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Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques |
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Microchips, using gold and saline solution 120
Microdevices, thermal gradients in 97
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) 107—130
Microelectronics 92
Microelectronics Advanced Research Corporation (MARCO) 175 192 194
Microelectronics Advanced Research Corporation (MARCO), Focus Center program 195 206
Microelectronics and biology, combining revolutions in 3
Microelectronics, fabrication techniques 86
Microelectronics, to nanoelectronics, developing roadmap 147
Microfabrication 258
Microfabrication and micromachining techniques 94 115
Microfabrication, devices for rapid DNA typing and as sensors 113—119
Microfabrication, materials 254
Microfabrication, pumps, miniature 419
Microfabrication, techniques 260
Microfabrication, techniques, application to biological studies 290
Microfingers 127
Microfluidic devices 110
Microfluidics (Micro-TAS) 417 420
Microfluidics (Micro-TAS), components, CAD-based analyses of 488
Microgrippers 413—414
Microjet arrays, addressable 119
Microlithography 44 87
Micromachined laboratories-on-a-chip 126
Micromachined microfabricated systems 117
Micrometer-scale pumps 120
Micrometer-scale scattering length for electrons 306
Micromolding in capillaries (MIMIC) 265 268 270
Micronewton forces 211
Microoptoelectromechanical systems (MOEMS) 409 420
Microparticles, movement in liquids 440
Microparticles, translation in surface acoustic device 441
Micropores as nanobiodevices 103
Microprocessor (MPUs) 180
Microprocessor (MPUs), clock frequency of 213
Microrobots 127 413
Microrobots, arm made of PPy microactuators 128
Microrobots, liquid friendly actuation mechanisms 414
Microrobots, self-sufficient 401
Microrobots, system 414
Microscopic pits 40
Microsensors 334
Microspheres, chemically functionalized 516
Microstructures for controlled local drug delivery 119
Microstructuring of surfaces for cell culture 306
Microsyringe pumps 121
Microsystems 408—412
Microsystems for biological applications 450
Microsystems, first fully functional 410
Microsystems, using electrical impedance spectra 419
Microtubule-based kinesin motors 123
Microtubules and actin microfilament bundles in cell polarization and locomotion 289
Millimeter wave devices 19
Mimic see "Micromolding in capillaries"
Mind and machine, merging 90—91
miniaturization 92 108
Miniaturization, need for 417—418
Minority carrier transport 132
Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) 393—394
Mobility of hopping electrons 172
Mobility of OTFTs 202
Mobility, fluctuation theory 172
MOCVD see "Metal-organic chemical vapor deposition"
MODFET see "Modulation-doped filed effect transistors" "Modulation
Modified plastic OLED structure, schematic diagram of 36
Modulation doped FETs (MODFETs) 53—54 96—115 136
Modulation doped FETs (MODFETs), carriers 96
Modulation doped FETs (MODFETs), device channel, sheet charge density in 103
Modulation doped FETs (MODFETs), microwave performance 119
Modulation doped FETs (MODFETs), model 96—103
Modulation doped structures with barriers 78
Modulation-doped filed effect transistors (MODFET) 15—18 21
Modulation-doped structure schematic, diagram of 16
MOEMS see "Microoptoelectromechanical systems"
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) 24 53—62 122 133 154 395
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and metallo-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) epitaxies 397
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and metallo-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) epitaxies, strength of 65
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), control over 54
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), films 66
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), growth 65
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), structures grown by 483
Molecular Brownian motion 111
Molecular circuits 63
Molecular conformation and supramolecular packing of compounds 271
Molecular devices 65
Molecular dye labels, time-gated "spectrometer-free" fluorescence fingerprinting of 389
Molecular electronics 62—68 75
Molecular engineering of organic semiconductor molecules 233
Molecular junction (DUT) 178
Molecular orbital (MO) calculations 246
Molecular orbitals (MO) bonding in 46
Molecular polaron (MP) 201
Molecular recognition processes 74
Molecular wires 51
Molecular wires and devices with internal methylene and ethylene transport barriers 59—65
Molecular wires and devices, general properties of measured I-V and conductance (G-K) 3
Molecular wires and devices, nanoscale 51—54
Molecular wires and devices, symmetric, with methylene conduction barriers, synthesis 60
Molecular wires and devices, synthesis of 55—126
Molecular wires and devices, synthesis of, experimental 76—126
Molecular wires and devices, theoretical models, I-V characteristics of 2
Molecular wires and devices, three-terminal, synthesis of 59
Molecular wires and devices, two-terminal 69
Molecular-sized field-effect transistor (FET) 61
Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) 236
Molecule-metal coupling 6
Molecule/molecular, "velcro" 414
Molecule/molecular, conduction, broadening by contacts 8
Molecule/molecular, conduction, discrete level model 11—15
Molecule/molecular, conduction, energy level diagram 4—11
Molecule/molecular, conduction, model with broadening 15—16
Molecule/molecular, conduction, potential profile 8—11
Molecule/molecular, conduction, realistic multilevel model 18—26
Molecule/molecular, conduction, sequential model, illustration of 12
Molecule/molecular, electronics, basic concepts of 45—55
Molecule/molecular, electronics, batch-fabrication processes 44
Molecule/molecular, electronics, devices 43
Molecule/molecular, electronics, initial studies in 54—55
Molecule/molecular, grippers 415
Molecule/molecular, imprinting 235
Molecule/molecular, imprinting, process, conceptual illustration of 236
Molecule/molecular, layers, basic transport measurement in 132—152
Molecule/molecular, layers, device applications of 152—180
Molecule/molecular, lithography 448
Molecule/molecular, memory, effects 167—178
Molecule/molecular, memory, storage cell, demonstration of 178—180
Molecule/molecular, motors found in nature 507
Molecule/molecular, scale devices, syntheses, with heteroatomic functionalities 65—71
Molecule/molecular, transport devices, fabrication of 126—132
Monoclonal antibodies 228
Moore's law 7—8 162 175 180 240 259 291
Moore's law scaling in silicon CMOS electronics 316
Morphology and electric properties relation 222—225
Morphology of pentacene film grown on at room temperature 224
MOS device-based characterization 337—340
MOS device-based characterization, charge pumping (CP) technique 339—340
MOS device-based characterization, drain current transients 340—341
MOS device-based characterization, in-depth profiling 338—339
MOS device-based characterization, SIS and MOS capacitance 337—338
MOS transistors, low-frequency noise 340
MOSFET see "Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor" 318 320
Motor proteins 507 535
Motor proteins in hybrid devices motility/actuation systems 524—525
Motor proteins, molecular sortation 525—526
Motor proteins, production of 511—514
Motor proteins, reasons for use 508—511
Mott metal-insulator transition 262
MRAM see "Magnetic random access memory"
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) 294—295 300
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), shells making up 323
| Multibillion dollar market size 32
Multiple parallel groove systems 291
Multiple polynomial quadratic sieve 451
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) 61
Multiwalled h-BN nanotubes 334
Mutated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 364
MWNTs see "Multi-walled carbon nanotubes" 300
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 362
myosin 524
Myosin, light shutter 525
Myosin/actin 531
Myosin/actin and kinesin/microtubules 526
N, N'-diphenyl-1, 4, 5, 8-naphthyltetracarboxylimide (DP-NTCDI) 218
N-channel FETs 64
N-i-p structure 34
N-MODFET see "Normal MODFET"
N-MOSFET 223 227 see
N-MOSFET, and p-MOSFETs, complementary nature of 213
N-MOSFET, design, source, drain, and super-halo doping contours 230
N-pump 313
N-type, doping of SWNTs 320
N-type, organic semiconductors 216
N-type, organic semiconductors, evolution of OTFT hole mobility for 214
N-type, organic semiconductors, molecular structures of 197
N-type, OTFTs 213—215 221—223
N-type, OTFTs, based on PTCDA 219
N-type, OTFTs, highest field-effect mobility () values 200 213
N-type, OTFTs, progress in performance of 213—222
NAND gate 395 456
Nano-FET with ultrathin SOI channel 282
Nano-imprint lithography 109
Nano-oxidation of metallic films 270
Nano-Strip 286
Nanobiotechnology 505
Nanocrystalline FET channels 280
Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) 108
Nanoelectronics 207
Nanoelectronics, outlook for nanotubes in 330—333
Nanoelectronics, vision of 195—206
Nanofabricalion technologies, fundamental research in universities 204
Nanofibers, application of 244
Nanofibers, fiber-pulling procedure for construction 239
Nanofluidic systems 110
Nanogen DNA chip, cross-section of 352
Nanoindenting plastic surfaces with AFM 448
Nanolithography equipment 80
Nanomachines, future outlook 533—536
Nanomachining and molecular force measurements 448
Nanomanufacturing 197—206
Nanomesas, isolating single dot in 41
Nanomesas, near field scanning spectroscopy 2
Nanometer-scale electronics 74
Nanometer-scale surface structures in silicon, random, fabrication of 295
Nanometer-size molecules 62
Nanometer-sized fiber optic probes 238
Nanomotors 122
Nanoneedles 196
Nanopores 2
Nanoscale, alloy structure 130
Nanoscale, Au/Ti/ethyl-substituted 4,4'-di(phenylene-ethynylene)-benzothiolate/Au junctions 153
Nanoscale, ballistic MOSFETs, sub-threshold curves of 253
Nanoscale, bio-mechanical systems 506
Nanoscale, CMOS technology 278
Nanoscale, electron devices 240 243
Nanoscale, field effect transistors (FETs) 239 243 479
Nanoscale, machines, creating 63
Nanoscale, manufacturing system 526
Nanoscale, memon cells 279—289
Nanoscale, MOSFET 11
Nanoscale, structures using STM and AFM 189 213
Nanosensors and nanobiosensors, development of 247
nanotechnology 192 197
Nanotechnology and magnetic memories 411
Nanotechnology, pseudo-spin-valve or spin-dependent tunneling memories 425—432
Nanotechnology, PSV memory cells 427—429
Nanotube, two orbitals on 22
Nanotubes from family 334
Nanotubes of 334
Nanotubes of semiconducting (S) or conducting types 58 66
Nanotubes, classes 295
Nanotubes, electronic devices 330
Nanotubes, FET 336
Nanotubes, FET, unique aspects of 320
Nanotubes, grown "on chip" 331
Nanotubes, heterojunction devices 323—328
Nanotubes, interconnects 329—330
Nanotubes, metallic (M) 58
Nanotubes, nanoelectronic devices 316—330
Nanotubes, SETs 336
Nanotubes, SETs, room temperature 322
Nanotubes, synthesis, and device fabrication 299—302
Nanotubes, synthesis, for electronic devices 331
Nanotubes, synthesis, off-chip 331
Nanotubes, T and Y junctions 324—325
Naphthalene, framework, materials based on 215—216
Naphthalene, single crystals, temperature dependence of electron mobility in 201
NAR 449
National Advisory Committee on Semi-conductors (NACS) 174
National Center for Biotechnology Information database 133
National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS) 174
Navier — Stokes equations 484—485
Near field microscopy 408
Near-field optics and spectroscopy 240—241
Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM) 41
Near-field surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (NFSERRS) 241
Neat-UV diode lasers, current status of 390—392
Negative differential resistance (NDR) 127 153
Negative differential resistance (NDR) in molecular junctions 154—159
Negative differential resistance (NDR), behavior 155
Negative differential resistance (NDR), discovery in semiconductor diodes 154
NEGF see "Non-equilibrium Green's function"
NEMS 112
NEMS, devices 123
Nerves, fibers 288
Nerves, regeneration 293
Neural cell networks, patterning on microelectrode arrays 88
Neuronal growth, characteristics of 340
Neurons of frog, oil experimental, 4-Mbit DRAM chip 206
Neurons, fragility problem 86
Neurons, growth direction of 87
Neuroscience 258
Neurotransmitter exocytosis 253
Neutral chain and oxidation of poly (p-phenylene) 50
Newts 336
Next generation lithography (NGL) 8 188
Nichia CW laser 368
Nichia InGaN lasers 42—43
Nickel rods 529
Nitrate reductatase 449
Nitride, devices 22
Nitride, lasers 39
Nitride, LEDs based on 27
Nitride, LEDs based on, blue pumps 34
Nitride, semiconductor 35
Nitrides for bipolar transistors 53
Nitrides, coherent UV sources based on 52
Nitrides, crystal structure of 54—64
Nitrides, dilute materials, device applications of 64
Nitrides, MODFETs ternary based on 113
Nitrides, optoelectronic devices 383
Nitrides, piezoelectric coefficients 73
Nitrides, semiconductor-based LEDs 52
Nitrides, semiconductors 53
Nitrides, semiconductors, piezoelectric constants and spontaneous polarization charge 74
Nitrides, semiconductors, VCSEL based on 379
Nitrides, semiconductors, with wurtzite structure 97
Nitroamine redox center 155
Nitroaniline-containing molecular scale devices, cyclic voltammetry characteristics 67
Nitrogen (N) polarity 76
Nitromethane 166
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