiku      153—154 525 619—620
Halting problem      74 425—429 594 697
Hamburger-confusion      577
Hammurabi      169
Hardy, Godfrey Harold      562—566
Harmonic tension      122—123 (see also “Tension and resolution”)
Harpsichords      3 391 502
Harrison, Lawrence      657
Haussmann, Elias Gottlieb      2
HE-HE puzzle      62—63 669
Headache      62—63
Hearing by compuler      602
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      455 698
Helen of Troy      110
Hemiolia      257 519
Hemispheres      257 340—341
Henkin sentences      541—553 709
Henkin sentences: explicit and implicit versions      542—543
Henkin's theorem      488
Henkin, Leon      541
Hereditary arguments      36 47—48 217 261
Heterarchies      134 359 534 651—654 662 691
Heterological adjectives      20—21 22
Heuristics      587 588 590 603 629
Hewitt, Carl      662
Hiccups      116 254 255 673 725—726 736
Hierarchy of variability      643—645 669
High-fidelity vs. low-fidelity      77 85 101 406—407 470 697—698
High-level explanatory power      707—709
Hilbert's program      23—24 229—230
Hilbert's tenth problem      459—460
Hilbert, David      20 23—24 230 459—460
Hofstadter's law      152
Hofstadter, D.R.      75 310 724 728 742
Hogen      248
Holes in formalized systems      24 26 449 451 465 468 470—471
Holism vs. reductionism      284 311—336 389—390 708—709
Holism: defined      254 312
Holism: Zen and      254
Hubel, David      341 343
Human Condition I. The (Magritte)      705—706
Hyakujo      254
Hydrogen bonds      516 522 525
Hyphen-strings      47 64—65 66
Hypothetical      44—45 634—640
Hypothetical worlds      95—100 338 360—362 634—640 641—644
Hypothetical worlds: groundedness in reality      362 378—379
i      454
I-counts      260—261
I-level      see “Inviolate level”
i-mode      see “Intelligent mode”
Iceberg      495—496 497
Ideal numbers      56—58
Identification with artifacts      609 713—714
Idiots savants      566—567
IF-statements (BlooP)      411—412
Images of thought      623
Images: blurry      686—687
Imitation game      see “Turing test”
Immunity Theorem      536
Implicit characterization      41 67 72—73 93
Improvisation vs. introspection      739
Inaccessibility of lower levels to higher levels      686—692 706—710
Inaccessibility of lower levels to higher levels in Aunt Hillary      330—331 630
Inaccessibility of lower levels to higher levels in brains/minds      302 328—329 362—365 619 677 686—692 697 706—710 739
Inaccessibility of lower levels to higher levels in programs      296 300—301 588 630 679 “Introspection” “Level-conflicts”)
Incompleteness of brains      585
Incompleteness of extensions of TNT      465—471
Incompleteness of formal arithmetics      18 86 101—102 407 618—619
Incompleteness of list of mathematicians      422
Incompleteness of list of reals      421—424
Incompleteness of Lucas      477
Incompleteness of phonographs      see “Record players intrinsic
Incompleteness of Principia Mathematica      18 24 618—619
Incompleteness of self-knowledge      696—698
Incompleteness of TNT      271—272 430 450—451 etc.)
Incompleteness: Bach and      86
Incompleteness: defined      86
Incompleteness: Escher and      716—717
Inconsistency of people      197 697—698
Inconsistency of Tortoise      177—180 (see also “Consistency” “Contradictions” “Zen”)
Inconsistency with external world      87—88 95
Inconsistency: defined      94
Inconsistency: internal      87 88 94—96
Increasing and decreasing rules      73 74 260—261 264 269 401—402 407—408 441 “Chaos
Index numbers for programs      418—420 427—428
Index triplets for supernaturals      455
India      549 551 557 562—566
Indra's net      258 359
Inducers      545
Infinite bundle of facts      397—398
Infinite coincidence      398 421
Infinite regress      111—113 142 146 152 231 388—389 426 497 738
Infinite regress in Carroll paradox      43—45 170 192—193 684—686 693—694
Infinite regress of objectivity      479
Infinite regress: halted      127 133—135 170 605 684—686
Infinite regress: Zeno and      31—32 610 “Bottoming “Recursive “Repeatability” etc.)
Infinite sentence      497
Infinite sky      401
Infinitesimals and nonstandard analysis      455
Infinity: Bach and      10 719
Infinity: Escher and      15
Infinity: handled finitely      59—60 221—225 461—464 468
Infinity: illustrated      135—136 138—143
Infinity: names of      475—476
Infinity: supernaturals and      454
Infinity: types of      421 (see also “Nontermination” “Infinite “Recursion” etc.)
Informal systems      see “Formal vs. informal systems”
Information-bearers      158 166 167
Information-revealers      158 267
Information: accessibility of      see “Inaccessibility”
Information: creation of      513
Information: depth from surface      234—235 409 427 549—558 606—607 612—613 628 673
Information: discardable      649 653 657—659 669—672
Information: flow of      513 533 545 547
Information: irrelevant      560
Inhibition, cellular      544
Inner messages      166—171 174—176 501 524
Input parameters (BlooP)      411
Input-output devices      288
Insight      613 660—661 665—676
Instant replays, straight and subjunctive      634—640 641 672
Instructions: in machine language      289—295
Instructions: vs. templates      497—499 531
int(X)      138—141 146 661
Intelligence: accidental inexplicability of      707
Intelligence: essential abilities for      26
Intelligence: liftability of      see “Skimming off”
Intelligence: limits of      475—476 679—680
Intelligence: necessary underpinning of      324
Intelligence: simplicity of      172—173
Intelligence: subtle features of      566
Intelligence: tangled recursion and      152
Intelligence: typical abilities of      559
Intelligence: universality of, and intrinsic meaning      158 162—164 170—176 501 661—662 “Minds” “AI” etc.)
Intelligent mode      38—39 65 193—194 613—614
Intensionality and extensionality      337—339 350 361—362
Intentions of machines      684—685
Interestingness, programmed      615
Interpretation-conventions      687—688
Interpretations of pq-system      49—53 87—88 101—102 158
Interpretations of Propositional Calculus      186—187 189 191—192
Interpretations of strands      509—510
Interpretations of TNT      205—209 266—267 453 533
Interpretations of tq-system, C-system, P-system      64—65 73—74
Interpretations: adjusted to avoid inconsistency      87—88 453 456
Interpretations: multiple      94—102 153—157 266—267 271 447—448
Interpreters: mechanisms in brain      582—584
Interpreters: people      293 297 524 671
Interpreters: programs      293 504 547 616 632 662 692
Intrinsically high-level properties      707—709
introspection      see “Self-monitoring” “Self-awareness” “Self-knowledge” “Inaccessibility” “TNT introspection
Intuition      560 564 613 680 713
Intuition: programming of      605 609
inversion      8—9 81 146 681—683 737—738 “Complementary
Inviolate level      686—692
Irrationality vs. rationality in brain/mind      575—578
Irregularities, meta-irregularities. etc      475—476
ISAN      254
ISM      254—255 625 704—706
Isomorphisms as revelations      159—161 263
Isomorphisms as roots of meaning      49—53 87—88 94 267 337 350
Isomorphisms between Bongard problems      660 669
Isomorphisms between brain-structures and reality      82 337—339 350 502 569—571
Isomorphisms between brains      369—382
Isomorphisms between Crab's DNA and Crab Canon      203 667—668
Isomorphisms between earthworms      342—343 345
Isomorphisms between form and content in Dialogues      84—85 128—130 204 667—668
Isomorphisms between formal systems and number theory      408 625
Isomorphisms between mathematicians      566
Isomorphisms between mathematics and reality      53—60
Isomorphisms between mental processes and programs      568—573
Isomorphisms between MIU-system and 310-system      261—265
Isomorphisms between models of natural numbers      217
Isomorphisms between something and part of itself      138—143 146—147
Isomorphisms between spiderwebs      371—372
Isomorphisms between visual apparatuses      345—346
Isomorphisms in Contracrostipunctus      83—85
Isomorphisms in visual processing      344 (see also “Meaning” “Translation” “Copies” “Decoding” etc.)
Isomorphisms of emotions      163
Isomorphisms on various levels between same objects      369
Isomorphisms: coarse-grained      147—148 503
Isomorphisms: defined      9 49—50
Isomorphisms: exotic, prosaic      159—160
Isomorphisms: fluid      338 350 362
Isomorphisms: Goedel-numbering and      see “Goedel isomorphism”
Isomorphisms: partial      146—147 371—382
Isomorphisms: self-reps and      501—503
Isomorphisms: transparent      82 158 267
Jacquard loom      25
Jaki, Stanley      574
Jauch, J.M.      408 409 478—479
Jefferson, G.      598
Joan of Arc      20
Johns, Jasper      703
Joshu      233 237 238 240 253 259 272
JOSHU (TNT-string)      443
jukeboxes      154—157 160—161 164 170—171 174—176 500
Jumping out of a subsystem      477
Jumping out of the system as method to resolve contradictions      196—197
Jumping out of the system by answer-schemas      462—464
Jumping out of the system by programs      36—38 476—478 678
Jumping out of the system from 2-D to 3-D      see “2-D vs. 3-D”
Jumping out of the system in political systems      692
Jumping out of the system: Goedel's Theorem and      see “Goedelization” “Essential
Jumping out of the system: illusion of      478—479 698
Jumping out of the system: in advertisement      478
Jumping out of the system: Zen and      255 479 “Toedelization” “Escherization” “TC-battles” “Repeatability” “Nonprogrammability” etc.)
Kaiserling, Count      391—392
Kay, Alan      662
Kennedy, John F.      641
Keys, musical      10 299 466 501
Kim, Scott      68—69 503 523 719
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp      9 726
Kitchen sink, the      315
Kleene, Stephen C.      476
Klein bottle      691
Kluegel, G.S.      91
Knitting      149—150
Knots      341—344 272 628
Knowledge transplantation, surgical      618
Knowledge: accessible vs. inaccessible      362 365 616 619
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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