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Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques |
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Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), scaling, challenges 185 191
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), scaling, concepts 157—160
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), scaling, limits 219—231
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), scaling, technology requirements and potential solutions 207
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), scaling, to 20 nm 229—230
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), scaling, to nanometer lengths 211
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), structures, alternative 231—237
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), technology 365
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), technology, clock frequency 222
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), technology, evolution 214
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), transistors in SOI, basic architecture of 326
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), VLSI 212—213
Complementary metal-oxide-silicon (CMOS) 148
Complementary MOSFETs (CMOS) 4—5
Complementary SET logic family 268
Compound semiconductors 20 26
Computation in cells 392—400
Computation in nature 392—394
Computer architectures, biologically inspired 76
Computer-controlled micro-manipulators 86
Conductance quantization in one dimension 302—304
Conducting polymers 113
Conduction band (CB) or LUMO 31 216 see
Conduction band edge for the N-MODFET structure grown in the [0001] direction 99—100
Conduction band edge in AlGaN barrier 73
Conduction, gap, determinants 14
Conduction, hopping 147
Conduction, mechanisms 133—135
Conductivity of metallic nanotubes at room temperature 305
Conductor-insulator transition by molecular conformation 153—154
Cone of diffusion 45
Confocal laser scanning fluorescence (CLSM) microscopy 99
Confocal microscopy 408
Conjugate variables 485
Conjugated oligomers 127
Conjugated oligomers, systems 46—48
Conjugated polymer microactuators 125—129
Conjugated polymers 50
Conjugated polymers, systems 48
Constant-field scaling, principle of 214
Consumer electronics market 39
Contact catheters 106
Contacts to GaN 113—115
Control release of chemical 121
Conventional SiH based metal insulator semiconductor field effect transistor (MISFETs) 242
Cooper pairs 303
Cooper pairs in superconductors 242
Cooper pairs transport in a superconducting pump (CPP) 315
Cooper pairs, box in presence of Josephson coupling 322
Copolymer 48
Cortical astrocytes and hippocampal neurons 294
Cotunneling 273 278
Coulomb blockade thermometer (CBT) 315
Coulomb or filled shell repulsion 23
Coulomb, 1 V, oscillations 209
Coulomb, blockade 77—78 266—267 278 307—309
Coulomb, blockade phenomenon 208
Coulomb, blockade, absolute thermometer 303
Coulomb, blockade, partial 308
Coulomb, blockade, state 277
Coulomb, blockade, thermometry 315—319
Coulomb, blockade, thresholds 271 482
Coulomb, charging energy 303
Coulomb, correlations, electron-hole 358
Coulomb, coupled dots, for Toffoli — Fredkin gate and quantum computation 466—473
Coulomb, coupled dots, resonant energies in 471—473
Coulomb, effects involving energy shifts 35
Coulomb, force scaling 272
Coulomb, interaction terms 469
Coulomb, interaction, between electrons 310
Coulomb, interaction, role of 376
Coulomb, law of 321
Coulomb, repulsion of electrons 279
Coulomb, scattering 89—90
Coulomb, staircase 147 209 264—265
Coulter, counter 415
Coulter, principle 416
Counterion 49
Crested tunnel barriers 283—287 290
Critical layer thickness (CLT) 3 32
Critical micelle concentration (CMC) 496
Crossed carbon nanotube junctions, current-voltage characteristics of 326
Crossed SWNT device, tapping-mode AFM image (amplitude signal) 58
Crossed-nanotube junctions 325—328
Crossed-SWNT device 325
Crossing nanotubes 153
Crossing of excitations from singlet to the triplet manifold (ISC) 265
CrossNets 279
Cryptosystein 451
Crystal monodimensional model 251
Crystal phonons and electromagnetic field, electronic system 368
Crystalline wires of silicon 335
Cubical microchips, problems with 67
Cultured neuron cells, stimulation of 86
Curie temperatures near room temperature 13
Current, capability of MODFETs, multi-2DEG structures 116
Current, collapse 127
Current, contrast in only positive bias 40
Current, gain cut-off and maximum oscillation frequencies vs. gate length 123
Current-light characteristic 48
Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics 166—171 286
Curtis and Clark theory 291
CW InGaN diode laser, I-V characteristics and optical power output per uncoated facet of 366
CW-PL of methyl-substituted quaterthiophenes compounds 256
Cyclic voltammagram 163
Cyclotron, resonance of holes 201
Cysteine 515
Cystic fibrosis, and use of DNA microarrays 363
D'yakonov — Perel mechanism 479—480
Dangling bonds (DBs) 204
Dark current and noise power 172
Dark current, as a function of reverse bias 167
Dark current, noise spectra 171
Data storage device 212
Davydov splitting 248
Davydov splitting, aggregation and 250
DC electric field 322
DC electric field, methods for measurement and application of biological systems 327—331
DCM laser dye 54—55
De Broglie wavelength of current carriers 9
Debye — Hueckel approximation 486
Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) 497—498
Deep-ultraviolet (DUV) light 188
Deep-ultraviolet (DUV) light, lithography 93
Deep-ultraviolet (DUV) light, steppers 220
Delocalized and molecular orbits 194
Dendrites 84—85
Density Functional Theory (DFT) 22—23 25
DEP see "Dielectrophoresis" 95
Dependence of mobility of gate voltage 225—231
Depleted substrate transistor (DST) 11
depletion region 10
Derivation of "kTln2" limit 453—454
Deutsch gate 462
Deutsch — Josza class of problems 448
Device heterostructure design 358—365
Device, design application of modeling tools 488—492
Device, fabrication, schematics of 137
Device, yield and complexity 536
Diacetylenic lipids, matrix of 235
Diblock copolymer 48
Die slab 56
Dielectric coatings, FETs, light emission 32
Dielectric field cages (DFC) 424
Dielectric field cages (DFC), combinations with optical tweezers 426
Dielectric microparticles, optical technique for capture of 427
Dielectrophoresis (DEP) 94 421—427
Dielectrophoresis (DEP), benefits and applicability to biological cell manipulation 427
Dielectrophoresis (DEP), fluid-flow fractionation (FFF) 426
Dielectrophoresis (DEP), force 102 425
| Dielectrophoresis (DEP), trap, simplest negative 98
Diffraction limit of photolithography 8
Digital data read-write applications 52
Digital mobile telephones 24
Digital recording and storage medium 13
Dihexylanthradithiophene (DHADT) transistors 212
Dilute GaAs(N) 62—64
Dilute GaAs(N) and GaN(As) bandgap energy 63
Diode laser 345—346
Diode laser, devices, degradation and lifetime 362
Diode laser, devices, gain spectra 369
Diode laser, L-I characteristics of 367
Diode laser, research in the near-UV 391
Diode structure, n- and p-type 155
Dip casting 208
Dip-pen-nanolithography (DPN), process of 202
Disk heads 437—438
Disordered granular structures 263
Display technology 14
Distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) 283
Distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), all-dielectric resonator 380—381
Distributed Crossbar, "CrossNet" 278
Distribution (QKD) protocols 493
DiVincenzo gate 462
DNA 62
DNA, "junk" 393—394
DNA, algorithms 381—388
DNA, algorithms, artificial, first 375
DNA, algorithms, errors 388—392
DNA, algorithms, models of 381—388
DNA, algorithms, open problems 381
DNA, algorithms, tools and techniques 378—380
DNA, analysis and cell sorting 110
DNA, biosensors 233
DNA, breakage of the DNA in solution 388
DNA, chip 130—135
DNA, chip, uses of 133
DNA, chip, variants of 131
DNA, chips 347
DNA, chips, applications 353—365
DNA, chips, design 348
DNA, chips, Format I (cDNA microarray) 347
DNA, chips, Format II, (array of oligo-nucleotide probes) 347
DNA, computation 373—392 400
DNA, computers 75—77
DNA, electronic coupling through 69
DNA, for wires using 68—75
DNA, four nucleic acids of 375
DNA, gene probe 232
DNA, grafting on Si wafer 93
DNA, hybridization of 232
DNA, medium for electron transport 68
DNA, methylation of 387
DNA, microarrays, medical applications of 358—364
DNA, microarrays, to fight HIV virus 361—362
DNA, microarrays, to fight tuberculosis 362—363
DNA, molecule, atomic force microscope (AFM) imaging 71
DNA, molecule, properties of 71
DNA, molecules, dye-labeled 241
DNA, pairing in 232
DNA, production by in situ synthesis of oligonucleotides 349
DNA, production by in situ synthesis of oligonucleotides, structure and operating principles 348
DNA, ropes 70
DNA, sequencer based on electrophoresis and fluorescence labeling 118
DNA, sequencing in a fabricated array of channels 494
DNA, single base mutations in 352
DNA, strand 72
DNA, strands 388—391
DNA, three-dimensional shapes out of 385
DNA, two-dimensional tiles of 385
Dopants, discrete random 228
Doping of electrodes 246
Doping through chemical oxidation 49
Double hetero-channel MODFETs (DHCMODFETs) 116
Double heterostructure, photodetector, I-V characteristics and zero-bias resistance of 179
Double heterostructure, photodiode, zero-bias resistance of 180
Double layer devices 286
Double-gate (DG) MOSFET 232—235 359 see
Double-gate (DG) MOSFET, ballistic I-V characteristics of 251
Double-gate (DG) MOSFET, models 244—247
Double-gate (DG) MOSFET, SOI 359—361
Double-gate (DG) MOSFET, ultrathin-channel 243
Double-gate (DG) MOSFET, with undoped, ultrathin SOI channel 244
Double-heterostructure plastic laser 56
Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) 73
Drain current in single electron transistor 78—79
Drain current, lag, AlGaN/GaN system, surface states and defects 128
Drain current, model in MODFETs 103—105
Drain current, overshoot 349
Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) 351
DRAM 185 288
DRAM, 1 Gbit 332
DRAM, 1T-concept 287
DRAM, 4-Mbit 191
DRAM, technology and projections 412
Drop casting (or solution casting) 208
Drug target validation see "cDNA microarrays"
Dry oxidation 305
DsDNA, migration of branch 386
DVD 40 68
Dynamic random access memories (DRAMs) 180 213
Dynamic-threshold transistor (DT-MOSFET) 355—356
E-beam lithography 93 99 428
E-h see "Electron-hole"
E-nose 113
EcoRl 512
Edge emission spectra 55
Edge emitter devices 39 45 382
Edge emitter devices, broad-area 404
Edge emitter diode laser performance 365—368
Edge-emitters see "Edge emitter devices"
Edge-emitting lasers 391—401
Eels 13
Effective mass approximation (EMA) 96
Effluents, control of 52
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen pairs 488—490
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen pairs, entangled states 490
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen pairs, QKD schemes based on 493
Elastomer-based valves and pumps 110
Elastomeric replica production for MIMIC and CP 266
Elastomers 110
Elastomers, (epoxy) stamp 81
electric field 322
Electric field, and electrodes 320—327
Electric field, effects, on nerve growth and regeneration 337—338
Electric field, effects, on regeneration 341
Electric field, endogenous, and effects on development and regeneration of biological systems 331—342
Electric field, endogenous, generating, in vitro 329—330
Electric field, endogenous, generating, in vivo 330
Electric field, endogenous, nature and influence on biological systems 319
Electric fields, dependence of fundamental interband transitions for single dot 27
Electric fields, large 28
Electric forces, mathematical descriptions 323
Electric potentials, currents, and fields, measuring 327—329
Electrical conduction of metal-molecule system 132
Electrical conduction, through molecules 1 55
Electrical conduction, through molecules, toy models 11—26
Electrical injection lasers 55
Electrical injection, resonant cavity LEDs 392—399
Electrical injection-optical probe method 369
Electrical isolation 47
Electrochemical luminescence 114
Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) 116
Electrode and electric current 324—327
Electrode and liquid, interface 325
Electrode and liquid, junction 328
Electrokinetic flow 502
Electrokinetic flow and hydrodynamic flow in microchannels, applications of 492—427
Electrokinetic switch 491
Electroluminescence (EL) 33 249
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