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Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques |
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Soft lithography 109
Soft materials 109 137
SOI see "Silicon-on-insulator"
Solar-blind photodetectors, preparation of 178
Solar-blind photodetectors, Requirements 147
Solar-blind photodiode, based on AlGaN, spectral response of 157
Solar-blind photodiode, detectors based on AlGaN 185
Solid state lighting (SSL) 30
Solid state, oligothiophenes 248
Solid state, white lighting 393
Solid-state, "gels" 495
Solid-state, materials 48
Solid-state, quantum well resonant tunneling heterostructures 158
Solid-state, semiconductor electronics 44
Solitons 50
Soluble oligomers 213
Solution processed organic semiconductor films 207
Solution-based actuator 414
Solutions or vapor phase deposition 45
Solutions, dilute 486
Solvatochromism 246
Source-to-drain tunneling 237 243 255
Space charge limited current (SCLC) spectroscopy 221
Spectral hole burning 374
Spectroscopic intermediate neglect of diatomic overlap/spectroscopic parameterization (INDO/S) 258
Spectrum linewidth (FWHM) of ground level emission 378
Spermatozoa 430
Spider web 288
Spin coating 207—208
Spin, coherence 479—480
Spin, flip mechanism 480
Spin, injection 13
Spin, measurement 482
Spin, polarized scanning tunneling microscope (SPSTM) 463
Spin, relaxation in semi-conductor, three principal mechanisms 479
Spin, valve, GMR heads 13
Spin, valve, head 437—438
Spin, valve, material 430
Spin, wire 478
Spin-based devices 13
Spin-dependent tunneling (SDT) materials 431
Spin-on-glass (SOG) insulator 366—367
Spin-RTD, principle of 480
SPM see "Scanning probe microscopy"
Spontaneous emission spectrum at transparency 376
Spontaneous magnetization and Curie temperature 413
SQW ZnCdSe and GaAs SCH diode lasers, comparison of gain/absorption spectra for 377
SRAM see "Static-random-access memory"
ssDNA see "Complementary DNA single-stranded"
SSL 32
Standard MOSFETs 79
Standard photolithography techniques 131
Stark, effects, piezofield 375
Stark, shift for the fundamental transition in a structure composed for four dots 28
Stark, tunability 28
Static memory cells, circuit factors in 432
Static random access memory (SDRAM) 79
Static secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SSIMS) studies 267
Static-random-access memory (SRAM), 1-Gbit 174
Static-random-access memory (SRAM), 4 Mbit 332
Static-random-access memory (SRAM), transistors 259
Steady-state electron drift velocity vs. electric field 94
Step-and-repeat ("stepper") lithography exposure tool 166
Stereo-tropism 288
Steric stabilization 256
Stern — Gerlach apparatus 475
Sticker model 383
STM see "Scanning tunneling microscopy"
Stoner — Wohlfarth threshold 414—415 417
Storage and memory, operation principle of 168
Strain field and TEM contrast, correlation between 7—12
Strain field of InGaAs layer 32
Strain-driven process 48
Strained layer concept 39
Strained Si/SiGe MOSFET 235—236
Stranski — Krastanov (SK) mode 2 45
Streptavidin 516
Streptavidin-derivatized agarose 352
Streptococcus pneumoniae 357
Sub-100-nm MOSFETs 189
Sub-20-nm, electron devices 239
Sub-20-nm, MOSFETs, power scaling 257—260
Sulfur functionalization with oxygens, effects of 274
Super-halo 229
Superconducting, electron pairs 83
Superconducting, single charge devices 320—322
Superconductors 83
Superlattices 51
Superlattices, Minibands 53
Superposition of 0 and 1 simultaneously 444
Superposition, principle 82
Superposition, states 446—447
Superradiance theory 403
Supply voltage in nano-meter gate devices 12
Surface, acoustic wave devices 52
Surface, chemistry 286—287
Surface, density of states (DOS) for Au(111) 28
Surface, Fermi level in n-type GaN 73
Surface, Green's function 24 36—38
Surface, Lasing 379
Surface, morphology 190
Surface, patterning techniques 253
Surface, photo-voltage 337
Surface, plasmon, resonance 113
Surface, plasmon, sensing microsystem, schematic diagram of 116
Surface, plasmon, sensors, basic elements 115
Surface, plasmon, wave 114
Surface, profile (the stressor pattern) 8
Surface, science for cell culturing 254—257
Surface, structure, characterizing 287—288
Surface, structure, types fabricated for cell-substratum studies 277
Surface-emitting vertical cavity lasers 54
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection 232
Surfactant solutions 332
Switching power 21
SWNT see "Single-walled nanotubes"
Symmetric normal state SET transistor 306
Symmetry breaking 275
Synapses 84—85
System-on-Chip (SoC) 178 334
T-F gate see "Toffoli — Fredkin"
TCIL spectra 44
Technology challenges, potential solutions to 185
Technology Nodes 168 185
Teleporting single qubit 490
Tera FLOPS 83
Terabit integration problems 290—291
Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) 215
Thermal Boson reservoir 369
Thermal conductivity vs temperature for SiC and sapphire 110
Thermal limitations 22
Thermal noise 418—420
Thermal noise (Johnson or Nyquist noise) 153
Thermal reservoir interactions 369
Thermal writing of magnetic memory cells 433
Thermal writing of nanotechnology memory cells 433—435
Thermionic and hopping conduction 181
Thermochromism 246
Thermoindentation of polymer films 212
Thermomechanical writing 213
Thick-film devices 329
Thienyl-S,S-dioxides, high electron affinity of 286
Thienyl-S,S-dioxides, quinquethiophene, lasing 283
Thigmotaxis 288
Thigmotropic signaling in fungi 304
Thin-film 14
Thin-film transistors (TFTs) 192
Thin-film transistors (TFTs), a-Si:H 193
Thin-film, switching devices 15
| Thioacetyl groups 155
Thiol, Group 17
Thiol, SAM-metal systems, -bonded 181
Thiol, SAMs 135 207
Thiophene oligomers 15
Thiophene, molecule 242
Thiophene, oligomers, electronic structure and optical properties 246—253
Thiophene, oligomers, structural characteristics 243—253 243—246
Thiophene, oligomers, unsubstituted, herringbone (HB) type packing of 244
Thiophene-S,S-dioxide, optical properties 275—276
Three-dimensional image processor 335
Three-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering 306
Three-dot system potential profile for 469
Three-inverter oscillator, simulation 397
Three-level laser and population inversion issue, classical 52
Three-particle state 491
Thresholdless devices 47
Ti-sapphire tunable lasers 38
Time correlated fluorescence spectroscopy 43
Time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) 274
Time-of-flight mobility measurements 220
Tinker Toys 371
Titanium 275
TM polarization 115
TMS (trimethylsilyl ) 210
Tobacco mosaic virus 428
Toffoli — Fredkin (T-F) gate 456—457
Toffoli — Fredkin (T-F) gate, connecting 467—468
Toffoli — Fredkin (T-F) gate, nanoelectronic version of 468—471
Topographic compensation 290
Topographic modifications of surfaces, future of 301—306
Topographic modifications of surfaces, stem cell differentiation and development on 304
Topographic modifications on cell properties, influence of 279
Topographic modifications, studies of cell on 288
Topographical patterning 275—279
Topographical patterning, methods of 280—285
Topographically patterned surfaces for cell-substratum studies, techniques used to fabricate 282
Topographically patterned surfaces in biological systems, applications for 278
Topographically patterned surfaces, techniques for 280—288
Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy 99—100
Toxic byproducts, accumulation of 330
Toxic electrolysis 327
Toy models see "Electrical conduction"
Trace-gas analysis, sensors for 54
Trans-polyacetylene 50 241
Transconductance 360
Transconductance of DHCMODFET 118
transducers 226
Transducers, common transduction mechanisms used in biosensors 227
Transducers, integrated 408
Transgenic plant 133
Transient heating analysis 435
Transistorized DRAM 13
Transistors in CMOS-based chips evolution of 7
Transistors, 149
Transistors, electrostatics 254
Transistors, gates 10
Transistors, performance scaling 180
Transistors, structures, alternative 189
Transition from 200 to 300 mm manufacturing 170
Transmembrane potentials, electrochemical investigations of 408
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) 408
Transmission electron microscope (TEM), grids 257
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 2
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), diffraction contrast 8
Transport measurements 337
Transport mechanisms 307
Transport mechanisms in single crystals of organic semiconductors 197
Transport mechanisms of ballistic holes across cap layer 44
Transverse magnetic (TM) polarized electromagnetic radiation 114
Trap, concentration 139
Trap, levels 177
Trap-based cells 280
Trapdoor functions 451
Trapped quanton, ground state of 476
Trimethylsilyl-protected alkynes, deprotection of 77
Tripropylamine (TPA) 117
Tris (2.2'-bipyridyl) ruthenium (TBR) 117
Trypanosoma brucei 393
Tube-etching method 240
Tube-FET 302
Tube-on-top, devices 301
Tube-on-top, devices, SWNT 310—311
Tube-on-top, electrical devices, fabricating 324
Tube-on-top, technique 318
Tuberculosis, drug-resistant strains 362
Tuberculosis, use of DNA microarrays in fight against 362—363
Tunable optical gain and lasing 280—283
Tunnel junction (TJ) 387
Tunnel junction (TJ), (Esaki) 355
Tunnel, barriers, options 284
Tunnel, resistance (junction resistance) 304 317
Tunnel, transistors 256
Tunneling from Fermi liquid into Luttinger liquid 311
Tunneling, at center of QD 38
Tunneling, band to band 227—228
Tunneling, current 37 39 164
Tunneling, currents 195
Tunneling, direct 133
Tunneling, gate oxide 225—227
Tunneling, images 39
Tunneling, junction 37
Tunneling, leakage problem 231
Tunneling, quantum mechanical 225—228
Tunneling, source to drain 228 250
Tunneling, spectra 36
Tunneling, via the Kondo resonance 307
Tunnelling current induced luminescence (TCIL) 35 43
Tunnelling current induced luminescence (TCIL), spectra of single, coupled and an ensemble of InGaAs QDs 46
Turing machine 399
Turing machine, universal 372
Turing Machines 81
Turing machines, deterministic 443 450
Turing machines, probabilistic 443—444
Turing machines, quantum 444 449—450
Turing machines, reversible 444
Turner etching 239
Two-color differential expression analysis 133
Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) 16
Two-dimensional, electron gas (2DEG) systems 54
Two-dimensional, hole-gas (2DHG) 76
Two-electron integrals 22
Two-qubit, "spintronic" universal quantum gate 473—479
Two-qubit, entanglement 477—478
Two-qubit, operation 475
Two-qubit, rotations, controlled dynamics of 477—478
Two-qubit, universal quantum gates 461—462
Two-terminal conductance at room temperature 304—307 312—314
UHV see "Hydrogen on silicon"
Ultra-high-vacuum chemical vapor deposition (UHVCVD) 133
Ultra-hish-vacuum chemical vapor deposition (UHV-CVD) 24
Ultra-small metal-insulator-metal (MIM) tunnel junction 307
Ultra-thin films 329
Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), organic molecular beam deposition (OMBD) 207
Ultramicroelectrodes 449
Ultrasharp electron beam deposited tips 211
Ultrashort laser excitation experiments 64
Ultrashort organic transistor, schematic structure of 262
Ultrasonication of SWNT material 300
Ultrathin insulation tunnel barrier 308
Ultraviolet (UV) and visible light emitting diodes (LEDs) 52
Ultraviolet (UV), detectors 52
Ultraviolet (UV), photodetectors based on GaN and AlGaN 147
Ultraviolet (UV), photoelectron spectroscopy 58
Ultraviolet (UV), sensors in jet engines, automobiles, and furnaces 52
Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) 246—247
Ultraviolet-sensitive photomultipliers 147
Undoped barrier layers (AlGaAs) 155
Undoped quantum well layer (GaAs) 155
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