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Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques |
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Electroluminescence (EL), devices 283—287
Electroluminescence (EL), spectra of LEDs 394
Electrolysis byproducts, diffusion of 330
Electrolytes 323
Electrolytes, solution 325
Electromagnetic forces and fields 320—322
Electromagnetic radiation, energy of 227
Electromigratory flux, terms 484
Electron beam lithography (EBL) 41
Electron beam, bombardment 286
Electron beam, exposure 209—211
Electron beam, lithography 129 209 281
Electron cyclotron resonance plasma (ECR) 365
Electron projection lithography (EPL) 9 188
Electron, beam lithography 80 109 306
Electron, charge density 98
Electron, density, contour plots 21 24
Electron, density, drift velocity vs applied electric field 95
Electron, density, for I-MODFET growth in [] direction 101
Electron, density, mobility 64 66 86 91
Electron, density, mobility, at AlGaN/GaN interface 89
Electron, derealization, types of structure that exhibit 194
Electron, mobility of GaAs 23
Electron, occupancy 481
Electron, pump 314
Electron, qubit structure 483—484
Electron, spectroscopy 58
Electron, states of MOCVD-grown InGaAs/GaAs QDs 46
Electron, transport bottleneck 250
Electron, transport in single crystals of 221
Electron-beam-sensitive double-layer resist 307
Electron-current carrying conductor 325
Electron-electron interactions 22
Electron-hole, Coulomb effects 375
Electron-hole, dipole moment 35
Electron-hole, eigenstates 28
Electron-hole, Hall mobility 59
Electron-hole, pair density 368 372
Electron-hole, wavefunctions, polarizability of 26
Electron-phonon coupling 40 49 280
Electron-stimulated thermal decomposition 199
Electronegativity, theory 95
Electronic band 74
Electronic devices, fabrication of 301—302
Electronic devices, high-power/temperature 51
Electronic memories 167
Electronic transport for UV LEDs 393
Electronic transport, properties 302—316
Electrons as waves and particles, controlling 240—243
Electrons, acceptors 49
Electrons, backscattering 209
Electrons, donors 49
Electrons, transfer process 53
Electrons, transport, rate of 52
Electroosmosis 485—487
Electropherograms 496
Electrophoresis 94 421 484
Electrophoresis, flow, experimental and simulated 494
Electrostatic data storage system, "ESTOR" 286
Electrostatic degradation 252
Electrostatic equilibrium 324
Electrostatic field distribution 252
Electrostatic force 256
Electrostatic force and van der Waals force interaction 127
Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) 304
Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM), trace on long semiconducting SWNT grown by CVD 312
Electrostatic trapping method 127
Elliott — Yafet mechanism 479—480
ELOG see "Epitaxial lateral overgrowth"
Embossing, plastics 285
Embossing, press, simple 283
Emission spectra for LED test structure 408
Emitter-base and collector-base junctions 24
emitters 387
Emulsion freeze-drying processes 306
Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy 13
Energy of 1S- and 1P-like states for two coupled dots 23
Energy, band gap 48
Energy, barrier for carrier injection 218
Energy, diagram of electronic states 248
Energy, equilibrium level, diagram 4—8
Energy, equilibrium level, diagram of metal-molecule-metal structure, schematic 9
Energy, levels of single ionic states 195
Energy, relaxation due to photons 371
Energy, separation 20
Energy, separation between wetting layer and ground state 376
Energy, well depth 416—418
Engineering and physical science education 104
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) 110 516
Enzymes 231—232
Enzymes, based biosensors 231
Enzymes, polymerase 373 380
Enzymes, restriction 391
Epifluorescence detection 132
Epitaxial deposition methods 39
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) 331—332
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO), methods, three-dimensional circuits 334
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELOG) 349—350
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELOG), GaN, spatially resolved photoluminescene intensity 363
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELOG), substrate/template for InGaN MQW diode laser, schematic of 365
Epitaxial layer, Nichia InGaN laser structure schematic of 41
Epitaxial layer, schematic of structure 42
Epitaxy of III-nitrides, advances 185
Epoxy resins 275 280
Erasable storage effects 182
Esaki diodes, interband tunneling in 243
Esaki tunnel diode 154
Escherichia coli (E, coli) 97 428
Escherichia coli (E, coli), genome 355
Escherichia coli (E, coli), transgenic 398
Escherichia coli (E.coli) 81
ethane 167
ethylene 300
Ethylene-barrier containing systems, syntheses of 63
Eukaryotic genomes 393
Evaporation, field-assisted 197—199
Evaporation, field-induced 196
Excitation photoluminescene (PLE) spectra 256
Excitation, intensity dependence of single dot PL spectra 41
Excitation, where separation of charges occurs are termed as charge transfer excitons (CTEs) 252
Exciton recombination times 369
Exciton/evanescent field excitation at tip of nanosensor, illustration 237
Excitons in oligomers and polymers 249
Excitons, contributions in green-blue ZnSe-based QW diode lasers 375—379
Excitons, Frenkel 248 252 264
Excitons, Mott — Wannier (MW) 248
Excitons, resonance interaction 263
Extended Hueckel Theory (EHT) 22—23 26
Extracellular ionic current detection 342
Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) 8 109
Extreme ultraviolet (EUV), lithography 188 221
Extreme ultraviolet (EUV), radiation 8
Fabrication of discrete transistors with scanning probes 270
Fabrication, methods for patterning and pattern generation 113
Fabrication, molecular electronic devices 128—132
Fabrication, optical fibers with nanometer-sized tips 238—240
Fabry — Perot microcavity 386—387
Fabry — Perot-like oscillations of conductance of nanotube 307
Fast Fourier transform spectrum analyzer 151
FCC(111) gold surface 25
Feadatoms 192
Fermentation 407
Fermi energy 8 14 32
Fermi energy for neutral molecule (CNL) 7
Fermi energy of gold 28 143
Fermi energy, equilibrium 11
Fermi energy, location of 6 30
Fermi — Dirac function 12
Fermi, level 36
Fermi, liquid theory 310
| Ferric nitrate 300
Ferroelectric memories 288
Ferromagnetic contacts 497
Ferromagnetic materials 413
FETs see "Field effect transistors"
Feynman — Hellmann theorem 22
Fiber optics, fluorescence-based biosensor 229
Fiber optics, nanobiosensor 246
Fiber optics, nanosensors 242
Fibroblasts, responses to patterned polymers 292
Field cages 98
Field effect transistors 14 59 244—263
Field effect transistors (FETs) 94 241 317—321
Field effect transistors (FETs), transconductance 318—319
Field effect transistors, 1D theory 247—250
Field effect transistors, numerical results 250—252
Field effect transistors, scaling limits, electrostatics 252—255
Field effect transistors, sense amplifier/rectifier 281
Field effect transistors, transistor 241
Field effect transistors, transistor, characteristics of 249 256
Field effect transistors, tunneling, scaling limits 255—256
Field effect transistors, ultimate, alternative ways to 261—263
Field effect, devices 132
Field effect, mobility, dependence of 227
Flicker noise 154
Floating gate memory with a special "stacked" vertical FET 287
Floating point operations per second (FLOPS) 83
Floating-body effects 347 349
Floating-gate memories, ordinary non-volatile 283
Flow cytometer on a chip 416
Flow cytometer, miniature 418 420
Flow cytometer, modern-day, evolution of 415
Flow, framework for modeling 484
Flow, sheath principle 415
Fluid conducting channels, carving of 108
Fluid, behavior in micro-channels 484
Fluid, motion, equations governing 484—487
Fluid, separations based on 492
Fluidics 108
Fluidics in microchannels 483
Fluidics in microchannels, device fabrication for 497—502
Fluidics, structure 112
Fluorescein 348
Fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) 416
Fluorescence, microscopy 408
Fluorescence, technique analysis of molecules 230
Fluorine-substituted metallophthalocyanines 221
Forster effect 33
Four-terminal Landauer formula 305
Four-terminus system, synthesis of 62
Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total internal reflectance (FTIR-ATR) 267
Fowler — Nordheim tunneling 133 280 283
Fractional layer superlattices (FLS) 50
Fractional layer superlattices (FLS), quantum wire laser structures, schematic representation of 51
Franck — Condon overlap factor 265
Free electron charge 100
Frenkel — Poole (FP) conduction 133—134
Frog limb regeneration 337
Frontier orbitals HOMO and LUMO 246
Fuel control 523
Fuel efficiency 52
Full isolation by porous oxidized silicon method (FIPOS) 332
Full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) 374 376—377 406
Fullerene molecules, cage-like, discovery and mass production 293
Fullerene molecules, synthesis by arc-discharge technique 295
Fuzzy boundary between micro- and nano-electronics 206
Ga polarity 77
Ga-polarity modulation doped structure 84
GaAlAs, red 30—31
GaAS 16
GaAs and ZnSe-based lasers 360
GaAs, barriers 17 23
GaAs, cap region 44
GaAs, MESFET power densities, commercially available 126
GaAs, pseudomorphic MODFETs 17
GaAs, QW diode laser and ZnCdSe diode laser, emission photon energy for 378
GaAs-AlGaAs hetero-structure 211
GaAs/AlGaAs, hetero-structures 91
GaAs/AlGaAs, MODFETs, hot electron trapping 115
GaAs/AlGaAs, system 74
Gallium nitride (GaN) 51 55—57
Gallium nitride (GaN) and AlGaN detectors, spectral response of 154
Gallium nitride (GaN) and GaN/AIGaN heterostructures, electron transport properties in 64—67
Gallium nitride (GaN), avalanche photodetector 183
Gallium nitride (GaN), bandgap, large 53
Gallium nitride (GaN), buffer layer 100
Gallium nitride (GaN), chemical properties of 55
Gallium nitride (GaN), current-voltage and gain-voltage plots for 185
Gallium nitride (GaN), detectors, noise performance of 161
Gallium nitride (GaN), diodes, avalanche breakdown in hydride-grown 184
Gallium nitride (GaN), diodes, conductivity of 167
Gallium nitride (GaN), diodes, I-V characteristics of 169
Gallium nitride (GaN), dislocations 65 160
Gallium nitride (GaN), ELOG substrate/template on facet roughness of cleaved diode laser, effect of 364
Gallium nitride (GaN), FET 84
Gallium nitride (GaN), films, grown on sapphire 67
Gallium nitride (GaN), films, Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for 56
Gallium nitride (GaN), homojunction, detectors 165—175
Gallium nitride (GaN), homojunction, photodiodes 175
Gallium nitride (GaN), layers on SiC surface damage roughness 118
Gallium nitride (GaN), mechanical and thermal properties of 56—57
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET 126
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, large signal characteristics of 124
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, and SiC technologies 134
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, devices 120
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, drain characteristics for 130
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, experimental performance of 115—123
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, first, output I—V characteristics of 117
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, on sapphire substrates 118
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, photodiodes 52
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, power amplifier, power performance of single-stage 125
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, Schottky barrier detectors 166
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, substrate, correlation between photoluminescene intensity and etch pit density (dislocation density) 362
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, templates grown by HVPE 67
Gallium nitride (GaN), MODFET, thermal stability and dissociation of 55
GalnAsP-based VCSELs 398
GalnAsP/InP quantum well distributed feedback Bragg-grating (DFB) edge-emitters 397
GalnNAs, quaternary IR lasers 397—399
GalnNAs, ternary infrared lasers 397
GalnNAs/GaAs QW edge-emitting lasers and VCSELs 398
Galvanotaxis 320
Galvanotaxis, chamber, schematic of 329
Galvanotropism 338
GaN and its alloys for blue and blue-green LEDs 30—32
GaN and related heterojunctions 27
GaN, bulk mobility in 67—72
GaN, detectors based on 53
GaN, detectors based on, with A1N mole fractions 52
GaN, devices based on, electronic 134
GaN, devices based on, polarization-induced charge in 136
GaN, dot structure optical characterization 45
GaN, FETs based on, experimental considerations 106—110
GaN, Mg impurity states in 352
GaN, MODFET, structures 21
GaN, MODFETs based on 51 53 96
GaN, MODFETs based on, applications of high-power 53
GaN, MODFETs based on, high-performance 54
GaN, normal modulation doped structures based on 81
GaN, photodetector based on, measured spectral response of 156
GaN, photodetector based on, Schottky barrier 157—165
GaN, semiconductors based on, polarity of epitaxial layer 80
GaN-AlN high-performance ultraviolet detectors 148
GaN-based binaries and ternaries 43
GaN-based devices 21
GaN-based lasers in digital versatile disks, DVD application of 39
GaN-based MODFETs 20—23
GaN/AlGaN, heterostructures, origin of carriers 73
GaN/AlGaN, MODFET heterostructure, schematic representation of 96
GaN/AlGaN, modulation-doped superlattices 393
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