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Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Hofstadter D.R. — Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

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Íàçâàíèå: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Àâòîð: Hofstadter D.R.


Twenty years after it topped the bestseller charts, Douglas R. Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid is still something of a marvel. Besides being a profound and entertaining meditation on human thought and creativity, this book looks at the surprising points of contact between the music of Bach, the artwork of Escher, and the mathematics of Gödel. It also looks at the prospects for computers and artificial intelligence (AI) for mimicking human thought. For the general reader and the computer techie alike, this book still sets a standard for thinking about the future of computers and their relation to the way we think.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.04.2005

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Songs, recombinant      607—608
Sonnets      596 608 736
Soulism      385 472 574 597 686 708
Spaces: abstract      457
Spaces: of behavior      306 307 363 621
Spaces: of integers      502
Spare tire      670
Sperry, Roger      710
Sphex wasp      460—461 613—614
Spiderwebs      371—372 617
Splitting-off      453—454 664
Stacks, pushdown      127—135 136 610—611
Starting positions in Art of Zen strings      239—240 241
State of Grace (Magritte)      481
Statistical mechanics      see “Gases”
Steiner, Geo      166—167 642—643 670
Stent, Gunther      514
Stomach processes      572
Strands in Typogenetics      508—513 514
Strands of DNA and RNA      514—518
Strange Loops in Bach      10 719
Strange Loops in Central Dogmap      534
Strange Loops in Escher      10—15 714—717
Strange Loops in Goedel      15—17 24
Strange Loops in government      692—693
Strange Loops in language      22 691
Strange Loops in molecular biology      231 532—534 545 546—548
Strange Loops in Principia Mathematica      24
Strange Loops in the mind      27 691—692
Strange Loops in TNT      see “TNT introspection “Level-mixing” “Level-conflicis” “Level-confusion” etc.)
Strange Loops with Babbage and Turing      737
Strange Loops: abolishment of      21—24
Strange Loops: consciousness and      709—710
Strange Loops: contrasted with feedback      545 691
Strange Loops: defined      10
Strange Loops: surprise element necessary in      691
Street nuisances      25 726—727 729
Stretto      314 738
String Manipulation Rules      240—242
Strings: defined      33—34
Strings: folded      234—244 427
Structure vs. function      522 670—671 “Syntax
style      148 371
SUB (TNT-formula)      444—445
Subbrains      see “Subsystems”
Subdescriptions, etc.      650—651 (see also “Recursive structure of ideas”)
Subframes, etc.      644—645 (see also “Recursive structure of ideas”)
Subject vs. object      698—699 (see also “Dualism” “Use “Symbol
Subjunc-TV      635—640
Subjunctive instant replays      see “Instant replays”
Subjunctives      see “Counterfactuals”
Suborganisms      see “Subsystems”
subroutines      150 292 471 677
Substitution notation in TNT, defined      224
Substitution relationship (ingredient in Goedel's proof)      443—445 497
Substrate of Epimenides sentence      581 584—585
Substrate of proteins      529
Substrate: mental, necessity of, for analogical thought      569—571
Substrate: mental, noninterpretability of      570—571
Substrate: mental, simulation of      571—572
Subsystems of brain      385—388 725
Subtraction      52—53 411—412
Sufficiently powerful systems      86 101 406—407 430 460 530
Suites for unaccompanied cello (Bach)      70—71
Summarizing string      221—222 450—451
Superconductivity      304—305
Superintelligence      679
Supernatural numbers      223 453—456 458—459 467
Supernatural proofs      454—455
Supertangling      688
Surrealism      700
Sussman, Gerald      664
Swieten, Baron Gottfried van      6—7
Switcheroo, Q.q.      187
Symbol vs. object      699—706 (see also “Subject vs. object” “Use etc.)
Symbol-level description of brain      349—351
Symbols as brush strokes      351
Symbols of insects      360—361
Symbols vs. neurons      348 356—357 361
Symbols vs. signals      325—327 349—350
Symbols: active vs. passive      324—325 327—328 337—338
Symbols: AI realizations of      662—663 665
Symbols: borderlines between      354—357 359—360
Symbols: compared with neurons      350 371
Symbols: compared with ripples      356—357
Symbols: conceptual scope of      350—351
Symbols: dormant      327 349 355—356 384
Symbols: form of      348 356—357 361
Symbols: free will and      712—714
Symbols: funneling and      347
Symbols: in ant colonies      324—328 330
Symbols: invariant core of      349
Symbols: joint activation of      351 354—356 359 361 365 584—585 664—665 675
Symbols: message-exchange and      350 371 662—663
Symbols: modes of activation of      349—57 361
Symbols: need of, for originality      609
Symbols: neural substrate of      356—357 570
Symbols: no access to substrate by      see “Inaccessibility”
Symbols: overcrowding of      358
Symbols: overlap of      348—349 356—357
Symbols: potential      355—356 382—384
Symbols: universal      375—376
Synapses      339
Syntax vs. semantics      626—627 630—632 676 “Syntactic
System crash      116
System, boundaries of      37—38 (see also “Jumping out of the system”)
Systems, reliable vs. unreliable      307
T (Tarski's formula)      580—581
T-even phages      540 542
T-level      see “Tangled level”
T4 phage      537—541
Table of nontheorems      66
Tagore, Rabindranath      169
Tangled Hierarchies in Propositional Calculus      194
Tangled Hierarchies of genetics      532—534 546—548 688
Tangled Hierarchies of metamathematics      458 532—534
Tangled Hierarchies of mind      691—692 709—710 719
Tangled Hierarchies of self-modifying chess      688
Tangled Hierarchies of Tortoise's reasoning      177—180
Tangled Hierarchies of Typogenetics      513 688
Tangled Hierarchies: defined      10
Tangled Hierarchies: in art      704
Tangled Hierarchies: near miss      691
Tangled level      688
Tanguy, Yves      700
Tape recorders      485 519 523 525—528
Tarski — Church — Turing Theorem      561 581
Tarski's theorem      579 580—581 584—585 697
Tarski, Alfred      579—581
Taube, Mortimer      574
Taurinus, F.A.      92
TC-battles      75—78 406—407 424 467—470 478 483—488 536—541 721
Tea      153—154 231 275 322—323 333 549 557 558 561
Teleological vs. evolutionary viewpoint      320—322
telephone calls      61—63 127—128 161
Telephone calls: obscene      431 437
telephone systems      296 663
telephones      302
Television      285 348 478 484 487—493 634—640
Telophase      667—668
Templates for Bongard problems      650—653 656—57
Templates vs. instructions      see “Instructions vs. templates” “Programs
Tension and resolution      121—123 129—130 227
Tentativity      646 651 654—656 672
Termination tester      425—429
Terminators (FlooP)      425—429
Terms (TNT)      206—207 213 214
Tertiary structure of proteins      519—522 525—527
Tertiary structure of tRNA      524
Tertiary structure of typoenzymes      510—511 512 519
Tesler's Theorem      601 623 “Jumping “Essential
Tesler, Lawrence G.      601
Tesselations      68 69 198 667
Tests vs. functions in BlooP and FlooP      413 418
Text-handling by computers      301
Theorem-numbers      264—267 269—270 440—443 451
Theorem-proving, mechanical      602 609 617—619
Theorems vs. nontheorems      39—41 66—67 70 71—73 190—191 416—417 560 579—580
Theorems vs. rules      43—45 193—194 509—510
Theorems vs. Theorems      35 193
Theorems vs. truths      49—54 70—71 86—102 190—197 213 221—223 228—230 “Completeness” “Goedel's consequences
Theorems: defined      35
Theorems: systematic enumeration of      39—40 48 471—473 578 615 617—618
Theseus and Ariadne      130
Thinking, speed of      679
Thought, substrate of      559
Three Spheres II (Escher)      258
Three Worlds (Escher)      247 256
Thymine      see “Nudeotides”
tilde      183 191—192 554
timesharing      296 354—355 387 730
TNT      204—230
TNT as code      265—267
TNT as general metalanguage      265—267
TNT as its own metalanguage      267—272 441—446 514
TNT+G      465—467 471
TNT+G+G', etc.      467—471
TNT+~G      467
TNT-derivations compared with machine language      291
TNT-level, explanations on      708
TNT-numbers      269—270 (see also “Theorem-numbers”)
TNT: absolute geometry and      451—452
TNT: austere      211 214 216 268 442 534
TNT: axioms of      215—217 222—223
TNT: consistency of      229—230 449—450
TNT: extended, axioms of      451—452 466—468
TNT: extensions of      451—459 465—468
TNT: FIGURE-FIGURE figure and      70
TNT: goals of      60
TNT: incompleteness of      see “Incompleteness”
TNT: introspection of      17 194 267—272 406 438 443 449—450 698 707—708
TNT: plight of, pictorial version      71
TNT: relaxed      228
TNT: rules of formation, table of      213—214
TNT: rules of inference      215 217—215
TNT: sixth axiom of      222—223 451—455 459 465—468
TNT: well-formedness in      205—215
Tobacco mosaic virus      484—485 542 543
Toedel's Theorem      486 536
Toedelization, repeatability of      76—78 424 467—470 483—486 “Essential “Answer etc.)
Toezan      190 255 257 479
Tokusan      189—190
Tonic, musical      121—125 129—130
Tortoise as harpsichord      502
Tortoise in ZET cycle      94—95
Tortoise property      395—397 415—418 425 426 441 448
Tortoise vs. Crab      84—86 271 406 424 467—469 540 543
Tortoise's love song      435—436
Tortoise's method      see “Toedelizalion”
Tortoise-pairs      416 441 448
Tortoise-pairs compared with proof-pairs      441 448
Tortoise: answers-schemas and      475
Tortoise: Carroll paradox and      46 193 684—685 693
Tortoise: Crab Canon and      204 666—667
Tortoise: degenerate solution by      669
Tortoise: Diophantine equations and      459—460
Tortoise: initial letter of      231 507 667
Tortoise: mentioned      102 170 267
Tortoise: origin of      28—29
Tortoise: picture of      42
Tortoise: recursion and      128—140 149
Tortoise: use of words by      181
Tortoise: Zen string made by      272
tq-system      64—67
Transcendentalism      704
Transcription DNA to mRNA      517 524 527—528 530 533 536 538 540—541 544—545
Transcription DNA to tRNA      425
Transcription koans to messengers      235—236 238 239 242
Transcription letters to notes      83
Transcription: prevention of      544—545
Transfer RNA      see “tRNA”
Translation between computer languages      192—195 297—298 306 380—381 547 632
Translation between levels of a brain      349 381—384 709
Translation between natural languages, difficulties of      372—373 379—380
Translation between TNT and meta-TNT      267—272 441—446 709
Translation English to TNT      209—213 215 417
Translation from N to Meta-TNT      533
Translation from score to sounds      83
Translation in Typogenetics      509—510 512—513
Translation mRNA to proteins      485 518—519 522—525 527—528 531—536 538 545 546—548
Translation of Crime and Punishment      379—380
Translation of messengers into strings      234—236
Translation of “Jabberwocky”      372—373 379
Translation: levels of fidelity in      379—380
Translation: mechanical      380 601 603
Transparency to user      629 632
Trees of theorems      40 71
Trees: recursive diagrams      40 71 135—137
Triggering patterns of symbols as key to meaning      325 327 350 360 385 609
Triggering patterns of symbols for melodies      364
Triggering patterns of symbols: dependence on meaningless lower levels      569
Triggering patterns of symbols: isomorphism between minds and      369 376
Triggering patterns of symbols: isomorphism between physical law and      362
Triggering patterns of symbols: mediated by messages      350 371
Triggering patterns of symbols: nouns vs. verbs      361
Triggering patterns of symbols: randomness in      673
Triggers: DNA as      160—161
Triggers: dormant symbols and      281 383 384
Triggers: frame messages and      162
Triggers: jukeboxes and      160—161 170—171 174 500
Triggers: koans ss      246
Triggers: music and      162—163 281 383 583
Triggers: outer messages and      166 169 170—171 174 501
Trio Sonata from the Musical Offering (Bach)      7—8 720 724 726
Trip-lets      cover xiv 1 28 273
Tripitaka      257
tRNA      522—524 547 548
Trojan Horse      538
Truth vs. beauty      554—558 584
Truth vs. commercials      478
Truth vs. falsity      70 71 213 228—229 417 561 579—581
Truth: capturability by symbol manipulation      53—60
Truth: elusiveness of      694—695
Truth: inexpressible in TNT      580—581
Truth: not fully mirrorable in brain      584—585
TTortoise      see “ATTACCA”
Tuba, flaming      488—489 492 735
Tumbolia      116 243 255 725
Tumbolia: layers of      243
Tuning an AI program      678—679
Turing Machines      390 594 735
Turing Test      595—599 600 677—678 735—737
Turing test: arithmetic error in      596
Turing test: miniature      621—623
Turing test: proposed revisions in      600
Turing, Alan M.      26 389 425—426 428—429 594—599 734—742
Turing, Alan M.: objections to AI      597—599
Turing, Sara      595
Turtle's Theorem      see “Toedel's Theorem”
Two Mysteries, The (Magritte)      701—702
Two-Part Invention      28 43—45 684—686 “Lewis
Typeface metaphor      541
Typeless Wishes      111—115 610—611
Types, theory of      21—23
Typesetting machine      608
Typoenzymes      505—513
Typoenzymes: binding-preferences of      505—506 511—512
Typogenetic Code      510 512 513 519
Typogenetics      504—513 514 519 520 529
Typogenetics: contrasted with MIU-system      509—510 514
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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