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Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000
Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics 2000

Àâòîð: Huggins E.R.


Physics2000 is a calculus based, college level introductory physics course that is designed to include twentieth century physics throughout. This is made possible by introducing Einstein's special theory of relativity in the first chapter. This way, students start off with a modem picture of how space and lime behave, and are prepared to approach topics such as mass and energy from a modern point of view.

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1123

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.10.2012

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Particle nature of light, Photoelectric effect      34—5
Particle, Point-size      int-14
Particle, Source, velocity field of      23—6
Particle, Systems of particles      11—1
Particle-wave nature, Born's interpretation      40—6
Particle-wave nature, De Broglie picture      int-10 35—10
Particle-wave nature, Energy level diagrams resulting from      37—4
Particle-wave nature, Of electromagnetic spectrum      34—11
Particle-wave nature, Of electrons, Davisson and Germer experiment      35—12
Particle-wave nature, Of electrons, De Broglie picture      int-10 35—10
Particle-wave nature, Of electrons, Electron diffraction experiment      36—8
Particle-wave nature, Of electrons, Electron waves in hydrogen      38—2
Particle-wave nature, Of electrons, Pauli exclusion principle      38—9
Particle-wave nature, Of forces      int-13
Particle-wave nature, Of light, Electromagnetic spectrum      34—11
Particle-wave nature, Of light, Photoelectric effect      34—5
Particle-wave nature, Of light, Photon mass      34—12
Particle-wave nature, Of light, Photon momentum      34—13
Particle-wave nature, Of light, Photon waves      40—6
Particle-wave nature, Of light, Photons, chapter on      34—1
Particle-wave nature, Of matter      int-10 34—11
Particle-wave nature, Paschen series, Energy level diagram      35—6
Particle-wave nature, Paschen series, Hydrogen spectra      35—6
Particle-wave nature, Probability interpretation of      40—6
Particle-wave nature, Probability interpretation of Fourier harmonics in a laser pulse      40—22
Particle-wave nature, Probability interpretation of Reflection and fluorescence      40—8
Particle-wave nature, Quantum mechanics, chapter on      40—1
Particle-wave nature, Two slit experiment from a particle point-of view, Probability interpretation      40—9
Particle-wave nature, Two slit experiment from a particle point-of view, The experiment      40—3
Particle-wave nature, Uncertainty principle      40—14
Particle-wave nature, Uncertainty principle, Energy conservation      40—24
Particle-wave nature, Uncertainty principle, Position-momentum form of      40—15
Particle-wave nature, Uncertainty principle, Quantum fluctuations      40—25
Particle-wave nature, Uncertainty principle, Time-energy form of      40—19
Pauli exclusion principle      38—1 38—9
Pauli, W., neutrinos      int-21 20—6
Peebles, radiation from early universe      34—27
Pendulum, conical      9—18
Pendulum, Energy conservation      10—10
Pendulum, Simple and conical      14—17
Pendulum, Simple pen dulum      14—15
Pendulum, Spring pendulum      9—4
Pendulum, Spring pendulum, Ball spring program      9—20
Pendulum, Spring pendulum, Computer analysis of      9—8
Pendulum, Spring pendulum, F = ma      9—7 (see Experiments I: —6— Spring pendulum)
Pendulum, Torsion pendulum      14—12
Pendulum, Torsion pendulum, Differential equation for      14—14
Penzias and Wilson, cosmic background, radiation      int-29 34—27
Percussion instruments      16—22
Period of oscillation      14—4
Period of oscillation, Neon bulb circuit      27—30
Period, wavelength and frequency      15—13
Periodic table      38—1 38—10
Periodic table, Beryllium      38—13
Periodic table, Boron      38—13
Periodic table, Effective nuclear charge      38—12
Periodic table, Electron binding energies      38—11
Periodic table, Electron screening      38—10
Periodic table, Lithium      38—12
Periodic table, Phase and amplitude, Fourier analysis lecture      16—31
Periodic table, Phase and amplitude, Wave motion      15—17
Periodic table, Phase of an oscillation      14—6
Periodic table, Potassium to krypton      38—14
Periodic table, Sodium to argon      38—13
Periodic table, Summary      38—14
Phase transition, electroweak theory      int-26
Phases of Fourier coefficients      16—32
photoelectric effect      int-8
Photoelectric effect, Einstein's formula      34—7
Photoelectric effect, Introduction to      34—5
Photoelectric effect, Maxwell's theory, failure of      34—6
Photoelectric effect, Planck's constant      34—8
Photon      int-8
Photon in electron spin resonance experiment      39—9
Photon pulse, Photon energy in      40—21
Photon pulse, Probability Interpretation of      40—22
Photon waves, probability interpretation      40—6
Photon, Blackbody radiation      34—22
Photon, Chapter on      34—1
Photon, Crea tes an tiparticle      34—17
Photon, Electric interaction      int-23
Photon, Energies in short laser pulse      40—21
Photon, energy      34—9
Photon, Energy, Energy levels in laser      37—4
Photon, Energy, Uncertainty principle, Fourier transform      40—20
Photon, Gravitational deflection of      34—19
Photon, Hydrogen spectrum      35—5
Photon, Interaction with gravity      34—18
Photon, mass      34—12
Photon, Mechanics      34—12
Photon, momentum      34—13
Photon, Momentum, Compton scattering      34—15
Photon, Momentum, Measurement limitation      40—11
Photon, Probability wave      40—7
Photon, Rest mass      int-12
Photon, Stability of      19—14
Photon, Standing waves      37—3
Photon, Thermal, 2.74 degrees      int-29 34—27 34—31
Physical constants in CGS units      Back cover-1
Pi mesons      int-23
Piela, electron clouds and binding energy      19—23
Pinhole camera      Optics-35
Planar-concave lens      Optics-27
Planar-convex lens      Optics-27
Planck's constant and blackbody radiation      34—4 34—22
Planck's constant in Bohr magneton formula      39—4
Planck's constant in de Broglie wavelength formula      35—11
Planck's constant in photon mass formula      34—12
Planck's constant in photon momentum formula      34—13
Planck's constant in the photoelectric effect      34—7
Planck's constant in the uncertainty principle      40—15 40—19
Planck's constant, Angular momentum, Bohr model      35—8
Planck's constant, Bohr theory      35—1
Planck's constant, Introduction to      34—8
Planck's constant, Spin angular momentum      39—3
Planck, M., blackbody radiation law      34—4
Plane, inclined      9—10
Planetary units      8—14
Planets, Formation of      7—17
Plates, electron gun deflection      26—16
Plotting, A point-by computer      5—6
Plotting, Experiment, electric potential      25—7
Plutonium      246 6—8
Point, Mass, gravitational field of      24—23
Polarization of light waves      32—23
Polarizer, Light      32—25
Polarizer, Microwave      32—24
Polaroid, light polarizer      32—25
Position measurement, uncertainty principle      40—15
Positive and negative, Charge      19—10
Positive and negative, Electric current      27—3
Positive area in Fourier analysis      16—29
Positron (antimatter)      int-13 34—17
Positronium, annihilation into photons      34—17
Potassium to krypton, periodic table      38—14
Poten, tial plotting, Window, computer      5—7
Potential energy in collisions      11—14
Potential energy, Conservative forces      25—5
Potential energy, Electric potential energy in classical hydrogen atom      35—3
Potential energy, Electric potential energy in hydrogen atom      int-11
Potential energy, Electric potential energy in hydrogen molecule ion      19—21
Potential energy, Electric potential energy in molecules      17—12
Potential energy, Electric potential energy in nuclear fission      int-18 20—5
Potential energy, Electric potential energy, Contour map of      25—1
Potential energy, Electric potential energy, Negative and positive      25—4
Potential energy, Electric potential energy, Of a point-charge      25—5
Potential energy, Electric potential energy, Potential plotting      25—7
Potential energy, Electric potential energy, Storage in capacitors      27—18
Potential energy, Energy conservation      int-11 8—35 10—20
Potential energy, Energy conservation, Conservative and non-conservative forces      10—21
Potential energy, Energy conservation, Mass on spring      14—11
Potential energy, Energy conservation, Uncertainty principle      40—24
Potential energy, Equipartition of energy      17—28
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy      int-11 8—35
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy in a room      10—25
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy in satellite motion      8—36 10—26
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy in stellar evolution      20—13
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy, Bernoulli's equation      23—10
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy, Black holes      10—29
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy, Introduction to      10—8
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy, Modified      8—37
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy, On a large scale      10—22
Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy, Zero of      10—22
Potential energy, Negative and positive      25—4
Potential energy, Nuclear potential energy      int-18
Potential energy, Nuclear potential energy, Binding energies      20—9
Potential energy, Nuclear potential energy, Fusion      20—12
Potential energy, Spin potential energy, Magnetic      39—1
Potential energy, Spin potential energy, Magnetic moment      39—4
Potential energy, Spring potential energy      int-11 10—16 14—11
Potential energy, Work      int-11 10—15
Potential energy, Work energy theorem      10—18
Potential plotting      (see Experiments II: —1— Potential plotting)
Potential, electric, Contour map      25—1
Potential, Of a point-charge      25—5
Power in electric circuits      27—9
Power, 1 horsepower=746 watts      18—20
Power, Definition of watt      10—31
Power, Efficiency of a power plant      18—18
Power, Of the sun      34—23
Power, Sound intensity      16—24
Powers of 10 names of      Front cover-2
Practical system of units      10—31
Precession, Of atom, magnetic interaction      39—15
Precession, Of orbit, modified gravity      8—30
Precession, Prediction of motion, Using a computer      5—12
Precession, Using calculus      Cal-1—9
Pressure in stellar evolution      17—17
Pressure, atmospheric      17—23
Pressure, Bernoulli's equation      23—9 23—11
Pressure, Bernoulli's equation, Airplane wing      23—13
Pressure, Bernoulli's equation, Care in applying      23—16
Pressure, Bernoulli's equation, Sailboats      23—14
Pressure, Bernoulli's equation, Superfluid helium      23—17
Pressure, Ideal gas law      17—18
Pressure, Measurement, using mercury barometer      17—22
Pressure, Osmotic pressure      17—34
Pressure, Pressure in fluids, Aspirator      23—16
Pressure, Pressure in fluids, Definition of      23—10
Pressure, Pressure in fluids, Hydrodynamic voltage      23—17
Pressure, Pressure in fluids, Hydrostatics      23—12
Pressure, Pressure in fluids, Venturi meter      23—15
Pressure, Pressure in fluids, Viscous effects      23—19
Pressure, Pressure of a gas      17—16
Pressure, Pressure of light, Nichols and Hull experiment      34—14
Pressure, Red giant stars      20—15 34—15
Primary coil      30—26
Principle of relativity      (see also Relativistic physics)
Principle of relativity and the speed of light      1—11
Principle of relativity as a basic law of physics      1—4
Principle of relativity, A statement of      1—4
Principle of relativity, Chapter on      1—1
Principle of relativity, Einstein's theory of      1—12
Principle of relativity, Introduction to      1—2
Principle of relativity, Special theory of      1—13
Principle of relativity, Special theory of A consistent theory      1—32
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Causality      1—36
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Lack of simultaneity      1—32
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Light pulse clock      1—14
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Lorentz contraction      1—24
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Mass energy      10—3
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Nature's speed limit      6—11
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Origin of magnetic forces      28—8
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Photon mass      34—12
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Photon momentum      34—13
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Relativistic energy and momenta      28—24
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Relativistic mass      6—6
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Relativity experiment leading to Faraday's law      30—9
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Time dilation      1—16 1—22
Principle of relativity, Special theory of Zero rest mass particles      6—11
Principle of superposition for 1 dimensional waves      15—11
Principle of superposition for 2 dimensional waves      33—2
Principle of superposition, Preliminary discussion of      15—2 33—1
Prism, Atmospheric, the green flash      Optics-17
Prism, Glass      Optics-13
Prism, Glass, rainbow of colors      Optics-15
Prism, mathematical (Fourier analysis)      16—28
Probability interpretation and the uncertainty principle      40—14
Probability interpretation, Of electron diffraction pattern      40—6
Probability interpretation, Of particle waves      40—6
Probability interpretation, Of photon pulse      40—22
Probability interpretation, Of two slit experiment      40—2
Probability wave for photons      40—7
Probability wave, Intensity of      40—22
Probability wave, Reflection and Fluorescence      40—8
Probe for scanning tunneling microscope      Optics-51
Problem solving      (see Solving problems)
Problem solving, Gauss'law problems      24—26
Problem solving, How to go about it      24—29
Problem solving, Projectile motion problems      4—16
Program, BASIC      (see BASIC program)
Program, English for oscillatory motion      14—31
Program, English for projectile motion      5—16
Program, English for satellite motion      8—19
Project suggestion on wave speed      15—8
Projectile motion and the uncertainty principle      4—2 Cal—1—4
Projectile motion, Analysis of, Calculus      4—9
Projectile motion, Analysis of, Computer      5—16
Projectile motion, Analysis of, Graphical      3—16
Projectile motion, BASIC program for      5—19
Projectile motion, Calculus definition of velocity      4—3 Cal-1—5
Projectile motion, Computer calculation      5—22
Projectile motion, Computer program for      8—21
Projectile motion, Constant acceleration formulas, Calculus derivation      4—9
Projectile motion, Determining acceleration for      3—16
Projectile motion, English program for      5—16
Projectile motion, Graph paper tear out pages      3—29
Projectile motion, Graphical analysis      3—22
Projectile motion, Graphical analysis of      3—26
Projectile motion, Gravitational force      8—2
Projectile motion, Instantaneous velocity      3—24
Projectile motion, Solving problems      4—16
Projectile motion, Strobe photograph of      3—7
Projectile motion, Styrofoam projectile      5—28
Projectile motion, With air resistance, Calculus analysis      4—12
Protactinium 236, recoil definition of mass      6—9
Proton      int-17
Proton cycle, energy from sun      34—24
Proton in alpha particles      20—8
Proton in atomic structure      19—4
Proton in hydrogen molecule      19—16
Proton in nuclear structure      20—2
Proton in the weak interaction      20—6
Proton synchrotron at CERN      28—24
Proton, Quark structure      int-24
Proton, Rest energy in electron volts      26—12
Proton, Stability of      19—14
Proton-neutron mass difference, early universe      34—30
Ptolemy, epicycle in Greek astronomy      8—25
Pulleys, Atwood’s machine      9—16
Pulleys, Working with      9—16
Pulsars, neutron stars      20—17
Pulse, Formation from sine waves      40—27
Pulse, Of electromagnetic radiation      32—10
PV = NRT      17—25
pV diagrams      18—8
PV diagrams, Adiabatic expansion      18—9
PV diagrams, Carnot cycle      18—11
PV diagrams, Internal combustion engine      18—21
PV diagrams, Isothermal expansion      18—8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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