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Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques |
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GaN/AlGaN, single heterojunction diode, reverse current density of 176
Gangliosides 235
GaP, green 30—31
Gas-phase spectroscopy 35
Gate and nanotube capacitive coupling 59
Gate, on sapphire, minimum noise figure and the associated gain of 122
Gate, on sapphire, output I-V characteristics of 121
Gate, on sapphire, small signal current and power gains as a function of frequency of 121
Gate, length devices on SiC substrates 120
Gate, 3-m 119
Gate, AlGaN MODFET 121 122
Gate, dielectric 9 151
Gate, dimensions 21
Gate, dimensions, in mass produced devices 6
Gate, electric field 9
Gate, electrodes 318
Gate, lengths 11
Gate, lengths, 0.25 , devices, development of 17
Gate, oxide scaling area 56
Gate, potential 16 77
Gate, voltage 331
Gate, voltage, dependence of vacuum deposited pentacene OTFTs 228
Gate-drain spacing 120
Gated multi-junction arrays 310
Gated switches through conductance, modulation building 63
Gated transmission line measurement (GTLM) pattern 129
Gaussian deconvolution 32
Gaussian laser beam 428
Gd-doped YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) 31
Gel electrophoresis 391
Gene chips 131—132 205
Gene chips, applications of 134
Gene-based diagnosis and treatment, development of 367
Gene/genetic, basis of tumorgenicity 354
Gene/genetic, discovery in infant brain tissue 355
Gene/genetic, engineering of molecules 235
Gene/genetic, expression, and discovery by DNA and oligonucleotide microarrays 353—358
Gene/genetic, expression, characteristic of inflammatory diseases rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 354
GeneChip® system 365
GeneChip®, of Affymetrix 349 351 356 358 361—364
Generation-recombination (G-R), currents 166
Generation-recombination (G-R), noise 153—154
Generation-recombination (G-R), processes 173
Generation-recombination (G-R), processes, thermal 151
genetic engineering 92
Genome-wide expression analysis of multicellular organism 357
Genomic libraries 135
Genomics 408
Genomics, libraries, mapping 364
Geometry of semiconductor quantum dot 497
Germination, process of 333
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) 13
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR), memories, elements 421
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR), memories, organization 422—423
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR), sandwich materials 13 421
Glass microchannel 502
Glass microchannel, optical micrographs of 499
Glass-wall vacuum sublimation systems 207
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive cells 302
Goedel's, Church's and Turing's models 443
Gold see also "Au"
Gold, (111) films 28
Gold, contacts 28
Gold, powder 135
Gold, surface 17
Gold, wire 2
Grading effects 26
Graphene, atomic structure 296—297
Graphene, lattice 323
Graphite (HOPG), elasticity of 201
Graphite (HOPG), substrate 196
Gravitational force 93
Green's function, anti-Hermitian part 19
Grid electrode approach 424
Ground level transition energy as function of In content in dot 22
Ground state excitonic emission 46
Ground state, lasing 403
Ground state, population inversion 379
Group III-V semiconductors 109
Group III—V GaN layers, growing single-crystal 111
Group-III nitrides 54
Gunn effect diode 154
Half-cell potential 328
Hall, effect and capacitance-voltage profiling measurements 82
Hall, mobility and carrier concentration, measured 69
Hamiltonian, matrix 21—24
Hamiltonian, path problem 375
Hartree approximation 468
Hartree — Fock (HF) scheme 22 25
Hb see "Herring bone"
Heart, electrical activity 106
Heat conductivity 21
heat dissipation 118
Helium 43
Helium vapor 131
Hermann — Mauguin notation 54 60
Herringbone (HB), packing, substitution with chemical groups breaks 246
Herringbone (HB), supramolecular structure typical of unsubstituted oligothiophenes in case of quaterthiophene 245
Heterofunctional biochip (HFB) 365
Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) 23—26
Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT), GaAs- and SiGe-based 24
Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT), high-power and heat-tolerant 134
Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT), InP-based 24
Hexadecylquinolinium, tricyanoquinodi-methanide 54
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) 333
Hexagonal close packed (HCP) sublattices 54
High microcavity laser 386—391
High vacuum (HV) bell-jar deposition systems 207
High- gate dielectric 231—232
High-density microchips 57
High-density optical read and write technologies 52
High-field transport 94—95
High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) 85
High-voltage devices 333
Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) 3 10 29 32 48 132 193 218 see
Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), wavefunction 274
Hippocampal neurons 258—259 264 268
Histidine 359
HIV see "Human immunodefficiency"
Hole qubit structure 483
Hole transporting layer (HTL), triphenyl-diamine derivative (TPD) 35
Hole, injection 45
Hole, states 37
Holographic lithography 306
Holographic memory 68
Homo see "Highest occupied molecular orbital"
HOMO and LUMO, gaps 3 6—8 14 30 52 167 201
HOMO and LUMO, wavefunctions of 23
HOMO-LUMO, energy gap 278
HOMO-LUMO, gap 260 274—275 279 280
Hooge parameter 172
Hooke's law 9
Hopping conductivity 168 180
Hot-carrier degradation 352—355
Hubbard model 13
Hueckel, Hamiltonian 43
Hueckel, model 28
Human immunodefficiency (HIV) virus 232 361—362
Human matrix metallo-elastase (HME) 354
Human, body, electrical activity 104
Human, genome, mapping single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 364
Human, genome, mitochondrial, mapping 364
Human, genome, rough drafts of 347
Human, melanoma 134
Human, neurons 84
Human, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) 419
HVPE see "Hydride vapor phase epitaxy"
HVPE-grown crystals 66
Hybrid biological devices, controlling 521—524
| Hybrid biological devices, engineering constraints in device design 518—521
Hybrid biological devices, substrate engineering 516—518
Hybrid biological nanomachines 505—514
Hybrid biological nanomachines, as sensors 527
Hybrid biological nanomachines, current state of art of engineering 528—533
Hybrid organic-inorganic devices, development of 123
Hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) 53—54 363—365
Hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) or MOCVD buffer layers 65
Hydrogen on silicon (UHV) 204—206
Hydrogenated amorphous Si (a-Si:H) 14—15
Hydrophilicity 267
Hydrophobicity 267
Hydrophobicity, G-V for PDT 33
I-MODFET, electron density distribution in channel of [0001] grown 102
I-MODFET, structure growth in [0001] direction, conduction bandedge for 101
I-V characteristics 16
I-V characteristics for restricted and unrestricted solutions 17
I-V, characteristics, of LED 357
I-V, characteristics, of OTFTs 202
I-V, characteristics, output of 250-nm gate length AlGaN/GaN MODFET device on SiC 120
I-V, curves 36 170
IC see "Integrated circuits"
IC-based electronics societal impact of 161
Ideal inversion domain boundary formed in growth along [0001] direction, schematic representation of 79
Immobilized probes 347—348
Immunoassays 408
Immunochemical methods 299
Immunoglobulin (IgG) molecule, bioactive 273
Immunoglobulin (IgG) molecule, schematic, diagram depicting structure of 229
Immunostaining techniques 408
Impedance of molecular/metal junctions 69
Implantable drug delivery microsystems 119—122
Imprint technology for producing nanoscale electron transistors 80
In grading contribution for single dot 26
In/As and Ga/As concentration ratios deduced by EELS 14
InAlAs/InGaAs, epitaxial structure, schematic diagram 53
InAlAs/InGaAs, QDs 368
InAs or InGaAs QD lasers 392
Incoherent scattering 20
Indentation of resist films 211—212
Indium nitride (InN) 51 60—62
Indium tin oxide (ITO) 34
Indium-tin oxide (ITO) 382
INDO/MRD-CI calculations 249
INDO/SCI scheme 267
Inelastic scattering 4
Infinite ID array of vertically coupled InAs dots 23
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 133 354
InGaAs quantum well 17
InGaAs, QDs 407
InGaAs, QDs, laser 392 394
InGaAs, quantum wires 50
InGaAs, wire laser structure of 52
InGaAs/GaAs dots 25
InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots, fabrication and structural analysis of 2—7
InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots, single and six-fold stacked 3
InGaAs/InAlAs (InP) structures 16
InGaAs/InAlAs (InP) structures, material system growth on InP substrates 51
InGaN 53
InGaN and epilayers, high-resolution microscopy of 373
InGaN, diode lasers 346—351 354 360
InGaN, electronic microstructure and carrier localization 372—375
InGaN, epitaxial thin films 372
InGaN, gain spectroscopic measurements on 370
InGaN, lasers 41
InGaN, LED 28 30—31
InGaN, loss of e-h localization in 390
InGaN, MQW diode laser 372
InGaN, MQW diode laser, cavity losses in 366
InGaN, MQW diode laser, efficiency 367
InGaN, MQW diode laser, gain/absorption specturm of 371
InGaN, MQW diode laser, grown on SiC substrate, emission spectrum 368
InGaN, MQW diode laser, physics of optical gain in 368
InGaN, MQW laser diodes 355
InGaN, MQW laser diodes, ELOG approach for 361
InGaN, MQW VCSEL, optically pumped, spontaneous emission spectra of 380
InGaN, p-n junction heterostructures 369
InGaN, quantum wells (QW) 78 375
InGaN, quantum wells (QW), blue/violet diode lasers, device design, performance, and physics of optical gain of 357
InGaN, quantum wells (QW), thin, optical fingerprints of 369
InGaN, system 387
InGaN/GaN, MQW collection-mode NSOM PL from undoped 374
InGaN/GaN, super-lattices 355
InGaN/GaN/AlGaN MQW separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) 358
InGaP 38
Ink-jet printing 416
InN, crystal structure of 60
InN, electrical properties of 61
InN, experimental density of 61
InN, mechanical and thermal properties of 61
InN, optical properties of 62
Inorganic motors 129—130
Inorganic semiconductors 3
InP, devices based on 17
InP, growth substrate 25
InP-based VCSEL 356
Insect anatomy application 413
Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 173
Insulated gate FETs (IGFETs) 14
Integer and fractional quantum Hall effects 201
Integrated circuits (ICs) 147 150
Integrated circuits (ICs), characteristics, principal 162
Integrated circuits (ICs), component miniaturization 185
Integrated circuits (ICs), fabrication technology 205
Integrated circuits (ICs), improvement trends 162
Integrated circuits (ICs), industry units of measurement 163
Integrated circuits (ICs), manufacturing, cost of transistors in 170
Integrated circuits (ICs), manufacturing, costs of starting wafers and lithography exposure tools 186
Integrated circuits (ICs), manufacturing, technology basics of 163—168
Integrated circuits (ICs), performance and power requirement of 160
Integrated circuits (ICs), process, development and prototyping 167
Integrated circuits (ICs), process, tools 166
Integrated circuits (ICs), technology, "focus areas" 177
Integrated circuits (ICs), technology, R&D sharing, costs of 192
Integrated smart pixel containing FET driving OLED, schematic representation 37
Integrins 100 257
Intel 7 11
Intel, depleted substrate transistor (DST), schematic representation 12
Interatomic and intermolecular forces 320
Interconnect wires 67
Interface coupling 342
Interface roughness scattering on total mobility effect of 91
Internal conversion (IC) 249 262
International SEMATECH (1ST) 174 192 194
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 6 148 172—195 207 240 257
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 15-year horizon 191
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 1999 "Red Brick Wall" 182
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 2000 Update, assessment 196
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 2000 Update, of non-bulk CMOS devices from 198—199
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 2000 Update, of novel logic devices from 200—201
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 2000 Update, of novel systems from 202—203
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 2000-2001 Update Renewal Cycle 181
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), acceleration 183 191
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), background 173—175
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), current technology trends extrapolation 181—191
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), organization and structure 177
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), precursors 174—175
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), process 175—181
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), requirements tables 180
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), requirements tables, guidelines used in creating 179
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), Technology Nodes 193
International Technology Working Group (ITWG) 178
International Workshops on Future Information Technology (IWFIPT series) 196
Intersoliton hopping 51
Intersystem crossing (ISC) 249 262
Intracellular ion concentrations 408
Inverted modulation doped structures 81
Inverted nanopore structure 153
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