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Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques |
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PLL, structures 274
PLL, substrates stamped with (S-PLL) 269—270
PMMA see "Poly(methyl methacrylate)"
PMODFETs 18—19
PMOS 152
Pneumatic plug driven by pressure 484
Pnp HBTs 136
Point defects at semiconductor surfaces 39
Poisson — Boltzmann equation 487
Polarity (dipole) 324
Polarization, effects, mobility, and electron concentration in 2DEG systems 72—85
Polarization, fields present in nitride heterostructures 73
Polarization, spontaneous 73 79 81 85
Polarization, spontaneous, and piezo-electric 97—99
Polaron 50
Polaron, effects 4
Polaron-like states 152
Poly (p-phenylene) 49
Poly(3-hexyl thiophene) (PHT) 37
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) 209 254 280 290 498
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), layer 212
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), resist film 210
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), sheets, electron beam lithography to pattern 291
Poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) 58
Poly-L-lysine 348
Polyacetylene 49—50
polycarbonate 285 498
Polyclonal antibodies 282
Polydimethylsiloxane 498
Polydimethylsiloxane, Channel 501
Polyethylene glycol) (PEG) 254
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 117 373 512
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in cycles of three steps 374
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), composite manipulations 380
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), during incorporation of incorrect bases 389
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), protocols 349
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), whiplash 386—387
Polymeric backbone, charged 49
Polymeric coating 73
Polymers 254 284
Polymorphism 258—261
Polynomial time algorithm for factoring large integers 450
Polypeptides and proteins, patterns of 270
Polyphenylene and polyphenylene-based molecules 48
Polyphenylene and polyphenylene-based molecules, wires 182
Polypyrrole (PPy) 126
Polypyrrole (PPy), microactuators 127 129
polystyrene 285
Polythiophenes, optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) data for 248
Poole — Frenkel constant 169
Pore-based device 103
Pore-impedance device 103
Porins 527
Porphyrin containing molecular scale wires 72—74
Post-CMOS devices 194—196
Post-process integrated circuits on silicon wafer 166
Power, amplifiers 123—127
Power, applications 20
Power, densities 23 57
Power, devices 22
Power, devices, thermal limitation 125
Power, dissipation 11
Printing techniques 80
Programmed mutagenesis 385
Programmed mutagenesis of counter 386
Propeller rotation 125
Prostate cancer, characterization using DNA/tissue arrays 360
Protein-protein interactions 319
Proteins, activity, electrical control of 523
Proteins, adhesion to surfaces 518
Proteins, binding method, antigen/antibody interaction 516
Proteins, conjugation 517
Proteins, digestion microchip 410
Proteins, engineering, for precision attachment 514—516
Proteins, engineering, techniques 235
Proteins, motility assays 518
Proteomics 408
Proton bombardment 47
Proximity X-ray lithography (PXL) 8
Pseudo-MOS transistor ( -MOSFET) 336—337
Pseudo-random numbers 460
Pseudo-Spin-Valve (PSV), element 428—429
Pseudo-Spin-Valve (PSV), high density, memory layout 429—430
Pseudo-Spin-Valve (PSV), memory cell 416 430
Pseudo-Spin-Valve (PSV), memory cell, ( ) parameters 433
Pseudo-Spin-Valve (PSV), memory cell, characteristics 427
Pseudo-Spin-Valve (PSV), memory cell, layout 426
Pseudo-Spin-Valve (PSV), memory cell, operation 425—427
Pseudo-two-dimensional carrier gas 16
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 303
Pseudomonas fluorescens 303
Pseudomorphic MODFET 17
Pseudomorphic MODFETs high-performance 54
Pt-GaN Schottky barriers 111—112
Pump energy 56
Pump-probe measurements 280
Pyramidal dots, model 21
QD see "Quantum dots"
Quanton, passage of 496
Quanton, transmitted 479
Quantum bits see "Qubits"
Quantum blockade 79
Quantum cascade laser 50—54
Quantum coherence of electrons, temporal 243
Quantum complexity, history of 450—452
Quantum computer 81—84
Quantum computing 192
Quantum computing, phonons 480
Quantum connectors 478
Quantum controlled NOT or XOR gate 473
Quantum cryptography 484—487
Quantum cryptosystem employing photons 486—487
Quantum dots (QD) 39 44 48 74 462
Quantum dots (QD) and planar quantum well lasers differences in the cavity design between 392
Quantum dots (QD), alternate spintronic model, based on 476—477
Quantum dots (QD), buried, creation using shallow etching and surface depletion 484
Quantum dots (QD), distributions 45
Quantum dots (QD), edge-emitter 388
Quantum dots (QD), edge-emitter, 407
Quantum dots (QD), edge-emitter, spontaneous electroluminescence spectrum from 404
Quantum dots (QD), energy, level depth 369
Quantum dots (QD), energy, structure of 371
Quantum dots (QD), ground state, emission 404
Quantum dots (QD), ground state, population 373
Quantum dots (QD), lasers (QDLs) 44 367
Quantum dots (QD), lasers (QDLs), 396
Quantum dots (QD), lasers (QDLs), experimental results and comparison with model 391—408
Quantum dots (QD), lasers (QDLs), idealized 376
Quantum dots (QD), lasers (QDLs), with deep confinement potentials 381
Quantum dots (QD), memory devices 79
Quantum dots (QD), non-equilibrium model 371—378
Quantum dots (QD), performance 367
Quantum dots (QD), rate equation analysis applied to operating characteristics 368—391
Quantum dots (QD), room temperature self-organized InAs or InGaAs, quasi-equilibrium model 378—386
Quantum dots (QD), self-organized 367 392
Quantum dots (QD), self-organized, energy relaxation of excitons 370
Quantum dots (QD), semiconductor lasers 367
Quantum dots (QD), structure 397
Quantum dots (QD), two exchange-coupled electrons in two 462
Quantum dots (QD), VCSEL 389 401—408
Quantum dots (QD), VCSEL, 407—408
Quantum dots (QD), VCSEL, oxide-confined schematic illustration 402
Quantum dots (QD), VCSEL, pulsed L-I-V characteristic for 407
Quantum dots (QD), VCSEL, schematic illustration of 386
Quantum dots (QD), VCSEL, short wavelength 402
quantum dots (QDs) 369
Quantum dots (QDs) and WL occupied states of 37
Quantum dots (QDs), carriers in 1
Quantum dots (QDs), chemical analysis 13—15
Quantum dots (QDs), devices, non-commutative nature of 34
| Quantum dots (QDs), devices, structures realized by MOCVD 33
Quantum dots (QDs), electronic and optical properties of an "ensemble" of 35
Quantum dots (QDs), electrons 40
Quantum dots (QDs), embedded in GaAs matrix 40
Quantum dots (QDs), energy gap 36
Quantum dots (QDs), nanostructure and WL scheme of 16
Quantum dots (QDs), numbers of carrier captured by 42
Quantum dots (QDs), PL, emission 43
Quantum dots (QDs), PL, spectra of 16
Quantum dots (QDs), properties of, chemical composition 13
Quantum dots (QDs), single uncapped, topographic STM image 4
Quantum dots (QDs), stacked 9—12
Quantum dots (QDs), states, coupled 46
Quantum dots (QDs), structures, optical density of 3
Quantum dots (QDs), structures, strongly stacked 28
Quantum dots (QDs), systems, theoretical modelling of 15
Quantum dots (QDs), tunnelling current at the center of the 38
Quantum dynamic memories (Q-DRAMs) 493
Quantum erasure 493 495
Quantum fluctuations, energy of 241
Quantum gates 458—462
Quantum gates, experimental realization of 483—484
Quantum gates, prototypes for 483
Quantum gates, solid-state realizations of 462—466
Quantum gates, strange nature of 458—460
Quantum informatics 442
Quantum information science 441
Quantum information science, early history of 452—458
Quantum interference of electron de Broglie waves 242
Quantum interference, spatial 243
Quantum key 492
Quantum measurement theory 494
Quantum mechanical uncertainty 418
Quantum memory 492—496
Quantum no-cloning theorem 485 488
Quantum parallelism 81 444—445 447—450 452 460
Quantum point contact (QPC) 2
Quantum point contact (QPC), conductance 28
Quantum point contact (QPC), model for 29
Quantum static memories (Q-SRAMs) 493
Quantum teleportation 488—492
Quantum transistors 81
Quantum waves 81
Quantum well (QW), design parameters choice of 377
Quantum well (QW), laser (SCH/QW) in the III-nitride system 391
Quantum well (QW), LEDs, blue and green 372
Quantum well (QW), structures 2
Quantum wells 51
Quantum wells, lasers 39
Quantum wells, three period structure 41
Quantum wells, VCSELs 406
Quantum wire and dot lasers 44—45
Quantum Zeno effect 493
Quantum, "corrals" 193
Quantum, dots 1 53
Quarter wave stack mirrors 46
Quasi-2D FET model, schematic representation of 104
Quasi-CW VCSEL operation, optically pumped 380
Quasi-OD semiconductors 2
Quaterthiophene crystals, luminescence of 267
Qubit 82—83 321 445—446 see
Qubit, reading of initial and final state of polarizer-analyzer combination 495
Qubit, refreshing 493—496
Qubit, small Josephson junction as 321
qw see "Quantum well"
R&D, collaboration in response to ITRS 191—195
R&D, cost for DRAMs at successive Technology Nodes 187
R&D, status of non-bulk CMOS devices current 196
Radiation pressure 428
Radiation-hard circuits 326
Radiative and non-radiative recombination processes, scheme of 253
radiative recombination 44
Radio frequency (RF) magnetron 14
Radio frequency (RF) magnetron, power 21
Radio frequency (RF) magnetron, power, density data for Si, GaAs, SiC, and GaN FETs 22
Radio frequency (RF) magnetron, SETs 309—310
Radio frequency (RF) magnetron, SETs, schematics showing principle of operation 310
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags 192
Raman scattering of LO phonons 46
Random access memory (RAM) 167
Random access memory (RAM), cell output 180
Random background charge problem 271—273
Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum (RSFQ) logic circuits 242
Rashba, effects 479 481
Rashba, effects, in a quantum dot 497—500
Rashba, spin splitting 499
Rashba, spin splitting, energy 483
Rashba, spin-orbit interaction 477
Rate equations describing quantum state populations 369
RCA cleaning process 129
RCLED device, current density vs voltage of a hybrid 384
RCLED device, hybrid device, emission spectrum of 384
RCLED device, schematic of 383
Reactive ion etching 129
Reactive ion etching (RIE) 128 286
Reactive ion etching (RIE), textured "silicon grass" surfaces 296
Read heads 437—438
Reading and writing of qubit, spin polarizers and analyzers 478—479
Real dot device, realization of 32
Receptor-mediated signal transduction pathways 252
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) 512
Recombinant techniques 513
Recombination processes and photoluminescence efficiency 249
Record power gain cut-off frequency 25
Recording media 435—437
Redox-center-containing ethynylphenyl molecules 182
Reduced dimensional systems, development of 3
Regioregular P3HT 211
Relaxed GaN buffer layer 85
Release studies 122
Resist mask in electron beam lithography, schematic presentation 307
resistors 149
Resonant tunneling diode (RTD) 154
Reverse dark current 164
Reverse-bias, conductivity, conventional models of 166
Reverse-bias, current-voltage 166
Reversible and irreversible gates 455—456
Reversible computers 452
RF, amplifier, class-A 109
RF, current lag 129
RF, power MOSFETs 126
RGD 275
Rhenium films 74
Richardson constant 139 141—143
Ridge waveguide design 366
Rigid disks 416
RNA, computation specific 375
RNA, editing 393
RNA, hybridization of 232
RNA, molecules 375
RNA, polymerase 512
RNA, selection experiments 373
Robotic surgical tools 413
Rods, array of 436—437
Rods, magnet 416
Rotary pump for sensitive surface-binding assays 111
RTV silicone elastomer 500
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 349 354—357 364
sacrificial layers 112
Sacrificial surface micromachining 409
Sag see "Self-aligned-gate transistor"
SAL-601 210
Salamanders 336
Salmonella DNA 365
SAM see "Self-assembled monolayers"
SAMFET see "Self-assembled monolayer field effect transistor"
Sapphire and SiC substrate preparation 65
Sapphire substrate 21 23
Scaling, impact on productivity 168—170
Scaling, laws 157
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