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Jacob C. — Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica |
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-ploid GA chromosomes see polyploid GA chromosomes
commands for Lindenmayer systems 466
commands for Lindenmayer systems 465—466
commands for Lindenmayer systems 465—466
system 469
function 307 308
function 310—311 314
command ( ) 401 402 404
command ( ) 402—403 404
example 399—427
example, analysis of best programs 412—417
example, ant actions and interpretation of control programs 401 404 406
example, avoiding walls 412 413 416
example, Bernoulli experiment 423—427
example, command sequences 404
example, comparison of best-evolved programs 422 423
example, comparison of evolution runs 423—427
example, difficulty of task 401
example, discovering walk-throughs 409 413 415—416
example, evaluation 405—406
example, evolution of best individuals 409 417
example, evolution of program depths 419—420
example, evolution of the gene pool 418
example, fitness evolution and genome complexity 418—420
example, following food paths 409 412 414 416 422 423
example, generating program genomes 404 405 406 407
example, genetic operators 407—408 420 422 425
example, influence of operator adaptation 420—422
example, intron regions 402—403
example, John Muir Trail for 400
example, multioperator (MO) GP evolution 425—426
example, number of ant programs needed 425
example, number of evolution runs needed 423—424
example, number of individuals needed 423 424—425
example, perfect foraging 415 416—417
example, problem description 401
example, program complexity 419
example, recombination importance 420
example, reduction rules 404 406
example, repertoire of ant actions 401
example, reproduction-crossover (RC) evolution 425—426
example, response to environmental signals 402
example, selection templates 407—408
example, sensors 401 402 412
example, specialization vs. generalization 422
example, symbolic expression advantages 408
example, time limit 402
example, turning off from walls 412—413 415
example, two-dimensional environment for 400 401
example, walking along walls 414 416
package 300
function 328—329
turtle move operation 460
function 383—384
function 313—314 315
function 315—316
function 317—318
function 319 320
function 227
function 95
function 120 147
function, for binary multirecombination 132
function, for haploid GA chromosome recombination 136—137
function for diploid GA chromosomes 97—98 104
function for haploid GA chromosome recombination 136
function for mutation on haploid chromosomes 107
function for polyploid GA chromosomes 98—99
function for RNA chromosomes 91 93
function for binary GA chromosomes 86 87
function for real-number GA chromosomes 95
turtle attribute 463
turtle attribute 462
function 199—202
function 86
function 98
function, for diploid GA chromosomes 97—98
function, for ES chromosomes 214 215 223—224 227—228 229—230 264 272
function, for GA chromosomes 84 85 87
function, for polyploid GA chromosomes 98—99
function, for RNA chromosomes with real-value alleles 94
function, in GA evolution 172—173
function 386
function 16
function 127
function 13—14
function 176
function 309
function 312—313 314
function 154
function, string evolution example 14—16
function 102—103 104—105
function 100—101 102
turtle drawing operation 462
turtle drawing operation 462
function 156—157
function 13
function 329—331
function, comma EP-strategy 331
function, comma — ES strategy 274
function, comma — GP strategy 374 376
function, decoding and evaluating genotypes 174—176
function, EP evolution experiment 326—328 331—332
function, ES evolution control function 261—263
function, ES evolution experiment 264—265 269
function, GP evolution experiment 374—377
function, GP evolution of balanced mobiles 389—390
function, plus — EP strategy 331
function, plus — ES strategy 277
function, plus — GP strategy 374 376
function, starting an ES meta-evolution experiment 271
function, starting GP evolution experiments 374
function, under variable environmental conditions 185—190 191—192
function 21
function 368—370
function, GP term recombination 363
function, recombination at root position 361—362
function, recombination of two terms 361 362
function 120
function 147
turtle move operation 459 491
function, function 307 308
function, function 310—311 314
function, function 304—305
function, function 313—314 315
function, function 315—316
function, function 317—318
function, function 319 320
function, function 309
function, function 312—313 314
function, function 219—220
function, for step size adaptation 229 230
function 116
turtle drawing operation 462
commands ( ), command stack 403
commands ( ), implicit loop 403
commands ( ), overview 402
commands ( ), selection templates 407—408
commands ( ), symbolic expression advantages for 408
turtle move operation 460
turtle move operation 460
turtle move operation 460
turtle move operation 460
rules 89 90
expressions 474
expressions 474
command 300
function 320
function 321—322
function 321
function 320—321
| function 388—389
function 16—19
function (see also function)
function, for binary haploid GA chromosomes 108
function, for ES chromosomes (without step size adaptation) 223
function, for ES chromosomes with step size adaptation 226
function, for GP chromosomes 370—371
function, for polyploid GA chromosomes 109—110
function 304—305 (see also function)
turtle move operation 461
turtle drawing operation 462
function 328—330
turtle move operation 461
function, generating GP terms with variable numbers of arguments 355 356
function, GP term mutation 368—369
function, term composition on a set of functions and terminals 350—351
function 147
function 236—237
function 351
function, for global recombination 240—241
function, for local recombination 236—237
dominance relation 101
function, ES recombination overview 243—245
function, for global multi — ES recombination 250
function, for haploid GA chromosomes 135—136
function, for local binary ES recombination 246—247
function, for local multi — ES recombination 248—249
function, for multiple global and local ES recombination 251
function, for triploid GA chromosomes 142
function, GA recombination overview 134—135
function, GP recombination overview 364—365
function 129
function 242—243
function, for binary componentwise GA recombination 124—126
function, for binary multi — GA recombination 132
function, for crossover of nonhomologous GA chromosomes 159
function, for discrete componentwise multi — GA recombination 126
function, for ES multirecombination on parameter lists 233—234
function, for four-range multi-GA recombination 132—133
function, for GA four-point crossover 128
function, for GA one-point crossover 127
function, for global ES recombination 241
function, for masked GA multi-point crossover 130—131
function, for masked GA one-point crossover 130
function, for masked GA recombination by example 129
function 92 93
turtle move operation 461
turtle move operation 461
function 452—453
function 194—196
function 264
function 374 375—376
command 300
function, for mutated ES chromosomes 224
function, for mutated ES chromosomes with adapted step sizes 228 230
function, overview 214—215
function, for unbalanced mobiles 281—282
function, overview 378—379
function, visualizing mobiles 379—380
function, for unbalanced mobiles 281—282
function, overview 378—379
function, visualizing mobiles 380—381
function 387
function 387
function 249
function 141—142
rule 226 227
command ( ) 402—403 404
function 182
function 265 269
turtle attribute 463
function 353—354 355 363
turtle attribute 463
turtle attribute 463
turtle move operation 462
rules 89
turtle attribute 463
command ( ) 401 402 404
command ( ) 401 402 404
function 181
turtle move operation 461
turtle move operation 461 491
Accommodation phase of FSA 302
Adami, Christoph 469
Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems 79 208
Adaptations, adaptation steps 62—63
Adaptations, as crucial factor for survival 5
Adaptations, as processes 5
Adaptations, as states 4—5
Adaptations, components of adaptive systems 61
Adaptations, defined 79
Adaptations, ES mutation with step size adaptation 218 225—230
Adaptations, gene pool diversity and 190
Adaptations, mimesis 33—34
Adaptations, of individuals vs. populations 4—5
Adaptations, operator weight adaptation in GP 428—430
Adaptations, progressive change of structures 60
Adaptive systems, feedback components 60
Adaptive systems, main components 61
Adaptive systems, neural networks as 61
Adding, FSA states 306—307 308
Adding, FSA transitions 309—311
Advances in Genetic Programming 397
AI see artificial intelligence (AI)
AL see artificial life (AL)
Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, The 524
Algorithms (see also evolutionary algorithms for optimization; genetic algorithms)
Algorithms, adaptation algorithm 61
Algorithms, evolutionary algorithms 344 399
Algorithms, evolutionary parameter optimization scheme 71—75
Algorithms, for GA evolution 171—173
Algorithms, for GA with Evolvica 169—173
Algorithms, for selection and mutation of strings 9—12
Algorithms, general evolutionary algorithm scheme 63—75
Algorithms, induction of programs by evolutionary algorithms 285
Algorithms, of evolution as reproductive plan 64 65
Alleles 85—86
Alleles, alphabet setting in Evolvica 85
Alleles, binary GA chromosome with 15
Alleles, dominance and recessivity 99—101
Alleles, extraction from RNA chromosomes 116
Alleles, extraction of dominant alleles 100—105
Alleles, GA chromosome interpretation 101—105
Alleles, point mutation and diversity of 105
Alleles, point mutation of homologous alleles 110
Alleles, possible combinations for diploid chromosomes 100
Alleles, real-value, chromosomes with 93—95
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 8
Anabaena catenula growth simulation 451—453
Angeline, P. J. 435
Architecture-altering operations (GP) 432—434
Architecture-altering operations (GP), automatically defined functions 432—433
Architecture-altering operations (GP), automatically defined iterations and loops 434
ArtFlower garden 490—493 514—518
ArtFlower garden, comparing growth dynamics 517
ArtFlower garden, evolution’s creativity 514—516
ArtFlower garden, genetic operators 497
ArtFlower garden, growth and recursive branching 492 493 494 495
ArtFlower garden, L-system breeding 514
ArtFlower garden, L-system evaluation 514
ArtFlower garden, L-systems of flowering plant 490 491
ArtFlower garden, Lychnis coronaria 490
ArtFlower garden, macro turtle commands 490—491
ArtFlower garden, structure formation and growth 492
ArtFlower garden, structure formation dynamics 514
Artificial intelligence (AI) (see also evolutionary programming)
Artificial intelligence (AI), bottom-up approach 297 549
Artificial intelligence (AI), EP approach 297—298
Artificial intelligence (AI), evolution and 3
Artificial intelligence (AI), heuristic programming 297
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