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Jacob C. — Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica |
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Artificial intelligence (AI), neural networks 1 61 297 399
Artificial intelligence (AI), top-down approach 297
Artificial Intelligence Through Simulated Evolution 298 344
Artificial life 435 469
Artificial life (AL) (see also )
Artificial life (AL), search behaviors 399
Artificial life (AL), test environment for 399—400
Artificial life (AL), tree-structured chromosomes and 347
Artificial Life Conference 470
Artificial Life journal 469 470
Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology 469
Artificial plant evolution 489—526 (see also breeding artificial flowers)
Artificial plant evolution, ArtFlower garden 490—493 514—517 518
Artificial plant evolution, ArtFlower L-system breeding 514
Artificial plant evolution, bibliographical notes 524—526
Artificial plant evolution, breeding artificial flowers 493—513
Artificial plant evolution, coevolution 519—520 522—524 525
Artificial plant evolution, comparing growth dynamics 517
Artificial plant evolution, comparing sizes of generated plants 493
Artificial plant evolution, competition 521—522 523
Artificial plant evolution, energetic turtle 519
Artificial plant evolution, environmentally sensitive turtle interpretation 519
Artificial plant evolution, evaluation function extensions 519
Artificial plant evolution, evolution of plant ecosystems 519—525
Artificial plant evolution, evolution of plant structures 489
Artificial plant evolution, evolution’s creativity 514—516
Artificial plant evolution, example succession 523—524 525
Artificial plant evolution, extensions for more realistic plant modeling 517—519
Artificial plant evolution, first variants of Lychnis wild type 499—504
Artificial plant evolution, genetic L-system programming (GLP) 490 517 518
Artificial plant evolution, growth and recursive branching 492—493 494 495
Artificial plant evolution, growth dynamics 519
Artificial plant evolution, growth rate 521—522
Artificial plant evolution, L-systems for 489—490 491
Artificial plant evolution, macro turtle commands 490—491
Artificial plant evolution, model for plant ecosystems 520—522
Artificial plant evolution, mutation effects 504—509
Artificial plant evolution, parametrized plants 521
Artificial plant evolution, plant ecosystem scenario 520
Artificial plant evolution, plant interactions 519
Artificial plant evolution, preparations for breeding experiments 495 499
Artificial plant evolution, primary succession 521
Artificial plant evolution, recombination effects 510—513
Artificial plant evolution, reproduction interval 522
Artificial plant evolution, structure formation and growth 492
Artificial plant evolution, structure formation dynamics 514
Artificial plant evolution, succession 521 523—524 525
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 8
Assembler programs, for one-bit registers 287
Assembler programs, higher programming languages vs 287
Assembler programs, mutated 287—288
Attributes of turtle 462—463
Automata, cellular see cellular automata
Automata, finite state see finite state automata (FSA)
Automata, Languages, Development 486
Avida system 469
B ck, Thomas 76 229
Bak, Per 51
Benyus, Janine 53
Best selection in GP 373
Best selection in GP, in ES 252—257
Best selection in GP, in GA 166—167
BGP (binary genetic programming) 291
Bibliographical notes, artificial life 469—470
Bibliographical notes, artificial plant evolution 524—526
Bibliographical notes, cellular automata 467—469
Bibliographical notes, evolution 51—52
Bibliographical notes, evolution strategies 279—280
Bibliographical notes, evolution theory 52
Bibliographical notes, evolutionary computation 75—77
Bibliographical notes, evolutionary design 52—53
Bibliographical notes, evolutionary programming 344
Bibliographical notes, genetic algorithms 207—209
Bibliographical notes, genetic programming 392 396—397 435
Bibliographical notes, Lindenmayer systems 486—487 524—526
Bibliographical notes, modeling of ecosystems 526
Bibliographical notes, programming by evolution 294—295
Bickel, A. S. 292
Bickel, R. W 292
Binary componentwise GA recombination 124—126
Binary ES recombination 231
Binary ES recombination, global 249—250
Binary ES recombination, local 245—247
Binary GA chromosomes 84—88
Binary GA chromosomes, compact output form with gene indices 86
Binary GA chromosomes, diploid 97
Binary GA chromosomes, generation of triploid chromosomes 139—140
Binary GA chromosomes, haploid 84—88 106—108
Binary GA chromosomes, mutation of haploid chromosomes 106—108
Binary GA chromosomes, normalized representation 87
Binary GA chromosomes, randomly arranging genes 86—87
Binary GA chromosomes, real numbers vs. binary encoding 84—85
Binary GA chromosomes, visualization 86 87
Binary genetic programming (BGP) 291
Binary matrices in GA evolution 174
Binary multirecombination of GA chromosomes 132
Binary strings, decoding 70—71
Binary strings, encoding 70
Binary strings, evaluation function for binary-encoded numbers 176
Binary strings, for genetic algorithms 82
Binary strings, genotypes represented as 70
Binary strings, real numbers vs 84—85
biomimicry 53
Biomorphs 45—51
Biomorphs, breeding of 47—51
Biomorphs, defined 45
Biomorphs, developmental genes of 45—46
Biomorphs, genome structure 45
Biomorphs, interactive evolution of 47—51
Biomorphs, mutant forms 46
Biomorphs, parameter range for variants 47
Biomorphs, search space 47
Bionics, described 1—2
Blind watchmaker principle of evolution 345
Blind Watchmaker, The 45 52
Bonner, John Tyler 51
Breeding artificial flowers 493—513 (see also artificial plant evolution)
Breeding artificial flowers, additional main sprout 512—513 520
Breeding artificial flowers, bloom-carrying branches 504 505
Breeding artificial flowers, branching 5 10 511
Breeding artificial flowers, counting blooms 499
Breeding artificial flowers, critical mass of preset structures 497
Breeding artificial flowers, crossover of identical genomes 511 520
Breeding artificial flowers, duplication 509
Breeding artificial flowers, elongation of stalks 504 505
Breeding artificial flowers, evolution of fitness values 503
Breeding artificial flowers, evolution of genome expressions 504 506—509
Breeding artificial flowers, first variants of Lychnis wild type 499—504
Breeding artificial flowers, fitness criterion 499—500 503
Breeding artificial flowers, formation of complex structures 500 503
Breeding artificial flowers, genealogical tree of Lychnis mutant 504 505
Breeding artificial flowers, genetic operators 497—498 551
Breeding artificial flowers, increasing blooms 500 502—503
Breeding artificial flowers, initial population 500 501
Breeding artificial flowers, L-rules 495—497 498 509
Breeding artificial flowers, measuring plants 499—500
Breeding artificial flowers, mutation effects 504—509
Breeding artificial flowers, mutations vs. recombinations 509
Breeding artificial flowers, parametrized expressions 497
Breeding artificial flowers, plant evaluation 499—500
Breeding artificial flowers, preparations for breeding experiments 495—499
Breeding artificial flowers, ramification with long branches 500 501
Breeding artificial flowers, recombination effects 510—513
Breeding artificial flowers, step-by-step evolution of structural traits 504 505
Breeding artificial flowers, templates 495 496 498—499
Breeding of biomorphs 47—51
Bremermann, H. J. 288
Broadcast language 290
Bucket brigade scheme 290
Butterfly mimesis simulation 34 42 43—44
| Butterfly mimesis simulation, adaptation from gray to white 42 44
Butterfly mimesis simulation, adaptation from white to gray 40—42 43
Butterfly mimesis simulation, butterfly fitness calculation 35—36
Butterfly mimesis simulation, camouflage on tree trunks 38—42
Butterfly mimesis simulation, evolution simulation for white background 36—39
Butterfly mimesis simulation, generation of simple butterfly world 34—35
Butterfly mimesis simulation, reproduction phase 36
Butterfly mimesis simulation, selection phase 36
CA see cellular automata
camouflage see mimesis
Cantor set 475
CD turtle attribute 463
CEC (Congress on Evolutionary Computation) 76—77 280 344
Cellular Automata and Complexity 467—468
Cellular Automata Machines: A New Environment for Modeling 469
Cellular automata, AI uses for 399
Cellular automata, as models of complexity 440
Cellular automata, bibliographical notes 467—469
Cellular automata, Codd’s universal constructors 443
Cellular automata, Lindenmayer systems vs 455—456
Cellular automata, neighborhoods for 440—441
Cellular automata, nervous system paradigm 443
Cellular automata, parallel rewriting 449
Cellular automata, pattern formation in one dimension 441—443
Cellular automata, point mutations on automata rules 446
Cellular automata, self-reproducing loops 444 445
Cellular automata, self-reproducing machines 443
Cellular automata, structure formation and self-reproduction 443—449
Cellular automata, substitution principle of 439
Cellular automata, update rules for two neighbors 441—442
CGP (compiling GP) 292
Chernoff figures, GA recombination using 146—148 149
Chernoff figures, parameterized faces 118—119
Chernoff figures, point GA mutations using 117—121 122
Chernoff, H. 117
Chomsky grammars 449
Chromosomes (see also ES chromosomes; GA chromosomes; GP chromosomes)
Chromosomes, data structure 84
Chromosomes, tree-structured 346—347
Classifier systems 289—290
Classifier systems, broadcast language 290
Classifier systems, bucket brigade scheme 290
Classifier systems, classifier 290
Classifier systems, classifier rule 289
Classifier systems, GA adaptation of populations 290
Climbing Mount Improbable 52
Closure property of GP terms 356—357
Codd, E. F. 443
Codons (triplets), overview 88
Codons (triplets), translation to proteins 88—90
Codons (triplets), triplet table over RNA alphabet 88—89
Coevolution of plant species 519—520 522—524 525
Collapse subtree mutation operator (GP) 431
Color attributes of turtle 462—463
Comma strategy, for EP evolution 325—326 331
Comma strategy, for ES evolution 254—255 261 274
Comma strategy, for GA evolution 168 171 190 191
Comma strategy, for GP evolution 373 374 376 390
Compact output form, for GA chromosomes 86
Compact output form, for RNA chromosomes 94
Competition, in artificial plant evolution 521—522 523
Competition, in GP 427—428
Compiling GP (CGP) 292
Completeness of GP building blocks 357
Complexity models, cellular automata as 440
Componentwise GA recombination 124
Componentwise GA recombination, binary 124—126
Componentwise GA recombination, discrete 126
Componentwise GA recombination, of haploid chromosomes 139
Componentwise multirecombination 126
Computer models of developmental programs 439—470 (see also cellular automata; Lindenmayer systems)
Computer models of developmental programs, cellular automata and cellular programming 440—449
Computer models of developmental programs, Lindenmayer systems 449—467 468
Computer programs as FSA 298—303
Computer Simulations with Mathematica 469
Conference on Evolutionary Programming 344
Conferences, on artificial life 470
Conferences, on evolution strategies 280
Conferences, on evolutionary computation 76—77
Conferences, on evolutionary programming 344
Conferences, on genetic algorithms 208—209
Conferences, on genetic programming 397
Conferences, on programming by evolution 294—295
Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 76—77 280 344
Context-free L-systems 450—456
Context-sensitive L-systems 456—458 473
Control programs, example 401—404 406
Control programs, ES evolution control function 261—263
Control programs, in genomes 283
Correlated mutation 231
Covariance and selection theorem 207
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes 126—128
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, crossover of nonhomologous chromosomes 158—161
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, crosswise recombination 127
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, duplication effects 155 156
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, four-point crossover 128
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, haploid chromosomes 135—137 138—139
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, inverse recombination mask 127
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, masked multipoint crossover 130—131
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, masked one-point crossover 130
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, multirecombination 131—133
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, one-point crossover 127 148 149
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, survival of 204—205
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, triploid chromosomes 140—143
Cross recombination of GA chromosomes, using faces 148 149
Crossover of nonhomologous chromosomes 158—161
Crossover of nonhomologous chromosomes, one-point crossover with different crossover points 159—160
Crossover of nonhomologous chromosomes, recombination effects 160
Crossover of nonhomologous chromosomes, three-point crossover with different crossover points 161
Crossover of nonhomologous chromosomes, translocations between nonhomologous chromosomes 158—159
Crossover of nonhomologous chromosomes, two-point crossover with different crossover points 160—161
Cumulative selection 5—33 (see also string evolution example)
Cybernetic Solution Path of an Experimental Problem 279
Darwin, Charles, evolutionary process formulated by 2 57
Darwin, Charles, Origin of Species, The 51
Darwin, Charles, variational evolution concept of 1
Darwin, Erasmus 4
Davis, Lawrence 208
Dawkins, Richard 45 52
Decapsulation operator ( ) 408 421
Decoding, analogy to ribosome translation 92—93
Decoding, binary strings for genotypes 70—71
Decoding, genotypes in GA 174—176
Decoding, number decoding for strings 13—14
Defining length of a schema 194
Deleting, FSA states 307—309
Deleting, FSA transitions 311—313
Deletion GA operator 153—155
Deletion GA operator, chromosome with fragment loss 154—155
Deletion GA operator, deletion effects on natural chromosomes 150
Deletion GA operator, effect of 183 184
Deletion GA operator, examples of effects 155
Deletion GA operator, exons and introns 155
Deletion GA operator, haploid chromosomes 153—154
Deletion operator, 408 420 421
Deletion operator, ArtFlowers 498
Deletion operator, GA see deletion GA operator
Deletion operator, L-system 477
Density function in ES mutation 219—220
Derivability of L-systems 450—451
Deussen, Oliver 526
Development, evolution as 3
Development, evolution vs 3
Development, ontogenetic 3—4
Development, phylogenetic 4
Developmental genes of biomorphs 45—46
Developmental programs see artificial plant evolution; cellular automata; Lindenmayer systems
Dickson, S. 117
Differential fitness 58
Differential survival probability 162
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