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Carlson N.R. — Physiology of Behavior |
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Receptor potentials 161
Receptor potentials, production of 167f
Receptor(s) 49 60
Receptor(s) for hormones 60—61
Receptor(s) for osmometric thirst 377—378 378f 379—380
Receptor(s) for volumetric thirst 381—382
Receptor(s), activation of 54—56 55f
Receptor(s), binding site of 50 51
Receptor(s), drug effects on 105—107 106f
Receptor(s), ionotropic 54 55 55f
Receptor(s), localization in brain 155—157 156f
Receptor(s), metabotropic 54 55f
Receptor(s), postsynaptic 52 54 58
Receptor(s), sensory 161
Receptor(s), sensory, gustatory 235 236
Receptor(s), sensory, olfactory 236 237f 238 238f
Receptor(s), sensory, stretch 245—246 250
Recurrent collaterals 492
Red nucleus 86 87f
Reduction 7
Reflex(es) 8 9f 247—251
Reflex(es), clasp-knife 251
Reflex(es), monosynaptic stretch 247—249 248 248f 251
Reflex(es), patellar 247—248
Reflex(es), polysynaptic 250f 250—251
Reflex(es), secondary 251 252f
Reflex(es), sex 327—328
Reflex(es), vestibulo-ocular 220
Reflex(es), withdrawal 34 34f
Refractory ion channels 45
Refractory period 313
Refractory period, hormonal control of 315
Regulatory mechanisms 372—373
Regulatory mechanisms, example of 373f
Reinforcement 457—464
Reinforcement, conditioned 460—461
Reinforcement, endogenous opioids and 586 593
Reinforcement, immediacy of, importance of 585
Reinforcement, location of synaptic changes 462—464
Reinforcement, negative, and drug addiction 586—587
Reinforcement, neural circuits involved in 457—460
Reinforcement, positive, and drug addiction 584—586
Reinforcing stimuli 426 427
Reinforcing stimuli, detecting 460—461
Relational learning 427 466—494
Relational learning in laboratory animals 482—483
Relational learning, anterograde amnesia as failure of 473—475
Relational learning, hippocampus and 483—488
Relational learning, limbic cortex and 488^89
Relational learning, long-term potentiation in 489—490
Release zone, of synapse 51
REM sleep 272f 273
REM sleep and brain development 279—280
REM sleep and learning 280—281
REM sleep and mood 552
REM sleep and slow-wave sleep, relationship between 281 281f
REM sleep, acetylcholine during, measuring 149
REM sleep, amount per night 274 274f
REM sleep, deprivation effects 279 280 291 552—553
REM sleep, effect of serotonergic and noradrenergic neurons on 145—146
REM sleep, eye movements during 275
REM sleep, functions of 279—281
REM sleep, mental activity during 274 275
REM sleep, muscular paralysis during 273 274 290 294
REM sleep, neural control of 287—292 291f
REM sleep, onset of 288f
REM sleep, principle characteristics of 2741
REM sleep, problems associated with 293—295
REM sleep, temperature and 291
REM without atonia 290 295
REM-ON cell, firing potential of 289f
Renin 381
Renin, food ingestion and secretion of 382
Renin-angiotensin system 381 381f
Reproductive behavior 304—338
Reproductive behavior and aggression 364—365
Reproductive behavior, effect of pheromones on 317—318
Reproductive behavior, hormonal control of 312—327
Reproductive behavior, neuropeptide Y and suppression of 410—411
Reptiles 14
Research 130—159
Research animal, ethical issues in 20—21
Research genetic methods 157—159
Research goals of 7—8 142—143
Research, lesion method (experimental ablation) 131—144 144f
Research, neurochemical methods 153—157 158r
Research, physiological psychologists and 22
Research, recording and stimulating of neural activity 144—153 154f
Reserpine 114 530 547—548
Reserpine effect on dopaminergic synapses 117t
Reserpine effect on noradrenergic synapses 119r
Reserpine effect on serotonergic synapses 122f
Resting potential 40 41
Resting potential of photoreceptors 166
Resting potential, forces responsible for 41—44
Resting tremor 262
Reticular formation 86 87f
Reticular formation, motor functions of 267—268
Reticular formation, role in arousal 283 283f
Reticulospinal tract 256 257f 258f
retina 163 164f
Retina and circadian rhythms 297—298
Retina color 172—175 174f
Retina, center of, receptive field in 170 170f
Retina, coding of visual information in 169—176
Retina, layers of 164—165 165f
Retina, light and dark 169—171 170f
Retina, neural circuitry in 166—167 167f
Retina, periphery of, receptive field in 170 170f
Retinal 166
Retinal disparity 180
Retinohypothalamic pathway 297—298
Retrograde 35
Retrograde amnesia 467 468f
Retrograde axoplasmatic transport 34
Retrograde labeling method 140—141 141f 142f
Retrorubral field of the midbrain, and maternal behavior 336
Rett's disorder 565
Reuptake 57 58f
Reuptake, drug effects on 106f 107—108
Reversible brain lesions 134
Rh incompatibility, and risk of schizophrenia 537
Rhodopsin 166
Rhombencephalon 76
Rhombomeres 76 77f
Ribosomes 30 32
Risky behavior, inhibition of, serotonin and 363—364
Ritalin See Methylphenidate
Ro15-4513 601
Rods 163 164 164f 165f
Rostral 64 65f
Round window 203 203f
Row blindness 525 525f
RP lesion See Radio frequency lesion
RPO See Nucleus reticularis pontis oralis
Rubella, prenatal, and autism 567
Rubrospinal tract 255—256 256f
Ruffini corpuscles 221 222f
S-R learning See Stimulus-response
S-R learning, learning SRY gene 306
Saccadic movements, of eyes 163
Saccule 218 219f 220f
Sacral vertebrae 88 88f
Sagittal sections 66 66f
Salt appetite 381 382—383
Salt appetite, hypovolemia and 380—381
Salt appetite, neural control of 387—388
Salt appetite, satiation of 390
Saltatory conduction 48 49f
Saltiness, receptors for 231
| Saltiness, transduction of 232 233f
Saralasin 382 384
Satiety mechanism(s) 372 373 373f
Satiety mechanism(s) in drinking 388—391
Satiety mechanism(s) in eating 401—405
Satiety, adipose tissue and 403—405
Satiety, brain factors for 411—413
Satiety, gastric factors for 401—402
Satiety, head factors for 401
Satiety, intestinal factors for 402—403
Satiety, liver factors for 403
Satiety, sensory-specific 461 461f
Saturation 162
SB 200646A, effects on serotonergic synapses 122f
SC injection 98
Scanning electron microscope 137—138 138f
Scanning electron microscope, two-photon 432
SCH23390, effect on dopaminergic synapses 117r
Schizophrenia 528—544
Schizophrenia as neurological disorder 534—542
Schizophrenia, brain damage in evidence for 534—535
Schizophrenia, description of 528—529
Schizophrenia, dopamine hypothesis of 116 530—534
Schizophrenia, drug abuse and symptoms of 594—595
Schizophrenia, environmental factors and risk for 535—537
Schizophrenia, heritability of 529—530
Schizophrenia, incidence of latitude effect in 536
Schizophrenia, incidence of seasonality effect in 535—536 536f
Schizophrenia, long-term drug treatment of, consequences of 533—534
Schizophrenia, negative symptoms of 529 529f 534
Schizophrenia, negative symptoms of, PCP abuse and 540—541
Schizophrenia, positive symptoms of 528—529 529f 531
Schizophrenia, positive symptoms of drugs producing 530 540
Schizophrenia, positive symptoms of relation with negative symptoms 539—542
Schizophrenia, possible causes of 535—539
Schizophrenia, susceptibility hypothesis of 529—530 530f 535
Schwann cells 37f 37—38
SCI See Silent cerebral infarctions
SCN See Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Scopolamine 490
Sdera 162 163 164f
SDN See Sexually dimorphic nucleus
SDZ 216—5254, effects on serotonergic synapses 122f
Seasonal affective disorder 554—555
Seasonal rhythms 301—302
Seasonality effect, of schizophrenia 535—536 536f
Second messengers 56
Second messengers, functions of 56
Secondary reflexes 251 252f
Secondary sex characteristics 309
Seizure(s) 124 See
Seizure(s), alcohol withdrawal and 600
Seizure(s), anticonvulsant effets of 545 547
Seizure(s), surgeries for, information obtained from 496—497
Selective advantage 13—14
Self-stimulation 456 457 457f
Selye, Hans 571
Semantic agraphia 523
Semantic aphasia 507
Semantic memories in amnestic patients 479 f
Semantic memories vs. episodic memories 479—480
Semicircular canals 218 219f
Seminal vesicles 307f
Sensitization and maternal behavior 334 336
Sensitization drug 102 103
Sensitization, early androgenization and 365
Sensory association cortex 79—80
Sensory association cortex, columnar arrangement of 225
Sensory association cortex, damage to 80 226
Sensory information, crossed brain, representation of 5 78
Sensory neurons 27
Sensory receptors 161
Sensory transduction 161
Septum, damage to, behavioral effects of 132
Serial functions, of left hemisphere 81
Serotonergic agonists for alcoholism 607—609
Serotonergic agonists for obsessive-compulsive disorder 563—564
Serotonergic neurons 119 120f
Serotonergic neurons and arousal 285—286 286f
Serotonergic neurons and REM sleep 145—146 291—292 292f
Serotonergic neurons D system 119—120 121f
Serotonergic neurons M system 120 121f
Serotonergic neurons, drugs affecting 120—121 122f
Serotonin (5-HT) 119—121
Serotonin (5-HT) and arousal 285—286
Serotonin (5-HT) and hippocampal functions, modulation of 490
Serotonin (5-HT) and inhibition of aggression 363f 363—364
Serotonin (5-HT) and sleep 291—292
Serotonin (5-HT) in anxiety disorders 560
Serotonin (5-HT) role in depression 548 549
Serotonin (5-HT) role in obsessive-compulsive disorder 563
Serotonin (5-HT), biosynthesis of 119 120f
Serotonin (5-HT), effects of 109 285—286 291—292
Serotonin (5-HT)á satiating effects of 413
Serotonin receptors 120
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors 545
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, effects of 549 549f
Sertraline 364
Set point 372
Sex chromosomes 305
Sex hormones See also specific hormones
Sex hormones and gender development 306—309 310f
Sex hormones and maternal behavior 334 335f 335—336
Sex hormones and reproductive behavior 312—327
Sex hormones and sexual maturation 310—311
Sex hormones and sexual orientation 322
Sex hormones, activational effects on sexual behavior 320—322
Sex hormones, classification of 3111
Sex hormones, organizational effects on sexual behavior 316f316—317
Sex organs, development of 306—309
Sex organs, external 309 309f
Sex organs, internal 306—309 307f
Sex organs, internal, hormonal control of 310f
Sexual behavior, effect of androgens on 316f 316—317
Sexual behavior, effect of pheromones on 317—319
Sexual behavior, hormonal control of 312—327
Sexual behavior, human 320—322
Sexual behavior, neural control of 327—332
Sexual changes, during REM sleep 274
Sexual contact, and dopamine release 462-^163 464f
Sexual development 305—312
Sexual dimorphism, of brain 324
Sexual dimorphism, of brain, factors influencing 325—326
Sexual identity 324—325
Sexual maturation 309—311 310f
Sexual orientation 322—326
Sexual orientation, brain and 324—325
Sexual orientation, heredity and 326
Sexual orientation, prenatal androgens and 322—324
Sexual orientation, prenatal stress and 325
Sexually dimorphic behavior 305
Sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) 328f 328—329
SFO SeeSubfornical organ
Sham feeding 402
Sham lesions 134
Shift work 302
Short-term memory 444 469—470
Short-term memory, conversion into long-term memory 469 470 470f
Short-term memory, visual 443^47
Sibutramine, for weight loss 418
Sign language 511—512
Sign language, inability to comprehend, brain damage responsible for 517
Silent cerebral infarctions (SCI) 551
Silent cerebral infarctions (SCI), depression caused by 551—552
Simon N.G. 367
Simple cells 177 177f
Simpson J.B. 384
Simson P.E. 390 600
Simultanagnosia 197
Sinclair A.H. 306
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