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Carlson N.R. — Physiology of Behavior |
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-Methyl p-tyrosine 530
-Methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine, effect on glutamate receptors 123f
-Methyl-5-HT, effects on serotonergic synapses 122f
-MSH See -Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
(+)-S 14297, effect on dopaminergic synapses 117t
2,5-AM 399
2-AG See 2-Arachidonyl glycerol
2-Arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG) 127
2-Deoxyglucose (2-DG) 146—147 148 299 397—398
2-DG See 2-Deoxyglucose
2-Methyl-5-HT, effects on serotonergic synapses 122f
5-HIAA 548
5-HIAA, and susceptibility to drug abuse 606
5-HT See Serotonin
5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) 119 120f
5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) See Serotonin
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) 119 120f
5-TG 400
5a Reductase 307
6-HD See 6-Hydroxydopamine
6-Hydroxydopamine (6-HD) 133—134
7-OH-DPAT 589
7-OH-DPAT, effect on dopaminergic synapses 117f
8-OH-DPAT, effect on serotonergic synapses 122f
a-Fetoprotein 316
a-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a-MSH) 417 422t
Abducens nerve 92f
Abe H. 298
Abe M. 410
Abel E.L. 599
Abercrombie H.C. 551
Ablation See Experimental ablation
Abrahamov A. 127
Absorptive phase, of metabolism 395f 396 397
Acamprosate 608—609
Accessory olfactory bulb 317 318 318f
Accommodation, of eyes 163
Acetyl-CoA 110 111
Acetylcholine (ACh) 57 109—112
Acetylcholine (ACh), and arousal 284
Acetylcholine (ACh), and perceptual learning 448 449 450
Acetylcholine (ACh), and sleep 288 289 291
Acetylcholine (ACh), biosynthesis of 110 111f
Acetylcholine (ACh), components of 110
Acetylcholine (ACh), deactivation of 111 111f
Acetylcholine (ACh), during REM sleep, measuring 149
Acetylcholine (ACh), localization in brain 154 155f
Acetylcholine (ACh), postsynaptic potential produced by 57
Acetylcholine (ACh), secretion of 93
Acetylcholine receptors 112
Acetylcholine receptors, nicotine and stimulation of 597
Acetylcholinergic neurons 109—110 110f
Acetylcholinergic neurons, and arousal 284
Acetylcholinergic neurons, and hippocampal activity 490—491 491f
Acetylcholinergic neurons, and REM sleep 288f 288—289 290 292f
Acetylcholinergic neurons, drugs affecting 110—111 112f
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 57 111 111f
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 153
ACh See Acetylcholine
AChE See Acetylcholinesterase
Achromatopsia 186
Acquired dyslexia 518—519
Acral lick dermatitis 564
ACTH See Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Actin 244
Actin filaments, in auditory cilia 205 207 209f
Actin filaments, in muscle contraction 244 245f
Actin filaments, in muscle fiber 244f
Action potential 28 40 41 41f
Action potential, all-or-none law 47
Action potential, conduction of 46f 46—48
Action potential, in dendrites 432—433
Action potential, in muscle contraction 245 246f
Action potential, movements of ions during 44—45 45f
Action potential, production of 44—46
Action potential, rate law 47 47f
Activational effect, of hormones 306
Activational effect, of hormones, on aggressive behavior 365 365f 367
Activational effect, of hormones, on men's sexual behavior 321—322
Activational effect, of hormones, on women's sexual behavior 320—321
Acupuncture, analgesic effects of 229
Adachi A. 380 390
Adams D.B. 320
Adams H.P. 499
Adams J.B. 560
Adams R.D. 467 502
Adams W. 535—536
Adamson K.L 597
Adaptation, to ambient temperature 224
Adaptation, to pressure 223
Adaptive traits 12f 12—13 13f
Addiction 583—590
Addiction, dopamine release and 586
Addiction, heredity and 603—606
Addiction, physical vs. psychological 584
Addiction, therapy for 606—609
Adenosine 127
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 32
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), in sodium-potassium pump 43—44
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), pain receptors sensitive to 224—225
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), production of 399
Adenosine, and sleep control 283 287
Adey W.R. 278
Adieh H.B. 336
Adipose tissue 394
Adipose tissue, brown 417
Adipose tissue, satiety signals from 403—405
Adipose tissue, white 417
Adipsia 384
Adler N.T. 315
Adolph E.E. 388
Adolphs R. 354—355
Adoption studies 158—159
Adoption studies, of alcoholism 604
Adoption studies, of schizophrenia 529
Adrenal glands and immune system 578 579f
Adrenal medulla 93
Adrenalin See Epinephrine
Adrenergic receptors 118
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 570
Advokat C. 420
Affective disorders 544—555
Afferent axons 90 91f
Afferent axons, in cochlear nerve 208
Afferent axons, tracing 140—141 141f 142f
Affinity 102
Afterimage, negative 175 175f
Agamanolis J. 477
Aggressive behavior 361—369
Aggressive behavior, alcohol and 364 368—369 369f
Aggressive behavior, hormonal control of 364—369
Aggressive behavior, in females 366—367
Aggressive behavior, in males 365
Aggressive behavior, maternal 367
Aggressive behavior, neural control of 362—364
Aggressive behavior, serotonin and inhibition of 363f 363—364
Aghajanian G.K. 549 593
Agmo A. 593
Agnosia 189
Agnosia, auditory 217
Agnosia, for movement 194
Agnosia, tactile 226 226f
Agnosia, visual 189—193 195
Agnosia, visual, apperceptive 189—191
Agnosia, visual, associative 189 191—193 192f
Agnosia, visual, vs. purealexia 517
Agonist (muscle) 251
Agonist(s) 104 105 106f
Agonist(s), direct 105 107f
Agonist(s), indirect 106 107f
| Agoraphobia 559
Agouti mouse 416—417
Agouti-related protein (ARP) 417 421t
Agrammatism 499—500
Agrammatism, causes of 502
Aguilar-Roblero R. 299
Aimers W. 52
Akhtar S. 560
Akil H. 587
Akil M. 541
Akinetic mutism 350
Alam M.N. 287
Albers H.E. 298
Albrecht D.G. 177—178
Albright T.D. 193
Albumin 101
Albumin, and depot binding of drugs 100 100f
Alcohol 598—601
Alcohol, and aggression 364 368—369 369f
Alcohol, and memory deficits 490—491
Alcohol, and withdrawal symptoms 600
Alcohol, anxiolytic effect of 599 601
Alcohol, discovery of 583
Alcohol, harmful effects of 598—599 599f
Alcohol, reinforcing effect of 599
Alcohol, sites of action of 600—601
Alcoholism, and Korsakoff's syndrome 467—468
Alcoholism, animal models of 605f 605—606
Alcoholism, binge drinking 604 604f 605
Alcoholism, heritability of 603—604
Alcoholism, steady drinking 604f 604—605
Alcoholism, treatment of 607—609
Aldosterone 376 570
Aldosterone, and fluid balance 376 376f 381
Aldosterone, and salt appetite 383 387—388
Aldrich M.S. 294
Alexander G.M. 321
Alexander M.R. 521
Alexia, pure 515—518 516f 526f
Alger B.E. 228
Alkire M.T. 476
All-or-none law 47
Allison D.B. 415
Allman J.M 76 193
Allylglycine 124
Aloe L. 269
Alpha activity 271—272 272f
Alpha motor neurons 243 244 244f 249 250
Altschuler H.L. 601
Alvarez E. 550
Alzheimer's disease, first sings of 448
Amacrine cells 164—165 165f
Amaral D.G. 234 472 477
American Sign Language (ASL) 511
Amiloride 232
Amino acids, as neurotransmitters 121—125
Amino acids, in metabolism 398
Amino acids, lesions produced with 133
Amir S. 298
Amnesia, anterograde 467—482 468f 491
Amnesia, retrograde 467 468f 481
AMPA receptors 121 431
AMPA receptors, long-term depression and 440
AMPA receptors, long—term potentiation and 434—435 435f
AMPA, effect on glutamate receptors 123t
Amphetamine 115 594—597
Amphetamine, abuse, treatment for 607
Amphetamine, and arousal 284
Amphetamine, and dopamine release 532 532f
Amphetamine, and schizophrenia symptoms 530 531
Amphetamine, long-term effects on brain 595 595f
Amphibians 14
AMPT 114 117 117f
Ampulla 218 219f
Amyes E.W. 350
Amygdala 81 82f 341 341f
Amygdala, and aggressive behavior 363 363f
Amygdala, and anxiety disorders 345—346
Amygdala, and conditioned emotional response 342 343—344 450—151 451f 472
Amygdala, and conditioned reinforcement 460—161
Amygdala, and emotional recognition 354—355
Amygdala, and emotional responses 341—347 346f 472
Amygdala, and sexual behavior 319
Amygdala, and withdrawal symptoms 593
Amygdala, basal nucleus of 340 341 341f
Amygdala, benzodiazepine receptors in 345
Amygdala, central nucleus of 340 341 341f 342f
Amygdala, lateralfbasolateral nuclei of 340 341 341f
Amygdala, lesions of, effects of 346 349—350
Amygdala, medial See Medial nucleus of amygdala
Amygdala, sexual dimorphism in 329
Anabolic steroids, and aggressiveness 368
Analgesia, biological significance of 228—229
Analgesia, neural circuits producing 227—228 228f
Analytical organs 202
Anand B.K. 407
Anandamide 127 601
Anapsids 14 15f
Ancoli-Israel S. 292
Andersen R.A. 193
Anderson A.K. 355
Anderson C.H. 185
Anderson R.H. 325 328
Anderson-Hunt M. 321
Andersson B. 379
Andreasen N.C 528
Andres K.H. 222
Androgen insensitivity syndrome 308 308f 309 323—324
Androgen(s) 307 311 311t
Androgen(s), activational effects of 365 365f 367
Androgen(s), and aggression 365 365 366 366f 367—369
Androgen(s), organizational effects of 316f 316—317 365 365f 366
Androgen(s), prenatal, and sexual orientation 322—324
Androstenedione, effects of 311f
Androstenol 319
Angel dust See PCP (phencyclidine)
Angiotensin 126 381 384
Angiotensin, and food-related drinking 382
Angiotensin, and salt appetite 383 387 388
Angiotensin, as transmitter substance 386
Angiotensin, effects of 381 384 410
Angiotensin, receptors, location of 385—386
Angiotensin, site of action 384 385f
Angiotensinogen 381
Angrilli A. 346
Animal research, ethical issues in 20—21
Animism 2
Anions 42
Anions, organic 42—43 43f
Annies R. 600
Anomia 500 509
Anomia, fluent 510
Anomic aphasia 509—511 514f 521
Anorexia nervosa 419—420
Anoxia, and hippocampal damage 477 478f
ANP See Atrial natriuretic peptide
ANS See Autonomic nervous system
Antagonist (muscle) 251
Antagonist(s) 104 105 106f
Antagonist(s), direct 105 107f
Antagonist(s), indirect 106 107f
Antagonist-precipitated withdrawal 593
Anterior 64 65f
Anterior cingulate cortex, and pain perception 226—227 227f
Anterior commissure, sexual dimorphism, in 324
Anterior pituitary gland 84 85f
Anterograde 33
Anterograde amnesia 467—482 468f 491
Anterograde amnesia, anatomy of 475—480
Anterograde amnesia, and confabulation 480—181
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