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Jacob C. — Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica |
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RNA chromosomes, silent mutations 117
RNA chromosomes, summary of encoding by RNA triplets 90
RNA chromosomes, translation of codons to proteins 88—90
RNA chromosomes, triplet encoding of amino acids 88
RNA chromosomes, triplet table over RNA alphabet 88—89
RNA chromosomes, visualization 91—92
RNA chromosomes, with nucleotide bases 91—92 94
Roll turtle move operations 461
Rozenberg, G. 439 486
Rules, reduction rules 404 406
Rules, rules 89 90
Rules, rule 226 227
Rules, rules 89
Rules, ArtFlower L-rules 495—497 498 509
Rules, cellular automata 441 442 446
Rules, classifier rule 289
Rules, DOL-systems 450 451 452 454
Rules, hierarchical GP-rule systems 292
Rules, Hilbert rules 463
Rules, IL-systems 458 473
Schema theorem for GA 190—207
Schema theorem for GA, as fundamental theorem of GA 205
Schema theorem for GA, covariance and selection theorem vs 207
Schema theorem for GA, defining length of a schema 194
Schema theorem for GA, described 190
Schema theorem for GA, enumeration of all schema instances 179 199—202
Schema theorem for GA, experiments with schemata 194—202
Schema theorem for GA, extraction of schema instances 197
Schema theorem for GA, GA-deceptive problems 206
Schema theorem for GA, generating schema instances for a population 197
Schema theorem for GA, generating schema instances over an alphabet 196—197
Schema theorem for GA, generating schemata of fixed length 194—196
Schema theorem for GA, instances of a schema 193
Schema theorem for GA, inversion and 206
Schema theorem for GA, mutation resistance 205
Schema theorem for GA, order of a schema 194
Schema theorem for GA, overview 205—206
Schema theorem for GA, problems with 206—207
Schema theorem for GA, recombination survival 204—205
Schema theorem for GA, schema defined 193
Schema theorem for GA, schema fitness 203—204
Schema theorem for GA, schemata as building block filters 202
Schema theorem for GA, schemata defined 190
Schema theorem for GA, selection filter survival 203—204
Schema theorem for GA, survival of building blocks 202—206 575
Schemata see schema theorem for GA
Schwefel, Hans — Paul 212 225 279
Search space for biomorphs 47
Second-order evolution 226 229
Selection (see also evolution strategies)
Selection and reproduction schemes selection, selection templates 407—408
Selection functions 161—167
Selection functions, function 166—167
Selection functions, function 163—164
Selection functions, function 165—166
Selection functions, function 323—325
Selection functions, additional functions 167
Selection functions, elitist selection 166—167
Selection functions, fitness-proportionate selection 162—164
Selection functions, plus and comma strategies 162 171 190 191—192
Selection functions, random survival 162
Selection functions, rank-based selection 164—166
Selection functions, tournament selection (FSA) 323—325
Selection, as principle of evolution 2 6
Selection, cumulative 5—33
Selection, directional 34
Selection, elitist 166—167
Selection, EP selection and evolution scheme 322—325
Selection, ES graphical notation for 253
Selection, ES selection and reproduction schemes 252—256
Selection, evaluation and 59
Selection, fitness-proportionate 162—164
Selection, GA evolution schemes and 161—169
Selection, GA selection 168—169
Selection, GP selection 372—373
Selection, in evolutionary parameter optimization scheme 73
Selection, phenotypical 58—60
Selection, random selection on lists 351
Selection, rank-based 164—166
Selection, single-step 7
Selection, surviving the GA selection filter 203—204
Self — Reproduction special issue of Artificial Life journal 469
Selfish Gene, The 52
Sexual reproduction as GA principle 80—81
Sierpinski triangle 475
Silent mutations 1 17
Similarity, calculating between generated sets and reference structure 477—478
Similarity, Hamming distance for measuring 8
Similarity, measure for strings 14—16
Simple Genetic Algorithm, The 208
Simulated diploidy 99—101
Simulated diploidy, all possible allele combinations 100
Simulated diploidy, dominance and recessivity 99—100
Simulated diploidy, dominance relation 100
Simulated diploidy, extraction of dominant alleles 100—101
Simulated diploidy, table of dominant alleles 101
Simulated mimesis of butterflies see butterfly mimesis simulation
Simulating Society 469
Sinc function 267
Single-step selection 7
Sipper, Moshe 469
Smith, John Maynard 52
States of FSA, adding 306—307 308
States of FSA, changing the initial state 304—305
States of FSA, deleting 307—309
States of FSA, final states 300
States of FSA, initial state 299—300
States of FSA, modifying the set of states 305—309
States of FSA, signals and 299
States, adaptations as 4—5
Steady state GA 169
Stochastic L-systems 474
String evolution example, analyzing the first string evolution 24
String evolution example, as "key experiment" 5—6
String evolution example, best individual 20
String evolution example, coarse adjustment vs. fine tuning 24
| String evolution example, comparison of three-string evolutions 32—33
String evolution example, conservative parameter settings 25
String evolution example, decreased adaptation rate in final phase 24
String evolution example, evolution loop 21
String evolution example, Evolvica implementation 12—21
String evolution example, experiments 21—33
String evolution example, Hamming distances 8 9 10 20 25 27 28 32
String evolution example, illustrations of string evolution 22—23 28—30 32
String evolution example, increased mutation radius, effects of 25—28
String evolution example, increased mutation, effects of 28—32
String evolution example, initial population 16
String evolution example, mutation function 10—12
String evolution example, mutation radius 11—12 17 18—19
String evolution example, mutation rate 11 16—17 18—19
String evolution example, next generation 19—20 21
String evolution example, number decoding for strings 13—14
String evolution example, number encoding for strings 8—9 13
String evolution example, objective string 6
String evolution example, random string generation 16
String evolution example, selection and mutation algorithm 9—12
String evolution example, selection and mutation scheme 7—9
String evolution example, similarity measure for strings 14—16
String evolution example, single-step selection 7
String evolution example, starting a string evolution 22
String evolution example, string alphabet 6
String evolution example, task description 6
String evolution example, variation vector 16—17
String evolution illustrations, mutation radius: 2, mutation rate: 0.1 22—23 25 32
String evolution illustrations, mutation radius: 2, mutation rate: 0.2 28—31 32
String evolution illustrations, mutation radius: 4, mutation rate: 0.1 26—27 32
Structure space, genotypical 58—60
Structures as adaptive system components 60 61
Subtree mutation operator (GP) 431
Successor in L-systems 451
Superindividuals, problem of 164—165
Survival, adaptation as crucial factor for 5
Survival, GP evolution of balanced mobiles 390
Survival, implicit goals defined by 42 45
Survival, random 162
Survival, schema theorem for GA and 202—206
Symbolic expressions see genetic programming on symbolic expressions
Szilard, A. L. 458
Table L-systems 474
Term structures see genetic programming on symbolic expressions
Terms as tree structures 347—348
Theory of Evolution, The 52
TIERRA system 294
Time requirements for single-step selection 7
Todd, Stephen 53
Toth, Z. 487
Tournament selection (FSA) 323—325
Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 76
Transcription phase of cellular automata 446
Transitions in FSA 299
Transitions in FSA, adding 309—311
Transitions in FSA, changing input symbol for 313—314 315
Transitions in FSA, changing output symbol for 314—316
Transitions in FSA, changing source for 316—318
Transitions in FSA, changing target for 318—320
Transitions in FSA, deleting 311—313
Transitions in FSA, modifying the set of transitions 309—313
Transitions in FSA, modifying transitions 313—320
Transitions in FSA, network for added states 306—307
Translation phase of cellular automata 446
Tree structures, L-systems 466 467 468
Tree structures, symbolic expressions as 365—366
Tree structures, terms as 347—348
Tree-structured chromosomes 346—347
Triple sine (ES multimodal test function) 266—268
Triplet encoding of amino acids 88—90
Turing machine universal constructor 443
Turn turtle move operation 462
Turtle 462 463
Turtle drawing tool example (see also Lindenmayer systems)
Turtle drawing tool example, function 459 464
Turtle drawing tool example, changing turtle orientation 460 462
Turtle drawing tool example, changing turtle position 459—460
Turtle drawing tool example, drawing graphical elements 462
Turtle drawing tool example, energetic turtle 519
Turtle drawing tool example, environmentally sensitive turtle interpretation 519
Turtle drawing tool example, Hilbert curve demo 463—465
Turtle drawing tool example, macro turtle commands 490—491
Turtle drawing tool example, modeling of branching structures 465—467 468
Turtle drawing tool example, position and orientation of a turtle 458 459
Turtle drawing tool example, turtle interpretation 458 519
Turtle drawing tool example, variation of attributes 462—465
Turtle, attributes 462—465
Turtle, interpretation 458 519
Typed GP 366—367
Uncertain Programming 208
Uniformly distributed random variables 227
Universal constructors 443
Unweaving the Rainbow 52
Update rules for cellular automata 441—442
V nyi, R. 487
Variability 57—58
Variation vector 16—17
Variation, as adaptation step 63
Variation, genotypical 58—60
Variation, in evolutionary parameter optimization scheme 73
Videos on genetic programming 396
Visual Models of Plants Interacting with Their Environment 525
Vit nyi, P. 486
Vogel, Sebastian 3
von Neumann neighborhood for cellular automata 441
von Neumann, John 80 443
Vose, Michael 208
Walsh, Michael 288 298 344
Wellin, Paul 469
Wildwood: The Evolution of L-System Plants for Virtual Environments 526
Wilson, S. 292
Wirth, Niklaus 396
Wolfram, Stephen 440 467
Word sequence for D0L-systems 450
Yaw turtle move operations 461
Young, David 3 52
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