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Jacob C. — Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica |
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Genetic programming mutation, expansion mutation operator 432
Genetic programming mutation, for balanced mobiles 390
Genetic programming mutation, GP chromosomes 370—371
Genetic programming mutation, GP terms 367—371
Genetic programming mutation, hoist operator 431
Genetic programming mutation, permutation operator 431
Genetic programming mutation, point mutation operator 431
Genetic programming mutation, subtree mutation operator 432
Genetic programming mutation, tree structures 369—370
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions 292—294 347—358
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, arithmetic expression examples 356—358
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, building block example 350
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, closure property of GP terms 356—357
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, completeness of GP building blocks 357
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, defining building blocks through patterns 354—355
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, generating terms 350—356
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, generating terms with variable numbers of arguments 355—356
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, GP terms 349
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, graphing terms as tree structures 353—354 355
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, linear vs. hierarchical program structures 292—293
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, patterns for function symbols 35 1
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, problem-specific building blocks 348 357
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, recursive construction of GP terms 350—351
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, requirements for program building blocks 356—358
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, symbolic expressions as trees 365—366
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, term-structured GP expressions 348—350
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, terms as tree structures 347—348
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, terms vs. symbolic expressions 349—350 365
Genetic programming on symbolic expressions, typed GP 366—367
Genetic programming on term structures see genetic programming on symbolic expressions
Genetic Programming Problem Solver 396
Genetic programming recombination 358—367
Genetic programming recombination, example 408 420 421
Genetic programming recombination, crossover of identical genomes 511 520
Genetic programming recombination, for balanced mobiles 390
Genetic programming recombination, GP chromosome recombination 363—365
Genetic programming recombination, GP crossover problems 365—367
Genetic programming recombination, GP term recombination 363
Genetic programming recombination, performance measure for recombination operators 429—430
Genetic programming recombination, recombination at root position 361—362
Genetic programming recombination, recombination of two terms 361 362
Genetic programming recombination, recombination on list of terms 363 364
Genetic programming recombination, term crossover 358—359 365—367
Genetic programming recombination, term recombination in Evolvica 359—365
Genetic programming with linear genomes 291—292
Genetic programming, example 399—427
Genetic programming, adaptive operator weights 427—430
Genetic programming, adequate representation of computer programs 345
Genetic programming, advanced operators and functionality 430—434
Genetic programming, advanced, at work 399—435
Genetic programming, architecture-altering operations 432 434
Genetic programming, automatically defined functions 432—433
Genetic programming, automatically defined iterations and loops 434
Genetic programming, bibliographical notes 392 396—397 435
Genetic programming, binary (BGP) 291
Genetic programming, comma strategy 373 374 376 390
Genetic programming, competition among genetic operators 427—428
Genetic programming, compiling GP (CGP) 292
Genetic programming, defined 293
Genetic programming, ES vs 358—359 373
Genetic programming, evolution scheme 371—377
Genetic programming, evolutionary algorithms and 344
Genetic programming, fractal evolution 475—476
Genetic programming, GA and 327 345—346 358—359 367 373
Genetic programming, in action 377—392
Genetic programming, modularization of programs 432
Genetic programming, multioperator 426
Genetic programming, mutation of program structures 367—371
Genetic programming, on symbolic expressions (term structures) 291 292—294 347—358
Genetic programming, operator selection 428
Genetic programming, performance measure for recombination operators 429—430
Genetic programming, performance measure for unary operators 429
Genetic programming, plus strategy 373 374 376
Genetic programming, recombination of program structures 358—367
Genetic programming, term crossover 358—359 365—367
Genetic programming, terms vs. symbolic expressions 349—350 365
Genetic programming, tree-structured chromosomes in 346—347
Genetic programming, typed 366—367
Genetic programming, with linear genomes 291—292
Genetic Programming: An Introduction 396 435
Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection 293 392
Genomes, biomorph structure 45
Genomes, control programs in 283
Genomes, evaluation of program genomes 285
Genomes, evolution of genome expressions 504 506—509
Genotypes, as adaptive components 60
Genotypes, binary string representation of 70
Genotypes, fractal structure evolution 481 482
Genotypes, one-way road of 59—60
Genotypes, visualization in GA 174 175
Genotypical structures in GA 80 81
Genotypical variation, feedback loop with phenotypical selection 59—60
Genotypical variation, overview 58—60
Gerharz, Rudi 489
Global ES recombination 237—243
Global ES recombination, discrete or intermediate 238—239
Global ES recombination, local vs 234
Global ES recombination, multiple global and local 250—252
Global ES recombination, multirecombination 238 249—250
Global ES recombination, recombination diagram 241—243
Global ES recombination, selecting elements to recombine 240—241
Global ES recombination, three-stage scheme of multiple recombination 240
Global maximum 68
GLP (genetic L-system programming) 490 517 518
Goldberg, David E. 82 207
Goodwin, Brian 51
GP see genetic programming
GP chromosomes, recombination 364—365 (see also genetic programming recombination)
GP chromosomes, structure of 363
GP chromosomes, tree-structured 346—347 (see also genetic programming on symbolic expressions)
GP conference 397
Gradient-following strategy 66 67
Growth programs in ontogeny 4
Hamilton, P. 486
Hamilton, William 347
Hamming distances, described 8
Hamming distances, string evolution examples 8 9 10 20 25 27 28 32
Hanan, Jim 458 486
Handbook of Evolutionary Computation 75
Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, The 208
Haploid GA chromosomes 83—95
Haploid GA chromosomes, binary chromosomes 84—88 106—108
Haploid GA chromosomes, chromosomes with real-value alleles 93—95
Haploid GA chromosomes, defined 96 106
Haploid GA chromosomes, deletion 153—154
Haploid GA chromosomes, indexed 84 150
Haploid GA chromosomes, mutation on binary chromosomes 106—108
Haploid GA chromosomes, recombination 135—137 138—139
Haploid GA chromosomes, RNA chromosomes 88—93
Heterogeneity of traits 57—58
Heuristic programming 297
Hicklin, J. E 292
Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity 208
Hilbert curve demo for turtle 463 465
Hoffmeister, F. 229
Hoist operator (GP) 431
Holland, John H. 79 81 123 190 208 283 286 289
How Nature Works 51
How the Leopard Changed Its Spots 51
ICGA (International Conference on Genetic Algorithms) 208—209
IL-systems 456—458 472 474
Index-dependent dominance 104—105
Indexed haploid GA chromosomes 84 150
Individuals, adaptation of populations vs 4—5
Individuals, dualism of 60
Individuals, expression of 59
Individuals, subpopulations as meta-individuals 258
Individuals, superindividuals 164—165
Industrialization and mimesis 33—34
Inheritance, evolution and 3
| Inheritance, fitness inheritance 58
Inheritance, recombination and 58
Instances of a schema, function 196—197
Instances of a schema, defined 193
Instances of a schema, enumeration of 179 199—202
Instances of a schema, extraction of 197
Instances of a schema, generating for a population 197
Instances of a schema, generating over an alphabet 196—197
Intelligence Through Simulated Evolution 344
Intelligent agents as predictors about environment 299
Interactive evolution of biomorphs 47—51
Interactive evolution, design by 42 45
Intermediate recombination 232—234
Intermediate recombination, global 238—239
Intermediate recombination, local 235
Intermediate recombination, local multirecombination 247—249
Intermediate recombination, multirecombination on parameter lists 233—234
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA) 208—209
Interpretation, example 401—404 406
Interpretation, GA chromosome interpretation 97—99 101—105
Interpretation, in evolutionary parameter optimization scheme 72—73
Interpretation, turtle interpretation 458 464 519
Introduction to Artificial Life 469
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, An 207
Introns 155 402—403
Inversion GA operator 150—153
Inversion GA operator, function 151 152
Inversion GA operator, effect of 183 184
Inversion GA operator, generalized inversion 151—152
Inversion GA operator, inversion effects on natural chromosomes 150
Inversion GA operator, schema theorem and 206
Iterated rewriting in L-systems 452 453
Iterations, automatically defined in GP 434
Jacob, C. 524 526
Jefferson, D. 399 400
Jump turtle move operations 460 567
K kai, G. 487
Koch curve 475
Koza, John 293 345 347 392 396 486
L-Systems see Lindenmayer systems
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de 4
Langdon, William 396
Langton, Christopher 399 444 449 470
Latham, William 53
Levy, Steven 435 469
Lindenmayer systems 449—468 471 487
Lindenmayer systems, commands 466
Lindenmayer systems, commands 465 466
Lindenmayer systems, commands 465 466
Lindenmayer systems, Anabaena catenula growth simulation 451—453
Lindenmayer systems, animation sequence for visualization 464—465
Lindenmayer systems, bibliographical notes 486—487 524—526
Lindenmayer systems, Bit strings encoding 472 473
Lindenmayer systems, bracketed system for tree structure 466—467 468
Lindenmayer systems, cell layer growth 451 453 456
Lindenmayer systems, cellular automata vs 455—456
Lindenmayer systems, changing turtle orientation 460 462
Lindenmayer systems, changing turtle position 459—460
Lindenmayer systems, constraints for building blocks 474
Lindenmayer systems, context-free 450—456
Lindenmayer systems, context-sensitive 456 458 473
Lindenmayer systems, derivability 450—451
Lindenmayer systems, deterministic (D0L) 450 455
Lindenmayer systems, drawing graphic elements 462
Lindenmayer systems, encoding IL-systems 472 474
Lindenmayer systems, evolutionary algorithms for inference 472
Lindenmayer systems, evolutionary influence of 471—487
Lindenmayer systems, for artificial plant evolution 489—490
Lindenmayer systems, fractal structure evolution 474—486
Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants 486
Lindenmayer systems, functions required for inference 472
Lindenmayer systems, genetic L-system programming (GLP) 490 517 518
Lindenmayer systems, genetic operators 477
Lindenmayer systems, Hilbert curve demo 463 465
Lindenmayer systems, IL-systems 456—458 472—474
Lindenmayer systems, implicit description of spatial structures 458—465
Lindenmayer systems, inference problem 471—472
Lindenmayer systems, iterated rewriting 452 453
Lindenmayer systems, language of DOL-systems 450
Lindenmayer systems, modeling of branching structures 465—467 468
Lindenmayer systems, of flowering plant 490 491
Lindenmayer systems, one L-systems 456
Lindenmayer systems, parallel rewriting of strings 449
Lindenmayer systems, parametrized 453 455
Lindenmayer systems, parametrized tree system 467
Lindenmayer systems, position and orientation of a turtle 458 459
Lindenmayer systems, predecessor 451
Lindenmayer systems, productions 450 452 456 473
Lindenmayer systems, repair and translation 473
Lindenmayer systems, rules 450 451 452 454 458 473
Lindenmayer systems, signal interactions 457
Lindenmayer systems, stochastic L-systems 474
Lindenmayer systems, substitution principle of 439
Lindenmayer systems, successor 451
Lindenmayer systems, table L-systems 474
Lindenmayer systems, templates for encoding 474
Lindenmayer systems, tL-systems 456—457
Lindenmayer systems, zL-systems 450—456
Lindenmayer Systems: Structure, Languages, and Growth Functions 486
Lindenmayer, Aristid 439 449 471 486 490 524
Linear genomes, genetic programming with 291—292
Lintermann, Bernd 526
LISP programs, genetic operators for 292
LISP programs, Mathematica and 293
Liu, Baoding 208
Local ES recombination 235—237
Local ES recombination, binary 245—247
Local ES recombination, discrete or intermediate 235
Local ES recombination, global vs 234
Local ES recombination, multiple global and local 250—252
Local ES recombination, multirecombination 235 247—249
Local maxima 66 67 68—69
Loops, automatically defined in GP 434
Loops, between genotypical and phenotypical levels 59—60
Loops, data paths 443—444
Loops, duplication of signals at T crossings 443 444
Loops, evolution loop 21
Loops, implicit for sensors 403
Loops, in cellular automata 444 449
Loops, instructions 446
Loops, life-cycle of loops 446
Loops, loops 444 449
Loops, mutated loops 446 447—449
Loops, storage elements, loops as 444
Loops, transcription phase 446
Loops, translation phase 446
Lychnis coronaria see artificial plant evolution; breeding artificial flowers
Macro turtle commands 490—491
Masked GA recombination 128—131
Masked GA recombination, by example 129
Masked GA recombination, generation of masks 129—130
Masked GA recombination, multipoint crossover 130—131
Masked GA recombination, one-point crossover 130
Masked GA recombination, using faces 148 149
Mathematica, package 300
Mathematical Models for Cellular Interaction in Development 486
Maximization vs. minimization optimization 69
Mayr, E. 1
Mealy machines see finite state automata (FSA)
Mech, Radomir 525
Meiosis, cell division phase 143 144
Meiosis, diploidy and 95—96
Meiosis, genetic algorithms and 80—81
Meiosis, recombination of diploid GA chromosomes 143—146
Meiotic recombination of diploid GA chromosomes 143—146
Meiotic recombination of diploid GA chromosomes, generation of two gametes 143
Meiotic recombination of diploid GA chromosomes, meiotic recombination and division 145—146
Meiotic recombination of diploid GA chromosomes, merging 145
Meiotic recombination of diploid GA chromosomes, recombination mimicking meiosis 145
Melanistic moths 34
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